Scam letter(s) from Anastasia Chirkova to Bruce (USA)

Letter 1
Hello, dear, my new friend. At least, I would really like to think so and know you better. My name is Leysan. This is a new experience for me and a lot of caveats to watch the introduction to the Internet. But I'm a lonely girl and tired of frustration with search their own destiny here, I'm lonely and decided to try with you, though not on that. I hope this finds you on reciprocity and you answer me soon. I'm from Russia and I am 27 years old now. I am pleased to tell you more and want to share with you my photos if you have interest. Write more about myself. With kind regards and best wishes, Leysan.
Letter 2
Hi, my new friend, Bruce.
I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I'm just really waiting for your letter and I do not understand why you went away? Something is wrong and I'm disappointed you, tell me, very much hope that all is well with you? really looking forward to your reply, but do not bother you anymore, I promise, if you do not answer me.Have a good time and a lot of positive, Leysan.
Letter 3
With pleasure and gratitude for the answer, my new friend Bruce.
So I hope with it, that it becomes now constant and usual for us to find letters the friend the friend. Andvery much waited with it, something - is more about you and your life, there is far. It could make us closer in knowledge and acquaintance. Therefore I thank again, that you gave me this opportunity to receive lettersfrom you.And to you, I hope, that it was pleasant to learn about me more. It is certainly very interesting to me andis involved to have dialogue and communication with the person which so it is far from me. But nevertheless I think, that it is quite normal and it is peculiar now. Never simply I before used it though heard fromgirlfriends much, that people find the happiness here. In fact time you have decided to answer me, and I have written to you then we felt any necessity for it. Also I understand now in ours dialogue, that people notstrongly differ all over the world and only some features distinguish them. I shall try to write somethingabout me which could beInteresting to you, and only to a thing which I want to inform you. And if you will want to ask mesomething, to beNot afraid to ask. I always have only two choices, when whom - that finding - from me something: the Answerfairly or to is not present The answer. I never shall be to you Lie; I shall answer you always your questions sincerely. Therefore alsoI wait from you for reciprocity with it.
I shall try to inform you about my qualities also. In fact we should speak more about it each other to allow more full representation and to understand what qualities of character and a nature has each of us. Also Iwant to be completely open with it to not do myself better or to hide something. And you should or accept me such what I is or to not do it.The hope to not frighten off you with it. I the kind, tender woman who is constant in movement and love a life very much. My heart and soul also are open for associates and I trust people though not always they love me. Probably I even a few romanticism also appreciate all fine, that surrounds us. But the I become more senior, the I understand in what more consists human happiness and success of a life. It to have healthy,happy family and to find beside care and warmly favourite person. Also I think, that it should be the mainthing in a life of each woman to receive family and to care of the relatives, keeping the family center inheat. I want family there all members only a life the friend for the friend.It always was considered as he main character trait and was appreciated in Russian women, that they can reliably store and watch the family center. I can know, what mainly we characterize men from your country? IAre rather patient person, and I can at realization in my feelings while I do not understand a situation Completely, but if something does me, overturn - I - very much character.
Therefore I also try to be friendsand communicate with people similar to me to find understanding with all it. But only people sometimes appear absolutely others than when you meet them. Therefore I also have no success with a presence of the personwhich would like and cared of me here. And if To inform concerning attitudes with other world... There Are only two parties me my both families, and restThe world. I also very much like to prepare peep and to keep order in an apartment that all was harmonious and pleasant. My the dish is loved various national soup, fritters, and also salads which I know set. Ireally live for the one whom - the one who will divide with me allPleasures of a life also could be favorable in any situation.I very much like to travel. I earlier very much with mum have left on Russia when still some prices forticketsWere not dear. Now I can afford to go with friends close to city on lakes. We enter into campaign in the summer. But, unfortunately, never before was not outside Russia and only I can know from the message of newson a life there. Therefore also I hope to learn more and about your life of the state there from yourletters, to understand about it more.It is very fine, in us very beautiful edge.
All year I wait within the limits of a summer when I again cantake a backpack and meWill go on lake. Wood, a guitar, tent if it is fine? From my interests also I want to allocate also interestto cinema and music without which to us would be worse, I think. You agree with it? And the choice of a genre of film or style of music for me depends on mood in which I am for that moment. What from this you prefer and whether have an opportunity there to observe the Russian cinemas or to listen to our music? Now I live here with my mum whom call Svetlana Ivanovna. She is person very dear and close to me withwhom I can share all and she always will help me advice and will come to the aid. I am proud of mum and I want, that she was proud of me. In fact she has given me good education and has put me on legs though it wasnot always simple for her, I know. She works as the medical sister in one of hospitals here and always very warmly and with care concerns to people that has brought up to me also.
