Scam letter(s) from Tatyana Berezina to Mike (Australia)

Letter 1
Hello Mike! It is very glad to your fast answer. I might not answer earlier as was engaged in my holiday from work. I worked as the teacher at school, and also the hairdresser in a beauty salon. Today at me already holiday. Let's get acquainted and I shall try to speak about myself more. To me of 28 years. My growth of 172 centimeters. My weight of 63 kgs. I live in city Samara. It is located to northeast from Kazakhstan. From Moscow it is located 1200 kilometers to the south - east. I was born and have grown in this city. It is very beautiful and big city. I live with my mum in two room apartment. From work I try to carry out my free time with my mum and daddy. Behind her the leaving is necessary. She the invalid. She may not move independently. I should take her on her work. She works in a society of invalids of the Samara area. My daddy now on pension. At him with health everything is all right. But when I have a free time I visit a sports hall and visits theatres. In summertime of year I like to go by the sea or on lake to accept solar beams. My loved foodstuffs is seafoods, and also various fruit and vegetables. I not so love meat as there many calories, but sometimes I allow myself it. Excuse. I shall go now with my mum on walk. I shall write to you tomorrow. I send you the photo! I wait for your answer as it is possible soon! Yours faithfully. Svetlana.
Letter 2
Mike! How are your today? I hope ok? At me all is good! I have risen very much early at 4 o'clock in the morning. I do not like to sleep much. I like to be in movement. I today to go on walk with my mum in the morning, then to make breakfast, the ambassador to take mum on her work. Now I was exempted and to write to you this letter from Internet cafe! It only has still opened. Ok, I shall try to speak more about myself, about parents and about life in Russia that you might learn me and all better that surrounds me. My birthday January, 1, 1975. I have children and was not married. I to want to have children in the future, one or two but if it will be wanted by my future husband. I very much love beautiful clothes but that it was practical. I not so love jewelry or ornaments, but sometimes it is necessary, for example at a solemn occasion. I like to visit various entertaining actions. I visit them with my girlfriend. As I already spoke earlier I work as the school teacher and I earn additionally the hairdresser. As wages at the teacher in Russia very small. Our average income in the country makes 1400 roubles per one month. These are 45 dollars USA. Because of it I earn additionally in a hairdressing saloon. All together I receive 2600 roubles per one month. From this money subtract for an apartment and municipal services plus of deduction in a pension fund and other taxes. Remains money only on a feed. To buy what be to have some months clothes to save money. But not looking on it, my work of the teacher of natural study very much is pleasant to me. Now I shall speak more about my parents. Their names: Mum Mariya Alexsandrovna. Daddy Sergey Petrovich. They live together as the husband and the wife 35 years. Daddy worked as the bookkeeper at a machine-building factory earlier. Mum worked in library, but then she has got in automobile failure and at her the backbone was damaged and she independently may not move 10 years. Now she works for the blessing to the same people as she, that is invalids. She protects their rights and tries to achieve the big privileges for life-support. I in family the only child. A lot of attention was always given me parents. I very much love them. By the way, you to me too Like though we only have begun to correspond. I did not try to get acquainted through Internet earlier. My mum has advised me it. I think, that she was right. I am glad, that have got acquainted with you. I we shall think further to develop ours with you relations. I never was outside Russia and I very much to want to visit sometime abroad Russia. I to think, that it will be possible. Nearly has not overlooked! I now need to go on the market behind products so, that I shall finish on it my letter. I very much to wait for your answer. Kiss! Sincerely Svetlana.
Letter 3
Hi dear! I yesterday have made a mistake in my letter. I have written, that I have children, but it not so. I not have children!!! It is a mistake because of my bad knowledge of the English language. I want to have children, but not now. I hope you of me to understand! Excuse, but I today have not enough time so, that I shall be brief. Today in the street warm weather. There has already come spring. I very much love spring as it is time love. You to like spring? I to want to ask you a little if you not against? 1) Your liked season? 2) What for you the most important qualities of character in the person? 3) You have liked products of Russian writers if there is that what? 4) Your liked time of day (day or night)? 5) Your biggest fear in the childhood? It perhaps all. I hope, that you am sincere to answer these questions. I shall take now my mum on work. I to speak her about you. She sends the regards to you and wishes health. To look forward to hearing very much, very much. I shall think of you all day!!!!! Yours Svetlana. P.S. I send you a map of city in which I live. City Samara.
