Scam letter(s) from Anastasia Zauzolkova to Dale (USA)

Letter 1

Hi Dale!!! I am very glad that you have answered. I hasten to answer you on Your letter. The person which is necessary for me would like to lead with me Life and with whom I wanted to lead the life. My desire very much Serious. I live in Russia in the city of Nizhni Novgorod. 1500 mile from Moscow. Our city not big here again is hard for finding serious The person. I want to tell a little about myself. My growth of 174 sm, weight 75 Kg. To me 33 years. I was never married. By formation I the teacher initial classes.
I have higher education. Now I work in high school liceum ? 43 in city of Nizhni Novgorod. I have no children. At me beautiful eyes. I like to be engaged Sports, I try to be have in the form. I do not smoke and I do not drink alcohol. I hope to you to like. I ask to send me your photos. I think that Appearance not the most important, but me is very interesting to see your photos. I live with mum and the daddy. I have told to the parents that today to me has come The letter from the person from . She has told, that it is good, but impossible To trust at once. We should understand each other better. Should pass not It is not enough time, what in the end to understand, there will be we together whether or not. But I think That all should be good. I shall help you to learn me better.
I Not so well I speak on english, in institute at me was good Estimation. What to write to you letters I while I shall use the program Translation if you want that I I can write in Russian. I think that we can To understand all my letters. If something to you will not be clear tell to me about It. Your letters will help me to teach language better and to understand you. I not I have a domestic computer because it very dearly for me. I shall be To write to you from the Internet of cafe. The Internet from the Internet of cafe also I write you letters from the Internet of cafe as I the finance does not suffice on what or the computer. So I shall write only to you mine letters each day from the Internet of cafe if you certainly will continue with me correspondence. To like me our city it very much Beautiful, especially here in well when all blossoms. My girlfriend has advised me to look the only thing in The Internet. I did not expect that you will answer me. I thought that it simply Joke. I hope that we with you well learn each other and can Computer, it simply is not possible, will help us to find each other.
I want To know it is more concerning you. Tell to me about the Habits, hobbies?
And still I wanted to ask you as to you my English language I am not confident but I think it not so bad and you understand me???
As I would like to know as you live your culture and yours type of character. Always your new friend Nastya Zauzolkova which hopes that you will write to me.
Letter 2

Hi, Dale. It seems to me any damages on a server precisely!!.
You should answer my letter....
I wait for your remarks.
You with me will continue development of friendship? Nastya Zauzolkova!!!!
Letter 3

Hello Dale!!! Again it was very pleasant for me to receive from you the letter. Thanks for your sincerity. And any you not old and still very much even young. I would like to be friends of you.How at you a life Dale? Very much would like, that you would answer me, that at you all affairs it is the bettest. I want to ask, as at you successes on work. Too I hope, that at you all is excellent and in this area. I very much would like to learn more about you? Where you work? Than you are engaged, fond? How you like to carry out the days off and holidays? Would like to ask as your life?
How at you there passes all your life how pass all your affairs? I send you the photo, and in exchange I want to ask to tell at you about myself, And if it were to me still more some photos. Though to tell the truth, I thought, that your letter will be little bit more substantial. You know to me is very nice on dialogue, but also not only, to tell the truth, in my opinion to opinion For the girl appearance of the man is far from being on the first place. It seemed to me, that you which man I for a long time searched for that and could not find! You very tender, clever, kind and decent the man! You know, I have read your letter. Well, that wanted that has written. On the days off and on holidays I like to pass with the girlfriend on streets or to go in Any cafe to sit behind a cup of strong coffee, to talk about a life. Very vigorous, clever, careful and loving! I love interesting films. In quiet conditions to look films it is much more interesting And on kindness I answer goods.
Reading these lines, I had such sensation, that I am near to you. I hope, that it will be pleasant for you to communicate with me. I have received your letter and inexpressibly to this was glad. I am grateful to them that they have brought up in you the fine person! Also I have understood, that at us with you it is a lot of general though we live in the different countries. Important that from itself the person represents. Important what person inside, whether kind heart at him. When at us winter, I go to pool.
And when I receive them, I re-read some times, in fact I so would like to learn about you as much as possible! Interestingly, you like to travel? I simply adore to go in other cities, to examine Sights and simply to admire beauty of other cities. By the way, tell to me, about the travel, what impression was made on you with beauty of other cities. Thanks, that you have written to me about where you travelled and that saw. To me was so interestingly to read your letter! First of all I want to tell, that most of all I appreciate in the man. In my opinion, appearance is far from being on the first place. I think, that present the man should be courageous, that is it should be able To stand for itself and for the beloved. The man should be clever, careful, interesting in Dialogue, should always be able to tell and communicate with the girl so that she overlooked about all on Light, listening to it As I overlook about everything when I read your letters.
I want to ask still only you where you have a rest in week-end??? Write to me, please, who for you is an ideal, what you most of all appreciate in the woman? It will be very interesting to me to learn it.Excuse me if it too so many questions only and inform me if it is many questions I shall wait from you the letter. And yours answers to mine questions. With impatience I shall wait, when your answer will reach me! Your friend which waits your letter Nastya Zauzolkova!
Letter 4

