Scam letter(s) from Svetlana Kovalenko to John (Germany)

Letter 1
Hi John, so interesting and nice to start communication this way , i never tried. Anyway who knows maybe something will be possible between us .
I just write you short note and glad you gave me you e-mail, i hope to see your news and let me know when you receive it and write me something more of you, would be also glad to see some photos.
Thank you, Sveta.
Letter 2
Hello John,
Thank you so much for your photos and this attention.I was very happy to know more of your life and glad you decided to tell me a lot. ;)
Well it is always hard to describe and tell about my self, and i will try to tell you what i think would be interest for you. I live as you maybe remember in Ukraine, my city is not big , Gorlovka. I am 32 years old, but soon , 3 of May will have Birth Day and grow up for one more year! Time is go on so fast!
My work is accountant , and i work on government organization. I like my work, but it is a very responsible.
I have been married, but we divorce last year. I can tell you that my life was like a dream,my ex husband was wealthy person and we could allow ourselves a lot of things,travelling, good clothes and good life, but after few years of this illusion of happy life, i got to know he has a lot of lovers , and all this years cheated me .It was painful to know this, and on that moment i realize that money and rich life cannot bring a lot of happy.
I leave everything, i felt my self hurt so much and want to forget about this,and decided to start new life, from new sheet. And now i am in a searches of good man, who can show me real love, real me . ;) So decided the first time to register on dating site, as met many people who met their half part exactly here . So maybe i will be one of them. ;))
John, i wish you a very good day and hope we can keep in touch more and more.
Letter 3
Hello John,
You know i am optimist in my life and i know that something much more better and pleasant is waiting for me in a future! And soon i will be the happiest girl in the world.;))
I am active person and after my work, i can go to cafe with my friends, stay at home, reading some good book, enjoy the time watch Tv or go to gym! All depends from my mood.;)
Travel from Ukraine to John i think is not difficult, open visa is possible. Do you want to meet in Germany ? :)
I don't have Skype unfortunately, as i use the help of the work computer to be able to write! Is it not a problem i hope. ;??
I wish you good day and waiting for your news.
Letter 4

Hello John,
Thank you for your inviting , i would love to see John!
Well as for time to prepare, i need to know first how much will be cost the trip.
I need it . And maybe you write me first the name of an Airport where you can meet me?
Vacations i can take any time, it is not a problem for me.
I also would love to hear your voice and speak by the phone, it would hurry up our communication! So give me please your phone number. ;)
All letters i write you by myself, se seems my English is not so bad!
John, i will find out the tickets to John and will let you know. ;)
What are your plans at the weekends?What are you going to do ?
I wish you nice evening, Sveta!
Letter 5
Hello John,
I thank you for your phone number and this news, i would love to see your place and travel to you, as i think in your country it is much more safe now than in Ukraine, and Donetsk is also might be not safe, as there are a lot of meetings every day! So i think would be better if i come to you!
I talked with the agency , the approximately cost for the trip to John will be cost 900 euro! This is the price for the whole trip, they will open the visa for me, and book the tickets! I don't have enough money for it, now i can have the only
around 250 euro! I don't know how to be . ;(
John, talking by the phone is good idea, i don't have Skype, but have mobile number and hope you can call me.
There is my number: +380933274219
I will be happy to hear your voice and hope you can call me soon.
Letter 6
Hello my dear John,
Thank you John for your attention, for your call and for this letter! I am very happy that with each more day we become closer to one another! I am thinking about you a lot and hope we can meet so soon and hope can learn if we match one another!
John, darling, i think the best way to know one another would be real meeting. ;)
As for your questions about the visa, well it is possible to open it, is not a problem as i already did it So they will open it during 7 days , and it will be valid 1 month . I can stay with you two weeks, i talked with my boss about the vacations , so i can take them for 2 weeks. I hope it might be good for us??
As for my family, well i also happily have both my parents alive, i am the one child in my family and don't have brothers and sisters! My parents live near the city where i am, in small village, many years ago they stay there , as they don't work any more and on pension, so they live in nature , make some vegetable and fruits garden! I love that time when i come to them at the weekends and see how they are do something and move, i am sure life is always a move! And they feel them self happy. ;) I wanted to have younger sister, but they could not allow any more kids . So i am happy i have them, and i also have grandfather! He lives with them and so old, he is 75 years old and he is a very funny and optimist!!! ;)
I did not have kids and i think it is a very serious and important question, and depends from the both partners! And as for me i want to have maybe kids, but want my future man want the same.;)
John, i like you and i hope we organize our meeting soon, we are not small kids and think can make all decision by ourselves! Right ?