Therefore I think, that accepted fromher the majority of the personal qualities. My father was not so is good, though I am not taken to accuse him and my mother also prefers to not speak about him poorly. The matter is that he left from our family when Iwas still small and did not appear almost since then to help us somehow. Probably he did not love my mother also how after wedding, but I think, what his daughter deserved more attention to itself?To I regret, I have not phone of buildings and consequently to write to you to me it it is necessary, enter The Internet of cafe. Now nevertheless I shall be compelled to finish the letter to you today and again tomorrow I hope, that we shall continue our dialogueand knowledge each other. Therefore I shall plan the day now to write to you and to find your letters also.So it can become habitual for usand an integral part of each day. It is a pity, if missed something, that interested you. But we have enough time now to speak about all it.I wish you fine day and I wait for your answer tomorrow. Your new friend, Leysan.
Letter 4

Greetings Bruce. There can be it will seem to you strange or hasty, but today I thought repeatedly all the day long, being on work, that you write to me to the answer.
It is very pleasant for me to receive from you letters, and with each letter to learn more and more about you.
Also I hope also, that you feel reciprocity with my feelings, that we grow with each letter and we feel closer now than when we met for the first time. So today I hastened in the Internet of cafe to see Your new letter and to write to you about me it is direct. I very much hope, that you really well understand me and my letters, and also questions that I I have for you. And also again I shall tell, that you did not condemn me if I did not answer something from you, and asked it again. But very much I want, that you understood the main thing of that I search and of what I dream, that only a thing, my second part of me with which I can pass all difficulties of a life. Therefore our relations it not only correspondence for me, but also chance to find reciprocity and understanding from you with it. Only I do not want you to frighten of all it but only I try to be open and frank so I hope, that you are ready to this.
And let our relations develop how it will be and I do not want to plan it now somehow. You agree with it?
Together to meet pleasure, occurrence of children, to raise them, to surround with care, to represent their happy
The childhood, I so to dream of it!!! Only certainly about all it each person, but only, unfortunately, dreams not all in our life manage to reach it. As to my life now I have finished institute more recently, 2 years ago. And always with admiration and happy memoirs on past I recollect about the study and pleasures of a student's life.
When we communicated with friends much, participated in various competitions and amateur performance. It was, undoubtedly, very happy and fine time in my life so I even regret sometimes, that it has ended. You have such period for your life, what you frequently recollect? But only the life does not cost on a place for us and except for memoirs and regrets we should move further and to do our future high-grade, I think. Now I have work for the teacher a choreography in college of culture and arts. It is pleasant to train for me my pupils for dance and to see result from some of them.
It is pleasant. When you achieve something in this life, and also to hear gratitude from parents of these pupils and them.
I love mine a trade and studied also, as they once though has not achieved greater results in this sphere while.
But I see many the positive moments in my activity nevertheless. It is pleasant to see, how
The person changes. The person in the good physical form feels like similarly to, is more confident, and it is joyful to understand, it You are involved in this success also. Certainly it not of what I dreamed also the income of this work it is very small to afford in addition something. Only nevertheless I do not regret about it how many I continue to do the business. In fact the situation in our country cannot give enough highly paid places to people even with high the experience and qualification. It forces people to search for any opportunity to exist somehow.
My mother and here supports me and we never had a disagreement because of incomes and residing here. So we always support each other during the complex moments of a life. In fact, I think, what not in money happiness of our life, and in the present human happiness to live this life adequately and to leave after myself worthy memory. Only nevertheless to pay to people for their work of 300 dollars in a month, that I have not fairly.
And now in conditions of world crisis the situation can become only is worse, as assume. My dream it to have 2 child, the boy and the girl. And that the boy was before the girl and could care of the sister then. In fact I have no any brothers and sisters and consequently I know, how it would be desirable it. But again because of a bad economic situation many here also do not hasten about reception of the child in family, and many families even break up with it. It is a pity, that on this problem not enough attention and birth rate strongly is given falls last years. How with it affairs in your country are?
For me certainly it would not be desirable to mention and speak much about a politics in our letters.
Because I not so well understand in it and I do not think it necessary for myself and very much confusing.