Hello my friend Dale. It is very pleasant for me, that you have again answered me. I am happy that again I write to you. I am glad to read your letter And to understand almost all. I am very glad to answer your letter and to try to learn better you.I shall send you a home address in the following letter. I did not expect that I shall write to you Again. It is very pleasant for me, that you liked my last letter. Earlier when I was younger we went across Russia much. Now I can dare to go with friends not far from city on lake because the prices recently began expensive. We We go to campaigns in the summer. It is very fine, at us very beautiful edge. I wait summer when again I can take the backpack and I shall go On lake, a wood, a guitar, tent, unless it is not fine? I like to look cinema and to go to theatre, me like the Russian comedies And melodramas, very much to like me film Titanic. I when it looked that even cried. I believe that there is such love, and you? I I like to listen to classical music. Me similar bah, Mozart. What music is listened by you? I very much like to float. Everyone Sunday together with the girlfriend I go to pool.
I unfortunately have no phone of a house, at us it costs very dearly. At us very much The good family, father works as the driver, his name Anatoliy is I it very much love, my mum now does works as the seller in grocery shop, Very good person her name is Ekaterina. I always share the pleasures and griefs with it. She never will give up to me in advice. I I would not know that I did if I did not have such fine mum. At us in city many men drink ***** and To abuse At home. At my girlfriend and just such problem. It is one more reason why I want to leave. I think that you understand me. Soon My student's it is time to end. Session, you know that this such, do not sleep at the nights worry, and when there comes day Examination, heart simply skips from a ******. I think that you too have gone through it. I very much liked to study. We live not richly, but Amicably. I not so small, but always ask advice . It is very fine when in family there is a mutual understanding. I always dream To create such family. Only I wanted to have two or one children. I in family one, parents have presented all love to me. I Very much I love honesty and decency. If I shall create the family I think that the main thing in attitudes with the husband will be full trust To each other, I think that it is a pledge of strong family. I love animals, the cat at my place lives. Her name is Iony and I love her. I I think that you have closely read all, write to me again. I with impatience shall wait for your answer. Write to me about itself more and Do not overlook to send me a phone number or your address and if you send me the phone as soon as I shall receive the salary I shall go in telegraph and to call to you mine very much caress the friend. I shall wait. With the big respect your friend most wait your latter your Nizhni Novgorod Friend Nastya!
Letter 5

Hi my dear friend Dale!!! That you have again decided to write thanks me if it is fair I waited for it all the day. I was afraid that you will not send me the letter. I already began to miss under your letters. With each letter we all become closer and more close to each other. I already to learn began better you. I hope that you feel it. It is pleasant for me to read your letters. I today after work would hurry up what again to read your letter. I hope that I write clearly enough and much about myself. I shall try to answer all your questions, simply the translator not clearly translates.
I think that you understand that the overall objective in my life to find it of that only thing, that the man with which I can go through all difficulties of a life, together meet pleasure, occurrence of children, to grow them, to surround with care, to present them the happy childhood, I so dream of it!!! I think that you understand me and your vital purposes are similar to mine and I in soul hope, that when that our hearts will meet. I want to inform you a little about the life. I rise early in the morning. Then I go for work. In the evening I walk. I love slow walks when it is not necessary where to hurry up, pass on familiar streets, to go to girlfriends on a visit, to sit to have a drink tea, to talk. To me to like to be in a society of good friends. It is possible to solve any problems with them, to divide pleasure. It is always pleasant to surprise friends, to look at their reaction. As I shall live without friends!!! I work with 8 till 17 evenings. My work on the one hand interesting, but difficult. At us not so good chief, it it is constant To swear. It very much is not pleasant, but I always liked to work and not I am dependent on my mood should to be given on 100 work. It is always pleasant for me to see smiles mine pupils.
In the evening I go to look a mail in the Internet of cafe, but it sometimes does not work, therefore if I shall not write to you within one - two days do not worry I shall necessarily write to you as there will be an opportunity. The day off at me Sunday. In the days off I like to read books, to go to walk on city, to visit a cinema. Except for that in the days off I spend a lot of time on homeworks. I like to prepare for houses, to me to like to please the relatives preparing them any tasty things. In the afternoon in the days off I am cleaned at home, I love when houses the order. I do not like when things are scattered, the dust lays on shelfs, in a basket the ***** linen, in a bowl not washed utensils lays, you agree with me? We should trust each other because without trust it is impossible to live. I earlier too have trusted in the person and it has deceived me. I wanted to tell to you about it.
I have been madly in love with the person, and it only pretended that loves me. Actually it scoffed at my feelings. Was such, that it appointed to me meetings, promised to come to me, I waited for it , and it did not appear. I sometimes cried because did not come in the evening, at us in city not so easy and I worried for him . And it, the bad person, came in day or two and spoke that he had affairs and that it loves me. And then I have learned through his friends, that at this time it had a good time with what that maidens. It did not like to work, it frequently borrowed from me money, promised to give, but never repaid. And I forgave it because liked. I even hid it from mum. Has passed some time and I have seen it in the street with other woman. They kissed. I did not remember as have come home. I cried all the night long. I had depression very for a long time. I began to work much and began to forget this villain. Probably all about itself. My dear friend Dale, also I want to ask you your complete name and address. There can be I could though sometimes send you the letters on a paper or simply cards. It would be very pleasant both you and me. But we in Cheboksary with it usually have small problems, because the people want a little to work and to receive the large money for it. The transfer of a card or letter borrows approximately 3 months, so … Dale, I would like to send you my home address also. There can be you want to me to send a card or simply letter. I would be very glad to this. The truth, we in Cheboksary have separate people, which steal parcels. It is simply shocking. I want to you to give my home address and my complete name. My complete name - Nastya Zauzolkova
And my home address:
Country Russia
city Nizhni Novgorod
Postal index 428000
street Eroshevskogo 7 apartament 19 I ask to tell you about that as you will spend the day, than are engaged, how will spend the days off? Tell to me about the friends, about native. I with impatience wait for your letter, your letters for me as a beam of the sun among dark day. Your friend from Russia Nizhni Novgorod Nastya!!!
Letter 6

