Scam letter(s) from Tatyana Kuzminykh to Steven (USA)

Letter 1

Hi, my Steve.
There is a fine news to me and to you - I have received the visa. I send you it. I shall have also vacation on August 4.
Today I went to the company which reserves airway tickets. I asked them how I can reach Philadelphia (PHL) and how much it costs. They answered me that the ticket costs $ 2841 USD. I asked them to find cheaper tickets, because this price is expensive for me. They answered that they had a cheaper ticket but the beginning of the flight 6-August-04. It costs $ 2196 USD. I asked them to reserve a ticket. But they refused, because they have a lot of clients at this time and they can't reserve my ticket without advance payment. At present the period of a vacation. Therefore many people use airflights. I spoke with them for a long time and asked to reserve the ticket for me without advance payment but they didn't agree. Then I wondered if it is possible to pay a part of the money now and the other part later. They didn't agree. I spoke with them for a long time and I managed to persuade them. They agreed. We agreed that I would pay a part of the price today and the other part later.
I paid $ 1362 USD. But it was little for an initial payment. Then I went to the pawnshop and pawned my silver and gold embellishments for $ 416 USD. It was my last money. The number of the flight on which I reserved the ticket is Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines 229. The time of departure from Moscow is 10:45 am.
The time of arrival in Philadelphia (PHL) is 7:01 pm.
I shall arrive in Amsterdam (AMS), umber of the flight Northwest 37.
I will change a plan in Boston (BOS), number of the flight US Airways 1205.
After this I will fly to Philadelphia (PHL), to you Steve.
It is very difficult for me to tell you about it. But I have done everything that I could. I paid visa. I paid a part of the ticket. But this money is not enough. I didn't want to burden you. I wanted to reach you with my own money but unfortunately I failed. Now I have to pay the remaining part. It is only $ 418 USD. I have to pay this money 29- July-04 morning. Otherwise I will lose my money and ornaments.
If you need me, if you trust me and if you want to see me, please, send the money for the ticket before 29- July-04 morning. I understand that it is a difficult decision for you, but we must trust each other. Any union without trust is impossible if it is a union of wife and husband or union of boy-friend and girl-friend or union of business partners. I don't want to be hypocritical. That's why I want to tell you following: I do not think that you would like to give the love to the woman whom you won't trust. Also I would not like to give my love to the man which I won't trust. It's a first check for us. And much depends upon it, may be everything. We must trust each other. That's why I was the first who made the first step. Step to you. Of course if you don't want, you can not help me. It is bad but not fatal. I will lose my money. IT IS BAD TOO BUT NOT FATAL TOO.
I paid $ 335 USD for making visa, and I paid a part of the ticket- $ 1778 USD. It is big money for me, but I TOLD YOU ALREADY THAT MONEY IS NOT THE MAIN THING IN THE LIFE. But I trust you, and I know that YOU ARE A MAN OF HONOUR AND YOU ARE A GENTLEMAN.
I don't want you top doubt in my honesty and that's why I am sending you the view of my visa.
If you can help me I send you my coordinates. I give you necessary elements for sending money with the help of Money Gram: CENTRAL MUTUAL CREDIT BANK 10 PROSPEKT MOLODYOZHNIY
for Medvedeva Nadezhda.
To get the money, I should tell to employee of bank your full name, full address, exact sum which I should receive and some confidential numbers (Money Transfer Control Number), which will give you, when you will send the money.
Please forgive to me all my words. I speak so because I am in despair and confusion. Now, when only one step is separated us, I am afraid. I am afraid that you will not help, and all my diligence will have no use. I need you and I want to be with you and the word of honor, your help is necessary for me. I have not calculated my forces. But together we are much stronger. We will pass through difficulties and barrier, it is much easier to do it together. I want to present you all my infinite love and fidelity.
I understand that it is the big money for you. I did not want to ask you. I thought that I can make all itself. The loneliness has made me strong. I have got used to live without help, and to rely only on myself. I ask somebody for help very seldom, but now I ask you to help me. I have made a step forward. Make your step towards me. I hope that I have not offended you something. I need you and I trust you. I know, that you will not throw me now when there is only one step between us.
I am waiting for your reply.
Kiss you.
Your Nadezhda.
Letter 2