Besides I can judge only, what not all is good and correct with it in our country because many people cannot be happy is high-grade and to find the place in the social status. I am right with it and what you hear there about our situation as a whole, it would be interesting to me to find out? Certainly I realize, that it will be important and I was necessary to know for you what belief profess and as far as I am religious. I profess an orthodox direction of Christian religion, as well as all my native were. I cannot count myself very much believing the person though certainly I believe in the god. But, unfortunately, I very seldom visit church, than it demands nevertheless and still I try to be there on the big holidays and when to me it is bad on soul. Probably people in due course understand necessity of belief and it will come to me also. I hope, what you not strongly condemn it in me, as well as my mother? But it only the youth and constant haste probably to not pay attention to base values of a life suffices. Where you are with it and what can tell to me in this occasion?
What does my day remind? I rise early approximately at 6-7 o'clock and it begins with small warm-up for me.
Then I have some small breakfast from a sandwich and cups of coffee which I drink only in the mornings.
Further I hasten for the work and is compelled to go to this earlier because of problems with public transport that are here. But recently it and many other things becomes better in our country and I should test pleasure with it. My working day makes 8 hours that includes also hour for a dinner, that I go to a dining room. It is amicable, but changeable collective here. So many people leave from here or come new.
Someone searches the best life, someone does not maintain loadings. And I nevertheless am not going to go somewhere from this place I shall not be sure yet, that I find something better.
Certainly loading on me here is various in every day, but it is quite born for me. After the working day I have souls, a cup of tea and I hasten to be sent home to relax and read something.
From the literature I love novels about love and classical our literature Dostoevskiy, Tolstoiy, Pushkin and others. These authors are known you?
Certainly now also I very much try to find time every day to check the mails from you and to inform you something new, that I have for you. And also always I hope, that you will answer me something with it and to learn about you more.
In the free time, and it basically the days off, I very much like to be somewhere to the friends to go to cinema, to have walk on fresh air in good weather. I also very much like art and animals so I try to not pass an exhibition and performance of circuses here. As any woman also I like to have the order and cleanliness in the house. So it is difficult to find here a dust or the disorder. To this I also I allocate was a lot of free time and mum helps me with it and has brought up me so. It is a pity, Bruce, that I have no an opportunity that to write to you more today and I shall add tomorrow.
Today I shall stop nevertheless and very much I do not want to do it. In fact still do not know about each other more many and it would be desirable to inform on it. But certainly also I wait from you for the story about everything, that you want to open to me. It is difficult to ask questions and it is interesting to me it is absolute all about you and about your life also.
I hope tomorrow again to receive from you the answer and I promise to open to you more. Yours faithfully and pleasure that met such good friend, Leysan.
Letter 5
Greetings, my big friend, Bruce!!!!!! I am very glad again, that I can find an opportunity to write to you today and to receive your letter to me.
I hope, that you not against such attachment, that I have now. In fact your letters mean for me every day more and more. And when I even go home now nevertheless I continue to think of you and that could overlook to tell to you today. You have ideas about me also, I hope, when you not behind a computer? Certainly I do not demand it from you and everyone feel variously. But on character I very much sincere and the open person to people to which I trust and feel kindness inside them. I also have seen it in you, my friend. I was glad to see your beautiful picture, thank you.
Certainly I want to show you it from myself now that you felt like also close and probably can open more. I do not like to speak about the private life and only I can trust the secrets of mother which always will listen to me and will give advice from loving heart. My mother never insists on something and gives to me an opportunity independently to make of the decision. Only I nevertheless always very closely listen to its advice. You have such person who would be authority for you, want to ask at once?
But to you I therefore very much want to open with it and probably it will help you to understand me and my ideas somehow. At me it was impossible to find here the present human relations with someone and few examples here when people are rather happy. In fact the family and a joint life, is very serious stage in our life, but not everyone understand it. And when carings and meetings under the moon come to an end, many men overlook about the words, that they spoke loved. No, certainly I do not think, that all such and at all so, but on my eyes was too much burning that I could speak it to you. On the personal experience I was repeatedly convinced, that much is unfair and severe in surrounding people. Only nevertheless in the life I did not go still never so far to be married or have children from someone though certainly I want it. But I should feel before to do it, that the person with whom I shall be, really loves me and values our relations. And many men here only see some time entertainment with it so I am tired from all it and has decided to try to search happiness somewhere away from here. My last the man whom we met almost a floor of year, was it is charming and is affable with me the first time. But sometimes I did not learn it and it became aggressive very much and had relations with somebody else except for me, I am sure. But all over again I have been blinded by love and did not see all it. Only later to me there has come understanding of it and that I cannot be happy with it. Since we have left has passed already almost year and now I do not hasten to get acquainted with someone again for relations here. I hope you can understand it? But nevertheless do not leave attempts to search for the happiness and destiny let even somewhere away. And this person, that I spoke you more recently I saw already with other girl absolutely happy. And so it happens!!!!! Certainly at me it is a lot of friends and familiar, but I do not accept their signs on attention nevertheless. I am sorry, but I very emotional person and all these reflections, that I write to you today pass through my heart memoirs and I not so well feel now because of experiences with it. But I am very much surprised, that so I can easily speak with you about it and I hope, that you estimate it. And also I do not want to tire you with these reflections and correct me if I am not right with something. I am ready and open to direct dialogue that we could speak each other that we think completely, not being afraid to damage. In fact so it will be easier to us to understand each other, and our letters will not seem far-fetched to like. You agree?