Hello my dear Dale!!! I shall be possible to name you so? I already for a long time did not speak such words to whom. I was more and more and began to be convinced more, that I want to write to you and to receive from you letters all more and more. Your letters heat to me soul. I do not think that it can take place but it is very pleasant for me, I think, that to you too. It is very important for me, that you understand me and listen to me. The understanding - it is very important between people when they want to concern.
Today since morning bad weather, blows a strong cold wind, mood bad and only ideas about that that I shall see the letter and will warm me this day. I want to tell a little to you about the childhood. Mum and the daddy of me very much liked and brought up me very strictly. But I am grateful to them for it. I had many friends and we played in a court yard of our house. It were carefree years. We lived and at us not be these problems which have appeared when I have grown. I went to school on good and excellent different. I always remember my first teacher, she has opened for us a door in knowledge and due to her I can freely communicate with people.
I am indefinitely grateful to her for that feeling of human kindness, that she to all of us has resulted. There were also tragical moments in my childhood. Once we with parents were on a beach. And I saw as the boy has choked. He has choked and has gone on a bottom. My father has rushed to rescue him but anything to it him to help already it was impossible. It has made such impression on me and I some days cried. It was very a pity to me of him. Our boys were cheerful, they sometimes offended us, but did made it not from evil and we with girlfriends on them strongly did not take offence.
But then our boys have charged extra to drink, smoke, many have charged extra to steal and have then got in prison. And we are friends of girlfriends and sometimes we meet, we talk we listen to music. It seems to me that with everyone between us there is something more than friendship. We start to trust more each other, we become more frankly you agree with me? I think that our souls approach. But while I one also search the partner in life.
When I receive your letter, on my face always come a smile and I feel a heat in my soul, thank you for this. Thank you for filling my soul a joy, thank you for filling my heart of the most pleasing feelings!! I not even know that you will write presently, I simply delighted with you! So, this words from my soul and heart only to you:
Someone will always be thankful for you.
Someone will always cherish the warmth of your smile and the happiness in your heart.
Someone wants to always be close enough to care in every way and to treasure each and every day spent together.
Someone will always keep you lovingly in mind and will welcome every opportunilty to find you in happy thoughts.
Someone will always know that life is good because of you, and that tomorrow has a bright and shining hope that wouldn't be there if you weren't here today.
Someone will always try to find the words to thank you for filling life with dreams come true and with beautiful memories.
Someone will always be thankful for you. And that someone will always be me!
I also send you a photo of my city that you could see better that place where I live.
I want to continue with you the attitude relation and I believe, that all can be very good. I wish you good mood these days and do not forget me a smile!!! I shall look forward to your letter and to miss on you!!! On it all I should go home. Your close friend Nastya Zauzolkova!!! P. S. And at the end of my letter I want to inform you that to me so very difficultly to pay the Internet and it there is for me about 2-3 dollars per every day which I write you the letter and I only do not want to lose to you understand that I do make only all that depends on me only to write to you the letter and only to remain with you in contact I I do not want to lose you only always want to remain with you and to be about you. So only I want to wait for you and to be dearest I hope you understand me. Understand that for me all this difficultly but I all the same try to do make it and to write to you so much I feel you.
Letter 7

