Scam letter(s) from Jenny Jerome to Mario (Zimbabwe)

Letter 1
Hello Dearest One Good Morning to you and how are you doing over there in your county, it is just that I have been obliged to lay a mere trust on you due to my situation here in the refugees camp, Let me first of all reveal my self to you, and I require the best of your honesty after your knowing about me and whom I am, I really want and like us to have a good relationship in - spite of anything (age, distance or color) because I have this feeling that you are my man and you will not betray me, I decided to contact you because of the urgency of my situation here and after reading your profile (which will attract every reasonable human),i became interested in knowing you the more and also to trust you with my life . I am ( MISS.JENNY JEROME ) 23 years girl ft 5.8 from Democratic Republic of Cote d'Ivoire( IVORY COAST ) I am the only daughter of ( LATE DR.IBRAHIM JEROME ) ( LATE DR.IBRAHIM JEROME )is the deputy Minister of National security before his death, He was also Chairman Managing director ( JEROME AGRO COMPANY LTD ABIDJAN ) in the capital of my country. My father was killed along side with my beloved mother by some hoodlums, who parades themselves as political thugs they accuse my father of coup attempt ( which he never did ) In this last elections between President Laurent Gbagbo and his Dr. Alassane Ouattara election contested presidential which was hold 28 November 2010 and my parent where killed on December 05 2010 . It was only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country SENEGAL where i am leaving now as a refugee under a Reverend father's care and i am using his computer to send these message to you. I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. Attached here is my picture. Hoping to have positive response from you soonest. Your's lovely Jenny
Letter 2
Bonjour cherie cherie Bonjour et comment allez-vous aujourd'hui, je que vous etes beaux. Ma journee est tres ennuyeux ici a Dakar au Senegal. Par ici dans ce camp, nous trouvons qu'il est difficile de sortir, parce que nous ne sommes pas autorises a le faire, tout comme son sejour dans la prison et l espoir en l grace de Dieu va sortir plus tot ici grace a votre aide et d'assistance. Cheri, je suis contrainte de vous contacter en raison de la maltraitance que je recois de mes parents de mon defunt pere (depuis la mort de mes parents la fin) qu'elles envisageaient d'enlever tout mon defunt pere de la tresorerie et les proprietes de moi depuis la mort inattendue de mes parents bien-aimes. En attendant, je voulais echapper a l'Afrique de n'importe ou dans le monde, mais elle cacher mon passeport international et d'autres precieux documents de voyage. Heureusement, elle n'a pas decouvert ou je gardais mon dossier peres qui contient des documents importants de son acces, donc j'ai decide de courir a la (CCCAMP) avec l'aide de l'aide nationale unie ou je suis presentement a la recherche d'asile en vertu de l'organisme de charite prive pour la Republique du Senegal les refugies. Je tiens a vous contacter personnellement pour une relation a long terme qui peut nous conduire quelque part mieux si nous travaillons bien sur elle.J'ai trouve dans un des fichiers que mon pere de memoire benie depose la somme de (3.300.000.00 $ USD) trois millions trois cent mille dollars) dans une banque avec mon nom (MISS.JENNY JEROME) comme le plus proche parent que l' volonte personnelle de mon defunt pere a declare et un autre depot etait une boite de tronc qu'il a depose dans le cabinet prive en tant que boite a tresor de la famille dont le contenu de dollars environ dix millions de dollars Etat-Unis, mais ce que j'ai besoin de vous maintenant, c'est juste pour se presenter comme mon investisseur / partenaire dans ce moment de la reclamation de reclamer le depot de la premiere banque, quand j'arrive dans votre pays, nous pouvons aller ensemble a la revendication de la boite de tronc depose avec la firme privee volts. Cependant, je vais vous transmettre les documents necessaires et les contacts sur la confirmation de votre acceptation de m'aider pour le transfert et l'investissement du fonds dans la banque et voulez aussi vous me faire parvenir votre contact complet ou vous pouvez me joindre vrai ce telephonenombre (+221 773377682) S'il vous plait ce numero de telephone appartient au controleur de l'(CAMP CC) qui est en charge de cette organisation caritative privee, S'il vous plait appelez-moi par 1: PM jusqu'a 17 heures le temps GMT Senegal qui est notre temps libre la-bas dans ce camp organisation caritative privee, si vous appelez s'il vous plait dites le directeur que vous voulez parler avec moi, afin que il va envoyer pour moi de venir et de repondre a votre appel de la chambre d'hotel feminine 0004.

s'il vous plait appelez et envoyez-moi vos informations est tel que votre.
Noms _______________________
Adresse _____________________
Adresse du bureau _____________________
Telephone ___________________
Age _____________________
Years Of Ideal investissement _____________________ Comme vous pourrez egalement m'aider a investir le fonds et je tiens a terminer mes etudes tout sous vos soins, comme j'etais dans ma premiere annee a l'universite avant le debut de la crise qui ne cessait de me sans-abri, orphelin de pere et de mere ainsi. Apres la transaction que vous fera le necessaire pour mon voyage de vous joindre la-bas pour nous de partager ces sentiments de dans cet etat en ce moment. Vous placer le fonds pour moi ou si vous n'avez pas l'intention moi rester avec votre famille, Il me fera plaisir de vous indemniser a 30% du total des fonds pour vos services et le solde sera mon capital d'investissement pour la gestion immobiliere . C'est la raison pour laquelle j'ai decide de vous contacter. S'il vous plait toutes les communications devraient etre a travers cette adresse e-mail uniquement a des fins confidentielles et assurez-vous que vous gardez tout en vous depuis que je ne voudrais pas perdre le depot pour les organismes gouvernementaux ou aucun gouvernementales. Des que je recevrai votre reponse positive montrant votre interet je vais mettre les choses en action immediatement. A la lumiere de ce qui precede, je vous saurais gre d'un message urgent en indiquant votre capacite et la volonte de gerer cette relation et la transaction avec sincerite.