Nevertheless once again I should be pleased, that you now are for me and every day effect from our dialogue more and more unexpected for me. I want to wish you fine time and many kind people around of you that the smile prevailed on your person. And for me now the most important to not pass your letter tomorrow andalready with reflections what to tell to you, Leysan.
Letter 6
Good afternoon, my remarkable and lovely friend, Bruce!!!
I hope, that you have good mood today and your eyes are filled with pleasure and happiness. It always comes to me when I receive your letters and I do not want to regret with their absence. I do not know still how it is possible? To become attached to you on so much and to be confident, that I know you any more the first month, but only only having some dialogue of several days. But it nevertheless has much changed in my life and my relations to people now. In fact I think, that people even are capable to vary and become others under action of relations with other person. It means, that they trust it and want to be a number. Though to us certainly still very much early to speak about any meeting, in fact we live not so close as though it would be desirable. But to dream, I think, we have the right. You like to dream about something and what more often you have with it?
Yes, you can frequently hear in my letters of concept of conscience, trust, love and fidelity. That for the some people in the modern world becomes ridiculous and forgotten. But it invariable is with me and is present at my principles and outlooks on life. Therefore I very much want, that you concerned to this with understanding and respect. And consequently, if I speak something means I so feel and I can not hide it from the person. Yes, our life in the modern world contains many temptations and lie, but we should not have nevertheless only it, but also bring a lot of new and pure in the life, I think.
Something I cannot stop the ideas and reflections when I write to you the letters. Because so it is easy for me to do it and a plenty of emotions is in my heart also. I already speak heart and I am afraid of the feelings that grow with each letter to you. It certainly only attachment now and the big understanding, that I can find from you.
Only nevertheless you certainly would like to know and about my life here more.
As I already spoke you before, I live here together with my mum in an apartment which is on one of the finest streets of our city. I like a life in my city though here and there are no many prospects for continuation of a life. The majority of people here is involved in the oil and gas companies, but it basically family clans and firms. So not everyone can find to themselves places there, in fact it brings the big money. But it is a lot of people here **** because of this money as well to me always difficultly to understand cruelty of people with it. Only nevertheless we should notice more fine in our life to not be disappointed with a life. Therefore we with girlfriends and friends visit here various sports clubs, we are behind city to sit at a fire and to sing songs under a guitar. We frequently moved with it when I studied in institute. In a city life I like to visit theatre and simply to go shopping with girlfriends for consideration something.
Today I also wanted to inform you the address that you could have it and show you the trust with it. Unfortunately, I have no home telephone number here that we could communicate. It is a problem for us with mum to have it and I nevertheless do not want to come back again to the problems. Certainly you can send me the and I shall try to find an opportunity to use public phone and to cause you. My address: City Tetyushi, 422370, street Nazarovich the house 35, Apartment 90.
And if you only would like to send me something do not trust it to usual mail, To not regret about losses of it.
And I only simply want, that you knew where I am and was more trust and closer between us. For this purpose I give you my address only.
I hope, that missed nothing that wanted to inform you today and would like to add about my father nevertheless. Because you should know all about me and my life. It left our family and I spoke it before. To me there were for that moment 3 years and I almost do not remember his what it was. But my mother very much loved it and suffered without him. She and could not meet another the man which could be so close to it and is necessary. So the love can be equally severe and madly happy. Only I know now, that my father already has other family and even the child with that woman. It seems to me, that I am very similar with mother in this sincerity and fidelity, that I want to have to the favourite person. Only certainly I want to be happy for us two in the future. And a meeting of such fine person and the friend as you Bruce, gives me hope that it probably.
