Scam letter(s) from Marina Kushakova to Marc (Australia)

Letter 1 Hello dear and very attractive man!!!!
How you? How your health? How your life?
You yet have not got tired to search for that unique which will subdue
Your lonely heart also will calm your ideas? You yet
Not have lost the hope what will find the fine love?
I hope, that my letter will reach you, when you in excellent
Mood and in good health.
I searched here for you very long and already thought, that here was not present for
Me suitable person. But when I have seen your structure, me
At once it became interesting and that that in my heart has pricked. I have thought,
That it is a mark from above and has decided to write to you this letter...
My name - Tania. I still very young, but very constraining girl.
To me soon it will already be executed 28 years, but I still feel myself absolutely young.
Life of me tested very much and now I write you this letter.
Who knows, what with us will be tomorrow? But I want to get acquainted with you and
Is simple to go on current of life. I very lonely girl also search same
The lonely person who will steal my heart and will open for me doors
In the heart. My purposes very serious. I believe in love and I believe that
The love always conducts fortunately and to creation fine families.
Certainly, the love may bring and tears, but I want that these tears were only
Tears of happiness. Probably you can present me happiness and I shall answer you
The same happiness.
I have chosen you from set of persons because you have seemed to me such person,
With which it is possible to go on edge of light and to not be afraid for the life. You have seemed
To me very much interesting and very clever person. I think, that you have feeling
Humour and with you it will be never boring. The same as and with me... I shall look forward to hearing from you very much. Please, write to me on mine e-mail:
I necessarily shall answer you and I shall inform more about myself, and also I shall send the
Photos. I have made the choice and it - YOU. Now you make the choice and
Do not leave my letter without the answer. Trust the heart and listen only
Have good time of days, faithfully and with the big interest, to you - Tania. Logged IP address : (
Letter 2

Hello !!!!
I is much pleased so soon get the letter from you.
I much like your profile, but I should like to get photographies from you.
I much like that you understand my not very good english. I want to say you that I studied its at school, but subsequently university.
I search for persons with whom I can lead all life.
At me very serious intentions, my dear.
I have the growing 170 centimetres and weight 55 kilograms, I work in a kindergarten in city Saransk, to me difficult work, but each day I see remarkable persons of children. I very much love children. Earlier I worked as model, but now I become old. It will not seem to you
because I send you old photos, sometime I shall send you my modelling photos
I live in city of Cheboksary. It in here approximately in 780Kilometers from city of Moscow.
I want to speak you that I much like the children.
I never married and I have no children. I had the experience of contact beside itself in Russia with mans, but they not there were are adjusted seriously and we happen to part, and they much often drink the alcohol and in good supply, but me this not much likes.
I think that you has no such habit.
I want to say that I no smoking and not stump liquors.
but sometimes I like to drink in good company not much vine though this can be much seldom.
I want to speak that I wit well to play the piano, I has finished the music school, in which I learned 7 years.
I want to say that I live with my ma.
I have the grandmother, grandparent regrettably was died, 2 years ago.
I want you to speak that I like the varied music, but basically classical. I want to have the serious relations with you, find with you its love and create lucky family.
I shall pleased if you this will in the same way want.
I demand to speak that I write you from the company the Internet of cafe, it to cost money and consequently I try to write faster but also naturally am shorter. To me it to cost the big money, but I to you shall not be justified and I shall speak you always the truth and the truth, I can not write to you very long time because I shall have not always money for the Internet of cafe. I hope that you know what is the Internet of cafe? beside me regrettably no computer and telephone at home. I think that this will not be problem for us?
I want more to learn of you, about your family. I think that you are able me soon to answer, shall soon write Tania
Letter 3

