Scam letter(s) from Julia Miyhaleva to Phillip (USA)

Letter 1
Hello Phillip!
At you good mood? The past night I have spent in the house of my parents... I like to remain in the house of parents. I feel the little girl, my parents care of me. For example, yesterday mum has made the big supper. The whole evening we were behind a table... Talked much and had supper.
I did not see for a long time the daddy, and he asked me about work and about my life. Yesterday I have told to the daddy about ours with you dialogue.
Surprisingly, but mum spoke nothing to it... My daddy has asked, what is your name, and I have told, that your name "Phillip".
My daddy set to me many questions... It interested, how we have got acquainted? Where you work? Whether there are at you children?
I have sincerely answered the daddy its each question. Phillip, I have no secrets from my parents, and I think, that you do not become angry about me that I have told about you to the parents... My parents worry about me, and it my destiny is not indifferent.
Also I have told to my parents that is possible shortly, we with you will have a meeting... I have told, that I start to plan travel in USA.
The daddy and mum have warned me against possible disappointment. Also the daddy has told, that to it cases when girls from Russia fraudulently entice into other countries are known, and take away their documents, thereby doing the girl the ****** *****. I have hastened to calm my daddy.
I have told, that you absolutely normal man, and I am assured of your feelings. Also I have told to my parents about trust which exists between us.
Please, do not leave me one at the airport.. I trust you. We never met you, but we communicate, and you never deceived me. My vacation is very close, and it would be good, if we have spent them together. I think, that our meeting will be a fine gift for us. My words to you serious.
Phillip, you have already any plans for a vacation? I feel, that already well I know you. Your letters, give every day me fine mood.
You communicate with other girls? Please, sincerely answer me this question. I do not communicate with anybody, except you.
You the unique man in my life, and me are not necessary anybody another. I hope, my photo will give pleasure to your day today!
My parents have told Hello for you! I with impatience wait for your letter tomorrow. Sincerely, for ever yours Yulia
Letter 2
Hello favourite Phillip,
This night I had a fine dream. I have woken up with a happy smile and thoughts on you. We were together in my dream.
We very lovely talked and kept for hands. I was very happy. Since the morning at me good mood. In my city now cloudy weather, it is raining.
However, nothing can spoil mine moods today. I rejoice to that I have YOU. Phillip, for the sake of ours with you of happiness I am ready to change the life. I wish to be only with you. This morning I have visited travel agency. I talked with the employee of travel agency.
I managed to learn the information which is necessary for me for travel in USA. In travel agency I have explained, that I wish to arrive in USA not only for rest, but also for a meeting with the beloved. From my person the smile today does not vanish.
The employee of travel agency saw my pleasure and impatience to arrive in USA. To me set many questions me asked about duration of my travel in USA.
I had to answer many questions, but they were not difficult for me. We together with the employee of travel agency have come to conclusion, that for my travel in USA is better the type of the visa "Tourist" will approach. According to the visa "Tourist", I can be in territory USA within 90 days. Also I acquire the right to move on all territory USA. I will stay in USA for the term of 30 days. Phillip that I could arrive in USA, it is necessary for me to issue the visa. Visa registration passes in some stages. The travel agency has no powers to make out the visa.
It will be necessary for me to arrive to the city of Moscow and to visit embassy USA. As to me have told, visa registration will proceed approximately 5-10 working days. Now it is necessary for me to collect all documents which are necessary for visa registration. I should have photos, it is a lot of inquiries and also the inquiry from a workplace. It not a problem for me. All my documents are perfectly in order.
Also today I have asked about approximate cost of travel in USA. It is the important information for me. To me have told, that the visa costs 43 dollars USD, also I will need to pay filling of questionnaires in embassy. Together with the employee of travel agency we have counted up, and it has turned out, that for registration of the visa 200 dollars USD will be necessary for me.
Also I should live in Moscow. Most likely I will live in hotel or to rent a room because I do not have acquaintances in Moscow.
The last what I will require for arrival in USA, this acquisition of air tickets. Now I do not know precisely how many air tickets will cost..
Now I have some savings. I have 1200 dollars USD. It is enough this money that I have issued the visa, a vein in Moscow. Phillip, at me does not remain money to get air tickets. You can help to get to me air tickets? It is important, and I wish to pay the big attention to this question.
