Scam letter(s) from Evgenia Markelova to Lawrence (Canada)

Letter 1

Hello dear!!!!! I am very glad that you have answered me. I liked yours I live in Russia in city of Tomsk.
It is very beautiful and big city. Here it is a lot of sights, Because it is very old city.
I shall tell to you about myself. My growth of 169 centimeters, weight of 53 kgs. To me of 24 years. I was never married. I have education of the cook And higher education on a speciality economy and marketing. Now I work as the seller in shop Antiquarian things and products.
I have no children. At me very beautiful eyes, I think that you will estimate My sight on a photo.
I like to go in for sports. I frequently go to a training hall and in fitnes club I Like to hold Itself in the form. I do not smoke and I do not drink alcohol. I think that it is a pledge of youth, Beauty and health. I think that you with me will agree. I hope that my photos will like you.
I ask you to send me your photos. I think that appearance not the most important. On mine the main thing in the person his soul And his private world, but me is very interesting to see yours Photo. We should understand the friend It is better than the friend. We should pass a long way that in the end we shall understand together whether or not. But I think that we shall well. I shall help you to study about me. I well talk in English. At me the good teacher was and I was the provisional schoolgirl, And the knowledge of English remained at me from school. I think that you can understand all my letters.
To me to like to walk on its streets to attend museums.
At us in City there are many theatres, museums, houses of culture. We with girlfriends frequently visit cinemas and we look various films. It is more In total I to like when to come spring. On streets water flows and kids let The paper ships, sing birds, the sun shines and heats. Also the computer may, it is simply impossible, will help us to find each other. I want to know more concerning you. Tell to me about your habits, Friends. Tell to me where you live. What you like to eat? I ask it because I very well am going. Write to me all about itself, Ok? Do not hesitate to ask, I shall try to answer all your questions.
I shall wait for your answer. Also send the photo.
Your friend Zhenya from Russia.
Letter 2

Hi my dear!!!!!! I am happy, that you again to answer me.
I am very close to read your letter and to understand Almost all. It was very interesting to me to read it and I to learn a lot of new about you.
You to me very much like! I very much want to find out about you more and more and more. You that man about which I dreamed. Even my girlfriend approves you and speaks, that To me very much was lucky. I want that you wrote me the big letters, wrote to a thicket that I was pleased To your each word, each letter.
I think, that it will be interesting to you to learn better about me. I live With mum. She very good mother. At us with her very much good relations and she My best friend, the assistant. She the most dear The person for me. I very much to love and respect her.
We always with it may find common language. I to think That you are good to understand it. My mother to know, that we are copied with each other. I have told her, that from You the letter has come still. She as well as I is very much pleased, that I at last have found such person as you. But she speaks me, that I should be very cautious, that me have not deceived. But I see, that you Serious and I believe you. At me is not present from my mum of any secrets. I do not have brothers. I to have only one sister.
She now to live in Moscow, together with the husband. At me is much hobby. In free time from work I to like to spend time with friends. To me to like simply good Modern music which to cheer up.
I very much to like to be on a nature. I to like to be in To wood and on lake. To me very much to like camping. I to like to float. You to like to float?
I very much to love animals.
You also may estimate my culinary abilities. I very much to love Russian kitchen. I to want To know what dishes to like you? You prefer what drinks? And than you to like To be engaged at leisure? What kinds of sports To like you?
I to want to learn it is more about you. You may tell to me about the life are more best? I shall finish the letter.
I soon to hope to receive your letter and shall try to answer faster. Have a good day.
Your Zhenya!!!!!!!
Letter 3

Hi my lovely!!!!!! Thank for your new letter. But so it has turned out, That I could not answer you at once. I bring to you big Apologies and once again forgive me, please!!!! I very much, very much wanted To answer you at once!! I have no a house the computer. Therefore my answers such long. I live with mum. We with her as the best girlfriends. We do not have any secrets. I to want to be simply happy and to live As the normal person. My very good girlfriend 3 years back too has got acquainted With very good the man in the Internet. They liked each other very much, And in 2 months she has left to him to Australia.
Then they have got married and live very happily. At them even recently Has appeared the daughter. After that I to decide to address in service Acquaintances. And I to find you. And we to write each other. And me It very much to like. I to want to be happy with the man and to carry out With him all life. I to wait from the man of understanding, I to think that it The most important and certainly big love and care of me and of ours The future family. I shall try to make the man happy.
But without his help, without his love and understanding it will make difficultly. I once again to want to test such feeling as love. I very much To hope for it. The love is most fine feeling on the ground.
My feelings to you are very fair and true. Therefore I to write to you. I to think, that you to understand my words. I to want to find out your opinion on all this. It while all. I to promise you to write later. I with impatience I shall wait for your letter.
Your Zhenya.
Letter 4

