Scam letter(s) from Marina Sozonova to Fred (Netherlands)
Letter 1
Hello! How are you? I do not know what to write to you. But I wish to tell to you that your structure very much has liked me. Here has thought that if I have decided to get acquainted on the Internet with the man that to me it is not necessary will hesitate. I not such girl which do a first step in that to begin acquaintance. I consider that the man should show itself the initiative in it. But it is the Internet and if I have chance to tell, what you have liked me, why and are not present? I wish to write not much about myself. My name is Olga. To me 26 years. I was born and I live in Russia. I the sociable, cheerful girl. I hope that it while enough. I shall write the rest to you in the following of times if I have interested you also you will write to me. I wait for your answer.
PS: My e-mail:
Letter 2
Hello Fred,
i am glad to receive from you the letter. I as am glad, that you have decided to get acquainted with me. As you already know, my name is Olga. I was born on May, 17th, 1980. I live in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. My city to be in Republic Tatarstan which is a part of Russia. I at present work as the seller the adviser in the big shop of clothes. I as like to travel. I long time was engaged in dances because it is pleasant to dance. I as like to prepare, listen to music, to look films and many other things. A lot of time I spend with friends and relatives. I like to spend time on open air and on the nature. I shall send you a photo where we with girlfriends went to walk on a wood in the summer. One more photo, I had more recently a rest on a summer residence with two close girlfriends. I in the summer often spend time on Kama. Kama is greater river which proceeds near to our city.
That I expect from our dialogue. I would like, that you would appear that the man with which I shall be the remained life. Here such intentions at me. And very much I hope, what at you too the same purposes?
I too would like to learn about you more. How you spend the free time? I wish to see more than your photos. I shall wait for your letter. Olga.
PS: If for any reasons I have not liked you, you at once me warn.
Letter 3
Hello Fred,
thanks for the letter. I shall try, that you never would regret, that with me have decided to get acquainted. I shall never afflict you. I with you shall be completely fair. I as hope, that you sincere with me. I heard, that on the Internet not so simply to get acquainted, but I hope, that at us all will be wonderful. In fact all will depend only on us two as there will be our relations. I think, that most of all our relations can be prevented by distance between us. What do you think of it? But as that our relations would develop, we should know about each other as much as possible. Therefore I shall try to write more in detail about myself and about my life. As you already know, I was born on May, 17, 1980 in working family. My parents visitors people, they have arrived to Naberezhnye Chelny to work at the Factory on manufacture of lorries "Kamaz". They in the same place also have got acquainted and have grown fond each other. Therefore, I was born. Went in children's garden, and then and has left school. I have finished school in 1997. I at school began to be engaged in dances and was engaged before the termination of institute. With 1997 on 2002 studied in Naberechnichelninsky State pedagogical institute. My parents till now work at a factory. Father now works for me on a post of the chief of shop. Mother works as the bookkeeper in a staff department. Unfortunately I do not have native brothers and sisters. After the termination of high school worked as the teacher at school 2 years. And since 2004 I work in shop. Has ceased to work at school because of the small salary. In shop I began to receive twice more. I would not tell, that I am pleased with the earnings, but also not strongly I complain. Whether I am sure it is necessary to tell about my previous relations, but I all the same shall tell. If to count serious relations at me were only with one person. We with him were together long time, about 8 years. We have got acquainted with him on the first rate of institute and have left in 2005. We were going to marry, but the ambassador to a floor of year of a joint life, I have understood, that I can not connect with him the stayed life. If fairly to tell, I have left him of that he beat me. And I do not regret, that have left him. I to you have told in briefly my life.
I hope that you well understand my English, in fact English not my native language. I on it finish the letter and I shall wait for yours. With best regards Olga.
