Scam letter(s) from Elena to Tommy (Sweden)
Letter 1
Hello my love Tommy!!!!
I want to inform you me there is a small problem, and it - is not pleasant for me for you to speak you!!!!
I want to inform you, that I very urgently should pay the Internet! I can not pay in me there is no now money!
If you can help me which write to me today, and I shall inform to you as it to make!!!
It is necessary for me only 97 $, that I could use the Internet! If I, can not write some time to you, that you understand me correctly and to not take offence at me! If I to Do not pay, today I can to you, I shall not write some days!
And only as I can pay then, I shall write to you!
But you write to me and do not forget me my sun!!!!
And you I to pass(miss) and should wait to know that for you!!!
Yours Elena!!!
Created: 2006-09-16 Last updated: 2006-09-16 Views: 1311