Scam letter(s) from Irina Proylova to Jose (Spain)

Letter 1
Hola querido amigo!
Me alegro de que usted me escribio esta carta. ?Me puede dar interesantes, creo que usted esta interesado. Espero que vamos a presentar a cerrar. Estoy escribiendo una carta de un cafe Internet. Que tenemos una muy conveniente, no puedo dirigirme a usted en 24 horas. Espero que me entienden. Ahora sulky tiempo. Creo que tienes una calida, el sol brilla y el canto de los pajaros. No se nada sobre su pais, espero poder viajar a su pais y su pais para ver y conocer sus encantos. Quiero que me dijera mas sobre mi, me seria muy interesante. Hable con varios de sus padres.
Yo vivo en Rusia, en la ciudad de Kazan. Esto es debido a mi trabajo. Mi manana comienza con un scamper, porque he seguido su figura. Me gusta mucho de caminar en la naturaleza, respirar aire fresco. Me gusta la primavera porque es hermosa la flor de los arboles. Los fines de semana voy a nadar en la piscina. Yo trabajo como enfermera y aman a los ninos, pero no tengo hijos. Pero realmente quiero tener un hijo. Soy una madre, padre, no tengo. Vivimos en un apartamento de una sola habitacion. Mama, me retire. Tengo mi propia madre aun no habia hablado acerca de nuestro conocimiento, pero al poco que decir. Creo que le gusto la noticia acerca de nuestro conocimiento.
Querido! ?Me puede dar un muy interesante y me gustaria que nuestra correspondencia no termina ahi. Por esto, voy a esperar a que su carta.
Escribir acerca de ti para saber mas. Quiero saber mucho acerca de usted. Quiero saber lo que esta haciendo? ?Cuales son sus intereses? Hacerle mas preguntas y le dira mucho.
?Por que no preguntar por mi? Si lo desea, puede saber mucho acerca de mi?
Voy a esperar por su carta.
Con gran respeto, su Anastasia!
Letter 2
?El saludo mi por la carretera Jose!!!
Soy muy contento, que ha recibido su nueva carta.
?Su carta es muy interesante a mi!!! Con el placer respondere su carta.
Quiero decirle mas en mi caracter y mi alma. Pienso, que debeis saber mi mundo interior. Quiero decirle en mi directamente maximo, no busco rico el hombre para mi directamente.
Busco al hombre, que dividira conmigo el amor, el hombre
?Con que puedo tener la familia feliz!!!
La mayoria de los hombres en Rusia no se acerca para el matrimonio, porque usan la multitud de alcohol, del tabaco, los narcoticos (medicinas).
Soy muy contento, que le ha encontrado. Ud muy amable que quiere profundamente el hombre. ?Sois semejantes al hombre de mi sueno!!! Examino me (encuentro) como la mujer muy romantica. Pienso, que puedo por completo fiduciario Ud. Puedo discutir con Ud en el chat amistoso los temas distintos. Puedo hablais con Ud sobre los problemas. Quiero encontrar en Ud al partidario, el amigo y el marido.
Por la bondad y la ternura puedo hacer su vida hecho.
De las cualidades humanas no quiero lo mas posible el engano de algunas personas.
Querria mucho que todas las personas a la razon (tierra) eran felices.
Recibo muchos placeres del dialogo con los amigos y las personas interesantes.
Como el amor para cumplir soy mucho al tiempo de la casa, quiero el conforte interior,
Quiero la tranquilidad. En este momento escucho la musica, la musica silenciosa lenta, que trae muchas tranquilidades y el consentimiento. Quiero mucho las flores, especialmente las rosas rojas.
Pero nadie los me da ya durante el tiempo largo. Sueno que en tal temporada hermosa tendre mi amor e ir con el hasta la calle con las rosas rojas en las manos y el beso con el mucho tiempo. ?Es todos seran tan hermosamente y de un modo romantico, mi ya durante el tiempo largo no la prueba tales sentimientos y queremos sentirlo mi mucho!
Espero que teneis los momentos (instantes) agradables en la vida, cuando es leida mi carta. Querria estudiarle mucho mas.
Con la impaciencia espero su respuesta. ?C por el respeto grande su Anastasiya!!!!
Letter 3
?El saludo mi por la carretera Jose!!!