Letter 4
Hi Fred, i am happy to receive your letter. I now am sure, that we shall develop our relations and we shall be better to find out each other. I as understand, that you concern to me very seriously. And it is pleasant to me. I want to know more about you. You have hobby? Than you like to be engaged in the free time? Than you are engaged basically on work? What in your representation love? What ideal relation should be? And if it is fair, what you think of me? I hope not strongly you have loaded with questions? I shall try to write about myself still, that you would know me better. My growth of 164 centimeters, my weight 55 Kg. My favourite color green. Probably green, because the nature of green color. But it does not designate, that I like to put on in green color. I like to look films, and one of them "Titanic". I this film looked probably time ten. And the first time when I looked, I very much cried. Such I emotion the girl. I listen to music various. Basically I listen to radio. There is such radio channel "Europe plus". It is the most known Russian radio channel. There twist basically Russian and foreign pop. But as sometimes I listen to a radio channel "Our Radio". On this radio channel include the Russian fate. I like group " Leningrad ", it is Russian fate group. At them very interesting repertoir, they sing about a life, only in indecent words. I as like to prepare and I think, that the way to heart of the man lays through his stomach. I think, that I prepare is tasty, and spoke me about it many times. I every day prepare for any salads and various dishes. As sometimes I make batches. I like to travel, and basically I travelled across Russia. I as was abroad. I was in two countries, in Turkey and Egypt. And there it was pleasant to me. I have prepared you some photos. I hope, you do not think, what they too open? I simply want to like you very much. And I like you whether or not, it to you to solve. I shall wait for your letter, with hope Olga.
Letter 5
Hello Fred,
my lovely friend. How you? At you all is good? I think of you and about our relations which only have begun much. And it is pleasant for me, that there is a person who too thinks of me which understands me and to which I am interesting. There is still such circumstance, that on the Internet it is a lot of deceit, and I am afraid of it. But I for some reason believe you and I trust completely. Certainly I cannot be sure, that you too completely trust me. But I would like to prove to you it, that you completely would trust me. But I do not know as it to make. But I am sure, when we shall meet, you about anything you will not regret. I for our meeting am ready to make much. To me certainly on it would be much more convenient, if you to me have arrived. And I would like to meet you faster. You as think of it?
I would like to write about the person with which to me it would be good to lead my life. And about relations what I would like to have. I present you ideal the man for me. Can be at you there are negative features about which I do not know? But I would would like that you were such, that never beat me. I want, that you never would deceive me. And me certainly want, that you would grow fond of me. I would like to bring up children from you. To me not necessary it is a lot of, I want only, that all would be good. I would like, that you would respect me, and I never shall bring you.
Yesterday I have lead evening at parents. I not so was a lot of time with them I spend, as they would like. After I have matured, they of more time have started to carry out with each other and with the friends. They were engaged only in my education earlier, now live for itself. I am glad for them. I yesterday him told about you. But they have not seriously considered my words. I do not know why, can be that we only have started to correspond and did not see yet the person to each other. Interestingly you told about me to the associates? If told, probably too have not seriously considered? I think they are not right. But it can be too serious I it concern to our relations? We shall look, time will show.
I on it finish the letter, I think, that you will like my reflections. Yours Olga.
Letter 6
Hello Fred,
i am glad to receive your letter. I am pleased with each your letter. And it is pleasant for me to think, that someone about me thinks just as I of him. Each letter of us approaches to each other. I think of our joint future much. I very much hope, that our future will be together. And all this depends only on us two.
What at you interesting occurs recently? I with girlfriends recently went again on a summer residence. A summer residence at parents of my girlfriend. We there love time to carry out. There there is a sauna, and we frequently washed. My girlfriend call Sasha. She by the way the next year marries. I most likely shall be at her on wedding by the witness. I have photo in which we with her together, not so decent truth, but I shall send her. I as hope, what you do not show all my photos successively? I send a photo, only for your viewing. I with Sasha went to school. We with her went on a dancing circle, and since then she my of the best girlfriends. You in fact too have the best friends? The truth at us in Russia speak, that the female friendship does not happen. Interestingly abroad too so think? I know, that man's friendship on much more strong. But I think, that there is also a female friendship, in good sense of a word.
I hope to you my letters, and mainly I are interesting? I shall wait for your letter, yours Olga.
Letter 7
Hello my dear Fred,
i am glad to receive from you the letter. I am glad, that our relations develop perfectly. I am glad, that we have got acquainted, I think to you too to like with me to communicate. Also it would be certainly class, if have met. If you have arrived to me, I would acquaint you with my city. To you to like to visit new places? To me to like. As you know, our city is located on coast of the river Kama. Our city is based 1626 more year. So at us it is a lot of churches and mosques. On the friend to coast of the river the city of Elabuga is located. It is based even earlier. In Elabuga many ancient churches and other sights. Quays Boats are more more modern city. Would lead romantic evening together at candles. So I live one you should not worry about a lodging for the night. I am sure, we well would lead time.
