Scam letter(s) from Olga Ouslougina to Marty (USA)

Letter 1

Hi, Marty!
Sorry for my unexpected letter, I do not know how old is your advertisement.
You know, I want to try to find my future soul-mate and husband, and I decided to write this message for you and to send you my picture.
I'll write this first message briefly, to show my interest and I'll wait for you answer. If my picture and my basic parameters will pleasant for you - answer me please, ok?
My name is Olga, I live in Russia,
I'm 27 y.0., my height is 1,68m, my weight is 50kg.
So, I look forward to your answer. Have a nice day!
Answer me, please, ok?
Letter 2

Good evening, my honey! I've just come back home.
Marty, my number now is 7(813)(61)21875.
It's number of my flat, but you should remember I rent my flat together with other people, therefore new you'll call ask me "Olga" ok?
I hope someone of my neighbors-blockheads will understand.
No, I never get your letters twice. Everything is OK.
What about our meeting?! I'm waiting impatiently.
You know, I'm so tired, I am tired to the **** today.
Listen, while I remember it, I want to tell to you very ridiculous story which has happened today in the morning. All collective from our office has gone today to a building of municipality, to be present at a concert of the invited actors and musicians. I don't know for what reason was this concert. Probably, the birth day of mayor.
OK, while my colleagues took seats in the hall, I helped for my girlfriend to place the lighting and music's equipment on the stage. She is a pianist.
We helped her friends-musicians to move the equipment. It was very interesting.
They adjusted their musical instruments, checked guitars, microphones, etc.
The girlfriend has noticed the state piano of the municipality on a stage and did not begin to unpack and establish her electronic *****-piano. I have asked the girlfriend - why she does not check how the state piano sounds?
The girlfriend has told it is not important. Because they will play with a phonogram. It turned out, that all songs have been written down beforehand on the tape recorder.
And during performance, all musical instruments are disconnected. And my girlfriend together with other musicians will pretend that they play and will open mouths into disconnected microphones.
The girlfriend has entrusted to me a responsible role - to operate the mixer console. I should increase sound's volume to the microphone during the pauses.
I should switch on a microphone during pauses between songs that musicians could shout something to public - "we love you!", "wonderful day!" and other *******.
I sat down near the girlfriend, near to the piano that the girlfriend could help me during show if I shall forget something.
And show began! I felt like the real musician! Cool!
And when the first song began, I noticed - my girlfriend pulled a long face.
She was at the piano and tried to open it. But the piano was locked! It turned out, that somebody in municipality have locked the piano, in order to - the strangers not fooled around with it. Do you imagine? My girlfriend played all concert on the wooden lid above the piano keys!
I thought I'll die laughing! ha ha ha ha My funny story and my healing *****-picture should rise your mood.
Ok, Kiss you! Write me soon!!!
Letter 3