Forgive again, but it is necessary for me to finish and my time in the Internet cafe comes to an end. Yes, his service paid and it gives me only certain time, that it seems for me ever less. And it is similar to one instant of happiness only. It is a pity, but I have no computer of a house or I constantly would use a free time for the letter and wishes of fine day for you. Only nevertheless I hope, that you with understanding concern to this and we have no complexities with understanding and continuation of this dialogue and the big approach each other. So do not overlook to have me with your day in ideas.
Dreaming of it, Leysan.
Letter 7
Greetings the most remarkable and the unique person, that I met before, Bruce.
You really have more and more places in my heart now and I constantly feel in necessity to have news from you. You all become closer to me with your letters and I feel, that it develops very quickly for me., I have already got used to you and ideas on you. But I do not want, that you thought, that I feel here also to everyone, only never nevertheless would not began to speak it to you if not I have it in the heart. I see, that you also become more open to me every day and I want that this mutual understanding and feelings only grew for us now.
Unfortunately, I had very heavy day here today and a plenty of work of a house still. So I ask to forgive you, that I should finish now. Also it is impossible to exclude, that with tomorrow's day of you begins more in my heart. Your fan now, Leysan.
P.S. Nevertheless I do not overlook to have for you some images of me nevertheless. It is pleasant to you?
Letter 8
Greetings, my love, Bruce.
Yes, love, now I can tell to you it. But I am afraid to frighten you it, can be hasty, for you a word. But only for me it is not simple a word. And that set positive emotions, feelings and ideas on you, that I have in the heart and ideas.
Therefore nevertheless I shall try to be more constrained with it to not push away you. But I hope, that before you understood me, that I the open and sensual person. So it is very rare case and unexpectedness first of all for me, that has met such person to whom I can speak such words with full confidence. In fact differently I would not began to inform you it if it was not sure. And what for you love and how you understand it? And it seems to me, that each person on the understands this feeling and puts the sense to this. Also for each age we are various in an estimation of love. But if the person likes, it changes for associates and I spoke you about it before. And irrespective of myself I also change also people start to speak me about it here. I became happier and cheerful now. Also frequently I am shipped in reflections and dreams. About what and whom they you do not guess? Certainly about you and how it is fine to be familiar and more and more close to such fine and remarkable person as you. Your internal beauty and kind heat of your heart especially drew me and forced to be closer to you.
I hope, that you do not doubt that I and trusted all this to mum. But, I am sure, that she and its parent heart has already prompted it all this. And never could hide it from it and at all did not want it certainly. In fact for me it is always important to know its opinion and to feel its support. I told to it about you and how promptly our relations developed. Certainly she has been very much surprised with it, that it is possible so for feeling on distance and never before meeting in the person. But nevertheless my eyes and with what admiration I spoke about you did not allow to it of a choice nevertheless. We had with it long and detailed conversation on it and she only advised me to be closer and to listen to the heart. For now she has wished us to grow and last to each other.
Also sends to you the greetings and congratulations also.
She knows also about all my pain and disappointments that waited for me in relations with men so does not want recurrence of it for me. But I feel full trust to you and the heart while which calls me to you, my lovely. Again could not notice as one hour flew by for me and it is already necessary to finish. Tomorrow for me simple day on work is expected not and we expect additional hours. So it is necessary for me to have good dream today and to prepare for this. I hope, that this dream will be with you and you tell to me that I so want to hear from you. It that you love me.
While I hope, that you understood my letter correctly and do not condemn my impulses to be closer to you and to open the feelings for this purpose. With gratitude and ideas on you
Letter 9
Greetings, my unusual and such long-awaited love, Bruce.
For me the big happiness again to write to you and to see your answer to me after last letter, that I had for you. In fact certainly it was very important for me and it is necessary to know, how you feel with it. It did not allow me to sleep today easy and to think of you and how you feel now nevertheless. In fact now I want to trust you completely, my lovely, and I do not want to have doubts in the choice. So I am very glad, that you with understanding have considered my letter.
This wonderful video, thank you.
You became the person most close and necessary for me, that I met before and not containing pleasant I can tell with what it is connected. But all of you are so far now, that I have no opportunity to speak you all this personally. And I already even more often am visited with ideas to meet you once. Only certainly before I did not learn anything, that is necessary for this purpose. And certainly did not perceive seriously and did not think, that I can once be so close and it is necessary to this. For us still is a riddle as our relations could develop so it is prompt and only through the Internet. But in fact for love and a presence of the close person it is enough to feel of something, and then only it is necessary to learn this person more.
