Scam letter(s) from Marina Denisova to Eugene (USA)
Letter 1
Hello my new friend Gene... First of all I want to thank you that you had answered me, and of course I am very glad we will get aquainted with you from day to day step by step:) Some month ago I even could not imagine that I will get aquainted with a foreign man through Internet, evenmore nowdays, when as people says much crimes are committed in Internet. But some time ago the girl with whom I studied in the university together met her man through Internet and now they are happy together as my friends says. And i decidedwhy I can not meet good, sincere and honest man, with whom I will be happy too. Because now in Russia of course there are good man too, but it is very difficult to meet such man, and as I know foreign man from USA are good sincere person, not all of course, but most of them. Just as I know your cultural traditions and your mentalitet is very prouded by all people. And i think it is very important, when all other people think about you as a good man, I think it is good really. Just nowdays so much lie, so much dicent people, that it ie really difficult to find good one. But I hope i will find such man in you Gene.. but time will show of course... So noe I want tell you a little bit about myself, my name as you knoe is Irina. I am 26 years old, I live in Moscow for all my life. I have my mother and father. We live together, I work as a consultant in organization which is interested in different parfume. I love my work, as I think most people love their work too:), sometimes of course I am tired a little, but as I said already, it is normal life. :) i like good humor, like interesting books, like to read interesting newspapers, like to watch cool comedies and interesting historical movies:). As for music...I have not certain love songs or singers, I like different music and what I listen to is depend from my mood, but I can name such singers as U2, Scorpions, jazz of funk of 80 years:) it is cool music. The most interesting thing in my life is sport, I really just like it, when i have free time I play volleyball, or go for fitness. Just to try to keep my figure in good shape:) And i very mach like summer. I like to spend my free time on the fresh air, like to walk along long streets in the evening after work, especially now when here is winter. I do not know why, but I really love nature, love fresh air, rather then just to go through shops only. Of course every woman and I am no exception like shopping, but it is only sometimes:) Sometimes I prefer just to visit som exibitions or or interesting events, galleries. So other words I am usual Russia woman just with my own point of view on this world, andgreat eager to be happy, to find sincere and good man, with whom I will have my own family, And hope that God will help me in this way, just I believe in it, and hope everything will come true one day:) i love different kinds of food stuffs. But basically I like prepare. I love to prepare food because it is very much interestingly. Especially when prepare something new. My favorite dish is Golubzi. I love them. Gene, do you know what is Golubzi? This meat cut wrapped up in sheet of cabbage. Did ate you sometime Golubzi? Still you are interesting what food to me love? How the food in your city various? You are able to prepare itself? So i hope you are not bore by my story, and hope Gene I will know something about you on your next letter too:) I will go for now... Waiting your letter with great impatience... Your Irina from match.
Letter 2
Hello my dear Gene.... I am so happy to read all your letter, I am just feeling my heart will explode inside me. I am extremally glad and pleasant that our fate bound you Gene and me. Because now I think I am absolutely realize that I have a gift of God in your face Gene. I only did not like your last letter. You speak that I searched another man!!?? Do not worry that you can not arrive to me. mmm....I yet did not want to speak you (wanted to make a pleasant surprise)... but I think time has come to tell... I HAVE ALL DOCUMENTS (VISA too) to arrive to you in us. But while I have not enough money for purchace of tickets. If I can save up the necessary sum up to 10 July I will visit you!!!! I think that you have not fallen from chair when read this news:) It was interesting to me to see where you live, but this was a pity that pictures of poor quality. Today I send you fun picture. I hope you like it:) You are really wonderful person, and just I hope and believe that one day soon we will be able to see each other real life. No, do not think that I am hurry up, no just I really feel that I have found in you my soulmate, my man, the person with whom I will be happy, with whom I will be able to make family together. But as I said it is only my feelings, only my thoughts, and we will see what happening, as in Russia said "time will show". Just know Gene that you are very close, very precious to me person and I do not want to lose you, I do not want to losethe chance to be happy. I hope and believe God that He help me will help us in our relations. I know and I thank you Gene that you are sincere with me, that you are treat and care me, I feel it even thousands miles far from you:) just I know sometimes miracles take place, and I hope that our meeting one day in future also will be as miracle:) Sometimes I think, why even you are so far from me, i feel you, i care you, i like you much Gene, because in real life even sometimes it is difficult to feel this way the person, and I think that the reason to this fact is YOU Gene, just because you are really sincere with me, you show your thoughts, your feelings, you do not shy and do not lie. Because it is easy to sometimes to show your feelings and thoughts through Internet then in real life. And I think it is really good. At least on the certain step in our relations we will realize that we have not any disunderstanding between us. Who knows, may be in certain time, we will remember all this moments, all this minutes of our communicating here:) OK, I will go... And soon will write you of course....:) Kiss you.. Your Irina
Letter 3
Hello my love Gene again... As I said I will write you more often, because it is really hard for me to be so far from you and even not to write you a letter:) Probably I have unpleasant news for you... On conditions of the contract with the service of visas I should buy tickets from directly from them and cash. You can not buy for me ticket and will send me it will to break contract. You can only help me if will send me cash. I miss you very much Gene, and if I have a lamp of Alladin now I will desire to be with you, especially on such day:) But of course it is only dreams, but whoknows sometimes dreams realize in our life too:) I want to say that I really feel the way I said you in my letter, I love you, Gene. I do not want to hide anything from you, and I am sure that you also do not hide anything from me too. Because I am sure our sincerity in relations can make this relations much stronger. You are nice Gene, just when I look at your photo I am smiling, because you are so pretty:) My parents said you HI, they hope that at least we will be able to meet one day soon, in order to understand what we mean for each other. I am not afraid if we will not be a pair, no....because I know that you a wonderful person... and ifit will be that it really so...but I hope that our feelings and thoughts will chose another way...the way of love..... I know may be spells funny.. but I think this way serious. I am not naive girl who only dream about Prince on the White Horse:):) I understand that sometimes even when people have strong feelings to each other they can not be together,I hope our case will be another way...I believe it, and I ask God for help me.... for help me with you...Gene... Because I want us to be together, I want to have you close to me Gene.I am sure my green bikini will like you as my green skirt:))) And please Gene tell me your thoughts, do not shy to tell anything, I know that we can not to escape from fate:) I love you much Gene.... Your Irina
Created: 2006-09-22 Last updated: 2006-09-22 Views: 1519