Scam letter(s) from Oksana Novoselova to Carl (UK)
Letter 1
Greetings my friend. I am glad that you have answered me my small letter. I Never before corresponded with anybody from other countries and in general It is my first experience of correspondence through the Internet. Now presently When high technologies are widely advanced, speak much and write about Acquaintances through the Internet. I too have decided to try to search the Happiness on the Internet. I want to tell to you about myself and about that where I live. I live in city Kazan. To me of 26 years and I work the doctor in our hospital. Summer at us warm and sometimes even hot. But unfortunately winter at us Cold. I was born and have grown in this city. Unfortunately at me is not present The father it was lost in a road accident when to me there were 3 years. And Now we with mum live together. I still have senior brother to it 30 Years. My mother the simple teacher. I have not wanted to be the teacher and Therefore when I have left school began to study in medical University and now I work the doctor. My growth of 167 centimeters, mine Weight of 54 kgs. I was born on December, 12, 1980. To me very much It is interesting to correspond with you. It is very interesting to me to learn about you and About your way of life. I hope you to me will write also it will be fast. I I shall tell to you more about myself in the following letters. Oksana.
Letter 2
Greetings my new friend. Very much it was pleasant to me that you have written to me The reciprocal letter. It is very interesting to me to learn more about you and yours To the country. In general it is interesting to me that we with you are copied because I for the first time communicate with the person from other country. I hope that to you so Interestingly to correspond with me? To me you are interesting to learn wrote To someone else except for me before? And still you now with somebody Except for me you correspond? To me it is interesting because to me always not Carried with men. I do not know why but they always threw me when Learned me better. I think that all the matter is that at us the man It is a lot of and frequently drink *****. On mine it is a general problem of Russia. Therefore I have addressed in the Internet. I know that abroad is not present such Problems and men concern to women more validly than at us in To the country. As I to you have told I write to you from Internet - cafe. It is usual Library in which, except for books some computers still cost. To To regret I do not have own computer because I cannot To dare it to buy. I work the doctor and it as you know The trade which is paid from the budget of the country. And for the country it It is difficult to pay work of doctors because as explains ours The government the budget of Russia tests deficiency. It is interesting to me to learn What hospitals at you and as financing hospitals is arranged. It Simply my professional interest. Not looking on that that at us is Some problems I all the same like my work. Because I still In the childhood dreamed to treat people. I the doctor - anaesthesiologist and my duty Will be that I should support viability Human body during a narcosis. And consequently frequently in my hands There is a life of the patient. Certainly it on would be much easier if Our hospital was better equipped. But it is not present besides because of Bad financing. But we have already got used to this and we do all that Probably with that that we have. I work during various time basically Certainly in the afternoon, but once in three days I work at night in a night shift. Sometimes there are very complex days when much hardly patients. In such Days very strongly you get tired. My mum very much experiences for me because She loves me. She always brought up me and spoke me what not Looking on anything is necessary to help people. I completely with it agree. I I want to know what attitudes at you with native to you people? Whether is at You brothers and sisters how frequently you with them meet? At me is The senior brother to it of 30 years and at him is family. It married two years ago And one year ago at them the son of it was born have named Pasha. It such interesting. When my brother come with the wife and the small son to us home I Always I am glad because I very much love of children. It is interesting to me as you You will spend the free time and as whom you work? It is very a pity to me, but I should finish the letter. I hope that you will answer me soon Also you will answer my questions. With impatience to see your letters your friend In cold Russia Oksana.
Letter 3
Greetings my friend. I am glad that you have written to me. Today I come In the eioa?aiao-center and I see the letter from you it very much me pleases. I looked cinema yesterday at our cinema and Very much it was pleasant to me. I think that this film could be removed only when Computers and more advanced technologies have appeared. I want to learn from you what music to you it is pleasant? It is pleasant to me various Styles and directions, but last time is pleasant to me style New Ege because it Directs at reflections and I like to listen to this music before dream. These are such groups As Enya, Enigma and many others. Except for this music to me to like also Popular American and English music. We have the radio most popular Radio in Russia is radio Europe +. I constantly listen to this radio. You heard about them? Probably is not present, but it the most popular radio in Russia. Probably you reflect What for I in general began to correspond from you? I can tell only one. Understand Me I cannot find in Russia the person which loved me and respected. As One wise person " has told When we live we are in search, in search of that Who can go with you on a vital way because one to go very much and very much Difficultly. " I think that you agree with me? And if it is concrete, that I search in the person This that that it was kind and careful. Probably it only children's dream, But I think that you such. For me the purpose in a life it to find the person Which can cares of me and about ours with it children. I shall apply to this all Efforts on what I am possible and there will be with this person a leg in a leg that To help and support it. Recently happened so I was on funeral The schoolmate. The matter is that it recently has died of that that it used Drugs and it has died of a plenty of drugs. It was the excellent friend, it always came to me To the aid when to me it was bad. It was the successful businessman. But unfortunately it Has given in to drugs and unfortunately there is no it more with us. I very much regret about It, and consequently I categorically against drugs. I understand that to you very much It is difficult to understand that I write, but you forgive me I use the translator and consequently Probably there are mistakes in translation. I studied English at university and I can speak fluently. But to write in English at me there is no time In the Internet of cafe. For this reason I use the translator, it is fast and simple. I I wait for your letters and I can tell that they began for me more than simply e-mail It on much greater. Yours faithfully Oksana.