I have to come back my work, another way my boss will see i am not working and might be angry on me. ;)
I send you all my kisses and hugs , Sveta!
Letter 7
Hello John ,
Thank you for your news and i also like to talk with you by the phone and i like that we continue this and become closer! ;)))
John, darling , i am afraid i cannot open the visa by my self right now, i talked with the travel agent and they told me they can help for the visa, but it will be cost around 250 euro! And right now i don't have this money to pay for it .
I don't know what to do, the financial situation in Ukraine is a very hard and it makes me so upset! ;)))
i hope we can keep in touch with you some more and i hope for your support! I have much work and have to finish my letter today , but i am waiting for your news, kisses, Sveta!
Letter 8
Hello my dear John,
My darling, i was in a gym in the evening , and than i saw you called me so late , and i was slept already! I hope that we can talk today! Maybe you can call me during the day?
John, i tried to explain you, i don't have Skype. And opportunity to see you this way!
I also cannot understand why you need my address and the name of an agency?
I am really sorry , John, but right now my situation with the money is a very bad and i cannot find an extra money to make a visa . I am so sorry i asked for your help, i think i should not do this.
Letter 9
Hello John,
I am very upset you have so much big doubts about me and my reality!
I am really want to know you , meet and spend time closer! I hope we can do it in a near future .;))
John, but i cannot find the way to see you in the online. I am very sorry , but my life changed a lot . Ad now i cannot allow my self many things.
I am sad, you think so badly, This is awful.
Letter 10
Hello dear John,
I want to believe on all what you tell me and also hope we will find the way to meet! I am thinking about you so much and i hope that everything will be fine.
But you must to understand that not all people are so bad as you think .
I want to wish you Happy Easter and send you all my hugs!
Will be waiting for your news on Monday!
Letter 11
Hello John,
How are you ? How was your weekends and Easter ?
I hope you spent lovely time with your friends.
I am waiting for your news, Sveta!
Letter 12
Hello my dearest John,
Thank you for your news, i am fine and my weekends passed well and it was lovely to spend time in a circle of my family, we had a lot of fun!;))
I love Easter Holidays a lot, and we had so much rest and relax.It was lovely. ;)
Dear John, i talked with the agency and you are right the prices are from 300 till 400 euro , we can chose any between them !This way together the whole trip will be cost around 600 euro .
About the way to send money , maybe we can use Western Union or Money Gram ? I heard this is fast and easy way to send money to any part of the world.
let me know your ideas and thoughts , ok?
Send you my kisses, Sveta!
Letter 13
Hello dear John,
I am thinking about you and your voice and want to believe that we
can meet sooner than the only end of the June.;) John, i also talked with the boss
and i have to plan summer vacations now, and if we anyway decide to meet the end of June it is better to make the visa beforehand and book tickets, as closer to the dates of the flight the prices would be high , and as you know summer is a seasons of the people who are want to take vacations and rest , we have to do it beforehand . It would be better!
I hope you will have some rest as work too much . ;)
I am thinking about you and will be waiting for your positive news and hope we will plan soon all.
Kisses, Sveta!
Letter 14
Hello John,
How are you?How is your days?
I can take holidays few times per year! But need to talk about it with my boss.
As for the flight , i was looking for from Kiev Airport and not Donetsk!
I am really would like to meet you and visit John! I hope you want the same.
I am waiting or your news and thoughts.
Letter 15
Hello John,
Yes my darling Dontesk is closer to me, but this is not an Internationale Airport , the prices from there are higher and the trip will be longer , so much more better to use it in Kiev!
As for the second mail, there is my working one . I don't use it very often and
communicate with you from my private one.
Darling i cannot understand the way you will use to be able to send me the money! Can you please explain to me all this ?
About the copy of the passport , i can send it to you but i need to scan it first , and why you also need it? I don't understand why you need address of my work . You confused me with all this, you want from me so much private details but don't explain me anything. I think i have a right to know this.
Dear i could not speak yesterday evening, i was at work, have some problems here , so came back too much late .
About the site , it is open when i am open Internet , so i am not sit there all the time.
I want to believe you are honest and open with me.
Letter 16
Hello my dear John,
I want to speak with you , but yesterday i had cJohny day at work and came home very late! I think it is difficult to understand but this is my life, and i could not speak with you yesterday! I am not consider you a fool. i like you and want to meet you!