Whether certainly to you will interestingly I can speak you it and spend here time with somebody else. But I want, that you knew, that you the first person from the Internet which has correspondence with me. Therefore I very much trust you and anybody somewhere more all over the world. Also I do not want to find someone here more and I see only you in the future. I do not want to build plans or to strain you something, but only I speak, as the situation is here for me. As to ****** relations I think, that all of you should know about my experience with it. In it I also recognized fidelity and a constancy so could not spend only time with someone. My first and unique person whom it was in me was my last guy. And I am visited even more often with ideas, that only it and searched for it from me.
So now I can open completely including sexually, only if I feel reciprocity and respect in the answer.
Certainly I think, that *** is very important in family relations, but it should not only the purpose for the person for the sake of which it be ready to hurt someone. You agree? Also I shall be ready to talk to you more about it and the dreams later.
Very much I hope, that all of you are capable to understand is high-grade my letters and are gradually capable to construct for yourself and my private world besides that you have with my images. And all of you are more often in my dreams and still once again these big words for you from mine overflown with feelings on you than heart: I love you, my lovely angel!!!!!!!
You and seeing around is more than nobody, Leysan.
Letter 10
Greetings, my love and the person which could change me and my life without even our meeting, Bruce.
It is wonderful to have for me one more day for our relations and to find new the letter from you to me.
Because, appear, it is so much events and interesting to it occurs here around me, but my ideas are directed only to you now and to how I want to be with you now. Even it seems to me, that we are familiar not these days, and already for a long time and I can be so is open and gentle to you, my lovely.
It also very much pleases me, that you could understand me and my exclusiveness from the majority of people.
In fact people become all less sensitive and open in relations and emotions. But we should love and to feel nevertheless as it speaks us our heart. Instead of to search in all only for benefit and the income, overlooking about that we people and cannot live without feelings and relations.
And the concept of family and its stability that all its members have been harmoniously connected and were in the constant union, unfortunately, become more and more rare now.
Yes, the life prepares for us for many surprises and we are powerless with some circumstances that rise before us. But sometimes she gives us and fine chance to be happy and we should not refuse him and then regret about it all life. Therefore, Bruce, I think our meeting outlined in advance destiny and I concern to this very seriously. Yes, we are very much far apart now. But we are connected with our love and desire to be together. So for this purpose there are no borders and we can be solved nevertheless for our meeting if we really want it. Certainly while I cannot know as it will work for us and whether I can allow to stay in you.
But I promise you, that within the next few days I shall learn all this for us and I shall inform to you also. I do not find it hasty nevertheless only because our meeting is necessity now and will allow us to know more about our feelings and to understand our future as we see it. In fact we now it is not simple friends on correspondence and I see in you the person close to me with whom it is possible to cast in the lot. Only wanted to hear from you mutual desire and opinion, my lovely, but I can not demand it certainly.
Today I already asked my girlfriend here that she learned for me, that is necessary for our meeting and my travel to you. So we shall soon have it and to consider in more detail together.
Only nevertheless very much I am afraid to lose you now with these news and the big feelings that I have now. In fact I could believe you and feel that did not hope any more to see once. It is our chance and test that puts to us lives so I hope, that we use it adequately nevertheless.
I am visited constantly with dreams of our affinity now and I am full excitation when I think of it and us together, my lovely. Very much I want to share with you it today, but I do not want to hasten with it, and to do it it is high-grade tomorrow. Also I hope to find one more your fine and always the long-awaited letter which began for me to the finest in a life.
Very much it would not be desirable to finish, as always, but only I wish you good mood and I send this letter to you with the big sincere body. How your day and where you went with it was? What weather at you now?
Very much I miss every day and I feel closer with each letter. Your and devoted to you, Leysan.

Letter 11
Greetings, to my lovely and most dear my heart, Bruce. I am very happy and it is grateful to you for the answer to me after the next big step and the decision, that I have now.
difficult for you to ask it again, where should I look for that question, I do not understand?
In fact it is very important for me and it is necessary to feel your support and the consent with me in all it. But now I nevertheless have finally decided for myself, that you are necessary for me in my life. In fact I wake up and I fall asleep only with ideas on you. You could notice also, that I gradually even have left from the life and the sights at events only to speak about us and feelings, that we have. And it not because is planned, but only because to me so speaks my heart. With the first letter I could not trust, that all will go so far and happily for us, but then to me was more and more from each day to run and write to you.
Certainly I tried to think on a way to this, that I shall inform to you today.
But, as soon as I got for a computer all was absolutely on another. I could not be kept to speak you everything, that now I feel and I suffer. So time all of you with me, my lovely, togas means you could understand sincerity of my words and feelings. And this most important for me because seldom we feel reciprocity in our life.