Letter 4
Dearest Mike! I to catch a cold slightly and all day to sit at home. Today to me it is better. Today weather was considerably improved. Now in the street 12 degrees C. It raises my mood slightly. Today at night you have dreamed me. It was very amusing and pleasant.You were very polite and persevering.You have invited me in good restaurant, but on this place I have woken up. It has very much afflicted me, but I to think, that my dream will be fast a reality. I it very much to want. Today I should do cleaning of an apartment. It borrows a lot of time from me. Usually all day long. I like, that in an apartment was clean. I now should go. To wait for your letters and a photo. Love and Kiss. Svetlana (it is possible simply Lana)
Letter 5
My lovely Mike! Excuse, that did not write to you some days. I have caught a cold on Thursday and was ill. I had high temperature and weakness. I was not ability to visit Internet cafe because of illness. But today to me it is already better. I do not have temperature and I feel well. I hope, what you missed all these days me and my letters? I very much missed on you. I think, what at you all is good? Today to take my mum on work my daddy as I am a little more weak after cold. I will think tomorrow all well. When I might not write these days to you. I have understood, that you are valid to me are dear. Not simply as the interlocutor on Internet and as the man with which seems to me is possible to develop the relation more serious and creation of family is possible. But it to us will need to be solved at ours with you to a meeting. At me now holiday from work and I to think, that I shall have an opportunity to come to you on a visit. I yet did not speak about it with my mum and daddy, but I to think, that they will not be against. I shall speak with them about it today. I try to send you pictures of which I to make not for a long time. I to make them in 2002. I hope, that they will like you. I to wait for your letter. Love and Respect!!! Yours Svetlana.
Letter 6
Dearest Mike!!! At me good news. I yesterday have not born after to write to you the letter and at once to speak my mum and daddy, that I to want to visit you. They to approve my decision. And to speak, that so it is much better to learn to us each other than on Internet. I yesterday all day to go to receive the information concerning my documents. I have found out all that is required to me to arrive to you. I went to the transport company. I to carry with myself my mum. She speaks, that will help me in reception of my documents. My mum speaks, that problems with reception of the visa will not be. As she will involve a society of invalids of our city where she works in the help. For my arrival it is required to legalize papers the following. The passport for travel abroad, the visa for the period of one month both medical and social information, my documents will be ready during three weeks after payment. To me distances of the quotation in dollars USA. We in Russia basically have quotations in these monetary units. I do not know why. For this purpose it is required to me 275 dollars USA, my mum and daddy speaks, that at them is present 100 dollars USA, it is more at them is not present. It is necessary for me of 175 more dollars USA. I hope, that you to help me in it, that as we should operate together. To me have appointed reception in the transport company on Friday, by this day I should pay cost of my documents. Send me please 175 dollars USA today that I might pay my documents tomorrow. It will be more more convenient, that all to make in time. I to go to bank, to me have told that the fastest and reliable way to transfer money, it is system monetary transfer Western Union. You simply should go in the bank where are present Western Union and to do make translation of money resources. I to give you the address and the name of mine Western Union where you may transfer money quickly. Alfabank 443001, Russia, Samara city, Street, Molodogvardeiskaya, 151 Ph.: +7 8462 42-06-24, 42-06-17 Fax: +7 8462 42-06-25 E-mail: Also to me to speak, that you may take advantage Internet of a site for a sending of money to not go to bank. The following information is necessary for this purpose for you: my full name, Svetlana Glushkova, My home Adress: Russia, 443001, Samara city, Novo Sadovaya street, home 34 apartment 27. You should as inform me the exact full name, the home address and the nearest airport where it is convenient for you to meet me. Ok? Excuse, now I should go on my work to prolong my holiday. Very much I wait for the letter and ours with you of a meeting, it Is a lot of kisses and respect. Yours Svetlana.
Created: 2006-11-17    Last updated: 2006-11-17    Views: 1989


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