Scam letter(s) from Elena Elhovikova to Fabien (France)
Letter 1
Good morning and good day!!
My name Elena. I write you from Russia. A question - that I want to find my assistant to soul. I want to find my second half.
For this reason I was included in agency of acquaintances. I have chosen a unusual way For search of my love. But I heard many histories, that acquaintances under the Internet also I also have decided to try rather well work.
I am poorly familiar with the computer, therefore I have decided to use Services of agency for acquaintances. I live in city Kirov.
To me of 30 years. My growth of 172 sm, and weights of 57 kg. I should inform, that me enough young Also it should is time to think of family! I understand, that you may be a few lot of the grown-up than me, but If you have desire to create family, and you want to meet the woman from another the countries I should be pleased to receive from you the letter! I shall send you Later a photo, that you might see me better. I want to get acquainted with you.
I Will hope, That you the good person. Serious attitudes are necessary for me.
I want Meet that person, with which I can to remain up to the end of life.
I want to Create happy family. If you want the same I shall be very pleased to receive from you the letter.
You likely ask to yourselves a question. Why I have chosen your country.
Simply I heard about your country much and very much it was pleasant to me.
As I know that in your country the man to concern to the girl better.
And I heard that your economy on much better than in our country much.
In other words I search for the partner inlife, my second half, The assistant to soul from whom I shall have happy family.
Probably you know, those Russian women differ fidelity To the husband also it is capable to many. I think, that I can be the good wife And I want to take my family to care. I want to have healthy and Happy family. I shall speak more about me directly in the following letter. I shall be Wait from you for the letter.
I hope, that you will not disregard me. ANYTHING to ITSELF! I so have very much written.
Whether I know but I in general, that you receive my message...
Sincerely and with hope to be your friend.
August 12
City Kirov,
PS Write to me to this electronic address:
My address writes only lower symbols of a case!!!!
Letter 2
Hello fabien. How are you doing? I think that at you all well! (you probably in reflection who it writes to you she is Elena). I am very glad to receive your letter fabien. fabien for me it is sincere pleasure, that you have written to me fabien. Forgive me for a delay to you of the answer fabien. I hope that it has not given you inconveniences. fabien for you it is not surprising to receive the letter from me? The answer fabien it so? fabien I have decided to find to myself the good person through Internet. To me my girlfriend Tatyana has advised to make it. She has found to herself the guy through internet. He/she is the young man from Canada. Tatyana and Robert live happily, I see it. And I was solved on that to find to myself the guy through internet. You can ask me why I could not find to myself the guy in the city.? I seriously shall answer you that it has thrown me. It has exchanged me for the friends, it spent time with them much. It was not pleasant to me. I not against man's friendship but when she seriously prevents relations, I think that it poorly. As you think fabien. As it of saws a lot of alcohol, it too to not like me. I do not like, when people drink much. It harms to relations. I understand, when drink on holidays but when almost each day it for me is not clear. fabien but you and guess as many people drink in Russia. I have no harmful habits. I when did not drink and did not smoke. I prefer to drink fault. And only on holidays. I like to drink white fault. fabien they like me more. fabien I want to retell to you words of my girlfriend Tatyana, she speaks, that men from Australia, Canada and USA absolutely in another way concern to girls. They respect and appreciate the women, for them the woman not the housewife she for them that the best friend. They ennoble the women. fabien This opinion of my girlfriend Tatyana and I with it completely agree. They has found the second half in Canada. fabien I think, as I in this world manage to find the half. For me has no value where lives, what his social status (that is me the size of his purse), his age, for me the main thing that it loved me and respected and certainly that it to me was nice. I have decided to write to you fabien. I have chosen your country because it seems to me, that people there speak in English. fabien I know English. It seems to me, that my knowledge of the English language will suffice for dialogue with you fabien. Well fabien with your permission I shall tell to you about myself. To me of 29 years. I was born February, 4, 1975. I on a mark of the Zodiac - "waterleu." fabien inform me exact date of your birth? My growth of 175 centimeters, weight of 58 kg. At me light hair, eyes brown. I on a nationality Russian.. fabien I the christian, I believe in the god!!! In opinion of my relatives and friends, I the sociable, kind, ambitious, goodhearted, intellectual girl. fabien I have no what guys at present. fabien I want to tell about my city in which I live. I live in Kirov. It to the north of Moscow. fabien approximately about 1000-1100 kilometers. We live in the city Moscow time. GMT + 03:00. I love city in which I live. At us many beautiful streets. City in which I live still name Vyatka. It under the name of the river which proceeds on city. I