Scam letter(s) from Evgenia Hudyakova to Wayne (Canada)

Letter 1
Good afternoon Wayne.
I am really glad, that I can see your letter. I shall write to you a little about myself. My growth 5 ' 6, and weight about 56 kg. I was born on May, 23, 1971. Favourite my color pink and on this I very much like flowers of a rose. I want to tell to you why I have decided to search for the man in the Internet. I since the childhood dreamed, that at me was usual lives, as at all normal people: family, children, the favourite husband, the cosy house and the everything else. To be and live the normal person without. To live, work, love and enjoy all that we can earn and reach. To tell the truth, I do not know, how it is possible to explain all this. I cannot unequivocally tell, why I cannot meet somebody here. Certainly, I had some novels, but I do not like to speak about it. Last has caused me a lot of pain, and I have decided to recollect and to not think of it never more. I very much loved that the man and thought, that it for ever, and it tests too most. I made serious plans for our joint life with it and the everything else, and it has turned out, that I was only a toy in his hands. And that, for short time. *** from me was necessary for it only. Forgive, that I speak so frankly, but I like to speak always only the truth. Perhaps, it is completely not interesting to you, but to me it becomes simple much more easy, probably, when I shall tell to you it. Very few people from my familiar knows, that I have gone through at that time. But from you I want to have what secrets. My former the man, has very easily got off me during the moment when I was not become necessary for it. It has thrown me. It has simply left on my eyes with two girls and the friend for cinema. First I kept, but then have not sustained and was broke, litres of tears. I have ceased to eat, sleep, did not want to live. I simply existed, not knowing, what for and for what. In a life it does not happen so that all turned out how it would be desirable it. It is difficult to explain so important thing briefly. But as speak at us in Russia - time treats. And now much has changed, and I do not long any more as earlier and I continue to live. And I think, that now it will be difficult for me so to like the person. Now I already will need time for certain to not admit the last mistakes. Any pain passes, but there are scars and it is normal. Thoughtless attitudes are not necessary for me any more, I want to create family, to build serious attitudes. For me it is the now most important. Certainly, at me is a lot of simply familiar and men whom I am not indifferent. But I have not met that only thing the man with which could lead all life. I have not met the man with whom me interestingly simply to talk. Probably, in it and business. The interlocutor who is able to listen is necessary for me and is able to understand. It is difficult for me to meet such person here. Sometimes it seems to me, that the reason in me. Among men of our society I never can find necessary to me. Now I can tell or describe the person who is necessary for me. For me it is necessary careful and understanding the man with which I shall feel like as behind a stone wall. And during too time freedom, creative or mental is necessary for me. Attitudes in which first of all there will be a trust and understanding are necessary for me. Such attitudes are not threatened with any life. Though it very strongly changes people. I never trusted, that it is possible to find friends on correspondence. My girlfriend has advised me to take advantage of the Internet. It was difficult for me to make it, in fact I have no own computer. And I should use the Internet of cafe which is 30 minutes of driving from my apartment. I have access to the Internet on work, but I can not use it in the personal purposes. Therefore I at once want to warn, that not always I can answer your letters. But I shall do it whenever possible. Now it is very interesting to me to learn you and to speak about itself more and more. I like to learn you and your life. I would like to see more than your photos, and I shall send whenever possible own. As to my preferences in men, I cannot tell, that men in Russia bad and short-sighted. At all is not present, simply I think, that these men simply are not created for home life. Certainly, always there are exceptions, but by my experience I think so. It is not necessary to go far, I can tell about a life of the sister. In twenty years she has married the friend to the childhood. They knew each other from the cradle, studied at one school, shared the same desk. It was the remarkable person, and it is possible to tell ideal the man for my sister. It we with it are similar. For us are necessary silent family harbour, we need to come home and to know, that there we are waited by the husband, children. After his wedding as if have changed, it began to drink, in this connection has lost excellent work. She as the true and loving wife hoped, that all will pass in due course. They have got children not at once, Natalia so call my sister, very much wanted to have children, but the problem was only in it. It came home from work, is silent saws and anything in their life did not vary. After much persuasion it has ceased to drink, and in due course at them the child, and in two years one more has appeared. Children simply remarkable. I am glad only to one, that both are similar to mum. To what I tell all this, I madly love the sister and the nephews. But I can not understand as she can continue to live with this person. All family keeps only on it. It does not bring money in the house and plainly does nothing. Having lost the next work, it is not started up in searches, and silently heats the grief in fault. She suffers all this and hopes, that sometime all will change. I could not live with such person, I think, that the man should be always stronger in all than this word. The story I did not want to tell, that all men become an inveterate drunkard or still that it is worse. Thus I wanted to show, that I search in the person and what the man is necessary for me. It is possible to list indefinitely words as kind lovely and tender, but to not understand the most important. I would like to know, you believe what somewhere there is a person close to you as desirable and on reason, so-called your second half? I think, what yes, probably, because I believe in destiny more. By the way as you to this concern? I really believe, that all is outlined in advance. And I really believe, that something directs us. Specifies a true way more truly. People frequently meaningly do not notice it. Can, and with me was also. These are people which are afraid of a life, are afraid to make something incorrectly though it is inevitable. I always was the purposeful person and always achieved, that wanted. And now I believe, that there is a person who can make me happy and to whom I can present the feelings. I am sure, that for attitudes there are no barrier and if they meet the strong union of them it is easily possible to cross. I search rather strong, serious attitudes. I want to create family, a cosiness in the house. For the sake of it I am ready on all. In fact the family is rather significant part of our life, it to what I aspire. It would be interesting to me to know your ideas in this occasion. Tell to me, what you search in the woman? What attitudes are necessary for you? To what you are ready for achievement of the purposes? Tell to me, that you it think of all. I with impatience shall wait for your letter. It is rather important for me to learn your opinion.
