Scam letter(s) from Ludmila Konstantinova to Dave (USA)
Letter 1
Hello my sweet angel!!!!!
I am indefinitely glad to receive from you new letter !!!!
How you lovely??? At me all is good!!! I feel the happy person.
I already for a long time did not test this feeling. And you probably understand why. >From the moment of the beginning of our correspondence something in me has changed I again began to be pleased lifes.It is possible to tell you have returned me to life and now I do not think any more that all hopelessly!!!
I again believe in sincere feelings I believe in kindness and love! You the wizard which has cured me.
Lovely mine from this moment I only yours and only yours. I already of anybody do not think except for you!!!
All my fears gradually leave and are replaced with a warm feeling to you.
Loved if the destiny of us will reduce also we shall be together that I promises that always I shall be a line and always I shall support you.
And there should be people which like each other should be together both in mountain and in pleasure.
It is a pledge of happy family, and the family needs to be valued!!!
As I already spoke this most important to you. Family for me something the greater than relations between two people.Now I can tell that you arrange me on all parameters.
You are beautiful also you clever as you are very kind!! That I search for this that in the person!!
That I searched for all I have found in you! I hope that you too have found that that searched in me.
I not an ideal but I very much want to like you because I every day think of you more and more and all I fall in love with you more. You may tell that it not probably! But then I do not know as still it is possible to explain that that I see only your image before eyes. Also I think only of you each day.
I even itself am afraid of the feelings slightly, I am afraid because I think that probably you not so concern to me as I to you.
I shall be quiet then when you will tell me that you feel to me. When you will tell that I really something mean for you.
This such remarkable feeling to know that someone at the other territory of the ground loves you and requires you.
Let even you do not see this person but you feel him.
And even distance not a problem because I from its part would make all to be with my loved person.Though sometimes it not in my forces the help also is necessary. But I think love it also mutual aid.
I at once can see to `j the person to concern to me. If he aspires to me to aspire to see me a beside that it means that he has feeling to me. Loved I think that to me is time to finish this letter!
I would not like it to do but it is time to me to go.
I shall wait your answer with the big impatience.
It is important for me to know that you think of that that I have written!
Gently whole you and strong I embrace.
Send the regards to your family from me.
Your Natasha!
Letter 2
Good morning, my lovely man. Thanks for your kind letters so much. I`m the happiest woman that you write me almost every day and you don`t forget me. My darling I told you that I would write you every day in my last letter. Please excuse me that I haven`t kept my words. But I hope that you don`t mad at me. I just was very busy with my job. I told you that I had to do a lot of things after the holidays. So last 3 days I spent a lot of time there and it`s so sad that I hadn`t time to go to the internet cafe and to write you. But now I promoise you that I`ll write you every day. You know I`m so tired with my work and it`s so sad that you aren`t with me to make me relax to forget about all difficulties. All that time I thought of you only because thoughts of you don`t leave my heart and my mind. You`re in my soul my darling so I think of you only, my love. You know yesterday there was Old New Year in Russia. It`s called so according the old calendar. So yesterday I had a lot to do at my job and I was very tired. I hadn`t good mood and after the work I was going home to have a supper and I wanted to fall asleep immidiatly. But when I was going to leave my friends called me because they wanted to take me with them to spend this time together. Oh I forgot to tell you that this holiday isn`t official and we haven`t day off. It`s the same working day as others. So at first I didn`t want to go with them because I was down and I didn`t want anything but you. But you know my friends are so kind so they called on me and took me with them. But now I don`t regret that I went with them. We spent this time together at a restaurant eating, drinkin some wine and talking. I must thank them because they take me from boring evenings at home. But as usual it was so sad that you weren`t with me. I wish you could meet my friends and to join us when we`re together because my friends are so kind and good people. I know that you would like them and I`m sure that they too. Well it`s enaugh about me. Please tell me how were your days? What did you do? How is your job and family are going?
My love it`s great that you want to arrive to me and take me back with you. It`s so great. But you know there are some problems. You know you need an invitation letter to arrive to me and it costs much. I don`t think that you want to spend the money on it. Then when we`ll go back to you we need so many documents for it. It`s very hard to get out from Russia. Besides if you ariive to me I don`t want to live in my flat because it`s small and we`ll disurb my mother. No doubts she`ll be happy to meet you because I told her about you and she likes you very much. But we`ll have to find an apartament in my city and it costs very much too. You know I have a friend at the travel agency and I called him and he told me that it would be easier for me to come to you and it`ll be more cheaply. My darling what do you think? I must tell you that I miss you so much and I think of you all the time.
Created: 2006-08-29 Last updated: 2006-08-29 Views: 1503