live in an apartment which I take off. fabien in our city there is a city beach, in the summer people go there to bathe. Time soon will begin when it will be possible to bathe. When to heat up water. In Russia summer begins. This season most of all to like me, it is possible to sunbathe, bathe in the summer. I like when sing birds in the summer, I like to listen to trills of nightingales. Summer at us warm, and winter cold. fabien And what to like you a season? fabien But I was not born in this city. I have arrived court to study. I have ended the Kirov State University. I studied at history-philological faculty. I studied there the English language. Before I studied English at school. fabien I think, that we shall understand each other in letters. After the termination of university I was arranged with the guide in a local museum. I have worked there 3 years. This work too liked me but I there strongly got tired, you see there constantly it was necessary to be on legs. To carry out excursions. And there paid less than, I receive now. Now I work as the librarian in youthful library of a name of A.S.Grina. (July, 1, 2002 to it was executed 45 years) fabien my work consists that I give out and I help people to find the literature interesting them. In our library it is a lot of clients basically they are schoolboys and students. I always liked to help to people. My work very much is pleasant to me ??. fabien today our library is an open system which actively cooperates with educational, state, public organizations, with mass media. Constantly informing local community about the work, the library tries to draw attention to the problems. Though they are difficult for naming the are our general problems. Problems of all society, all inhabitants of our city. fabien As I want to tell that I use services internet-cafe. I have no computer of a house. On work I have computer, only we do not have access in internet. fabien I think that it not a problem for me. You see I want to find to myself the good guy. I come in cafe in the basic ambassador of my work. I have written such big letter I and did not think that I can write about myself so much. I think that you soon to me write. fabien Write to me about the family. What your family by quantity the person? Tell to me about your city, the country. How you live. I when not was abroad to me interestingly know about your country all. I shall say goodbye to you, I wait with impatience of the letter from you fabien. fabien I put my photo I think it to you to like. Send me more than the photos. See you soon With the big care Your new Russian friend Elena Bye bye!!!!!!!!
Letter 3
Hi my friend fabien. I am very glad to receive the letter from you. I like to be ordered with you. Through correspondence we learn teach other. fabien you with me agree? Correspondence enables us to learn the person. Internet gives us such opportunity.. fabien I think that it very well that we are copied with each other. Through letters I start to know you better my dear. fabien. You can be asked a question and why I have chosen you? You can think why someone another, but I at once want to tell you that you have seemed to me attractive.. fabien I am simple the direct person and I speak on a straight line. Also I very modest girl.. fabien if the guy likes me I can not to start talking with it. (if it occurs in the street), and through letters it to do easier.. fabien I can write I to the person who has liked me and if it(he) will not answer me means to it is not interesting. And if it will write to me the answer then we can get acquainted with it closer as it occurs at us. fabien. I am very grateful to my girlfriend Tatyana and to its friend Robert. They have persuaded me to take advantage internet. You see Tatyana and Robert have got acquainted through internet I to you. fabien I to you about it told earlier.. fabien as you think at us something can turn out further?. fabien write to me that you think on it the account. Both again and again we should better learn teach other. You with me agree. fabien? To me to like to communicate with you. fabien, and I want to tell to you about the family. fabien I have mum and daddy. They live in a village Soviet. This village is not far from Kirov. (about 300 kilometers) At my parents I the only child, and me always would be desirable to have native sisters or brothers. fabien mum and daddy live in a small small house. They have small site of the ground. On it they raise a potato, vegetables, fruiters. Still mum with daddy has 5 hens, 1 ****, 2 pigs and the cow. fabien Sometimes, it is usual in days off, I go to visit the parents, to help them on a facilities. To me to like to be in native places. In the summer when I arrive to parents, we go to a wood to collect mushrooms and berries. In a wood very pure air and there it is very pleasant to walk. My mum works as the veterinary on a farm. Its work consists that she treats animals. fabien it Is very heavy and responsible work. Mum very much loves the work. My daddy works as the mechanic. It repairs agricultural machinery. fabien His work too not absolutely easy because the engineering in a village very old and frequently breaks. fabien Mum and daddy have got acquainted, when studied in institute. They met two years and have then got married. In one year I was born. My parents live together 30 years. They are very happy and like each other. I think, as I shall live also is happy. I have told them about that that I have taRobert advantage of services internet to find to itself second half. Parents have approved my act. fabien you see they