Hello my dearest Dale!! I am very glad to receive your letter. I hope that you can understand my letters. How at you an affair? How mood?
I think, that at you all is good. I shall ask the god that you were healthy and happy. Today at us solar weather and it is very good. I today worked and had the conflict to my boss. It has shouted at me and I was upset, I all the day long went with bad mood. But it that, I have pleasure in a life is your letters. Yesterday with me there was a unpleasant case. I have gone in the evening to take a walk, and when came back home to me teenagers have stuck, it is good that the neighbour the dust has left to bear and has interceded.
I wanted to tell to you about my payment at work and it only 100-120 dollars per one month to me pay also it very little even for Russia. And I am very much interrupted and it is very difficult to save in such complex difficult conditions. I work and I learn teach children of 10-12 years and so difficultly smile to them each day and to explain when sometimes it is not necessary to eat in the morning at all. So it is difficult to work as the teacher and for it pay I very much a little was mistaken in a choice a trade but there is only that that this work very much is pleasant it to me understand for me all I so I want the child and while at me him is not present the much is the whole 24 schoolboys with which I addresses as with the and still I very much love children. Children it is flowers our life and they simply brighten up our life. And I would like to call to you soon but I do not know when give me a payment from work so if you have a little bit superfluous dollars you might not give me I so want to hear your voice. I simply was very unpleasant to ask about it but I nevertheless shall try. So I expect give me on a bell whether or not?
I have gone home and have told all to parents they have begun To calm me but I all night could not fall asleep, I was in a shock. Well, I wanted to tell to you, that my heart began to beat more often when I think of you, my heart is beaten so when I think of you!!! I ask you that you have sent the photos which at you are. They will help me to feel your presence near to me. I want to feel you, your gentle sight, your smile, your hands. I so need in heat and care and I think, that I ask not so much. I search for pure ove and romanticism in attitudes I love when all beautifully, perfectly, gently and romantically!!! Desire to have the family, the favourite person beside, feeling, care and constant support in a difficult minute to what to aspire each person in a life and I too. To me already it is so much years, and I and have no, about what to you I speak. I was close fortunately in the past. But my trust is broken. I should trust the person with which I all life, trust his ach word, gesture, a sight, a smile.
In the world now so it is a lot of meanness sand a deceit that is necessary to concern to people which surround you very closely .I do not speak you, that is necessary to concern with mistrust to everyone, just necessary to know the person so what to be completely confident it . I know you not for a long time, but I can tell, that you very good and open. And it very much involves me and gives me to trust, that I can love and be loved !!! My mum learns me that I should be always open. I have told to it , that our attitudes develop successfully and she is happy for us. She dreams, that I at last was not one and had family. We are far apart. But it does not prevent our dialogue. Though I already thought, that dialogue through the Internet needs to be understood each other more strongly. What do you think of it? I would like to see you not only on a photo. But I do not know as it probably, because we very much far apart. You like me also I think that our attitudes can be deeper. I do not know as to explain it words. I simply feel it. Your letters do my mood high. To me to become joyfully on soul.
I think that sometime we with you shall meet. I would like to arrive to you , to meet you to look as you live. I want it because I start to understand that between us there is something more than friendship. This feeling of trust to each other seems to me that, it seems to me that it is love. It seems to me that you too feel it. I now very much wanted to talk about you! I so want to share with you pleasure personally. When I see your eyes and a smile of that I am glad. I want to see your pleasure and to divide her with you. I want to know, what does you happy? And I shall try, what everything, that I do was the present happiness for you. Give me chance to make it!!!! And still I want to tell you that to my letter to you I wanted to apply not only my photo but also my voice that you might hear my voice and I hope to hear your voice and I was very glad if I hear as you speak to me that or I have written down this small file in the Internet of cafe and paid for this service.
Let me chance know the favourite and loving woman. I wait for your beautiful letter and I promise, that I shall think of you every minute. With love your friend Nastya Zauzolkova!!! P.S. Thanks for your photos, but unfortunately I could not listen your record.My home address:
Country Russia
city Nizhni Novgorod
Postal index 428000
street Eroshevskogo 7 apartament 19
Letter 8

Hi Dale!
How - you? I hope you to find in good mood! And my letters lift it, and it remains good on all degree of day.
I am grateful to them that they have brought up in you the fine person! Also I have understood, that at us with you it is a lot of general though we live in the different countries. But, basically, It is not important, who lives in what country, that from itself the person represents is important. Important that, What person inside, whether kind heart at him It is very interesting to me, whether there is at you a hobby if is what? My hobby - to embroider. Yes, I have overlooked to tell to you, that I well am able to sew. Lacy embroidery To me loved This craft of me was learned by the girlfriend who was engaged in professional sewing. And I, in turn, have learned the girlfriend is tasty to prepare.
When at us winter, the rivers and lakes become covered by ice, I go to pool, I like navigation. Still I have to you question: you love Russian bath? Imagine, as birch brooms smell, The smell of the pitch allocated from the heated up tree... It also is Russian bath. If you were in To Russian bath tell, about the impressions!
Ideas about you do not leave my head! After your last letter, having come home I very long thought of us and about our of an affair. These feelings, they very warm, and in also cool time it is a little, they as the moon on dark the evening sky. If you have time, look at it, and you will understand all depth of my feelings. In us today half of moon in the sky. One half of it you. This half is covered at light and high temperature, and other half of it I, dark and cold, disappearing in itself secret. Stars around of they are people which surround us. In them the heap has placed, and in me one and I can not her to you. You know to me, it seems, that you very good person and I may be open with you. You fine, sensitive, kind, you deserve the most good words, and your attitude to me the most fine in my life, it is enough only with love abuses. I shall speak directly, and to me I that should inform seem that to you about it. I LOVE YOU!!! Yes you have understood me, and it means, that from this moment my heart belongs only to you, instead of whom it is more. Now only you may solve, which my words for you mean. I shall not take offence, if you will write to me, that you have no mutual feelings, I shall think, that it will appear shortly. I am very pleased to your letters, I always wait, when I shall enter the Internet And I shall read and I shall write to you! Heart tests mine, you have left a wound in my heart, and this wound is closed when I read your letters! I do not accuse you, was not existing on against I is pleased to this! I wanted to find people similar to my soul, I think, that I have found! It you! Soul, your feelings to me! I want to thank you for the big attention to me! But the big inquiry does not play with me, if it - game! My heart, young and soft and me it will be difficult to pass loss! I do not aspire to receive you I then, to leave was not existing! I try to understand you and to write more about me directly! But I do not deny, that you are necessary for me, you became whom it important and necessary for me! And even if to us I shall not be doomed to meet, to remember you always! All in your hands! Do not leave me, and I shall not leave you. While we should amplify attitudes! I think, that we shall have fine time! Walks, entertainments, consideration of films, Suppers in candles together! From it in me to be transformed it a head! My character is very loyal! I was difficult for deducing from! I very much the goods! And if I see, that the person, I do not open soul never, I turn away from him! Do not turn away from me! Please! To my biggest disappointment my time has expired also I should finish this letter! I am finish to write this letter, but I will think about you!
I hope that we will be together soon!
I'll wait your letter!
Bye-bye my love!!!
Your Nastya Zauzolkova.
Letter 9

