Scam letter(s) from Natalia Hayrutdinova to Mark (Australia)

Letter 1

Hi Mark! How are you?
I am very glad to your letter. I hope, that it will be interesting to us to find out about each other more.
Be not confused, the distance always can be crossed.
My name is Natalya, but my friends call me Nata.
I was born on October, 16, 1977. Now I am in city Peoa, state Utah, USA. I arrived here for some time. My sister lives here.
And I have arrived to her on a visit. I was born and I live in city Tomsk, Russia. I never was married and I have not children. I am a teacher of aerobics. I like sports.
I am a modest, fair, kind, sympathetic woman with a good sense of humor. I am looking for my soulmate. But it is very difficult to meet the person, on which it is possible to rely, to which can trust. But I do not lose hope .
I hope, you will understand my English language, it is bad, but I tried very much that you might understand it. I send you my photo. Send me more photos, please.
Tell me about your city?
What do you think of Russia and people living there?
You have not got tired to read my letter?:) I hope to hear you again. I wish you successful day!
I expecting yours the answer with impatience.
Letter 2

Hello Mark! I am happy, that you again answer me.
I am glad to see your lovely photos! Thank you!
I want, that we have learned and completely understood each other. I am glad that my English a little is clear to you. I do not know what difference at us in time.
I am not far from Salt Lake City. It is state Utah. I want to tell about the interests and hobbies.
In free time from work I like to spend time with Friends. I like to listen to modern music, dancing, Sometimes classical music (Bethoven and Chaykovski). I very much I like to be on a nature to be in a wood and on lake, the river. I like camping, diving, reading. I like in the summer swimming to go on Bicycle to play tennis, in the winter I like to skate, To go by a ski. I like my work, because I like sports. I like animals. At my place there is a dog.
I was by the way very good cook. Most of all I certainly like Easy food (salad from fresh vegetables, a fish, rice, fruit). I want to tell you about my family. When to me was 11 years my parents had automobile accident and perish. I and my sister was brought up by the grandmother. My sister is younger than me on 3 years. My sister work as the professional photographer, she travels much. And two years back my sister has left to live in America. She has met there the good person and they now live there together. My grandmother now lives in a village near to city in Russia. I frequently visit her. I want to learn more about you. You can inform to me on a life.
I send you a photo of me and my sister.
I hope soon to receive your letter.
Letter 3

Hello Mark! The big happiness to hear you today! I am glad, that you liked my photo with the sister. Thank for your photo! It is very beautiful house!!!!!!!!!! It is interesting to me to read your letter and to learn even more about you! What I'm looking for in a relationship is love, respect, trust, caring, faithfulness and togetherness. I'm looking for a partner I can give all my love and care to but I need to be able to trust him because I've been hurt in the past and it took me a long time to recover from the hurt. If I find the right partner I will share my whole life with him. My soulmate is someone that loves me for me and not what I look like. The inner beauty is what the person is all about and not thier looks. I want he to be loving, caring, kind, trusting, honest, a best friend and a lover too. When I do find he I will give him my all. I want to wish you successful day! Also I shall look forward to your following letter. I still wanted to tell you, that tomorrow I leave home to Russia. With the best regards to you and your family,
Sincerely Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 4

Hello Mark!
I write you before departure home.
Very beautiful picture! It is pleasant to me! It is delightful!!! It is very beautiful part of Australia! Yes, here very much it is pleasant to me. I am happy, that I could visit the sister, we did not see her two years.
I here was during two weeks and very much it was pleasant to me here in USA!!!
Yes, you are right, it is very difficult to trust someone. It is interesting to hear your ideas to hear about your search.
I want to tell you, that I am glad because I have got acquainted with such a good person as you!
I live in Tomsk one in an one-room apartment.
Me will meet at airport Maria. She is my best friend. We with her for a long time are friends. She is a good person. As soon as I shall come home, I will write to you. Well? Yes, it will be the same address of e-mail. I wish you successful day!
Take care, my dear friend!
Nata --
Best regards,
Letter 5