want that I lived am happy. As I have already written to you I have no native sisters and brothers, but I have girlfriend Tatyana. fabien I to you want to tell that she to me as the sister. fabien we are familiar with it already for a long time. fabien we with Tatyana as sisters, we understand each other with a floor of a word. I should you inform that Tatyana works as the teacher, she drops a history of Russia. She simply the hero that has gone to work on a speciality. You see as you know fabien in Russia small wages at teachers, but they are nervous much. fabien now she gives time to me ever less. fabien I understand her at it now is Robert. As I already wrote to you they have got acquainted through internet. Tatyana and Robert now are in Kirov. I see as they are happy together. They have arrived to Kirov together. First Tatyana has visited Robert in Canada. Robert has invited her to itself. Clearly only after both of them have understood that they like the friend other Tatyana told to me as they there spent time - I envied it a little. Then Tatyana has told Robert, that she would likes to introduce it to the parents and they arrived to Russia. fabien I think, as our meeting will take place. What you think on this occasion fabien? fabien At you the question can arise, and than I am engaged in free time from work? I spend it with Tatyana and Robert. We together walk in park, we go to cafe. fabien to me to like, that Robert understands that we as the sister and we can not be the friend without the friend and it invites me with them to take a walk. fabien it would be inconvenient for me to be imposed to walk with them. I would sit at home one fabien to my pleasure I do not sit at home one. At me not time to go in for sports. I work much and after work I would like to have a rest, take a walk with the girlfriend. fabien I very much like to prepare and it it has estimated Robert. fabien me has praised. Tatyana and Robert are happy and like each other. I spoke you that I when there was no outside Russia I think, that when be I there I shall visit you see it so romantical :. fabien I today worked to me to like my work I to you already about it wrote. In our library there come children of different age. Today there came the amusing kid. It wanted to esteem Pushkin's fairy tales. I have brought up with it (to me to like to communicate with children I of them I like), I have asked how old is he it to me have answered that to it of 6 years. I liked this kid and we with it have agreed that now we shall be friends. It seemed to me interesting that fairy tales, instead of computers are interesting to it. fabien it promised me that now will come to me on a visit in library and to read books. What you think on this occasion fabien? fabien and you love children. Dear fabien it is time to me to finish the letter to you. I think that we shall be more and more and to correspond with each other more. fabien you will write to me more about you, well and I in turn promise that I shall write about me to you. I think that my questions will seem for you simple and that we shall understand each other. Inform me more about the friends Me my friends Tatyana and Robert asked to betray you greetings. LET YOU are STORED by the GOD. I SHALL WAIT FROM YOU for the LETTER. Also I THINK SOON IT I shall RECEIVE YOUR FRIEND FROM RUSSIA Elena. Bye-bye!!!!!!!
Letter 4
Hello fabien! How your affairs? I'm fine.
Thank that you answer on my letters. fabien I think that it well that we with you are copied. To me very much to like to read your fine letters. fabien I the truth very much am glad that you write me Tatyana speaks that I began to look happy. I speak m to it that that similar, and she speaks me that after I have found in internet you fabien I very much have changed. It seems to me, that she simply thought out to support me. But also Robert speaks the same as though they have agreed. But the main thing, that we with you on former write each other. Dear fabien we learn more about each other. It was pleasant for me to study stories in your letters, about yours to family and about that, where do you live. fabien it seems to me, that we approach through letters. As I already wrote, fabien we should tell in each letter each other about ourselves as much as possible. fabien I think to you it will be interesting to learn it. Today I want to tell to you fabien about that what to me to like music what I prefer to look cinema and so forth. fabien I shall begin the story with that what to me to like music.
fabien I listen to different music, I do not adhere the certain direction in music. fabien if the song to like me that I of her I shall listen. fabien I can listen both pop and other directions. fabien on a secret I shall tell to you that to like me pop slightly more.
I listen as Russian executors and foreign.
fabien From Russian music to like me " Hands in Upwards ", " Ivanyshki international ", "Arrows("pointers"), VIA "Cream" in general those who constantly are on the Russian platform. fabien you when be, heard about these musicians? You heard what Russian music? From foreign executors to like me "ATB", " " Elton John " and so on. In general to like me modern music. fabien You prefer what music? It would be interesting to me to know about it.
fabien please inform me well?
As to cinema fabien to me to like to look fantastic, romantic films.
fabien as to me to like to look comedies. To put it briefly, I like all well removed films (I do not like to look films of horrors). From last pictures which I looked, I liked "The day after tomorrow", ***** dances 2 ", "VANHELSING".