Hello Dale!!! I today arrived to the Internet of cafe and very for a long time went very strongly got tired and so strongly was upset that your letter was not in my box mail I thought that from you there will be a letter but it was not also to me it was necessary to go simply home so tomorrow I wait for your letter. I also hope shall not go simply so. I hope tomorrow I see your letter and the answer to my letter before. The woman which waits for you in Russia and your letter Nastya!!!
Letter 10

Hi my love Dale. In the age of, were already advanced and really serious attitudes and happy family want.
I only would like to ask you some questions. I wanted to ask you than you are engaged now that borrows occupies your free time? I want ask you you may to speak if you live with the woman with other country you can help her well to study your language and to bear all with her all difficulties and all to mountain? And question very interesting to me simply answer him and choose that that one because in life very much frequently it is necessary to make a choice. That you have chosen if there was very complex difficult situation? The choice meanwhile that your most loved liked woman both to be poor and to lose loved liked and to be rich that you has chosen? I very much want to know and it shows a lot of quality of the person.
Also about this letter I send you a photo my aunt which worked in a travel company earlier. My aunt very good woman and she very kind and always ready to help me. I so am much grateful to her for all that she has made to me for all my life.
I think that you such The person, and I love you. Mine oppress, and heart speaks me it. You write to me and understand me and the answer mutually, that I to you - am not indifferent. And it is very important. I shall prove you love to you, but it will be difficult for transfer to a word. Love - very much Difficult thing. But we need to feel and it is checked up together. To understand each other, to show care to loved person, that it was Possible to divide any problems and to make the decision together. To be always close to it in pleasure and in mountain. To like, that the friend the friend has helped if to something Impossible. When one person may not live without other person and everything, that they do it for the sake of children. On the friend I can not explain it.
My hobbies connected to my work, but you completely know, which it not, that to me would like. We not always Receive that we want. I very much love sports meets, I give a lot of time to it. But me a lot of time should be, spend with you and to do Mad actions it is close to you.
You should understand, that the woman should not be open completely before the person because further Life which she should give many pleasant things which will be surprise for beloved. My dear, you should understand, which I was in the habit to be one in life, and you now - everything, that in me, You my unique hope for my life. My fine I never loved any so urgently as you.
I madly want to be close to you to enjoy your body, I am afraid to thaw from your passionate kiss, from yours Gentle and hot caress. I dream of that moment when we may take pleasure in each other! What you think of it, our meeting - the validity??????
You may help it to be executed???????? With tenderness and passion in eyes, with warm ideas concerning you, For ever yours Nastya Zauzolkova. P.S. I like to eat with pel'menis. But my most favourite food is a fish the sturgeon. I love summer, I like spring these are the best seasons because in the sky the sun smells as a grass. I knit but I not so to love it because at me not so well it turns out.
Letter 11

Hi my man my love man Dale! Where you my kitten. I very much on you to miss. I to drink not am should I can without you. Answer me write to me return me to life. I as a flower without a moisture and the sun can not live without your letters without your words. Yours forever Nastya Zauzolkova.
Letter 12

Hello my love Dale!!! I am very happy to receive your letter today, it is full of warm-heartedness and sympathies to me. I shall necessarily transfer the aunt this compliment which you to her have transferred. For all that time that we are necessary each other. I constantly think of you, you have taken a place in my heart. On work I became a little absent-minded and my girlfriends speak that I am in love. I so never was so is happy. I now completely what to change what to pay attention to all source, familiar and friends. All this from for you. I as though fly in heavens. I always think of you. I start to distract more. I think only of you. Yes I love you!!! I talked about it to mum and she speaks, that it well she thinks that I shall be happy. She saw your photo and it was pleasant to mum and has told that you can trust. Mum too would want that at me all was good. She nevertheless mother and does not wish evil to me. I think that we should meet, we should see each other. We became frank with you and I think that you want to learn about my ****** experience.
In Russia all men dream to drag only the girl in bed but I do not want it, I do not want to be given the first comer, that it would take pleasure. It something from above she would give love to the person for that what to learn happiness in this life, and men represent her only as ***, I think that it not correctly and I hope that you with me agree.
I want the only thing the man with which I shall feel like loved I shall give myself to it completely both a body and soul. We together learn all depths of love. Our passion will be poured out for limits of love and we shall love the friend the friend all life, till last moment of our existence. Today at me the day off and we with the girlfriend walked on city, went shopping. I waited for the moment that you will send me the letter and I have waited it . I feel that our hearts are beaten in one rhythm, and you feel it? I wait for your letter, whether it is important for me to know you share my ideas. Forever yours Nastya Zauzolkova!!!
Letter 13

