Scam letter(s) from Elena Sergeeva to Gerold (Germany)
Letter 1
My favourite, tell, please, when we we shall meet?
What for you io?aaoa me about it?
Come to me then, times do not wish to send me money!
I shall wait for you here!!!!!!
I love you
What for you io?aaoa me about it?
Come to me then, times do not wish to send me money!
I shall wait for you here!!!!!!
I love you
Letter 2
My dear, I send you the data that you tomorrow could send me of money.
name: Elena
surname: Romanova
adress: Cheboksary, 428000 Gagarina 17 I should know same your data, a sum of money and to operate the confidential number consisting of 10 figures.
I seem, have correctly written down everything, that to me have told in bank. If you have any questions, you can learn about all in Yours how many tomorrow you will send me a code consisting of 10 figures?
My angel, I have very strongly become bored on you! I very strongly love you. With love yours Lena
name: Elena
surname: Romanova
adress: Cheboksary, 428000 Gagarina 17 I should know same your data, a sum of money and to operate the confidential number consisting of 10 figures.
I seem, have correctly written down everything, that to me have told in bank. If you have any questions, you can learn about all in Yours how many tomorrow you will send me a code consisting of 10 figures?
My angel, I have very strongly become bored on you! I very strongly love you. With love yours Lena
Letter 3
I think, that will send more quickly and more reliably money through Western Union. Through bank will be longer that is that I on you shall longer miss! And I wish to see my favourite angel more likely! With love yours and for ever Lena
Letter 4
I tomorrow precisely learn all in oo?e?oe?aneii agency. But me today there have told, that 2100 euro it is the average price. To me will give 100-150 euro on work. If you do not have such sum I could borrow some money from my girlfriends. And the average price 2100 euri because there are included: the visa, the passport for travel abroad, the sum for a living wage, tickets, the medical insurance. I look forward to hearing from you. Tomorrow on work I shall take holiday, then I shall go to bank to take all data, then I shall go to travel agency and at once I shall write to my angel! I very strongly love you. I cannot live without you. The whole also I want. Yours Lena
Letter 5
My love Cedric I was happy to receive your new letter and I wanted to speak you that really is happy to see from you a new information and to see that you to write to me, as you to know that I to fall into to you very well and I also can speak you that I to like you. At first, earlier, I could not think that we could perceive what really to like one another, but to receive so that we really to perceive as we to fall into one another and that we to think concerning our future and that we really we shall like one another. Dear recently I many times to recall our relations to think concerning the future and to introduce as we shall be together and that you will demonstrate me the life. Now I to think what is it our future and our life and you we shall decide that it is necessary now and that we shall do hereafter, as it now largest and relevant problem which one to interest me and concerning which one to me would like to hear that you to think in this causing. Dear I wanted to say to you what is it really to happen very unexpectedly and I to not perceive at all as all of us to do it. As to our occurring in April, it not a problem for me. We shall wait for this moment, that you could find this money, and it not a problem. I shall decide all business now, that then I did not have problems to go in you and that we could meet and to be together. I very much would want that you to demonstrate me more concerning your activity, where you to work to acquaint me with yours family and I really what is it will think interestingly to me. I wanted also to appeal ask you, that when I shall arrive in you, that you to do anything such that would be for you usually, I simplly to want your life, such as she am also I will think that of exchanges interestingly to see it. I want that you were the person who will support me and who will care concerning me and our future children and for yourselves I you will decide precisely that by this person, as it is more now for me there are no men about comas I to think also well as well as of you and with whom I would like to be together, as well as with you. I to perceive that for you it is difficult now, and as I am severe to fall into to our relations, I think that you can I shall perceive that in any case to perceive you, as my judgement that if two persons to live together, most important that they should have, this full comprehension one another, as if they will not perceive one another, from this will receive absolutely poor history and I to think that you also to perceive it. I wanted to say that to me it is pleasant to communicate with you, we to have subjects, which one to interest us with you and that interestingly to us together, we could talk to you on any subject and it very much is pleasant to me in the people, as to me the person to be interested by those or other things and that he to like most of all is interesting to know on how much. I to see what to like u and to what you well to concern. You also to know now me on much better, than it was at first, as we with you have large desire to acquaint better and to perceive that to us it is necessary from our life and it very important. I wanted to ask you concerning your liked colour, what colour is pleasant to you. What music you to like to listen. For me often it to be only under mood, and always on miscellaneous. Certainly I today to think that to me it is very a pity that I can not see this motor show, but on the other hand I think that I to live not last year and I to want that if for us all will be good also we shall decide to remain together necessarily to demonstrate me in following year, as I very much would want what to descend there, as it really very much to interest me. I wanted to ask you, what industry you to attract, for example than you would want to be engaged and on how much it substantially for you now? I wanted to ask, it is substantial that you could find for me any activity hereafter? I very much would like it, as I to think that I would be is happy if for me was than I could be engaged. Excuse me my love, but I should already finish my letter, as I to not have time and me am necessary to go. I shall think of you so much and I shall be with large impatience to wait your new letter and I hope that I shall receive your new letter very soon, as it really very much to not suffice to me each day. I to think of you, my kisses and love, always yours