Unfortunately, I have not looked "Troy" to me have told, that it too interesting cinema. fabien and you looked these films if yes that you about them think.
fabien it will be interesting to me to read your opinion on them. Most of all I liked film "The day after tomorrow". fabien I think that you of it looked? In this film the love of the father to the son is shown. I think that father for the son will go though to fire though in water. Also to me has liked that that friends have not stopped and have gone together with it.
fabien when I looked, at me tears were *******. Also in this film it is told, that can take place with our planet. fabien you think such in the truth probably? To me liked, as the plot of this film was developed. Contrary to accident new relations of the young man with the girl arose. It only once again to me has proved, that the love does not have barrier. fabien I was intense, all two hours while there was a film. I think this picture really outstanding. This opinion fabien. And what you think on this account?
From a fantasy to like me film "VANHELSING". It is an interesting history. But the fantasy is a fantasy to me even there is nothing to tell you fabien. As I like to read books. fabien recently I read verses of the Russian writers more. Such as Pushkin, Esenin, Mayakovskiy and so on.
But I was in huge admiration from reading it, order S. King ' Dark Tower ', in my opinion, it - very interesting book, where Main hero Roland - the purposeful person, it goes in the purpose, in a Dark tower, and I love quality Roland - purposefulness! I Consider, that this of the important qualities of any person. I hope That you agree with me, really, fabien If to speak about the foodstuffs?
I like, fried his potato at me perfectly is fried by mum. As I love various soups. fabien especially I love a chicRobert and a pizza. fabien you love a chicRobert?
I as love various fruit and vegetables: tomatoes, bananas, oranges, and many other things.
fabien You like to prepare? It very much to like me. My relatives and friends speak, that I am going not bad.
Concerning sports fabien I go in for sports, I go to water aerobics, I am engaged in this kind of sports, I the fan, instead of the professional. Earlier with me Tatyana was engaged, but then she has stopped. She you see leaved to Robert on a visit and has stayed there, about two months. fabien as to me to like to look aerobics and as not strange man's basketball. fabien you love basketball? I like to do walks on a ski in the winter. fabien you love snow?
We in city have springboard for skiers. This kind of sports refers to jumps from a springboard if to me does not change memory. But when I was there last time, it was broRobert. It to be on other surburb of city, and I there am not frequently. fabien You like to dance. To me to like to dance, I think when we shall meet we shall dance together. fabien that you suspect this occasion? Concerning mine hobby. I like to knit. fabien me my mum has learned this, and mum the grandmother. fabien Tatyana has asked me to connect ÜÅÏßÐÅÌÌØÅ gloves Robert. She wants to give it a gift. And now in free time from work I knit woolen gloves for my friend. fabien yes it is valid Robert for me now the friend as well as Tatyana. fabien I think, that I and you shall connect, that be. fabien you want it? To me to like to drive the automobile. I have handed over on rights but auto for me only dream. It costs very dearly for me. fabien you like to drive the automobile? We investigate each other as mechanics studies the engine of the automobile. You would like me to study the engine as mechanics?!!! J For me our correspondence fabien is important. I want that we knew each other well. That we did not do mistakes as it happens. The knowledge only can save from mistakes dear fabien us each other as it is possible better. You with me agree fabien? My parents worry for me, but I speak them that you the good person. They wish our relations of good continuation and that we could live happily.
We could get family, children to love each other, but remember fabien we should know better each other.
Well that there is e-mail. fabien we can learn teach other as it is possible better. I am right fabien?
My dear fabien I would like to speak with you!!!!! I want to hear you a pleasant voice fabien. Yes it seems to me, that at you a pleasant voice.
fabien I want to hear as you will speak with me. As you suspect this account fabien. It is good idea. fabien you want to hear my voice? But I have no phone more precisely it those people at which I have no take off an apartment in which I live.
Whether I thought I can call from my work. fabien but to us do not allow to call on the personal purposes even in city let alone abroad.
fabien I thought, and if you call me for work, but I can have big problems. fabien, and I would not like to have problems on work. My girlfriend Tatyana too has no phone on an apartment, she too removes her and lives there with Robert. I think, that you understand me fabien.
To me to not be trusted, that I can write such big letter. fabien I with the big work at school wrote compositions, and here I without any efforts have written to you such letter. Dear fabien I shall finish the letter.
I wait from you for your story: what to like you music, what films you like to look, about there what hobby at you????? I ask to answer all questions given by me to you fabien.
Also you are sent the regards by my parents and friends Tatyana and Robert.
I wait for the answer from you fabien. Write to me soon.
Yours Elena.
P.S. fabien I have not thought at all I can cause you by the phone only a bit later. For this purpose it is necessary to me small savings. I shall receive wage, a payment and I shall call to you. Well fabien!!!!!!!!
Created: 2006-06-23 Last updated: 2006-06-23 Views: 1594