Sincerely yours Albina.
Letter 2
Please write to me on mine E-mail:
I necessarily shall answer you and as I shall send the photo.
Sincerely Evgeniya.
Letter 3
Hello road Wayne!
I am very pleased, that you, at last, have written to me the letter, and it - very much Pleasantly for me, that you have responded and have answered me. For me it was very difficult to write this letter. In the first I never got acquainted with people in absentia, on the Internet. I very badly know a computer and the more so difficultly I understand in the Internet. And besides I heard from many that it so interestingly and simply to get acquainted and communicate with good and interesting people in the virtual world. And I have decided to try too to try destiny and have risked to write the letter and to get acquainted with the good person. Here on casual coincidence of circumstances I have read your structure, it has very much interested me also I to you has sent the letter, not hoping even, that you will answer me. But you have written!!!! All this is certainly good also I is glad, that you have become interested in me, have written to me the answer, but I want to stipulate one moment at once. You probably heard how many it happens a deceit on the Internet. How many women have married and have left to live abroad, and then completely were gone. At us in Russia now show huge quantity of a video data about that as **** our Russian women or sell in slavery in the **********. If at you not serious intentions or to you there is nothing to do, to us better to not communicate with you further. I as heard about that much as false girls from Russia deceive men, and at once to you I want to tell, that I the serious woman! I for anything would not go, to correspond with the person and to deceive it. I from normal safe family, parents brought up me the good person, with the vital principles and sights. For what I am very grateful to them. At me it is a lot of friends and familiar which communicate with me already many many years and who about me has never told a bad word, that I have once deceived someone, or that I have harmed someone or have hurted. Yes I realize, that bad people are everywhere and in the Internet too enough false acquaintances, but nevertheless it would be desirable to hope, that I will be helped by my intuition and shall get acquainted with the good, kind, decent person, for example such as you! I think, that I was not mistaken in you, that have written to you and to whom to another. Now at me the friend has appeared new very valuable and road for me!!! Simply it would not be desirable to feel once again a pain in this life. I do not want even to write to you about it, but you should know, that I do not play in different games and I can not transfer a deceit. If we start to get acquainted with you closer should trust each other. To me very disturbingly to begin for the first time acquaintance on the Internet, but I think, that all will be good! Well and now I would be desirable to write a little about myself more, that for the person where was born where I live also the everything else. As you already know, that my name is Evgeniya I was born and sow day I live in Russia, in city Sergach, The Nizhniy Novgorod area. My birthday on March, 23, 1971. Well as you understand to me 35 years and I quite taken place person. I was never married and I have no children. I do not smoke and did not smoke never, to alcoholic drinks I concern indifferently I can drink a glass of champagne or white wine in new year, but I hate drunkards and alcoholics, though men, though women! My growth 167cm. Mine Weight 58kg. I work as the chief accountant in one of firms of our city. At me two higher educations. I have finished the State University, faculty accounting and economy. And as the jurisprudence studied in the Moscow branch of social university at faculty. I not badly speak and I understand the English language. It very much is pleasant to me, I with the big love studied it from the beginning at school, and then and at University was one of the best schoolgirls. Why I search the partner in life in other country? I shall answer, at once, that the person I very serious and in a life was necessary to me completely not easily that something to achieve. In Russia such as I consider not criminal, not accessible. It is very difficult to find serious and decent their person at us at all did not remain. At me sad experience of dialogue with one man was, we lived with it in a civil marriage very for a long time, but once when I began to speak from that as the child, the family, the loving husband is necessary for me. It has simply disappeared and then I have learned, that it lives in the other city with the young girl of 23 years. Our Russian men very much like to live recently due to others. At all not looking that is the woman. It lived in my apartment without any obligations and all arranged it., it the family is not necessary for them the big burden if they even cannot provide themselves for our modern men. Not speaking already children. I know as in your country respect women, and I think, that anyone can dream only about such to the man, as you! I hope, you understand, about what I speak. I do not know what to write, but I think, that it The letter appeared already big. Send more than the photos and write all about itself, that consider interesting. On it I shall finish my letter. I hope for the answer soon. Your new
The friend Evgeniya!
Created: 2007-01-26    Last updated: 2007-01-26    Views: 1440


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