Hello Dale!!!! Today at us good day the sun has looked out. Having woken up in the morning I so was glad to this. But when I have come in cafe after work my mood have deteriorated. As I that there have not found for myself. You of nothing have written to me. I certainly to understand you at you probably it is a lot of work. And I may you than that have offended, I would like to know about it. Dear Dale I very much on you to miss and wait from you for the letter. Nastya Zauzolkova
Letter 14

My love Dale!!! I am glad you have understood me. You are in very high position in my opinion. I am happy to hear these words and explanation from you. It makes me cheerful to know you like the poem. We have common interest in many things. I like this. Now I am putting down one more poem. What happens to me
When I see your eyes?
What my red lips tell
When I look at pic of you? Craving for your moans,
Hiding all desires,
I want to comprehend your points
Of soul that attracts me. I want to hear breath,
Press tenderly to *****,
I wish to see the heavens view
When all will be gone. Will you hear sorrows,
Will you know their sadness?
Will you see the heart thaw out,
Burn everything without pains. I hope you will like this poem. I want us to look into all positions. I enjoyed the discussion of love. And in this letter I'd like to express my view on ***. It is an important part of relationship as well. Is love an art? If yes, then it demands knowledge and efforts or perhaps love is just pleasant feeling that can be tried by chance - something a person gets as his fortune. ****** desire demands union but physical attraction is based not only on desire to get rid of painful tension. ****** desire might be inspired with love, trouble, solitude, craving to conquer and be conquered, and vanity, need to pain and even destroy.
It turns out to be that ****** desire is aroused or easily united with any other strong emotion, only one of which is love. Therefore ****** desire in most people mind is combined with the idea of love. People are easily deluded that they love each other when they feel physical attraction. When desire of ****** union is evoked by love, love-making is deprived of greed, need to conquer and be conquered but is full of tenderness. If desire of physical union isn't produced by love and if ****** love isn't supplemented with brotherly love, this never leads to the unity that would become something more than **** unity coming by. ****** attraction creates an illusion of unity for a moment that burns down without love. Such a brief unity keeps people strange as they were not having been acquainted. They even hate each other cause after this illusion goes away they feel aloofness stronger than before. I want us to understand each other in bed. It is significant to me, you see. Sometimes I fall asleep and see ****** dreams where you act the main role. I take pleasure in doing this in my dreams. I may awake during night because of pleasure. Don't laugh at me, please. I think you know me and take in this seriously. I am telling you my dream. Listen… Well, I am waiting for your coming to visit me and I'm preparing for this meeting. I'd like everything to be ideal and you not to be disappointed. I cooked dinner and served the table. Then I took a shower, washed my hair thinking if you would like it. Starting to put on clothes I wore some delicate perfume on my neck, ears and other parts. Fine silk white pants, tango, and the same ***. Shoes with stiletto heels. I had my hair dried and done. My hair scattered on my shoulders. Next I poured glasses with wine, lit candles, turned on music and began to wait. How long the time went and how annoying. The door bell stopped my waiting. I came to the mirror, looked at myself once again and got the door. -Hey! It's me! - said you, coming in and being a bit older, a trifle broader but the same beloved and desired as in letters. I rushed to hug you. You pressed me to you with your strong hands and started to kiss my eyes, cheeks and lips. I didn't manage and burst out crying. Then hiding my face in your ***** I whispered: "my love, I so much long waited for you, my darling, my dear". We drank a little. My head was spinning because of both alcohol and unreality of my waiting. I stood up coming to you and knelt down between your legs. I started kissing every piece of your face and neck. Then I unfastened your shirt, hid my face in your *****, lick your papilla with my tongue feeling your muscles tension. Lips slid down, hands unbuttoned your trousers. And this waited miracle is in my hands. It's burning, pulsating and smooth. I touch it along the full length reveling in its measures and resilience. I can't wait longer bending down and feeling it in my mouth. What a wonderful sense to have my mouth filled out with the male flesh. My tongue is tickled by its tube and lips feel fever. I ****** it with animal passion having been gathered for five years. My head gets on spinning of smell, warmth and moisture. You put your hand into my hair and your lips uttered animal groan. Now you are kneeling down in front of me, putting off my shoes, tenderly stroking my legs from foot to knee, taking delight in the keen nylon. Your hands slide up along my tights and raise my dressing gown.
All is burning between my legs. Pants and tights are wet of excitation egesta, leaving a dark spot appeared through nylon. You're bending between my separated legs and start caressing me through tights. Then you slowly pulls them and pants off me. Now I am open for you. You raise my legs and put them on high arms of a chair. Your tongue touches my hole between buttocks. I emit a moan cause this is the most erogenous item of mine. You are fondling it with tongue trying to give me a maximum pleasure. I coil in the chair; my head tosses from side to side. You rise and leans against me. I am trembling with fever feeling heat of the excited man. Your flesh is slowly coming in me without pain. Very slowly, millimeter by millimeter. Don't be scared, my darling. I want this. I sharply move ahead and feel it completely inside driving me crazy and making me almost cry. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper. And the time it starts beating, your wave is transmitted to me. As well as you I fall into the abyss of delight. At this point I wake up and think of you. I miss it. I many times imagined our first intimacy. Thinking of it my body flinches from excitement. Drop me some lines what ideas you have got about me concerning ***. Write me your fantasies. It would be pleasant to me to know them. I love you, I can't without you, dearest love !!!
I start to understand that my life is not meaningful without you because I love you I I think, that during that time, that we are familiar with you at us much in common, the feeling has appeared, I think that we are necessary the friend for the friend. I constantly think of you, you have accepted a place in my heart. I spoke with my parents that probably I shall leave to you, they only were glad for me, mother has blessed me, she thinks that it and there is my happiness. Today I all the day long thought only of you, about that as we with you shall meet. I present it to myself as you meet me at the airport as we search each other eyes, we find and we rush in embraces each other. For ever your Nastya!!!
Letter 15

