Scam letter(s) from Olivia to Jason (USA)

Letter 1
Hi Jason! Have good day!. The computer in service of acquaintances found to me some profiles of people which coincide with my inquiry. I preliminary studied them and has decided to send you to the first the message because your structure seems to me more interesting. I hope, that You have time to send me some messages that we could it is better to find out each other. I shall tell a little about myself: my age of 25 years old , My friends name me Olivia to me so it is pleasant more name than me so. I was not married and I live in an apartment of my parents. Some years, after the ending of training I work as the children's dentist. To me to like productive leisure, periodically go in for sports for maintenance of a body. I like to travel and be in different places, but my work does not allow me to do it frequently. I have many friends, we sometimes together spend time, play billiards and tennis, we have other entertainment. I send you the picture that you knew my person. Also I want to ask you to send me some pictures of you. Please ask things interesting you about me and inform me some The information on you: what you love an entertainment? What your character? What You love qualities in women? Whether You had the wife?
I shall answer on your questions and to inform you it is more about itself in following e-mail! I shall be to wait for your messages. Mine address is Your friend Olivia.
Letter 2
Hi Jason! Have good day! Jason, you ask, where I live - to regret it is far from you.I like various music, to me to like to listen to classical music, rock-n-roll, POP, and much all another.Otherwise it was not necessary for us much e-mail, to learn each other. I live in an average part of Russia, in city Aznakaevo . But if we shall decide to meet, I hope, that it not will be a problem for us because I have made a little travel to other countries. I was in the several countries of Europe; for example Turkey, Italy, Germany. I made these travel as tourist. Therefore Jason, you should not have excitement be relative that we not beside. I such woman, that if I shall like the person for a meeting I shall reach even on the moon. Besides in our days is not a problem to make such travel. I not I worry about it and I have necessary feelings to get acquainted and it is possible To have relations with the person of other state. It is very interesting - Other culture, thinking, traditions. For me this new - probably and you Jason Can learn , that such the Russian woman. I wait for yours e-mail, my American friend. Yours Olivia
Letter 3
HI Jason! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. You have not sent a picture of you, please make it. I shall wait a picture of you. Jason, You e-mail means for me, that I too was interesting to you. You really Jason, see a picture of me nice? - OK, in the following messages I shall send you other pictures of me. Jason, at me is present to you it is a lot of questions and I would like to ask them in the messages, I hope you will allow to me answers to them - OK? You for me the nice person, And on this for me it is important to know your opinion on some things. In Russia to live very hardly. I very much like my work. But at me very small salary. I very much want you to learn better. You very much like me. I think, that you read my structure and could see there, that I haves serious intentions to get acquainted with the good person for relations . I shall try to tell a little about my character. I do not know as it to start, I think, that I very romantic person. I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me good humour. I very much appreciate such qualities in people, as fidelity and honesty. I believe in love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected. I very much The jealous person. I adore, when to me pay compliments and is ready to listen to them indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness and the order, I frequently am engaged cleaning. Also to me to like to prepare for a meal, various tasty things. It is pleasant to me romantic relations between the man and the woman, but probably all women dream to get acquainted with good person to have with him beautiful romantic relations. But frequently such things come to an end very quickly. I have no intention to spend myself on such acquaintances. While I have not met In the life of such person to which I would decide to give myself and the life. But me it would be desirable to find such person. I think, that for the woman the main thing to have in a life not career or other success, and strong family and the favourite person beside what to care of him.
Tell please, you dream to meet what woman in the life? Excuse Jason, that I ask you to discuss such frank thing with The person whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to know It about you.
I have shortly written to you my outlooks on life if to you there will be it interesting, that we can discuss these themes in more detail then. I shall wait for yours e-mail. Yours faithfully Olivia
Letter 4
Hi Jason. I am glad to receive again your message, every day we start to learn each other better and for me it is an interesting. Last time at me on soul is present boredom, not occurs any joyful things and your message now for me as a solar beam. Jason, thanks, that you wrote to me some answers to my questions. Yours e-mail what you the person gradually helps me to understand. Thanks for photos they very much like me. You it is similar to me. Lovely I search in attitudes for honesty fidelity validity care. That you me about it have asked thanks. You the unique person which have asked me about it. I am very glad to this. It is interesting to me that you search in attitudes. I want to find the half both to create family and to get children two or three. And to live with loved for a long time and happily. Jason I send you other picture of. I hope, that it will be to like you. Tell to me more in detail about the family. Whether it is a lot of at you relatives? What at you with them of the relation? As frequently you gather? In my family very much close relations. I to you already informed, that I live with mum and the daddy. We live in a cosy apartment, where there are three inhabited rooms, and as kitchen, a balcony and a bathroom. I have a room. I the only child at the parents. A name my father is Ivan, him 57 years old and he works as mechanic. My mother Vera, her 52 years old. Now she does not work some years and she engaged in housekeeping. We like each other, sometimes we are chosen for city for an entertainment. In the summer we go on a beach and on fishing. During the winter period of time we go for a drive on skates and a ski. This good time for me! In private life I have emptiness. Last relations at me were the last year. One was the boyfriend, but I have left him. we did not like each other and had various interests. Among associates of me of people I cannot allocate anybody for serious relations. Good men to become it is ever less and annoyingly in Next time to test disappointment when you think that has met the suitable person. Likely therefore I also have addressed in service acquaintances. Probably here I can find the person who will be me to love, appreciate and understand. It is not important for me his financial situation and work by which he makes. I shall be ready to give myself all without the rest to such person and I think, that the main advantage of the woman is fidelity and skill To make family happy, without quarrels and conflicts. On it I finish the letter.
Jason, write to me the ideas that I has told to you. I wait for your messages. Yours Olivia
Created: 2019-12-17    Last updated: 2019-12-17    Views: 1249


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