Te hablo de nuevo que soy feliz. Porque soy feliz ver tu carta. A mi es muy agradable ver tu carta. Te soy agradecida. Quiero decirte que soy feliz. ?Mi por la carretera! Hoy pensaba en Ud, tanto como todos los dias pasados. Apetezco escribirle mucho las cartas y expresar todos los pensamientos. Se, en la carta es muy dificil expresar los sentimientos. Pero tratare. Tratare que comprenderias. Le echo de menos mucho. Se que alguna vez vere sus ojos en vivo. Se que en un dia seremos juntos, porque esto debe pasar. Rogare al dios. Creere en el destino. Creo que entre nosotros nacera el mucho sentimiento. Creo a esto. Porque en mi hay tales sentimientos. Quiero preguntarle. ?Puedo esperar de Ud la respuesta sincera? ?En usted hay a mi unos sentimientos??? Pienso que en Ud hay unos sentimientos a yo y el respeto. Comienzo a creer en Ud y comienzo a confiarle gradualmente. ?Me le confio! La confianza principal en las relaciones. Si en nosotros no hay confianza, en nosotros no habra sentimiento. Si nos tira uno a otro, esto significa que en nosotros habia una confianza uno a otro. Pienso que comprendeis mis palabras. En cuanto a nuestra correspondencia. Me gusta mucho que nuestra correspondencia continua. Me sois muy interesantes. Me habeis interesado seriamente. Debeis comprenderme y mis sentimientos. Mis sentimientos con cada dia se aumentan. Le quiero preguntar. ?Hablabais a los amigos sobre mi??? He contado a la amiga de nuestro conocimiento, y es muy contenta que nosotros hemos conocido. ?No habeis contado de el, que os ocupais? Que el hobby a usted, que os ocupais al tiempo libre. Como me habeis preguntado esto, quiero mucho a los ninos. Pienso que algo nos resultara. ?Quereis que llegue a usted??? Pero quiero decir que mas poco con usted somos conocidos. Por la carretera Jose he contado de nuestro conocimiento a mi mama. Le entrega el saludo grande.
Me preguntabais sobre las religiones de la familia y la media isla Mi quiero decir que si la mujer cambia al marido o el marido lo cambia a la mujer aquel a la deshonra enorme. Mi mama no cuando no cambiaba a mi al papa. Quiero que a mi mi marido futuro no cambie a mi.
Pienso que le son claras todas mis palabras. Acabo ahora la carta. A yo sois caros yo quiero que lo hayais comprendido. Espero su carta con la espera grande.
?Su Anastasiya!
Letter 4

Ciao mio caro Jose!
Sono ancora molto piacere vedere la vostra lettera. Sono molto lieto che nella mia piu grande gioia. Credo di aver compreso le mie parole. E come stai? Miei cari! Mi e mancato. Per diversi giorni, ci sono familiari con voi e per me e molto bello. Non credo che i sentimenti che ** per voi. Perche io non credo nei sentimenti. Ma io dire la verita. ** grande sentimenti per lei e credo che i miei sentimenti diventera ancora piu potente di te. Credo che i tuoi sentimenti sono solo grande per me. Mi auguro cosi. Miei cari! Mia madre e una grande consegnato accoglienza e buona salute. Mia madre mi chiede sempre. Quando I'll sposarsi! J Credo che si sono lieti di ricevere i saluti di mia madre. Penso che tutte le mie parole a capire. Io attendere la Sua lettera indietro il piu presto possibile. I miss you nuovamente.
Con grande rispetto Anastasiya!
Letter 5
Greetings my love Jose!!!
I love you! How are things going with you? I am very glad to our acquaintance. My love! I wish to meet you. You very interesting person. You wish to meet me? I very much hope for our meeting. I do not represent the life without you. You understand me my love? I hope what be fast we can together.
I dream of you every night when I go to bed. I cannot live without you my love. I want, that we loved each other all night long and eternally. I want, that you Jose my love were my husband.
I will wait for your answer. With love yours Anastasia!
Letter 6
Greetings my love Jose!!!! I am happy to write you the letter again. At me the big news. But my news sad. We with mother went yesterday to agencies which are engaged in travel. But all was without success. I now do not have mood, because in me affliction. My love. We learnt in travel agency about our meeting. In all agencies cost of documents very big. Therefore for me our meeting this big difficulty. Except the passport I need to have still the visa. Passport cost together with cost of the visa 473 euros. It is the cheapest cost. In other agencies of travel cost is more expensive. Therefore it is the cheapest cost. Therefore for me it is a lot of. I hoped for the help of mother, but it cannot give me 473 euros. Therefore I cannot make documents what to arrive to you. To me have given a lot of information in agency, but it is all in vain. Because I cannot find such sum. Do not think of the bad. I do not ask from you money because it is inconvenient for me. I have got used to earn money itself. But now very difficult situation and me cannot help. I wish to tell that I need to save this sum. I do not know how many it will pass months. But I can tell at once, that I cannot arrive to you this year. Because it is the big sum and it is necessary to save long. But next year I without problems can with you will meet, because I can start to save money. To me painfully to think of it. I do not know that you think now. It is very interesting to me. I would not want that you were sad. My love Jose!!! Jose I wish you to ask, but it is very a shame to me to ask you about it. My love you the unique person at which I can ask the help. Respected Jose you can help to make to me documents and that I have arrived to you my love??? Jose already to you said, that I not the rich girl. But I have very much fallen in love with you Jose. I very much trust you and I hope for your help. I very much want with you my love will meet. I think, that you very beautiful man and I have very strongly grown fond of you. I cannot live without you. You which unique man I have grown fond. Also I wish to live with you all life. And to marry you. But why you have not sent me the photo. I very much would like you to see and admire you. I am very glad, that your family wishes me to see.