En attente de votre reponse urgente et positive. S'il vous plait ne garder ce que a votre auto, je vous prie de ne pas les divulguer jusqu'a ce que je viens a votre pays ou une fois l'argent a ete transfere sur votre compte. La banque est maintenant en attente pour moi de nommer mon partenaire. S'il vous plait veuillez m'aider et me aider, j'espere avoir reponse positive de plus tot que vous, je vous souhaite tout le meilleur. Cordialement,
Miss Jenny Hello Darling Sweetheart Good Morning and how are you today, l hope you are fine. My day is very boring over here in Dakar Senegal. Over here in this camp we find it hard to go out because we are not allowed to do so, its just like staying in the prison and l hope by God's grace l will come out here soonest through your help and assistance. Dearest, I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment I am receiving from my relatives of my late father ( since the death of my late parents ) they planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved parents . Meanwhile I wanted to escape from Africa to any where in the world but she hide my international passport and other valuable traveling documents . Luckily she did not discover where I kept my fathers File which contains important documents of his access , So I decided to run to the ( C.C.CAMP ) with the help of united national aid where I am presently seeking asylum under the Private charity organization for the Refugees Republic of Senegal. I wish to contact you personally for a long term relationship that may lead us to somewhere better if we work well on it. I found out in one of the files that my father of blessed memory deposited the sum of ( $3.300.000.00 USD ) Three Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ) in a Bank with my name ( MISS.JENNY JEROME ) as the next of kin as the personal will of my late father stated and another deposit was a trunk box that he deposited in with the private firm as family treasure box which content about $ Ten Million United state Dollar , But what i need from you now is just to stand as my investor / partner in this time of claim to claim the deposit in the bank first , when i arrive in your country we can go together to claim the trunk box deposited with private volt firm. However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents and contacts on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and investment of the fund in the bank and will also want you to send me your full contact or you can reach me true this telephone number ( +221 773377682 ) Please this telephone number belongs to the controller of the ( C.C. CAMP ) that is in charge of this Private charity organization ,Please call me by 1:PM till 5 PM Senegal GMT time that is our free time over here in this Private charity organization Camp ,if you call please tell the director that you want to speak with me so that he will send for me to come and answer your call from the female hostel ROOM 0004.

please call and send me your information's such as your.
Names _______________________
Address _____________________
Office Address _____________________
Telephone ___________________
Country _____________________
Age _____________________
Years Of Investment Ideal _____________________ As you will also help me in investing the fund and i will like to complete my studies all under your care , as i was in my first year in the university before the crisis started which kept me homeless,fatherless and motherless as well . After the transaction you will arrange for my trip of joining you over there for us to share this feelings of been in this condition right now . You will invest the fund for me or if you don't intend me staying with your family then It will be my pleasure to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my investment capital for real estate management . This is the reason why I decided to contact you . Please all communications should be through this email address only for confidential purposes and make sure that you keep everything within you since i will not like to lose the deposit for government or none governmental bodies . As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above , I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this relationship and transaction sincerely.

Awaiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to your self I beg you not to disclose it until i come over to your country or once the money has been transferred into your account. The bank is now waiting for me to appoint my partner. Please kindly help and assist me, i hope to have positive response from you soonest, i wish you all the best. Yours Sincerely,
Miss Jenny
Letter 3
Hello my Dearest Friend. I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the co-operation of a new partner from Paraguay. Presently I am in Paraguay with him for investing of the money. Meanwhile I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring and retrieving my late father's money to your account despite that it failed us some how. Now you need to contact Reverend Pastor as at the time that I was in Dakar Senegal, his name is Rev Godswill Matthew and his direct contact are as follow. Email address is ( )
Phone ( +221773377682 ) Ask him to kindly send you a certified bank draft of $120.000.00 (One and Twenty Thousand Dollars) which I prepared and kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter which later failed due to one thing or the other. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much no matter that you later stop writing to me but I am just doing this to let you know that I am still happy for you. so feel free and get in touched with Rev pastor Godswill and direct him where to send/post to you the bank draft/check Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy together after all the sufferings at that time. In the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which I and my new partner are having at hand. Remember that I had forwarded this instruction to the Reverend Pastor on your behalf, therefore make contacts with him for the delivery of the bank draft/check to you without delay. And please I want you to know that my new partner ( Mr Davis Alberto ) did not know about it besides I don't want anything that will make him to know, take care and do inform me once you gets in touch with the Reverend Pastor as I stated. Yours Lovely Friend
Miss Jenny.
Created: 2013-04-02    Last updated: 2013-04-02    Views: 1490


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