I cannot pay all expenses independently. I would not have now enough of money what to pay completely my trip. It is not a shame to me to speak to you about it. I trust you and consequently I ask you about the help. I consider that division of expenses for our first meeting will be correct step.
Now I do not know, will cost how many air tickets, it is necessary for me to learn about their cost. I plan to arrive to Moscow within several next days, it is necessary to submit documents to embassy on visa registration as I will learn cost of air tickets to speak you exact cost of tickets.
Our meeting the big step for us with you. It is necessary for me to be assured that you wait for me, and you will meet at the airport.
It is all information which to me managed to be learnt at the travel agency. I think, that cost of air tickets is not big, and you can help me with tickets.
Soon we with you will together. I have already prepared the report for my director. Likely already tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I can have a vacation, and I am ready to go to Moscow to visit embassy and to begin process of registration of the visa...
I with impatience wait for your letter. Please, write to me and tell, what you think of the information which to me managed to be learnt today?
Till now I am under impression of the dream. Phillip, I love you! Tonight I plan to come home and to begin clothes choice to arrive in USA.
I promise, that I will be the most beautiful girl at the airport and you will be proud of me! With Love, for ever yours Yulia
Letter 3
Hello Phillip,
Already evening. I have very much got tired today. I have left my city of Rybinsk in 05:00 mornings. Already in 9:20 mornings I was in Moscow.
I rented a room in apartment. One day of rent will cost for me 30 dollars. The mistress of apartment very good woman. Her name is Elena.
Phillip, today I have visited embassy and the airport. In embassy I have written the statement for visa registration. It was pleasant to me, that in the visa centre affable people work. To me have helped absolutely in all. I have given all necessary documents.
Also I have made photos for visa registration. In embassy to me have told, that I should get 2 air tickets. Air tickets are necessary for visa registration. The matter is that employees of embassy should be precisely assured of exact dates of my start and returning back to Russia.
Today I have visited airport Domodedovo, and have considered the prices for air tickets. A choice of air tickets very big.
The price was the main criterion of a choice of air tickets for me. It was necessary for me to find cheap air tickets.
The employee of the airport has helped me at a choice. Cost of one air ticket makes 490 dollars. It is necessary for me to have 980 dollars that I could get air tickets. Phillip, already I said to you, that your help will be necessary for me. Now I do not have money to get air tickets.
I have paid registration of the visa and the medical insurance in embassy. Also I have paid residing at a room. I now had 340 dollars, but these are necessary day for me to live in Moscow. While I will not arrive to you. You can help to get to me air tickets? Already I said to you, that I should get air tickets in Russia. Today I also have visited bank. It was necessary for me to learn, how I can receive from you money.
Never earlier I faced it. In bank to me have explained, that in the World there are many systems for remittance.
We can use Western Union that you have transferred money from USA to Russia, and I have got air tickets.
Now I will tell to you the information which is necessary for you that you could transfer the help to me.
MOSCOW, an index 119048,
Yulia Miyhaleva
After you will transfer me the help, the employee of bank will inform you MTCN. You should tell to me MTCN that I could receive your help.
I hope that you have understood me. When I can receive your help? Visa registration difficult process. Not to each girl can give out the visa to arrival in USA. Already my visa is in process of registration. I am glad to that I managed to begin process of registration of the visa.
I hope, that very soon we with you will together. I have very much got tired today. I will go to sleep now. I write to you from the cafe Internet.
Moscow very big city. Please, do not leave me without your letters. I am perfect one here, and your support is necessary every day for me.