Hello, Marty. Thanks for your answer. Well, now is deep night here, in my prehistoric sleepy town, but I try to entertain myself, I bought a couple of new movies today and I try not to sleep and to see first movie. Very long movie. I do not know exact name because in our Russian distribution a lot of foreign movies have not original name. I have no idea why? For example, all my life I was sure my favorite comedy have name "Only girls jazz".
Do you know this movie? Right. You don't. Because a couple of years ago I found out this comedy have original name "Someone likes hot". I was disappointed. I like the first name and I hate real name. :) Sometimes such renaming is very funnily. Translators try to translate name of movie verbatim et literatim. And when the name of movie is slang phrase, we have senseless and silly name as a result.
Well ok, right now I see movie about last days of Jesus. I think real name should be something like "the Passion".
I see this movie in Aramaic and Latin with English subtitles. Yes, I know, it was bad choice for the Monday's night. But it's was my mistake and I should bear my cross. (sorry for analogy).
Well, if I understood correctly I'm worthy of St-Petersburg only, because Tallinn is more expensive and Egypt is too exotic.
And if we'll meet in completely boring and dull place for me you'll be sure I meet only because of you, but not because I want to get some vacation with your payment. I hope I understood correctly your idea.
I want to tell you one interesting story - one of my girlfriend correspond in Internet too, and she had correspondence with one guy, which wrote very interesting idea - "I agree to meet in St-Petersburg only, because this city and place is quite usual and boring for you and I'll be sure that the reason of our meeting is only the big wish to meet me. I'll never buy any presents, gifts, flowers and I'll never invite you to restaurants and other places. Because I should be sure you are interested in me only. Also, I'll never help you with money because of the same reason.
And only after that, if I'll see that you fall in love with me - I'll be sure it's real love".
Marty, this joke got a big laugh. Really. Can you imagine - 9 of 10 men write the same.
They write - we do not want to do something pleasant, till moment when girl will fall in love.
And only after that, we agree to do something pleasant.
Fall in love because of what? What is the reason of love? Just because man write me he are lonely, he live in America and he want to create family? It's not the reason for love. My reason for love - if I feel that man care about me, if I feel he want to do something pleasant for me without any ideas get a profit in future. Just because he like me and he wants to do something for me.
Marty, all these words are not the attempt to force you to do something.
Marty, all these words are not the attempt to force you to do something.
The **** with this Egypt and Tallinn too. I lived without Egypt and I can live without Egypt further.
But, in spite of the fact that I'm poor as a church mouse but you are banker of our correspondence, both of us have suffrage in this correspondence (I hope I have franchise?). Because of the same reason (I want to be sure the man go to meet me, because he want to meet me, not the Russia and not the other girls in Russia), I reject the first possible meeting in Russia. We'll discuss any places you want, except Russia and Egypt. Because you do not want Egypt, but I do not want Russia. Deal? I think it's honestly.
Marty, dear, I want to realize very important moment.
Yes, it's wonderful if man and woman have the same wish in any question, for example in question of first meeting.
But if they have a little bit different wish and opinion?
What to do in such case? If you think your wish is more important, because you pay everything - you are wrong. I do not think so.
Write me honestly why you want to meet in Russia? To make my travel expenses as cheap as possible?
Thank you very much, I have a one million men with the same ideas right in my town. To have possibility to meet other girls, if My Majesty would be not worthy of continuation? Such idea is unpleasant for me too.
OK, I kiss you and I look forward to you answer.
Letter 4

Marty, thank you for your answer. It was interesting to read it and it's explain me why your correspondence was very formalistic lately. Marty, the point is that, all these correspondences in Internet are too far from idealistic things. If to describe situation briefly, I started to correspond year ago. Not because I wanted to find my own husband, but because I have my own computer and programme which allow me to write letters in English. Also I have a couple of girlfriends (and in my office too, with the same address of course), which asked me to help them. I do not know, is it too bad or not, but imagine situation - girls want to find own happiness, but they have no one chance because they do not know English and haven't possibility to send letters.
Yes, I wrote letters and I tried to help them, and if you mentioned Anna, I want to tell that Anna married already and she live in Sweden. Marty, I want to say the truth, two of my girlfriends asked money as the help to meet and they didn't come to place of meeting. Not because they wanted to steal money, but because they were too optimistic, but they hadn't possibility to get their visas.
Therefore, when I decided to search for my future husband for myself, I decided that I'll not plan the first meeting somewhere but to meet here in St-Petersburg, without any sending of money. As I wrote you before I would be glad to meet here in St-Petersburg. you should understand, that when this epopee with correspondences began, I and my girlfriends did not perceive all this invention seriously. It was cheerful game for us, ridiculous entertainment. Therefore our attitude to correspondences was accordingly frivolous. But it does not mean, that I and my girlfriends - bad and dishonest people. Simply our attitude to an opportunity to find something serious was frivolous, and we have done many nonsenses in an initial stage of correspondences.
Only after rather long time when two my girlfriends have met in a reality and had successful continuation in a real life, I have understood, that correspondence in the Internet can have serious consequences. And I began to search for my future husband for me seriously.
It would be your choice to keep correspondence or to stop it.
Created: 2006-09-12    Last updated: 2006-09-12    Views: 1413


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