Scam letter(s) from Olga Aktanaeva to Ron (USA)

Letter 1

My Sweetlove Ron.
I am very glad to read your good and kind words.
It makes me happy to open my mail and see I have a letter from you. And to see words which you have written for me. Your kind words do the most rainy and cloudy day by the filled sun and force me to be pleased to each day and give forces to me. I am so happy that I have met you Ron. I am so grateful to you that you has come in my life. You do not imagine as I to you is grateful for that that you are in my life Ron. I so want to be with you and be pleased to everyone day that I can to be near to you Ron. I shall pray to the God that he has done the utmost that we could meet and be together as soon as possible. It is all that is necessary for me. My love Ron, you are very strongly necessary for me in my life. I want to be with you, I want to idolize you and I shall do always all that in my forces that you were happy with me. I want to be with you. I already thought above it much and I am sure on 100 percents, that I have made a correct choice of my love and it YOU my Angel Ron. I love you. I love you so strongly that this feeling overflows me and prevents me to sleep, because I it is constant think of you. I am constant dream about you.
> The visa cost of 400 dollars because at us the additional payment undertakes speed, deductions and registrations. I not ciaa? why so was a lot of, you think it I the price have thought up?
> I learned about Air tickets and Insurance and Air tickets cost 1200 dollars, Insurance cost 250 dollars. On Insurance I shall borrow money at Valentina, she has told me that will give money to me tomorrow. 1200 dollars on Air tickets my mother has told that will borrow this sum and will help me then. But she has told that she should know that you real man or not and that you will help me with the Visa soon or not soon. My mother the clever and practical woman and she speaks, that after you will help me with the Visa of 350 dollars, she will help me with air tickets of 1200 dollars. She speaks that if you are not capable to help me with this sum soon she will not help me with tickets. I ask you Ron, I beg you, my mother can decide not and deny assistance to us! Hurry up please because then will be too late. It is very a shame to me to ask about it, probably you can borrow this sum friends or take the loan at in bank. I am sure you will give this sum without problems. It on wi!
ll be much better than then we will need to search for the sum and on tickets, because my mother can decide not! and Insurance. Because Valentina has told me if you can not help me within one week she will withdraw this sum and any more will not give me because if you can not help me soon I do not need to go to you. My love Ron, I understand that they lunatics, but I of nothing can make against them. I beg you, make something. I know you will not throw me in such situation, I try to prove to them that you the best and fair man on the ground. I speak them that they are not right, that they should not so speak, but they do not listen to me. They insist, that the first step should be yours then they will be sure, that I should go to you and to be with you. They speak you at start should help me from 350 dollars, then they will help me from 1550 dollars, these are the different sums and them on much greater. Please, I can not argue with them more, they as that a stone, I speak and all words they do not listen.
I believe that you can help me within one week because I am sure on 100 percents that if I shall tell him that you can not help me within one week, they will not help me.
I love you and I will be always love you my angel Ron. I hope that you can. I believe in you.
I with the big impatience shall wait from you the the answer.
I love you my Dear and Sweet Ron,
With heat in my soul,
Always only yours Olga.
PS. Yes, by the way you should write to me the closest Airport to you.
Created: 2006-09-16    Last updated: 2006-09-16    Views: 1341


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