Hello my dear Mark!!!! I am glad to hear you today! I have reached normally. I have already had a rest from road! I'm at home in Russia! I waited for your letter, I was afraid that I shall not hear you again... But now I am glad - I hear you, Mark!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you! I all road thought of you. My name is Nata instead of Lata Now I at home, in my city of Tomsk. I want to tell you about my city, about a place, where my home. Tomsk is one of the oldest cities of Siberia, have been based in 1604. We have here theatres, a philarmonic society, museums, libraries, cinema, bars, night clubs, discos. In Tomsk many memorable places, monuments. Here it is beautiful, but the big percent of unemployment, awful conditions of residing, but gradually the government allocates means and equips city. Winter severe and long. Average temperature of January - a minus of 20-25 degrees, average temperature of July - plus of 17-18 degrees. The most part of territory of area occupy woods, bogs, the rivers and lakes. The largest rivers - Ob, Tom, Chylum, Chayz, Ket, Vastugan, Tum. In area is totaled 1071 thousand person. Distance from Tomsk up to Moscow - 3500 km. I compare this city and Peoa where I was in America - it is completely different cities. Though everywhere it is in own way good. I hope that have not tired you with the story. I hope soon again to hear you. I so am happy, that we have got acquainted with you and we learn each other each time it is better. You are a good, fair, with kind heart, clever the man. I think, what it only some your qualities, actually at you it is more qualities which to me should be learned, yes? I shall send you some photos made when I have arrived home. I want to wish you and your family of successful day!!!! Sincerely Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 6

Hello my dear Mark! I am glad to hear you today! At you tomorrow day off? Tell about this holiday day of Australia, please. I send you two photos made when I have arrived here. The first photo is made at the airport when Maria has met me. The second photo is made in the bus when we move to me home. I shall visit soon the grandmother. I visit her time in two weeks, I bring to her the foodstuffs, various things which she requires. I offered her to live with me in city, but she likes a countryside where it is quietly silent and beautiful more. With each letter we it is more learn about each other and it is pleasant to me! I write you now from computer club as an at home I have no a computer. Please, tell to me about about how there was your life. What most interesting unforgettable moments have happened to you in your life? I have left school and have acted in Technological college. I studied on visagiste three years. Then I was arranged in a Beauty salon visagiste. In our Beauty salon there is a sports hall. I very like sports. And then I could arranged for other work - a teacher of aerobics. I spend the most part of time in a sports hall, I work there within 6 hours. And visagiste I work for two hours per day. The Beauty salon is in 30 minutes of driving by the bus from my home. I work each day for 8 hours, except for Sunday. I hope you soon to hear and I want to wish you successful day!
Nata --
Best regards,
Letter 7

Hello my dear Mark! I am glad to receive your letter! It is interesting to learn about Australia day. Today is a fine day. At me remarkable mood and it amplifies, when I write you. Certainly, it informs me much you, your life. Thank for your answer! You did not like my last photos? In week-end I usually am engaged in domestic affairs (cleaning, washing of linen and other). Sometimes I go on a ski or skate. Sometimes in week-end we meet with friends. More often I spend week-end with Maria. As I spoke, she is my best friend. We with her speak much, we laugh, we tell. Very seldom I want in bars (if only a special case, for example someone's day birth). Sometimes we with Maria go to play billiards. It is difficult through e-mail for understanding and to learn each other. We can know all about each other, but in a reality for some reason it seems to me little bit differently. How do you think? Therefore we should as it is possible to learn each other better and to be open and sincere. I'm a fair person and I like when with me act fairly also speak the truth. I the true person, on which it is possible to rely and to not think about deceit. I not perfect person, I think, that there are no perfect people, but I try to act always correctly, that did not torment conscience. I not vindictive also I try to understand persons. Only one that at me is not present - it is love, which I want to find, and that my heart was filled with happiness and pleasure. And what about you? I send a photo made on work before going in a sports hall. It is a photo it was made before my trip in USA. I wait your letter with impatience. Kisses! Sincerely with care, Nata
Letter 8