Letter 4
Greetings my friend. I am glad to see again your letter in the letter box. At Us today good weather and consequently mood simply fine. With Mornings I went to a sports hall. I like to go in for sports because I think that it It is useful for health. From kinds of sports I prefer gymnastics and navigation. I I like to float. In the summer on the river and in the winter in pool. I like to watch myself and I I like when I look beautiful. And for this purpose I put not small efforts. Many From our people do not go in for sports. They speak that they on it do not have time. But I think that for sports always is possible to find time. I daily visit Sports hall and pool. I was accustomed to sports in the childhood. I remember That time when I studied at university. It were cheerful times. Certainly To study it was difficult, but after study it was always cheerful. At us was cheerful The company and we each day off went to various cafes and bars. This tradition Has remained and about these days and when we meet that we gather in any bar and We recollect our student's life. Many of us have already parted and work in Other cities. But the majority still in our city. When I studied in University we studied set of sciences, but basically it is natural sciences. We Five years studied in time so much is required to receive the maximum Formation and to become the doctor. I yet did not speak you that at my mum of a problem with health at it poorly with heart. I love mother and I am afraid for it and I do not want to lose her. I love different kinds of the foodstuffs. But basically That I can prepare for that. I like to prepare I peep because it very much Interestingly. Especially when you prepare that for that new. My favourite dish it golybci. I love them. You know that such golybci. It is forcemeat wrapped up in leaves Cabbage. You sometime eat golybci? Still it is interesting to me what I peep you you like? And How the food in your city is various? You are able to prepare itself? I still want To ask you to write to me your phone number. Simply I want to hear yours Voice and I think that you probably too not against to hear my voice. I cannot To give you my phone number because I live in an apartment in which is not present Phone. And neighbours do not allow me to use their phone. I shall call To you from telegraph. I wait for your letters yours Oksana. p.s Yes I received a photo from you you to me very much have liked, you very nice person. I already spoke you why I search for love not in Russia because at us in Russia the majority of men drink Russia ***** and badly address with women.
Letter 5
Greetings the my dear friend Carl. I recently start to understand that I get used to To your letters and they become for me big than is simple letters. I always with Impatience I wait for your letters. I learn a lot of interesting about you, about your country. For me they became the important part of my life. I start to understand that I love you my dear and I want to be with you. I hope that you so You concern to my letters. Whether as you think I can arrive to you to the country? I did not reflect on it and at all I do not present Whether it is possible. But if you will want that I have arrived to you I shall try To learn it is more than information on it. I believe in the god because at my work frequently To have to address to it. But it only behind encouragement because When you see that people die on your hands all the same you can not is quiet To look at it. Therefore I some times in a month find time to descend in Church. I the orthodox Christian. In hospital to me to have To collide with people of different peoples and different creed, but I do not do Among them distinction. For me all people identical. I swore and Therefore I help all people not looking on anything. And as I concern to them in Lives. Unfortunately not all people consider as I and consequently in the world occur Any collisions and acts of terrorism. As well as at us in Moscow and others Cities of Russia it has led to to plural human victims. But I am confident That people will think again and will make so that we to doctors had not to rescue from Death of people. Because only doctors and those who has directly suffered Completely understand size of all tragedies. Fortunately now all is quiet and not It is a lot of work at doctors. But every day there are tragedies, failures, unfortunate Cases after which we should work strenuously to rescue a life to victims All these tragedies. I can give you the address that you knew Where I live precisely. But I ask you do not send me by mail that. To me of it not It is necessary. I understand that you have such desire, but I the modest girl and consequently I I can not simply accept your gifts. You write to me more warm and kind better Words and for me it will be the best support in a life. My address
Oksana Novoselova
Mira 67
City Kazan
I wait for the answer as a nightingale of summer so speak at us in Russia. With love yours Oksana.
Oksana Novoselova
Mira 67
City Kazan
I wait for the answer as a nightingale of summer so speak at us in Russia. With love yours Oksana.