I love you! I do not have photos now to send to you. All my photos remained at home. I wait your letter tomorrow. Yours, Yulia
Letter 4

Hello favourite Phillip,
Past night I thought of us with you much. We with you managed to create our love union. I wish to be only with you. Phillip when I think of the future, I always represent you. I cannot present the life without you. You have changed my life. I feel very happy now. You have brought pleasure in my life. In my life there was a sense after you have appeared in my life. In the letter it is very difficult to express the feelings. I will arrive to you, and I will prove you the love. I wish to look in your eyes, and I wish to speak to you about the feelings. Now between us the distance but is fast we can together. Our feelings will help us to overcome distance between us. Our hearts nearby. Now we needed to unite only ours with you hearts. You represent our meeting? Phillip, I at all do not know, how I will behave, when we will meet. I only know, that I will be the happiest girl in the whole World. Likely on my eyes there will be tears in day of our meeting... Please, do not pay attention. It will be pleasure tears. I the sentimental and fragile girl. Phillip I have informed you the information on air tickets. We with you a meeting is already planned. My parents know that I will arrive to you. I do not wish to change plans now. Besides I have already paid visa registration. We have decided to meet in your country and I do not wish to change our plans. When we will be together, we can plan our future. Also we can plan our second meeting in Russia. It will be good. It is necessary for me to receive from you the help for purchase of air tickets now. It is important! I should buy air tickets in the near future. In embassy me already ask about when I will buy air tickets. I do not wish to delay it. I am afraid, that I will have problems with visa registration.
YOU are going to transfer to me money? I wait your letter. Please, send to me a copy of the receipt,
Which to you will be given by operator Western Union then I can take all information which is necessary for me
For reception of your help. Ok? I wait your letter. I plan to buy air tickets as soon as possible. I should receive your help. Ok? I will buy air tickets right after how I will receive your help. I will write you the letter and I will tell lists of the flight. That you could meet me at the airport. Our love will help us to be together! Now I in Moscow... I love you! I wait your letter. Kisses... With love, for ever yours Yulia.
Letter 5
Hello my darling Phillp,
I now have some times read your letter. You do not trust me? You speak that I wish you to deceive? The darling I very strongly now am upset to hear from you such words in my address.
Always I was sincerely before you and always I spoke you the truth. I do not say lies to you. Please trust in me. I now cannot independently get air tickets. All my savings are spent for official registration of papers. As I have paid residing at Moscow. Washing the visa already in the end of this week it will be ready also to me now it is necessary to buy tickets.
I require your help. If you do not trust me. That I would ask you that you have contacted mine travel agency and have paid my air tickets. What do you think? You can pay my air tickets in travel agency? I wait from you for the letter. Yulia
Letter 6
Hello Phillip,
I have attentively read your letters some times. The darling you know nothing from for that ?? that not attentively read my letters or do not understand me.
I to you have told that I will arrive for 30 days. I take off from airport Domodedovo the city of Moscow. It is necessary for you to contact my travel agency with Svetlana Sergeevna.
She is engaged in my documents. As she knows whence a start and what number. It is not necessary to lift now a panic and to speak that you you know of nothing.
It is necessary to read attentively that that I speak to you. I now in Moscow and I have not left in the city as I make out the urgent visa. My visa will be already ready this week.
You understand me? Now it is necessary for you to contact mine travel agency and to pay my reserved air tickets. In agency all will explain to you.
Here mail of my agent Svetlana Sergeevna I with huge impatience wait ours with you a meeting. I wait your letter! Sincerely, yours Yulia.
Letter 7
Darling Phillip,
I had 1200 dollars. I have paid a room in apartment till September, 23rd. As has paid official registration of papers. Has made pictures on documents has paid the visa and the insurance. I still had 340 dollars. Every day at me leave money for journey, the public Internet of cafe, meal. I try to save now on all.
Now I still had 314 dollars. This money is necessary for me while I will not arrive to you. You understand me. I would not ask your monetary help if I had money.
I ask your help not for myself. I ask you to help to buy to me air tickets what I have arrived to you. I will spend uniform dollar for myself. You understand me.
Our meeting now depends on you. It is necessary for me to pay for air tickets of 980 dollars. You understand me? I will arrive to you for 30 days, instead of 90 days.
90 days are term of my visa. It operates 90 days. You have not correctly understood my last letter. I hope now could explain to you? My time on the Internet expires.
I am compelled to finish an Internet session what not to pay still money. I will wait for your letter tomorrow. Already late I am going to go to have a rest. Yours Yulia
Letter 8
Hello Phillip.
The darling I have read now your letter. I do not know what now to tell to you and what to do. The darling I hope that you will find a way to help me. Yulia
Created: 2013-09-24    Last updated: 2013-09-24    Views: 1387


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