Hello Dear Mark Today wonderful weather in the street! At me fine mood and I am very glad you to hear:) I am happy to receive your lovely fine photos today!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!! Yes, I see the photo on your computer:))))!!! I am glad that you liked my photo! It is pleasant for me to hear your words, thank! I want to tell to you how pass usually my days. I think, that it is interesting to you to present my daily life. All days are different. For example, in that day when I work, I rise in the morning at 6:00 to prepare for breakfast, to have time to be tidied up in an apartment and to gather for work. And to go on walk with my dog. Then I till evening on work. As the house at me is not present a computer, I write you from computer club which is absolutely near to my works. I like to come in computer club with hope to see your letter:)! My week-end pass too differently. I like to be on fresh air if warm weather, to walk and little bit more to have a sleep. I like to go to cinema, but it happens not frequently. I also at leisure go on a bicycle in the summer, I go on a ski - combination pleasant with useful in the winter. Certainly in free days I devote also to you, that is I write you, that does a pleasure me pleasure and cheers up:) So pass some of my days. And how usually pass your days? It is very interesting to me. Hayrutdinova Natalya - my full name. When I read your letters - I study in much. You the clever and good person. You so beautifully and cleverly confidently speak also I try also. You always can rely on me - I the fair person and in people also appreciate honesty. As speak: honesty - the best politics. I wish you fine day! I shall wait your other photos with impatience. And I want, that at such good person as you, all was good! I send you my photo. It me has photographed Maria in computer club recently. Sincerely with care
Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 9

My dear Mark! Hello! I am glad, that you liked my photo. I adore to read your letters! You are right, speaking about dogs. Name of my dog is Beg. Thank for your answer. I feel, that you very much like me also I wait for your letters with impatience. It is very important, that you understand me and listen to me. The understanding - is very important between people when they want to have relations. You know, I dream, that once I shall have love and to go with the favourite person along the street and we shall have sweet kisses in the evening . It - all will be beautiful and romantic!!! It can will you?:)! There is a big distance between us, but I think, that when time we it will come shall overcome. Yes? I wish you good day!
I shall visit today my grandmother in a village.
I very much miss on her!
I come back from a village home tomorrow in the morning. Yours Nata --
Best regards,
Letter 10

Good afternoon Mark!
How are you? I have arrived from a village in the morning. My grandmother feel itself well. I have presented her a gift which has brought from USA. She very much was delighted. We with her spoke much. I very much love my grandmother - she is a delightful person! I have told to my grandmother about you, about our acquaintance on internet. And she asked to give you her best regards! In the morning I have arrived and at once have then gone for work. And now at me on work and I write a lunch break to you! I miss you! I send you a photo which was made the day before yesterday specially for you! It I in an apartment in a vestibule. Do you like this photo? It is time to me to come back to work.
Till Monday, my dear!
Successful week-end!
Sincerely Nata --
Best regards,
Letter 11

Mark, my Dear! Thank for fine photos of your wonderful house! At you it is very beautiful and cosy!!!!!! It is pleasant to me!!!! Thank you, Mark! Thank for your answer about your daily routine. It is very interesting for knowing about your daily life. I am happy to hear, that you liked my photo!!!! Thank for your words! Yes, I too saw as Marat Safin have won Lleyton Hewitt! It is good, that people have invented Internet, due to this we with you have found each other! And I when write you, I do not reflect, that you so are far, on the contrary such feeling, that you beside. Internet is such a marvelous medium. It brought us together; allowed us to learn about each other on a regular and frequent basis ( so much faster than if we had been dependent on the regular postal mail system). Most of all I want to meet you once... I frequently think of you... And I have understood, that you are very necessary for me. When you do not write me, I miss, when I receive your letters - on heart it becomes very bright and joyful. You very strongly like me also biggest my desire not simply to correspond with you, and to see you, to speak with you and to look in your beautiful kind eyes. I hope, that at you all is good.
I finish the letter and I shall wait yours.
Sincerely with tenderness and love Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 12