My love I LOVE ONLY YOU MY LOVE Dale. My love today I again to ask for leave from work to write to you my love. I love you my love and I can not live without you and day. My love is very strong to you. And all y This time I to think only of you my love. When I to go to bed I to think of you when I to wake up in the morning I again to think of you when I to sleep in dream I again to see you. MY LOVE MY IDEAS ARE FILLED ONLY with YOU And consequently I WANT TO BE With YOU And ONLY With YOU MY LOVE. My love I love only you and you always in my heart. My heart is beaten faster when I to see your letter and my heart speak with me that I should be only with you. My heart prompts me that these minutes to me very hardly only without you. You my big love and I love only you. My love I can not live without you because I LOVE ONLY YOU. YOU MY PRESENT And BIG LOVE. My love today I to rise in the morning and it shall seems to me that soon we together. My love I all this time to look and read books about love. And ii too to want the big and light love. I want to have with you the big and light love. My love I can not without you. I again and again to repeat as strongly I you I like also you my love. You my passion and you my love. My heart time speaks all this that I can not without and you.
My surname it is mixed with tatar and consequently such difference. You know that many nationalities in Russia and consequently many people speak on different languages. Some speak on tatar, Mordovian, Chuvash and many other nationalities. Russia the mixed country and consequently all surnames are hashed. At you probably on another and consequently. My love I to think that you have understood me and why my surname. But my name Russian and it sounds Anohina I think that you the Surname and a name can to learn to utter mine. Because I shall live only with you and we will have good family.
I WANT TO FALL In YOUR EMBRACES And I SHALL LOVE YOU. And YOU WILL LOVE ME. And WILL BE MUCH And MANY LOVE And UNDERSTANDING. Yes, I want to overcome this distance which prevent us to be together. And I shall make it for you my love. I shall arrive to you as soon as you can help me. I want to be with you and I to think that it not so long. YES, I WANT THAT YOU HAVE FILLED in MY SAFE LOVE And THEN I SHALL FEEL the BIG PASSION And the BIG HAPPINESS. I WANT IT And YOU MY LOVE. I WANT YOU And ONLY YOU MY LOVE.
My love I love you for ever and all this time to dream as we with you to walk together and to kiss. My present both big and strong love. You my pleasure and you my love. I all to dream as we together to go to restaurant and at us supper begins at candles. And then we to go in motel and to be engaged in love and you fill my safe and then I to feel the big happiness. I WANT IT MY LOVE. I WANT IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BECAUSE MY LOVE VERY MUCH And AM VERY STRONG To YOU. I TO BE MAD FROM LOVE. And MY GIRLFRIEND SPEAKS ME THAT I TIME TO SPEAK ALL THIS About YOU And I SHALL SPEAK THAT I With YOU. And the GIRLFRIEND MINE IS HAPPY THAT I TO FIND the LOVE. SHE the TRUTH IS VERY HAPPY FOR ME. BUT I AM EVEN MORE HAPPY BECAUSE I SHALL BE With YOU And I shall KISS YOU And TO TOUCH YOUR SHOULDERS. I SHALL LOVE YOU EACH DAY And EACH NIGHT And I WANT IT. My love I all this time to think of you and consequently I each day to look a mail and to check your letters and me very much and very much to like to do it because I always to look forward to your letter.
With this letter I send you a photo and him it is visible to us as I wish to be with you and it is a photo the photographer the professional did made and he is able to do make a beautiful photo and I paid to him for such good photos.
And when I with you my love I shall demand of you the KISS. But I know that you to take me gently for a waist and gently to kiss on the mouth in. I want it my love, but I understand that distance big. BUT I SHALL OVERCOME THIS DISTANCE And THEN I SHALL BE With YOU MY LOVE. My big love I shall name always " to you my love ", because to me very much to like to speak you words "love". Love this very surprising words and consequently I shall name always you so, my love. I always want to speak about love because I to consider that it is words To think up not simply so. This very fine words and me it is words very much and very much to like BECAUSE I IS REALLY IN LOVE With YOU. I love only you my big love and I to think of you these minutes and me now to want to embrace you and to kiss and kiss on the mouth directly in. I want to understand that you always beside and I want it my love. My love I to finish to write to you this letter, but I always and everywhere where I would not be I shall think of you.
Letter 16