Letter 6
Greetings my love. What is pleasure to receive from you the letter. Only It is not a pity that I can write to you more often. It occurs not on my fault and Because I or work or the Internet - cafe on the days off close. Believe me That I, if at me was such opportunity, would write to you daily and big Letters. But unfortunately it not so. You speak that at you in the country much The doctor - anaesthesiologist receives not bad money to your measures. If it is fair to me It becomes sometimes very a pity that I was born in Russia. There is no I love the native land. But that that is now it simply a nightmare. Imagine to us yesterday distances Wages, but it is simply ridiculous. I have received 70 euro. You imagine as Doctors should work when the state does not estimate their work as they of that Deserve. During such moments is not present what desire to work. Many of mine Colleagues in our hospital are engaged in illegal business. But I cannot go on The transaction with conscience. One doctor with which I work have told to me that is favourable Business, but it illegal. I have refused when have learned about what it spoke. I I am in charge of various soothing substances in hospital and it has suggested that I Sold to their young teenagers which use drugs, but cannot to itself To allow expensive drugs. I have refused because I cannot be engaged in it, Because I cannot sell drugs and by that to doom to death young People. I love children and they to me always bring pleasure not looking on that that they At all mine. I do not have children but I always wanted them to have and I hope that mine Dreams will be carried out and I will have children. And can be at us? I think that The present family, and in general attitudes between two people should be based on Trust and the kind attitude to each other. You agree with me? At our life When you do not know that there will be tomorrow I not can tell that with me will be through two Or five years. But as it will seems monotonous and boring life to me is. On Work from a house and from work home. Certainly it is a shame to me, but I ask you if you You can change my life I to you I when I shall not overlook shall be simply grateful also It. I love you and I want to lead the rest of the life with you. But we still even Did not meet you face to face and we do not know as our attitudes will be To develop further. But that that we with you are copied also I can To write to the person from other country and from other continent it has very much changed my The life because I is in love in the person with which we did not see in alive To time. I think that to us all the same is necessary to meet, but I do not know when it Will take place. Such small letter has turned out, I think that you will write to me On him the answer. There can be I something not that have written that could you or offend Or to offend, but it simply my opinion on our attitudes. I love you. Yours Oksana.
Letter 7
Greetings my love. I am very glad to receive from you the answer. Recently I Constantly was on work because my girlfriend and the colleague which works At that time when at me the day off I was ill also was compelled to replace her and To work practically every day. But not looking on that that I worked I also Has tried to learn that it is necessary to arrive to you in the country. I You have made it because I, and probably too, I think that all of us equally should Will meet and see each other. Because attitudes between two people not Can is under construction on correspondence and phone calls. All of them equally should see Each other and to look each other in eyes. I think that we with you should To do the utmost to meet. As To me have told I should receive the passport and the visa. I can make all this in most Embassy. Therefore to arrive to you my dear I should To go in embassy to issue the visa and the passport for travel abroad. At My brother in embassy there is a good friend with which they together studied in University. It works in embassy and is engaged in tourist business. My brother Has called it and it promised to help me with registration of the visa. It is interesting to me to learn yours Opinion on my actions. I think that you will agree with my actions Because we with you like each other and our hearts should incorporate, To feel each other. I think that the first touch to each other we Let's remember for all our life because we with you are on different continents And we are divided with ocean. It seems to me that it is the God the friend has allowed us to find The friend. You think itself, we are on the different ends of the ground and when did not hear About each other. And at us with you huge chance in a life. We have found each other not Looking at distances. I am grateful to the god that I was born during such time Time when technologies connect people from different doomsday. Also allow people To communicate on huge distances. But we too should make efforts To meet and that all this time which we know time each other not Has passed for nothing and we were together. I love of you and for me the maximum award would be That that I was with you. The greater I also do not dream to wish. I hope that you You will consider seriously my words because they go from the heart. I wait Your letters. You and only your girl also can be in the future wife Oksana.der Zukunft die Frau Oksana sein. I love you!!!
Letter 8
Greetings my love Carl, I so am glad to receive the letter from you. Loved I burn down from impatience, I want To see you and to learn as our attitudes with you will develop When we shall be together. For me now it is the most important, because I Has found you and I have found the love which already for a long time did not test. You You do me happy and cheerful. You are necessary for me as water and Air, I very much miss you. Dear I went In embassy and they informed me that for me and my situation I can To receive the tourist visa because its registration borrows not a lot of time and She the cheapest. Except for that the friend to my brother too has considered my request very much Seriously and as well as I have carried out researches on this theme. It has told that in Embassy to me have picked up the most favourable to us with you a variant. As it to me I have explained can arrive to you under this visa and I can be with you at those in the country 90 Days. Certainly this very small time for us with you, but I think that for this time That we shall together we with you we can discuss all variants as to us with you to live Further. The friend to my brother, by the way his name is Andrey, has told that it can help To me in registration of the visa because it is very complex process and not to everyone give The visa. And he in embassy has communications as it is engaged in it already a little Years. Results of my researches. The tourist visa, its registration costs 300 euro, the passport for travel abroad costs 200 euro. Total to receive the passport and the visa it is necessary 500 euro. When I Has learned that so dearly there is a reception of the visa I very much was upset, because for Me it is simply big money. You know my financial position Therefore I do not know as me to be and I do not know when we can meet you. My dear I want ask you you can to help me with money? I love you and I want to be with you. And I do not know that to me to do please write to me your answer. I with impatience shall wait from you for the answer. I love you. Oksana.
Created: 2006-11-29 Last updated: 2006-11-29 Views: 1847