Hi my soul Steve.
At me good news, I have ordered the ticket up to New York, which costs $ 1230 USD. The beginning of the flight 6-August-04. I have returned pawned my silver and gold embellishments. The number of the flight on which I reserved the ticket is Aerosvit Airlines 406. The time of departure from Moscow is 10:45 am. The time of arrival in New York (JFK) is 3:50 pm. I will change a plan in Kiev (KBP), number of the flight Aerosvit Airlines 131. And then I shall arrive in New York.
Yesterday I began to knit a sweater for you. It will be my gift. I knit a sweater of Angora wool. Do you like a sweater? Do you like wear a sweater when in the street cool? But I am absolutely sure that you will like this sweater. I make it with such big love. I make it so studiously. It will be the best sweater in America. Color - is slightly darkest than white. Very beautiful color. I want to make on a forward part of a sweater an inscription - a name. First I wanted to make name - Nadezhda or Nadya.. But now I want to make a name - Steve. And I do not know that you want. The name will be not big. You have 3 days to make the decision - what name you want to see on a ******. If you do not write to me, I will take the decision by itself, but I will not tell you. I will give you this sweater at the Airport. Do you like my idea? Soon we will be together and it will be wonderful. If we fated to become single whole, I believe that it will be. Our hearts are like two great oceans. They are vast and very deep yet calm an peaceful on the surface. Our feeling run very deep and they are very strong. Sometimes we get afraid we will be pulled under by the current. I dream that our two oceans will meet in a powerfull wave that will shake the very earth. And when all is done there will be one vast beautiful ocean, beautiful, powerful and heart, one ocean. Steve you have given me much more than you can realize. You are my prayer, my shelter from hopelessness and despair, only you can keep the spark in my soul burning bright.
Your Nadezhda.
Letter 3

Hi my Steve!
Today I have drawn the big calendar on a paper and have hung up this calendar on a wall in my room. Now I will cross out cells with numbers every day. I will look at this calendar and I will pleased that less and less days remains up to our meeting.
I want to close eyes and to appear near to you, to feel and outlive all, about than you and i dream. I want to feel heat and tenderness of your hands and taste of your lips. I am ready to go with you though on edge of the Earth. I am ready to spend with you all days and night even in a tent, and for me it will be paradise.
My girlfriend has insisted that I have allowed her to write some lines for you. She wants to make it without my help. Please do not judge her strictly. Her English is far from perfect.
Hi! My name is the Elena. I am write to you by my hand and by my brain.
If I am write badly that you can laugh. I am know your language bad.
But Nadezhda is know your language well. I am is want to tell to you the thank you. Because I am never to saw the Nadezhda with so big the smile. She is laugh in the all day long. She is do not to want to work.
Nadezhda is was never so is happy. If the boss see the Nadezhda in this condition he inflates his cheeks and he becomes to be red from rage, like the tomato. (inflate cheeks - it is to me has prompted the Nadezhda. I am did not to know how it is to write.) You is the good man. I hope you do tears at Nadezhda never. I wish the you and the Nadezhda have time well. Good-bye. Elena. It's me again, Nadezhda.
I think you have remarkable idea concerning your coins.
I shall have mine return flight on September, 4.
I want to finish my letter by words:
I do not know what will farther. But now you have made me happy lady. I for the first time have felt desired and necessary.
Your love Nadezhda.
Letter 4

Hi my Steve!
Today in the morning I ironed my dress. I was pensive about you, and have overlooked to remove an iron from a dress. I simply stood, looked out of the window, thought of you, I have ceased to ironing and have simply stopped a hand with an iron on a dress. You can imagine? I have burned my dress. Now in my dress the big hole. First I was upset and angry with myself. But afterwards I sat on a chair and have laughed. To me was so funny. It's a pity that you did not see me during this moment. I sat and laughed in the whole voice. It is really ridiculous. I laughed because i have understood, as far as strongly I love you. I constantly think of you. I am afraid, that if I soon will not see you my apartment will burn completely(smile).
Now I will inform you very important information. I should arrive to Moscow beforehand to have enough time for arrival in the airport, registration of the ticket. Moscow is very big city and I should have enough time for this purpose. I will arrive to Moscow in the evening on August, 5. Very long and tiresome way. But I will think of us and it will help me. In Moscow I will stop in a waiting room. There I will spend night. I will write to you from Moscow. You do not imagine how I worry. I want to ask you prayed for me while I will be in road. Promise me.
Letter 5