Hello my Dear Mark! How are you? I'm fine. I like your lovely amazing photo! Thank you, Mark! At you the wonderful nephew! I necessarily shall pass yours hello Maria when I shall see her. Thank for your words, to me is pleasant to hear it. My feelings every day are strong to you. Let I yet did not meet you in a reality, you very much like me. I have sweet dreams! Yesterday I long thought before dream. I thought of you and about love in general. And all ideas have cast over me melancholy, and I thought much and reflected. And I want to tell you a little about love. I hope, that my words will present warmly to your heart. I believe, that the love can change people and if you care about some one, you can change him on better giving him love. Yes, love - the highest thing which is on the ground and if two birds are in love they will love life and will capture life. Love - something, that we give unconditionally, but only when we shall make sure, that our partner loves us too so we do not become injured. Love - the most precious thing which the God has created on the ground. Having love we can solve our distinctions and worry about each other and give more anothers. I would not trust in hatred never if some one did not injure me. All of us require the second opportunities in life, and all of us want to love and fall in love and feel that big wonderfull sensation again. It - our mission to lifes, we should find Love. I hope, that you love it... Kisses It is a photo specially for you!!!! Have a big and best day Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 13

Lovely Mark, It is a pity to me to hear, that you had the intense days... I hope, what at you now all is normal on work whether or not? I am glad, that it was pleasant to you to a photo. I too would want you to see in a reality. I would like to know your address too. My address:
Tomskaya oblast
Prospekt Komsomol'skei 55
634061 With my sister I correspond each day through internet. A name of my sister is Lena. Certainly, in Russia many films are from the different countries. Today difficult day on work. At us want to do repair in a sports hall and people who was engaged in a sports hall pass in other place, in a bad small room. But occupations have not cancelled. So I today had to be engaged with a plenty of people in a small room. I have a little got tired. I miss you! All time I think of you and I understand more and more, that you very much It is necessary for me! When I see your letter to me it becomes good and joyful! As pleasantly when of you think, wait, understand and trust. As time quickly runs. Week as the weekend already approaches will not have time to begin. Let time runs and will pull together our meeting of which I constantly think .! I send you made yesterday in the morning. I want, that at you all was good!
With the best regards
Yours Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 14

Lovely Nice Mark, I am glad today to hear you and read your letter! You have the occupied morning, but I hope that you now have rest, whether or not? We is far while from each other, but despite of it I feel your kindness, care and support. Sometimes I I have sad mood, but it is not important, important that now I not one. I need you. Our meeting is really necessary for us, that we will understand what further for us waits. While we can Only to communicate through internet. I am happy to know, that is in the world a person which thinks of me! This person you:)! It is hard to be one and I met you and my life was filled sense, hope, belief and happiness. I want to wish you successful day! I send a photo made in the last year in home of Maria. I hold her beautiful cat on hands. Kisses! Yours faithfully and love yours Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 15

My lovely Mark, I like to hear you today! Your automobile beautiful! Though I a little that understand in automobiles. Do not worry, at me all is normal. All people sometimes long. To long it it is natural... Yes, I speak English. I am very glad, that you liked my photo! Now e-mail it is a unique thing as we can communicate. But I believe, that once we shall see each other. I think about you very much frequently. I miss you! You began it is necessary for me, I need you . I already for a long time have ceased to trust, that I meet in my life a remarkable person, that I shall be happy, and You have presented me it and I am grateful to you! You have presented me belief and hope! At last repair is completed in a sports hall. There it became very beautiful and convenient. A sports hall have made even more. And now more people there will be engaged. It is good! Successful day!
A lot of many kisses! Yours Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 16