About the meeting, i did not say that i don't trust you, i just cannot understand anything , you ask me some information bot don't explain for what you need it . I think i have a rights to know of it, isn't it?
As for the bank account, i don't have it, because i never need it in my life. So we have to find some another way for this . As i already told you it would be easy to use Money Gram or Western Union! Tell me your thoughts , please!
My information :
Full name: Svetlana Kovalenko
Address: country : Ukraine , city: Gorlovka, street Artema ,17
I will be waiting for your news and hope for the honest your words i believe them.
Letter 17
Hello John,
your silent make me so much sad! I am happy when you write me something, but today i did not receive anything from you . I hope your weekends passed well. i am waiting for your news as soon as possible and send you all my hugs and kisses, your Sveta!
Letter 18
Hello dear John, ;)
i just was worry you did not write to me anything, even some small few words. Anyway thank you for you are here now.
I want to see you too and there is an information you asked:
1.i attached the file with my copy of the passport work address is: 84624,city Gorlovka , str. Bessonova , 28
3. Name of the western union , i don't understand what is it, i got to know you can send me the money by it and i can receive them on any branch in my city!
So i will be waiting for your news. ;)
You make me smile by tell me about spy!!! I hope so you are not him!;))
I am thinking of you and waiting for your soon news, Sveta .
Letter 19
Hello John ,
Thank you darling for your news and all this information. ;)
So thank you for your care and help, i received them and i will go to the Travel Agency on Friday , as you see tomorrow we will be celebrate holiday in Ukraine and nobody work. But i will be with you on Friday as always ! ;)))
I am thinking about you and sure this meeting will be special. ;)
I send you my kisses and hugs, waiting for your news, Sveta! ;)
Letter 20
Hello my dearest John,
I am thinking about you a lot and i hope you spent nice holiday in your country and had a lot of rest! ;))
Sweet , i am agree with you and sure we need first to make clear when the best time for us to meet, i talked with my boss and i can take vacations any time.
I think maybe the end of may ? What do you think of it?
My darling i need the exactly name of an Airport and also the dates! So please let me know also your ideas. ;)
I send you many kisses, your Sveta!
Letter 21
My dear John,
Thank you for your news and this wishes.I also want to believe and hope
the next time we will spend wonderful time just together and enjoy my Birth Day!!! I was thinking of you a lot last evening.
Thank you sweet for the information as for the Airport! And also the dates are most comfy for you .
Well i don't want to come just for few days, also i don't want to wait for so long, so i think the option about me come to you on 1 of July and maybe stay together around for 2 weeks or 10 days would be ideal. How you think ?
I also talked with the agency , so they told me the tickets will be cost around from 580 euro till 765 euro, the prices are different and depends from the many condition, we can chose any between them .
John, also the medical insurance will be cost 30 euro , i am ready to buy the trip and start process of the open the visa, sweet if you agree with the dates and also if you can help me with the money to buy tickets and insurance .
I cannot wait to see you and i want we to spend amazing and romantic time.
I am thinking of you, your Sveta.
Letter 22
My dear John,
i am thinking about you a lot and so much happy to see your mail, i hope we can enjoy soon wonderful time closer! i want this much . ;)
John, darling. i also as promised talked with the agency and talked again about the trip. And my dear i was wrong the information i gave you, the prices are correct but they are high than you found because they also include transfer from my city to Kiev , as i will fly from Kiev Airport! So that's why the price are high .
But this is the most cheaper i could found 580 euro! And i hope you will not be mind if we book it .;)
My days are fine i have a lot of work, the situation is hard , but in my city all is calm right now.I hope for the best and that everything will be fine .
At my Birth Day i spent time with my friends in small cafe.It was lovely.
But i missed you, i hope we can celebrate together my birth day also.
I kiss you and send you all my hugs, your Sveta!
Letter 23
Hello my dearest John,
My sweet when you called me yesterday i was in a bus , and there were a lot of people so i could not pick up the phone .
Darling, as for the visa, you see i cannot make first visa, as visa must be open on a base of the tickets! And as i wrote you yesterday i also have to buy tickets , As for the price, as i told you this is two way tickets to you , also two way tickets to Kiev and back to my city and also medical insurance. The whole price, that's why it is higher!
I don't want we to have some misunderstanding between one another! I want we to be closer and meet so much soon .
So i am waiting for your news. kiss you, Sveta .
Letter 24
My dear John, i am waiting for your news, but you are silent. Are you al right ???? I hope you will give me new soon.