Hello my loved Dale!
As your affairs. I very much miss on you. My dear, I very much would like to hear from you very pleasant news, But I should suffer and wait.
My lovely I very much do not have you near to me, I wait for the moment to be near to you. Ideas about you do not leave my head! And it comes to an end the good arrangement of my spirit! I frequently present, as your lips softly concern my lips!!! We leave this world, and us carries away in eternity! I so love this feeling! This feeling you has presented me! My feelings to you grow with extraordinary force! I so am grateful to destiny, that we had a meeting in the Internet. It has caused to opening in me of new magnificent feelings! And it makes my life, more beautiful and desirable. I think, that you will make me by the happiest woman in the world. I do not have words to express all feelings to you, I so would like to tell you, That I thirst for you and I wish constantly. But I do not know as I shall tell to you it when we shall meet. I would like, that you would caress me gently and tenderly, kissed all my body and lips burning from desire, But I do not know when it will take place. I want to thaw in your embraces as a slice of ice on the hot sun. To whisper to you words of love which would raise ours of flesh, I want to be given you all completely and nothing to leave to myself. I want, that your gentle hands would study all my body and to burn down in them from desire. I know only one you will present me many happiness and love. Now you may understand me why I do not have patience to wait??????????? I love you you the most tender, loved and desired.
With tenderness Nastya. P.S. I to understand, you and your fine letters, forgive, that I am impatient, but I can do nothing with myself as I a female nature I hope you understand me. Excuse, but your letter has come with a mistake and I have received only a part of the text.
Letter 17

Hello my love Dale. I waited for the moment when I again shall receive from you the letter and there has come this happy moment and I can learn that you think of my previous letter.
And at me the second life of a life has appeared. And I see that my life is not meaningful without you. Tomorrow I would shall call in the Your country embassy what to learn more particularly about the visa. I shall inform about results later. Unfortunately there are no friends which have left for, but I hope that I can learn details itself. I have told about us with you to the girlfriends, they are very glad that I have found the happiness, and that I shall leave to your country Certainly they will miss on me as well as my parents. Already it seems to me that we already so we are close with each other, as if the husband and the wife, only unfortunately, divided in huge distance. But not looking on it we should continue to love each other and to trust each other, you with me agree?
And today I have much more found out that is necessary to us that we were together and I found out full details as we should do make that I might receive the visa and it only all that to me it is necessary to receive my visa.
My aunt have connected with Embassy and there have said to her that it will be better for us with you, if I will have the visa of a tourist. This tourist visa, the visitor visa will valid during six months. On this type of visa I'll can travel till your country without any restrictions. The price of this visa, as aunt was informed in embassy, is 300 US dollars.
My dearest, in generally I'll need for 466 US dollars. It's certainly large money, you probably have thought what is it more than the total price of the visa and visa's registration, but I will must to get the foreign passport too of course the price of which is 80 US dollars. Also I will need to pay for medical exams too, it will be 66 dollars. By the way I will try to find the cheaper prices of the air ticket for the fling to you. I want to ask you, what is the nearest airport (name of the airport) from your city? Also, please, tell me about the approximate price of the airplane ticket too, ok? Please, i will need this datas!
My dearest Dale, if you will send me this so necessary funds for this documents, it will be better to do through a system of Western Union, I have interested about this at my relatives. As the relatives have said me, Western Union is the beterest and fast transfer system in the world. Also my love Dale, you will need in some datas from me, you will need my full name, if you remember, Nastya Zauzolkova, And also the country where it is necessary to do make remittance: My full name Nastya Zauzolkova
My country where it is necessary to specify this parcel sending of money RUSSIA Bank address
NIZHNY NOVGOROD , 603024 My dearest Dale, I want to ask you, when you will sent this recourses 300 dollars, it will be necessary for me, that you must to send me an important information which required at a parcel of money. As Frank said me, it is the control number which consist of 10 digits (Money Transfer Control Number-MTCN).
My love, I understand completely that it's a large money, but to me any more on whom I can to rely and on this I ask you about your help with this charges. My love, we are me and you love each other very much and we will together, simply, I sure in it my darling!!! I that cannot do with myself, it is love, she sings in me as a bird in the spring sky. I think that it is destiny, it can be dangerous, but I am madly in love with you. Your letters are filled with such heat and care, and at me tears of pleasure sometimes flow. I think " My God, that you have helped me to find thanks of my only thing and I hope that we shall incorporate to you and we shall be happy " I dream of our meeting and about that as we shall walk with you, to keep for hands. As we shall look after one after another and as we shall do love. I love you, I want you, you for ever in my heart, in my ideas. I dream as you will carry me on hands, to embrace me, to kiss and caress my gentle body. It is a pity that it is all dreams and whether it is fated to them to come true the God knows only. I hope soon to see your letter. YOUR NASTYA!!!
Letter 18

Hi my dear Dale. Why you have stopped to me to write to me, it seems, that you have forgotten me. I assume, that in you have happened probably you a problem at work... Write to me in what the reason of your silence.I so to miss and wait from you for the letter. Your silence is very hard for me. With impatience I wait your fast answer.
With love Nastya.
Created: 2006-07-29    Last updated: 2006-07-29    Views: 1467


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