Hi my dear prince!!!!!
I shall be possible to name you so? I already for a long time did not speak such words to whom. I have come today in the Internet of cafe and very much was delighted to your letter. At me since morning was bad Mood and only you could please me. I already begin to miss under your letters and when You will write to me at me I am cheered up also always I feel excellently. I was more and more and began to be convinced more, that I to have already attachment to you and already to wait your letters with impatience. I to not think, that such may take place and it is very pleasant for me also I thinks to you too. It is very pleasant for me, that you understand me and able to listen to me. The understanding is very main thing Between people when they want to have serious attitudes. If people are not able to listen each other and Also do not understand, at them any future is not present. I am very glad, that at us very much all well my gentle. I want to tell you many thanks for that that you at me are, for that that we have found each other and now more and more and we learn more and we get used each other. This most important in our life. I very much even would want to stay for one minute with you and to talk confidentially my dear. Even To hear your sweet and gentle voice, but we do not have phone. If it needed to be made on to the computer I for a long time have made it. I think, that on a voice about the person it is possible to understand much. As you think, I am right? But I can correspond with you only on the computer. But I think and I hope, that that will come The moment which will meet us also all of us we shall make to make happy each other. I think, that you agree With me? But we should learn each other from different directions, that then would not be late. You see in life All is important.
Even if you will miss maybe the moment it is possible to regret about it very much. At us now good weather, earlier everyone were rains and was *****. We with mum have small summer residence. Now there so it is good. I so wanted to be now there in a summer residence with you to talk about all, to discuss All your and my problems to look at stars to nestle on you and to dream of our future. But I can Only to dream of it because you so it is far from me my honey. In a garden at us berries and vegetables grow and Many beautiful colors. I give you their my dear. I so love red roses. To me for a long time did not give flowers and I dream, that in such beautiful time I shall find the The love and he will present me red roses and I shall be in love with him without mind. Also it is all will be so romantically And I was beautiful already for a long time did not test such feeling and very much want to test them!!! But while I one also search the partner in life. I very much want to continue with you attitudes and I believe, that At us all may be good my sweet!!!
I wrote to you, that I work as the cook in a dining room. My mum on pension. And I very much try at work, I obey the chief. Now I work on changes because of set of clients. At us it is a lot of visitors, Everyone speak, that at us very tasty meal. Earlier I worked for 8.00. hours, and now till 10.00. having higher education at us very much It is difficult to find normal work. I value this work because if it you will lose another Work it is necessary to wait 1 year. Certainly, in Russia now it is very difficult to live and me without a difference where to live, though in the north, only if With me there will be my loved person!!! You with me agree? I wanted to tell you, that at me 12.06.2004 will be birthday. I do not know what gift to make to myself. Certainly, the best gift is that I have found you. Prompt me, what gift is better To make to itself? Mum, I know, already for a long time prepared me for a gift, she so does each time, Will buy earlier and torments me. Mum transfers you greetings and speaks that you were healthy and always to you carried. On this Sunday we with her shall go to church and I shall pray for your health, for your successful affairs. I the believer and I believe in the God. At leisure I always go to church. I pray there for all whom I I know.
I very much like Children also would like mybe to have the child from the loved person. You as think on this To occasion?
Unfortunately at me time comes to an end, I would write to you even more, but at us still all life In the future.
Please, write to me as your affairs, what you do, how your health, how your relatives?
I shall wait from you for the letter and very-very to miss on you my lovely friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yours Zhenya.
Letter 5