Hi my Steve!
Right now I'm in Moscow and I write you this message from the Internet Cafe. And I have one trouble. I have paid money for my visa.
My ticket which I have bought having borrowed money at friends. But it was insufficiently for our meeting. The men from Airport Service has told me, that I should have extra money (not less than 300 USD) to get to USA. I have answered, that I haven't extra money, and it was the truth: when I've left my home I've had American visa, air-ticket up to Philadelphia, the train-ticket and a little money (about 800 Russian rubles for a meal and other charges) They have explained me that extra money is necessary to convince the American Government, that I'm a decent girl, and when I will get on the American territory, I shall not become the ***** or the **********, and that I should have money for the hotel as any tourist. I have told them, that I really am tourist and I have shown them my tourist visa. But the man has smiled and has told me that he never saw tourists without money. These words have offended me very strongly. I have told them, that in Philadelphia. I will be met by my beloved man, and that I fly directly to him. He has demanded from me to show him at least 300 American Dollars. And I have answered, that I have no such money. I was confused. I for a long time swore at them. But in any case I should pay 300 USD. Otherwise I will not get aboard the plane. But you should not woMy love as soon as possible send me 300 USD
MOSCOW , 129366
Letter 6

Hi my Steve!
I have received your letters.
My name Medvedeva Nadezhda, you should send money for this name. Make it more likely. Also do not overlook to write your full name, full address, Money Transfer Control Number.
I do not understand why you have not found me in the reservation, but I take off from Russia on flight Aerosvit Airlines 406 and I shall arrive in New York (JFK) is 3:50 pm.
Probably me have have taken off from flight because I have no that money, that is they have have taken off me from reservation until I shall not show them 300 USD.
My flight will be in 1 hour and 40 minutes.
I wait for your answer.
Your Nadezhda.
Letter 7

Hi my Steve!
My love Steve, I have received your letters. I should afflict you, I still am in Moscow and you should not meet me at Airport New York (JFK) today on August, 6.
I was directed to the airport, and I informed, that I no have 300 American Dollars, but I should fly necessarily on this flight as you will wait for me today in New York (JFK) . Then they informed, that they can transfer date of my flight on one of the following flights, and I have agreed. But I should show them, that I have 300 American Dollars, and that I am the tourist. Therefore you should go in your bank and to send me of money that I could show it the men from Airport Service and receive my new flight.
Probably you receive your letter in the morning, and our banks will not work any more, and I can receive money tomorrow then I can inform you about new date of my flight.
Podrezova it is mine surname which I have from my father, and Medvedeva it is mine surname mothers, but the visa and the passport are made out on surname Medvedeva. I do not want misunderstanding and that you confused, hope that now all of you will understand. But you should send money for a name Medvedeva Nadezhda.
I never thought as far as it difficultly to meet with my beloved through half of way across the world. But we should struggle together with our difficulties and then we can overcome and find love and happiness. I shall wait for your letter. Kiss for you mine Steve.
Your Nadezhda.
Letter 8

Hi my love Steve!
I have received your letters, and your information.
So now I should go urgently to the nearest site Western Union to receive money and to order my flight to you up to New York. I shall write to you later. Your Nadezhda.
Letter 9

Hi my dear Steve!
Today I could not receive money when I have come to bank has find the big queue of people. Today Friday and many people go to bank to pay their accounts. I have addressed to the man from bank and have explained my situation, but he has told, that I cannot be ahead of that queue, and he cannot make anything. But he can help to receive to me of money tomorrow in the morning. I should come to bank earlier.
Today I should rent a room in motel, it is good, that I have a little Russian rubles. Now I should finish, because Internet - cafe, whence I write to you is closing. I shall write to you tomorrow when I shall receive money, and I shall write to you the plan of my flight.
Thanks for your anxiety on me.
Your Nadezhda.
Created: 2006-09-23    Last updated: 2006-09-23    Views: 1461


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