Waiting for your answer , Sveta .
Letter 25
John, darling, i am waiting for your news and hope for the best!
Kiss you, Sveta.
Letter 26
Hello my dearest John,
I hope all will be done today! I am waiting for your news, send you my kisses and hugs, your Sveta!!!
Letter 27
My dear John,
I don't know whom you calling and when, but i did not receive any calls from you . And it makes me sad now read all this words and your doubts! Did i deserve all this ? I want to meet you so much and i want we to be closer! i want we to spend lovely time ,and i cannot understand why you complicate all. And now you want me to send photo to prove you my reality ?
I cannot believe this and all this because of the money ????
I don't want to believe on it .
Letter 28
My sweet John, thank you for this information and news, i was at the bank and everything passed well, i received them! So i thank you for it and so happy,i will go to the agency tomorrow and will let you know all details. ;)
Kiss you and wish you lovely day!
Your Sveta.
Letter 29
My dear John, i am thinking about you and want we to be closer sooner.
My sweet i had a very busy day and so much tired, so did not have time to go to the agency and my darling, sweet but before i need you again to tell me an exactly dates and one more time the right name of an Airport , i want to make clear all before book the trip and not be alone. So please let me know about it .I am waiting for your soon news, kiss you, Sveta.
Letter 30
Hello my dear John,
Thank you for your lovely photo, so cold there behind you ..brrr....
I am so happy we finally have a spring , and so everything green and blossom, this is my favorite season.
So my sweet i was at the agency and booked the trip, as you wrote to me on a 2 of July, and till 16 of July, we will spend together two amazing weeks.
I cannot wait this . ;)
You are in my mind and thoughts and sure it would be special for us!
So sweet i will come to Airport on 10.00 in the morning , by Austrian Airlines , Terminal 2! I hope you will be waiting for me there .
I cannot wait this and already stared nervous!
You are in my mind and i am so happy.
kiss you and wait for your news, your Sveta.
Letter 31
Hello my sun John,
Thank you my sun for your news, i am happy to see them and miss your photos, you did not send me any for a long time. Please send me them again . Ok?
John, darling as for the copy of my tickets ,i will try to send you them, but think only on Monday! I will try to do this and send to you .
I also cannot wait to see you and enjoy the time .
What are your plans at the weekends?Are you going to do something special??
I wish you a very nice time and hope to see your news on Monday!
Kiss you, your Sveta.
Letter 32
Hello my dear John, ;)
i loved the photos you sent me, thank you for them!! ;) You make me smile a lot and of course i will send you mine too. ;))
My sweet , you are in my mind and at the weekends i was dreaming how we will spend our time together! How we will enjoy the time, rest , it would be so special time for us, for sure . ;)
Honey and today i went to the agency , and they told me one more thing , Embassy made a request , that i need to send them travel checks for open the visa and prove my solvency , so this way i have to buy this checks for a sum of 1000 euro ! This money i only need to show that i can afford my self travelling and prove my solvency! Honey i hope for your help and support me with this, as without this i am afraid i will not be able to open the visa.
John, darling i want you to understand that i don't have to spend this money for any reasons, i only just have to show them. And when i come to you i will give you this money back .
I hope for your help and understanding .
Send you my kisses and waiting for your soon news, Sveta.
Letter 33
Hi dear John, i am thinking about your words, and i want to believe that we will meet finally
I wish you lovely day!!!
Kisses, Sveta.
Letter 34
Hello my dear John, i am really hope we can meet with you and spend wonderful time closer!
I made a copy of the tickets and want to send you them.I hope you will understand i am serious of you . And also i hope we can communicate with the help of this e-mail,as it is private e-mail.
As for the second phone number: +38066-55-17-628 this is also my work number.
About your coming to Kiev, i told you if you want Embassy put me refuse we can wait till you come and bring the money . But i will not be able to come with you and travel to you , if want everything will be burn, you are welcome here .
I am waiting for your answer and news, Sveta.
Letter 35
John, i am very upset about your words and you are torture me, if i knew you will be reproach me on this money i, i would never tell you about my problems.
I don't have the opportunity to come, and today my travel agent told me if we don't send travel checks to Embassy they will refuse me in a visa.
So it is up to you what we will do the nest .
Letter 36
I am disappointed on you . I told you the agency did not give me the money back. So i will safe and when i will have this sum of money i will send them to you! You only have to wait some time.
You are very rude and i think now you show me really you
Created: 2014-06-05    Last updated: 2014-06-05    Views: 1486


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