Hi my dear!!!!!! I was very happy today when you has answered my letter. It was very interesting to me to read your letter and to understand, that you have written to me, my dear. It was very interesting to me for learning more about you. You are similar to me! I very much want to learn about you more, I want to find out all. You that person of whom I so long dreamed. Even my girlfriend encourages you and speaks, that I have made a correct choice when I have written to you And you are very pleasant, which are very important for me. And I want, I know more about your work. Thank for your photos, have very much liked me they, you very nice person, you very much to like me!!! Send to me please still the photos!!! I think, that you want to know about me more. As I already spoke you, I live together with mum. At us with her very much good relations and she my best friend and the assistant. She the most dear person for me. I very much like and I respect my mum. I always find with her common language. I think, that you understand me, my dear. I have told her, that have received still the letter from you. She also is very pleased, that I have found such person, as you. But she speaks me, that I should be very cautious, that me have not deceived. But I believe, that you will not deceive me. I do not have any secrets from my mum. I always speak her only the truth because I very fair person. My father has left us 5 years back. As it will help us to study each other better and to find our love. I am a romantic woman. I love supper in candles, and dance slowly. My mum now does not work because she is old for this purpose to her of 65 years, it very much the country but she always looks youngly, she very beautiful. Now she does not work also she is the pensioner and for pension of her she receives very easy small sum of money. But she does not regret also to her in full suffices as for the old woman, money only on a meal and slightly on clothes suffices, but on clothes I give her money that she has dressed up. At me is many friends and girlfriends, but I think that each person has one closest person. I have such person, she is called Anastasiya. She to me is closer than the girlfriend, I her think also she me counts the sister, but the sister not by birth, and on friendship. We with it studied from the first class. We constantly share with it the secrets and we from each other do not have any secrets. You have similar? I constantly tell to it about you, and we long converse on this theme. We frequently go with friends to theatres on operas. To me very much like to look an opera. You visit theatres? I like to go with girlfriends on a nature where we have a rest under the full program. I like to bathe, go to cafe. Now I shall finish the letter, and I wait the letter from you, Your Tania !
Letter 4

Hi my dear!!!!!
Today again it was very pleasant for me to receive your letter, my dear!!!
Dear, I wait for your letters as the nightingale waits for a summer.
How you, my dear? At me all is good, today at me remarkable mood.
It is pleasant for me, that our acquaintance is a success, also we have progress.
I to think and to want, what to have our love together.
I to search such for the person as you. I am very pleased
Well, from all I to want to choose you.
I to think, that it - destiny,
Concerning me so that to speak my heart
And I was very pleased when to find, that your letter in a box.
Each night and day my ideas about you. I to not know, that this such.I to remind the young and young girl. I to lose good dream because I long, to think of you before it how to go to bed. It gives me dream.
Dear, I want to ask you, when your birthday and who you on a mark of the zodiac.
I want to inform you, that it is very pleasant for me to read your letters.
I any more do not want to have anything general with Russian people.
In our city people only want to deceive each other
and to me it is very bad among such people. I want, that you knew,
that at me experience with one person was. With this person I was very happy,
I thought, that I love him. It was 2 years back.
I was happy to carry out with him each day. I already dreamed of wedding,
but there was a case which has changed all my life.
Once I have found him behind reception of drugs.
I asked him to stop because drugs this big evil.
They spoil persons, my dear. But he did not listen to me
and continued to use drugs both alcoholic drinks.
And all my plans on future have failed.
We have begun to not understand each other. he began to avoid me..
And I have decided to leave from him. But I shall not repeat more such mistakes.
I any more do not want to break to myself life, I do not want to break my heart.
I shall not trust any more to Russian people. I simply want to live happily,
as the normal person. My very good girlfriend 3 years back
also has got acquainted with very good person in the Internet.
They liked each other very much and in 2 months she has left to him for Australia.
They have got married and now they live happily.
At them the daughter recently has appeared.
They have named her Marina. After that I have decided to search for the love.
And I have found you, my dear. And I am very glad, that you write to me, my dear.
I want to be happy with the person and I want to lead with him all life.
I wait from the person of love and understanding.
I shall try to do persons happy, but without his help,
without his love and understanding will do it very difficultly.
The love fine feeling on the ground.
My feelings to you are very fair also trues. Therefore I write you. I think,
that you have understood, that I have written to you, my dear.
I want, that you have expressed the opinion concerning it.
Now I should finish. I promise you, that I shall write to you later.
I with impatience shall wait for your following letter.
Kissssssssss you,
Yours Tania.
Created: 2006-10-30    Last updated: 2006-10-30    Views: 1531


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