I will wait for your words. Please, I would ask you that you were not afflicted. I love you. Nearly has not forgotten!!! My mother transferred you the big greeting. I love you and I wish to see your letter. With love yours on eyelids Anastasia!!!!!
Letter 7
Greetings my love Jose!!! How you my love live? I constantly think of you my beautiful prince. I am very glad, that you wish to help me. I very much trust you and I trust in ours with you a meeting. My mum trusts you, that you want with me will meet. It is very glad, that you love me and wish me to see. Today I with my mum we descend in bank and we learn, that what information is necessary for your transfer.
I think every day of you and I think of a meeting. Yes I think of a meeting because the meeting for me is important. I wish you to see, because only you can bring now to me of happiness. I as sensitive and me would be desirable caress. But I want caress only from you and any more from whom. I love you and I think that you understand my words! I love you Jose! I wish to embrace you and I wish to kiss. I said to mother, that at me to you the big feelings. My mother became glad that I on much happier. My mother has told, that to you will be glad, if you bring to me happiness. I love you Jose! My love Jose! I wish you to ask. You thought of ours together ***??? Only answer fairly. I thought of us and our first night. I thought of ***. It for me as is important. Because I the girl and I require ***. But I wish to have *** only with you because you for me are important also you second half. I think that you understand my words. I love you Jose! I will wait from you for the letter. With the big love yours Anastasia!!!!
Letter 8
Greetings my love!!! Wash Angela!! How is the weather at you? How at you mood? At us weather today simply magic, because today at us in a city very warmly and consequently such weather very much is pleasant to me.
I very much love warm weather because I like warm weather. At us in a city brightly the sun today shines, the warm wind blows and consequently to me very pleasantly to feel a touch of a warm wind on my person and on my body. You are not present near to me, but I so would like to feel a touch of your hands on my person. I very much want, that ironed my hair, touched my hair, caressed my body, kissed my lips.
I very much would want, that we were with you together, my love!!! You would like it? I think, that my dreams will be carried out only at our meeting with you, my love. What do you think in this occasion? I always think of our forthcoming meeting with you, my love. I think that our meeting will be, as in a fairy tale. You think also as well as I or not? I sometimes so would like you to embrace, kiss, touch your ******, but you are not present near to me, and I so would like it!!! I think that have found such person who is necessary to me which me will always understand, think of me and this person - you!!! I am grateful to destiny, that I have met you, my love!!! I always ask a question when our meeting with you will be a reality. And now I ask you, my love! What do you think of our meeting with you? When our meeting becomes a reality? I know, that we so a little about you I know, but very much in was loved in you wash ANGELA. I very much trust you!!! And you trust me? I think of you day and night!!! Except you at me not who is not present.
Mine mum asked me that I transferred you and your children the big and ardent greetings, and also the strongest embraces. Accept and from me my most sincere wishes, my most sincere and passionate air kisses, and also my hottest and ardent embraces from my loving heart. You would like to feel my passionate kisses, and my passionate embraces from my loving heart? I dream of feeling your passionate kisses and hot embraces. To me sometimes it is acted in film your kisses, both your passionate and strong embraces but when I wake up you is not present near to me at night. To me it becomes very sad... I so wish to be with you, my love!!! You would like it, my charm? Remember that I love you!!! I love you wash ANGELA!!!!!!!!!!!! I you am very strong I KISS YOU!!!
Road! Yesterday we with mother went to bank. Also learnt as easier to receive money from other country. The operator of bank has told that it will be most easier to use bank Western Union/Because it is the most safe bank. We have come to this bank and to us with mother have given the full information. I now will write you the information on which it will be easier to you to transfer money personally to me. It very much pleases me that I have found a way out of this situation.
Name: Anastasiya
Surname: Krestovnikova
It is the full information which to you it is necessary for transfer of money. I am very happy. I cannot on trust that we will meet you. I think that at us will not be now what problems. My mum is very happy, that we soon will together. She believes now you, that you the real man which love me and wishes to find the love.
Wash ANGELA I you very strongly I love. I hope, that you understand my words. I will look forward your letter. Yours faithfully your small **** Anastasia!!!!
Created: 2012-12-19    Last updated: 2012-12-19    Views: 1349


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