Unfortunately, today we with the girlfriend could not study completely, that nevertheless it is necessary for me for stay in USA, but only business of one day and tomorrow I promise it to have the full information on it. I think, that early or late all of us would start talking about it, in fact we have the big feelings which demand continuation from us. Also I think, that it will be very interesting to you to learn it also, my precious. Therefore I do not want to come back to this today, and I shall devote the letter to you tomorrow about it. After that it will be easier to us to speak about an opportunity of our meeting, and to you to understand a situation completely.
We with my mum yesterday spoke the whole evening about all it and she any more does not count my decision hasty and is very happy together with us. Only nevertheless she could not hide some tears of a regret also, that probably it will be necessary for us to leave. In fact all these years we were a number and always felt each other. But both of us wish only good luck and certainly I cannot be happy also without you, my lovely.
So, as always, we came to the consent and spoke various memoirs from our life, and I shared dreams of the future and the family with mum. Yes, we have decided, that if I shall move to you nevertheless we buy to it a pet who can replace to it a part of heat, that she received with me. Yes, it will be very hurt and hard with parting for us. But at the same time and the mutual pleasure, in fact this happiness for the woman and its mothers to receive family. Represent, mine are loved, mum even starts to study your country more and to acquaint me with it that I was not lost when I shall find myself among Americans. In your country very much observe and respect traditions she has told?
The main thing nevertheless, that I while know about USA, it that my fine prince there lives, Bruce of which I constantly think and I dream.
I ask you to accept my sweet and gentle kiss, not seeing distance.
Yours and only yours for ever, Leysan.
Letter 12
Greetings, mine most dear and gentle the man which I could to see only in the finest dreams more recently.
But now I have you, Bruce, in the heart and the life it is real also does me the happiest woman and forces to love a life on new. Also I want to thank again you, that you have presented me all this.
But certainly with all these feelings and ideas we are on half of way for high-grade happiness and rest, that our soul will receive. In fact now we only far dream for us two and connection of our hearts that waits for us for the present human happiness and will force to wake up from this fine dream. For this reason I want to get more likely in your warm and gentle embraces, and also to feel your passionate kiss on the lips when you meet me at the airport.
Certainly we have set imaginations and dreams for our meeting and how we shall passionately like and feel after that. But nevertheless I want, that we went by reception of us together now, that will allow to carry out our dream more likely. And it not haste, and the requirement that the situation does for us, that we are now. For this reason I did all these researches and my girlfriend helped me with it. So I want to devote the letter today you to all this information, that I have also you should know also.
Because sooner or later all of us would come to this and I think pertinent to do it now, my lovely.
That will be necessary for me for reception of the visa and that I can provide independently here. Basically documents and information for registration of the visa, that it is necessary for me to receive it here:
. The valid passport with preservation of legality at least six months and a place to insert the visa.
• completely finished and signed form of the reference behind the visa
. Two black-and-white photos, the size
. Documents, testifying, that I in Russia have work
. Documents, which acknowledgement in Russia remains direct relatives Certainly there is a plenty of forms of the visa here to move to your country, but from all and possible for reception to me nevertheless it is necessary for most convenient to receive the guest visa or the visa of the visitor, that same.
This visa is given out to me for the term of till 6 months and all this time I can be with you, my lovely.
Also for this time we can learn each other better and to decide, that all of us want for our future and continuation of our relations. The ambassador it and at this time we have an opportunity to reconsider my presence in USA and my status also, that is to start procedure of my citizenship, in connection with our decision to be in a marriage. Therefore I find this variant most suitable and suitable for us now, my lovely.
Did not think at all. That it so confusing and it will be difficult to understand. But nevertheless it was studied here in detail and my girlfriend used official sources and agencies here, that she has acquaintances.
So you can trust this information for continuation.
Certainly the most complex for me and you a part comes to pay all these items and the visa. Therefore it is very hard for me to speak you about it, but I nevertheless should, in fact we are with it together and you should know. It will be necessary for me of only 120 dollars, that there is a visa and still approximately 290 dollars to provide all promotion with it and reception of necessary documents.
It includes also, that it will be necessary for me to move to embassy in Moscow to continue. So the total sum for me will make 410 dollars and it is already obvious to me, that I cannot lift this sum without your help, my angel and I can not expect for someone here.
In fact I have no relatives or familiar here which could help me with it somehow. Whether but also I do not know I have is right to ask it from you, my precious. Only nevertheless I have no other choice for myself now and is compelled to ask it from you. Though nevertheless with the big hope in heart I send to you this letter today and I want to hope, that you with understanding and closely concern to all this. In fact it is very serious for us now and I am adjusted resolutely to continue with it. And already I am on a way of reception of some papers for this purpose. And certainly I can not be completely provided and sure yet I do not receive your answer to this letter.