Hi my sweet!!!!!!!! I so am happy, that you at me on mind all the day. I am happy to read your letter. How at you an affair? How mood? How your health?
I to think, that at you all is good.
I to want to tell you, that my heart began to beat more often, when ITo think of you!!!! I to want to feel you, your gentle sight, yours a smile, your hands. I so to require in heat and care and I To think, that I to ask not so much. I to search pure love and Romanticism in attitudes. I to like when all is beautiful, fine, gentle And it is romantic!!! Desire to have the family, the loved person beside, feeling Care and constant support in difficult minute, to what To aspire each person in life and I too. To me already 24 years, and I and To not have, about what I to speak you. I was close to happiness in the past, But my trust to break my heart. I should trust the person with which I all life. To trust his each word, gesture, a sight, a smile. In the world now so it is a lot of meanness and deceit, That it is necessary to concern to people very closely, which to surround you. I to not speak you, That it is necessary to concern about mistrust to everyone, It is just necessary to know the person so that to be completely sure in him. I to know you not long, but I can tell, that you very fair and Open and it very much to involve me and Let's me trust, that I that I can love and be loved!!! Now I to want to share with you my small pleasure. I to want to see your pleasure and problems and to divide them with you. I to want to know what to do you happy? And I shall try, that Everything, that I to make was the present happiness for you. Please give me chance To make it!!! Give me chance again to feel the loved and loving woman. Time will come and I shall give you all myself. I shall give you so much to love, That you will live as in a fairy tale. We should be together!!!
Distance between us very big. And it will be very difficult for us to meet. I looked in the Internet how many there is a ticket. When I have learned it. I was in a shock. For me to receive the visa and the passport for travel abroad easily. With it I will be helped by my aunt. She works in agency of travels. Most of all I am confused with cost of the ticket. These are huge money. You can pay the ticket? I have no a house of the computer. My salary does not allow me to buy the computer home. I have connection with you through the Internet of cafe. Therefore I so am rare to you I write. But I very much want to start new life. For the difference in the age of has no value. The main thing in the person is soul.
Our desires coincide. The main thing it that you will be near to me. I wait for your beautiful letter and I promise, that I shall think of you each minute. I shall experience for you.
I give you sensitive and beautiful k i s s s s s s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have good day.
YOURS Z H E N Y A!!!!!!!!
Letter 6

Hi my love, my fine future husband.
I am very pleased to receive from you the letter so soon. My honey I on you very much missed and very much grieved. My lovely I it is very strong you I like. I adore you..... My sweet I very much want to be fast with you. I do dream About this day when we shall be together. I ask the god that he has more soon approached this day, day when at me and at you will begin Happy life and we shall be without mind from each other. Honey, you want this day? I each night dream of it. I present myself as we meet For the first time, when we search each other in crowd eyes. We feel Affinity each other, our hearts are beaten promptly from that that we very much Close we are. And when we find each other eyes, we is prompt We run on a meeting and my eyes are full tears, these are tears of happiness. We are thrown Each other in embraces and our lips merge in a long and deep kiss.....
My sweet I wait for our meeting as the schoolgirl, expecting the first appointment. I can not live without you, I do not want to look at the sky because you are not present with me beside.... Lovely I all life waited such love which I test only to you. You my destiny and you my angel sent to me by the god from heavens. I now understand, That I only waited for you and that the love may be such strong and covering. My love to you does not give me normally to sleep, normally is, is normal itself a message. The love to you does me without mind. I can am quiet shout in the street where full to people, That I you love and that my life it you. And I am created only for you my honey!!!!!!!!! My ideas do not cease to think of you, my head is hammered by dreams of you and mine Actions only for you. For the sake of you I am ready on everything, my love. For the sake of you it is ready On all barrier which life creates to us. For the sake of our love if it is necessary, I am ready to give the life. I shall be patient and I shall wait for you. I shall wait You as morning. I shall wait for you as the sun. I shall wait for you all life. I know that the god on our party and he helps us. The god has made for me most Dear gift in my life and it you my love. I shall devote all life Only to you. I am intended for you. I a key for your lock. I am simple I can not It is more to live without you. I want to see off with you my days, want to be with you in happiness and in mountain. I want to divide with you both pleasure and crying. My native if you will laugh, I shall be pleased together with you and if you will grieve I I shall cry for you... You understand me my love?
I awfully want you, I want to kiss your body, I want to be given you entirely. I know that we may not To live without each other. We are necessary each other as the sun is necessary for day as stars are necessary for night.... I understand, that for our meeting it is necessary not only time, but also our aspiration, our desire And our hunt each other. Honey I very much want our meeting, our connection and our happiness. I know that my love to you will live eternally and will not be lost when. Our love will not steal who, Because I shall not allow to make it to whom. Our love can live and then when we shall be Very much far apart as now, but it so is painful for me. My native, I not iron The woman, it is not tolerant when feelings should be transferred the through these letters. For the person It is peculiar when he likes other person to feel him, to touch him, to know that this The person beside and any minute to have an opportunity to be near to him. You agree with me? Even a tree Dries up when beside there is no other tree. It for a long time is incorporated by a nature in us, in alive organisms, That the love on the present is strong then when she has two half and is than that one, the whole. My love, you understand, that I very much want to be with you beside, together. All my desires not looking On anything only also repeat that we should be together. You want it, my dear? I want to cast in the lot with your destiny faster and to begin with you to single whole. Only then We can achieve all that we want, my honey. The god appreciates that that two loving persons connect With each other the lifes and he always helps them. And it is not important for me where we shall meet you. My love if you want to come to me and to visit our country I only shall be happy to this, And if you want to invite me to yourself it too happiness for me. But our meeting should be held And it is very fast my love because if us to not meet that it will be suicide as for me And for you. I do not want to lose such pure, gentle and sincere our love. There is no our love it Means and is not present me and you. You understand me my honey? I understand, that our meeting demands many victims and time. And one of victims is money, but for me Money in comparison with our love do not mean anything. Money it is simple one of barrier, which There is between us, my love. Only one god knows what for the person has thought up and has put above Themselves what - that papers, but money should not be for our love a barrier, yes my love? We should trust each other because the trust is very important thing between two people, When at them attitudes are under construction. We should not hide from each other anything, we should trust Each other, because between us should not be uniform lies. I so hate this word, Because on light so it is a lot of people which tell lies or hurt other person to the Lies. I hate such people, I am ready to **** them..... I asked the aunt the ticket up to Vancouver how many will cost. She has told that from 850US $. It approximately 24000 roubles. But if you to me will arrive that I only I shall be very glad. I shall be near to you each minute.
That with you of nothing happened. Only without knowledge of Russian it will be slightly difficult My love, I think that I have clearly written all in this letter. Please, re-read him some times And you will understand my feelings to you, my desire to be together and that that I want for you only happiness.
My honey, is very a pity to me, but I do not have time to write to you further, it has left. My love, I shall miss very much on you and to wait from you for the letter. Remember that I very strongly love you and I can not without you...... I am strong, strong whole you in your gentle lips and let this kiss accompanies with you Within today and the next days......
Your love and your bride Zhenya
Letter 7