Hello Mark my nice! There has already come Saturday - time quickly flies. I am glad to hear you today! I miss you! Your letters is my source happiness and hope! I very much love children and I want to have children. I would do all for them, I would like that I and my husband distances all love, care and attention to our children! Very important is correct to bring up children. You are right, is a lot of bad on Internet. And I was afraid very much to be deceived by someone. But it is good, that I have met you. Mark, I believe you. What you cook? Me do very much excited idea when I think about moment, when for the first time our eyes see each other . You know, I sometimes dream of us, about those moments when we shall be together in a reality . Today it is cold, but the sun shines. Tomorrow we with Maria want to go to cafe. We shall be photographed and I will send you this photo. It is a pity, that tomorrow I can not write you.
I want to hear you always! You are necessary for me!
I constantly think of you!
My ideas is for you, all time.
I wish you good week-end! Kisses for you! Yours Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 17

Good afternoon Mark!!!!!!! I am happy to hear you today!!!! I have a fine mood today! I am happy that you have won and that you can visit me very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are wonderful news Mark!!!!!!!!!! I had a remarkable week-end. I and Maria have gone to cafe, we talked much, laughed and photographed. I send you this photo where I and Maria send you kisses:) I hope, you like this photo. You are a good person with fine ideas. With each letter more I would like to see you in real life. Even sometimes I have such feeling, that we are familiar with you for a long time, and is now simply far from each other. It is easy for me to speak with you, you always will listen to me, will understand and do not condemn. Due to you I believe that I can find happiness. It so is fine, when is in the world a person who thinks about me!:) Forgive me, that I so write you today a little, but I need to go for my work. I wish you a fine day, my dear! Kisses!!!!!!!!! With love
Nata --
Best regards,
Letter 18

My lovely dear Mark, I am very happy to hear you! I am glad that to you was pleasant to a photo!!! No, I have no such photos. I think, that it is not normal to speak about my feelings, about ****** desires to speak through internet. Today remarkable dream has dreamed me: It was evening, I do not know where it was, but was very beautiful there. I went on a coast barefoot, waves concerned my legs, the breeze played with my hair, was sunset as if the sun was immersed in water and water was yellow - orange colors. I went and suddenly in far I have seen someone's image came nearer to me, I did not see Still who it. And all was this the man closly and closly. The man has told: " Natalya! " And I have seen your eyes, you went to me and I have sped up a step to come nearer to you. We have risen before each other very close, minute of silence, we looked for the first time against each other and you have strong embraced me and have told: " We waited this day, we together.!!! ". We walked on a beach, talked, laughed also anything of us did not disturb, we did not hurry up anywhere, we enjoyed happy time together. It was wonderful. And our lips have incorporated in a sweet gentle kiss. And I have woken up. Such feeling, that it was in a reality, to me was so well with you. There can be this dream was prophetic and it once will come true... Successful day! I always think of you! Kisses!
Yours Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 19

My lovely dear love nice Mark! Today the sun shines, but it is very cold Brrrr! Try to learn about flights all over again from Australia up to Moscow. And from Moscow up to Tomsk it is possible to fly the Siberian airline. You ate that food which I like:) In a sports hall I teach aerobics to 20 people at one o'clock. That is occupation of aerobics to last one hour and at this time are engaged on 20 person. The next hour again on 20 person. Women are engaged in aerobics. In a sports hall on simulators men and women of any age are engaged. Yes! I very much wait for our meeting! I very much want to see you! If it is fair, I did not think of this question... Probably I would like to work visagiste and also the teacher of aerobics. You are right, that my education there will not be quoted... Mark, your words bring to me a lot of pleasure and happiness! I do not feel the big distance between us. As though I now would like to be with you and to hear your words in a reality. Sometimes many people do not understand what happiness they have, when can see each other each day as they do not appreciate these minutes, these precious minutes which so are necessary for us. If we were together are there would be happiest days in my life! I now should tell you - goodbye because it is time to come back to work. I hope soon again you to hear.
Successful day!
Yours Natalya --
Best regards,
Letter 20