So it is ready about understanding and respect to concern to any your answer, but only I hope, that it will not keep waiting for a long time. In fact, if you can help me with it nevertheless I do not want to lose our time together vainly, my angel. Also I find here a way which will allow me to receive your funds and I shall inform to you details if all of us require it.
With impatience, expecting your answer also I pray to heavens that they have helped us to continue nevertheless with it and to be together. Your and wishing to be only yours for ever, Leysan.
Letter 13
With pleasure that received your answer and with a greeting to you for fine day, my lovely, Bruce.
And every day much more perfectly also is more remarkable, when I have your fine and warm letter which warms my heart and forces it to beat more strongly to feel you closer. Certainly your support and the consent with all movement, that I have now and the understanding of a situation helps me to trust also more and to hope, that we shall go up to the end we reach this big purpose nevertheless. In fact that I see all now before myself and the main problem only to receive us together and to connect our hearts as it is demanded with our love. Certainly we could learn still each other better having correspondence through the Internet how many, but nevertheless I do not think that it would allow to us any success, my love.
Therefore I think the actions thought over thoroughly, and acts considered. In fact it is not instant also to receive us together. You see, that all this process demands time that we could pass all corridors and receive necessary documents. Only nevertheless I ask you to give it to me and I am ready to performance of this problem, in fact at the end of all it we are waited with a long-awaited meeting. She really long-awaited because I waited for such love all life.
As I also promised you, my lovely, I today investigated more that will be necessary for us for a meeting and still very much I expect for your help and I understand, how it is not easy for you, that to trust me and to do it possible. But, unfortunately, the situation does not leave to us other choice and if you want us together we should go this way. In fact anybody for me cannot do all this, that is required, and anybody except for you cannot help to move ahead to me with it further. And as it is great and my desire I cannot do it without necessary funds will not be strong. You understand?
I asked mine the uncle in Moscow that you could translate necessary means to its account. Simply I have no it and it is complex for receiving here now. But my uncle is engaged commerce and we can use it if you solve. Also, if you cannot use it, I studied translation systems of money that work worldwide and can guarantee reliability of delivery of it here. Also chose system western the union, and also MoneyGram which is less distributed, but you can have all this there. I studied it in detail because I feel the big responsibility for your money and I do not want, that it was lost somewhere. Also came to a conclusion, that we can trust this.
All that will be necessary for me to receive it here, only your full address and a name, and also 10 numbers of confirmation of translation MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number). They will name to you it after you finish operation for translation of funds and will specify her in the receipt of translation, and you should inform it to me with your letter. Those data from me which will be necessary for you for end operations there:
The country RUSSIA. So I could receive it in the address of the nearest city convenient for me here. My full name that is necessary for you also sounds, as LeysanChernyshova.
But it will be more convenient for me if you use system Money Gram with transfer of money to me.
My lovely, I can understand any your excitement and indecision to send me it, in fact we never met before and there are many circumstances in the world now to justify your doubts. But love for me and for my understanding it before all the trust and very much would not would be desirable me, that between us there was a misunderstanding or disagreements with it. And very much I hope, that your heart will prompt you that I sincerely and fairly concern to all this and will not allow to do hasty wrong conclusions. But I am ready to dialogue as well to consider any your decision, my lovely angel.
Yes, also it is necessary for me to have your full address and the nearest international airports where you could meet me for continuation of process of the visa, it is a pity that I overlooked to inform it with the last letter. And very much I expect to receive it with your answer. Very much I want, that you also supported me and is farther, and also asked those details which are not clear to you now.
I with pleasure shall answer it or I shall search for the answer with the information here. I promise, that I shall hold you informed with all movement here as well I ask you to not leave me with the answer for a long time now. In fact it is very necessary for us to keep in contact now.
I am sorry, if not has told something and could not inform up to you correctly.
But very much I want, that you have understood, that it also for the first time and disturbingly for me.
Only nevertheless is adjusted to go with it up to the end if you do not leave me, my precious and are hotly loved, Bruce. But I can not even present any more, that it is possible nevertheless.
So I hasten again tomorrow to have your answer and probably some new news to you. With love and the big weariness with all it. Ready to become for all your life and only therefore decided to go so it is far, Leysan.
Created: 2012-03-21    Last updated: 2012-03-21    Views: 1327


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