Letter 6
Mon amour Patrice je etait heureux de recevoir votre lettre et il m'etait tres interessant de lire en effet vous m'ecrire, puisque je penser a vous tellement beaucoup et moi vouloir pour penser aussi a moi aussi beaucoup. Chere dans cette grande ville maintenant en effet a moi beaucoup ne pas vous suffire et moi vouloir beaucoup pour que vous pouvaient etre avec moi. Je voulais vous parler assez travel agent, je lui telephoner aujourd'hui, mais il n'etait pas dans le bureau, de sorte que je ne pouvais pas le contacter, il me parlera que la seulement demain. Chere de sorte que je penserai que je faire cela demain et j'enverrai demain pour toute la coordonnee pour que vous puissiez le trouver et communiquer avec lui sans problemes et decider comme il vaudra mieux faire. Chere je voulait parler aussi que je penser aujourd'hui a cela comme il y aura notre rencontre et moi sembler que cela en effet remarquablement. Vous me rencontrer et me montrer la ville et tout cela est tellement remarquable et d'une tellement belle maniere que chez moi simplement les mots sont absents. Vous me montrer la ville votre des pages et moi penserai que je aimer cela, je connaitre que du Francium c'est le pays de l'amour, que vous penser a ce sujet ? Je voulais vous dire aussi que votre langue en effet me sembler tres sexuel. Chere etre chez moi deux nouvelles pour vous, un est interessante bon si cela en effet pour nous et un mauvais, puisque maintenant j'avoir les problemes en effet assez grand. Bon ce cela que je trouver ici les cours selon francais et moi penser que tant que feront pour moi mon visa je penser que je pouvait lui apprendre, pour que il nous etait plus facile de communiquer, puisque je le connaitre un peu, je lui penserai que a moi plus facilement apprendre et j'aurai un temps pour avoir de non mauvaises connaissances et pour que nous pouvaient communiquer. Deux semaines des etudes couteront environ 100 $. De sorte que je penser qu'il faut decider seulement pour vous. Je suis absent une mauvaise nouvelle dans ce que maintenant chez moi en general de l'argent pour que je puisse vivre ici, et c'est difficile en effet pour moi. Je dois ecrire a vous de internet-cafe, chaque jour cela emprunter il est +beaucoup de content du temps, aussi je dois payer apres la mienne l'appartement et il y a quelque chose. Une tres non bonne situation, en effet tres ne est pas agreable de leur parler cela en effet a vous cela, mais puisque nous maintenant ensemble et penser au sujet de notre futur, moi penser que je peux vous parler seulement cela, puisque vous la seule personne a qui je pouvais parler cela maintenant. Quand nous nous rencontrerons et decider je vivrai ensemble avoir le travail et moi je vous rendrai absolument cet argent, puisque je en effet ne pas aimer quand je doit a d'autres gens et rendre toujours tout que doit. Chere penser s'il vous plait au-dessus de , puisque j'aimer en effet et je voulais etre beaucoup avec vous. Aujourd'hui je voir Moscou, puisque mes amies me montrer ici cela cela en effet je sont ?tres tres beau aimer cela beaucoup. Je penser que si je vivre ici cela etais en effet d'une maniere interessante, puisque tant que je ici beaucoup de hommes me demander le souper, mais je parler que chez moi la personne aimera et avec qui je sera heureuse de ne plus me demander. Chere excusez, mais je dois aller. Je penserai a vous et avec une grande impatience s'attendre votre nouvelle lettre, mes baisers et l'amour, votre
Letter 7
Hello, gerold!
Thanks for your pleasant letters, I was very glad! Yes you were right, for holidays I really helped(assisted) my mum, we cooked tasty food, and also visited(attended) relatives and close friends. In spite of the fact that weather was cloudy, the celebratory mood was good. After there was a cleaning on kitchen(cuisine). Excuse for delay, I had no opportunity to answer, because had no sufficient time. The holiday at us was good. I consider(count), that this holiday very big and joyful which has presented us a life. You visited(attended) church? Unfortunately I did not visit(attend) church because there was a strong rain all the day long. Today I shall shortly write, because is fast to me to go for work. Now I know, that you soon go to Israel, but it does not mean, that I shall not have with you contact. You very much like me. I constantly recollect you, even if I am borrowed(occupied). If we shall meet really, I think, that it will be very interesting to us to communicate. I understand, that to you is now lonely. But why you have understood it too late to have the future family! I think, that you the big favorite on kitchen(cuisine)! Gerold! I have not informed, that I have you. When I shall be assured about our attitudes(relations), certainly, I shall inform them. It will be a surprise for all. But they know about my search. I search for the man of my dream already almost 1years. But for these(it) of year I met the person who has deceived me. It was very sick. It(he) has informed me, that wished to have very much deep feelings, but these feelings at it(him) not was. I believe, that feelings come not at once, and in current of a joint life! It not love at first sight, and not 20 years! What do you think in this occasion? I shall look forward to hearing from you(to your reply) very much! I hope to write to you to Wednesday. Your Irina.
Created: 2007-04-03 Last updated: 2007-04-24 Views: 1418