I have told about you to girlfriends. It is very interesting to them and are glad for me. They transfer greetings to you. Girlfriend Sasha has told, that I happiness can has found. I too think, that to me have carried, that I have got acquainted with you. And I think, that at us to turn out the excellent family. There can be certainly I draw such conclusions. I think above our far and at the same time close relations much. It seems to me we have much in common. You like me. I search for such person as you. We write each other not for a long time, but it seems to me, that I know you well. And when I think of you, I would like to meet you faster.
I shall wait for your letter, yours Olga.
Letter 8
Hello Fred,
i am happy to read your letter. I often think of you and about your letters. It is pleasant to me your letters. I see that you the serious person and it is good. In fact creation of family is the important step in our life. I have practically solved, that is ready to connect the life with you. I think now all depends on you. Whether In fact on your persistence also depends there will be we. As it is interesting to me, you feel the gentleman? I as wished to know in your representation what should be present the man?
The closest airport in the city of Kazan.
Yesterday after work with girlfriends walked on city and have sat in cafe. In cafe Sahsa told about forthcoming weddings. Though still early, but they have already a little started to plan, where will spend solemn evening, how many visitors will invite also different trifles. Soon are going to submit the application to a registry office, in fact in a registry office the application for some months is necessary to submit. It is visible, that they strongly love each other. When Sahsa told about wedding, I thought of you. I too would like to marry.
I think to us it is necessary to plan a meeting probably. Write, when we can precisely meet? I shall wait for your letter. Yours Olga.
Letter 9
Hello Fred,
i am very happy, that I correspond with you my lovely Fred.
How you? Today at me good mood. When I write you the letter or I read yours, at me the mood always improves. Now, when we became more close to each other, I not to cease to think of you all time. As I cannot hide my pleasure from associates of me of people. My friends and fellow workers notice, that at me the mood improves, when I write the letter to you or I think of you. I very much hope, what at you as? I as worry about our future. I always worry, when you not at once write to me. I sometimes think, that you to me will not write also to me at once to become poorly. When I think of us sometimes there come bad ideas: and suddenly you not so are serious to me concern, as I to you or in general write only for entertainment and deceive me. When to me in a head there come such ideas I is ready to begin to cry. But I believe you and I know, that you at me good. And when we shall meet at us all it will be good.
I shall wait for yours letter my dear Fred, yours Olga.
Letter 10
Hello my darling! As you. I hurted laid at home with temperature, I do not know as I could be ill. In fact in the street weather warm. In general strange weather for December. I do not remember, that in the street would be so warmly in December. The snow which has dropped out there was all has thawn. At you too warm weather? Probably global warming. Interestingly truth?
Today Saturday evening. Time quickly goes. Remains only three weeks about New Year. How you usually meet New Year? I shall wait for your letter, yours Olga
Today Saturday evening. Time quickly goes. Remains only three weeks about New Year. How you usually meet New Year? I shall wait for your letter, yours Olga
Letter 11
Hello my loved Fred!!!
I am very happy to receive your letter. You know as the love is strong between us. At me such good mood. I so strongly want to meet you. I always think of you.
How your affairs? Last night looked cinema. This film was about love. I shall not speak as it referred to. The main thing, that looking such films, always you recollect the favourite person - you. Always you dream of that and at me all also was good that the love never left me that dreams all came true. I have noticed, that when hear from girlfriends, what at them remarkable husbands you will always compare them with you. Also you understand, that you the best the man on light which the destiny has presented me. Yes you my best, you my unique, your I for ever. I LOVE YOU. I wait for our meeting. The most important to trust, that at us all will be fine. I am right? In fact when we meet, the destiny completely, will renumerate us for patience, for expectations. And then we shall take pleasure in all pleasures of a life. Oh as I about it dream.
I with impatience wait for your answer. Your love Olga.
Created: 2006-12-20 Last updated: 2006-12-20 Views: 1346