Hi my love and my gentle man.
It is a pity to me that now you are not present near to me, we together would send with you..... Honey, I very much love you and very much I miss you. I suffer from that that you Now not near to me. I very much worry for you.... When I you have written me the letter for the first time I have understood, that you that person about which I dreamed all life. You that knight on a white horse. Yours words Have pierced me up to depth of my soul. I as if the bird who has escaped from a cell. You have forced to beat my heart which lives one you more often. I so would like to appear with you beside to feel your heat and to overlook With you about all on light. Each night I lie down to sleep think only about To you also I can not fall asleep. We are divided with thousand kilometers, but I feel Your presence, you, as if the angel - keeper who preserves me. When I do not receive your answer, something breaks at me in a ****** and it seems to me, That the ground leaves at me from under legs. All my life was grey and boring, While I have not found that who have changed my life, have brought happy minutes of my life. I waited for you the whole eternity and at last there was this MIRACLE!!! I am grateful for this miracle To destiny which has helped us to find each other in this huge world. I so dream of our meeting, I above all would like to meet you. For the sake of You I am ready to offer everything to be only with you. I would like to fall asleep in yours Strong embraces and to feel sweet taste of your lips and each morning to wake up with I think, that Beside that the man without which my life simply does not represent sense. I think that from the girl should not proceed what or ideas. All initiatives should proceed from the man.
I already wrote to you, that I have no a house of the computer. My salary does not allow me to buy the computer home. I have connection with you through the Internet of cafe. Therefore I so am rare to you I write. It Internet kafe will be closed in two weeks. And we probably shall lose touch with each other. But I do not want to lose with you the attitude. To me have offered to buy the computer on credit. It is necessary to pay half of cost only. It 500 US $. Other money at me will subtract each month from the salary. You agree to pay this sum? I very much love you, we should not leave. When you will arrive to me, we shall be all time together. You will stay at me how many to you it will be necessary.
But I very much want to start new life. Our desires coincide. The main thing it that you will be near to me. I wait for your beautiful letter and I promise, that I shall think of you each minute. I shall experience for you.
I very strong kiss you in your gentle lips!!!!!
I shall wait from you for the letter and very to miss on you!!!!!!!!
Your loving future wife Zhenya Markelova
Created: 2006-09-25    Last updated: 2006-09-25    Views: 1375


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