Hello my lovely Mark! How are you? I am fine. My day at work is pretty good. It is not busy and overly tiring. I hope you have good time with friends! You always complete my day with your letters and always keeps me smiling. Your letters mean everything to me and you know how to keep me happy all the time. I have bad days but it all turns good by thinking of you! You mean a lot to me and I wish I could show you how much you mean to me. My feelings for you are stronger each day and I wish would could meet soon so we can develop these feelings into something ever greater. You are that man I ever dream of being with. You make me feel so happy. Thank you for coming into my life and being just you. You are my sun, the reason why I smile every day. I just wish we could meet now cause I need you in my life and I know you need me in your life. Tomorrow I shall go to skate. I adore it!.. It is a pity, that we can not skate together. It would be funny!:) Valentine's Day is soon. I wish we were together on this day. Even though we won't be you will be my Valentine in my mind and in my heart. It does feel like we have known each other for a long time cause we are so much alike. Maybe it is match made in heaven that we belong to one another. I feel that I can tell you anything and you will listen and respond to it and understand me. If I am in a bad mood you will always find a way to help me with your sweet words and I will do the same for you. I can feel that you are that one that I have been looking for all my life that can give me that love and happiness and I will in return give it to you. Well, I must do now. I hope you have a good day and I be waiting for your letter on Monday. I thinking of you! Yours forever with love KISSES KISSES Nata --
Best regards,
Letter 21

Hello my lovely Mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentine's Day to You!!!!!! Today is a beautiful day and today is a wonderful holiday!!!!!! It is pity that we while it is far from each other. And we can not celebrate this holiday together... You have written a remarkable and fine letter. I am happy to read it! Thank for your congratulations, for your a beautiful card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had good week-end. I thought of you. I skated one, it was wonderful! I am happy, that life has disposed so, that we have met you through many miles. You are very kind, clever, understanding, careful man. Remain always same. Today is a special day for all lovers. It is a beautiful holiday.... I wish you remarkable day! Kisses!!!!!!!!!! Yours Nata
Happy Valentine's Day! --
Best regards,
Letter 22

My Dear Lovely Mark! It is fine to hear you today! Once again, Happy Valentine's day! I spoke you, that I had good time at skating. No, my dog did not go for a drive with me. I am glad to come in computer club and to see your letter! " l found out where our factories in Russia is we have one just outside Moscow and one in Novosibirsk if you bye your dog food we probably make it our brand is pedigree do you know that brand? " - I have not understood about what you here speak. Last night to me come Maria. She has some problems with parents, is more exact with her stepfather. She has quarrelled with him. She has asked to live some time at my home. Now we with her together live in an my apartment. The biggest desire today at me was to write to you or simply to tell, that I think of you and that you are necessary for me . probably I am repeated in my words, but it is not important. It is important, that I am not lonely now, I am happy and this happiness you bring, giving hope and belief, that all will be good! I want to wish you remarkable day! And I hope you soon to hear! I like to come here and to see your letter. Is is brings to me The big pleasure and smile on my face:)!!! It has photographed me Maria yesterday. After a difficult working day I so look as on a photo. Kisses! Yours Nata --
Best regards,
Letter 23

Dear Mark, How are you today? Yes, I have received your three letters today. It is pleasant for me to hear your words about my photo, thank you! Well, I shall be on internet about it. Yes, thank, Maria is good, but she very much experiences about quarrel with her stepfather. I hope, that at you all will be fast normally with a computer. Now I have a break on work and certainly I have decided to go in computer club to write you! At me on work all is normal. Now many people come to be engaged in a sports hall and on aerobics. Today I could not fall asleep long. I thought of us, that will be farther that waits for us . Still some time back I did not reflect that I meet you that you so strongly will like me and will interest me. I did not think earlier that at all not seeing you in a reality I shall feel like happy! All has changed and to the best, now I am not lonely. You know, the person can be surrounded with set of people, but in soul he is lonely, he can be cheerful, happy on eyes at people, but it is simple so. And in soul he it is still lonely also it so was with me. Now I am happy, now my soul is filled with pleasure and happiness. I do not feel lonely because there are you in my life. I want to wish you successful day!
Yours Natalya --
Best regards,
Created: 2006-09-04    Last updated: 2006-09-04    Views: 1455


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