Scam letter(s) from Natalia Dorohina to Alan (USA)

Letter 1
Hi my new friend Alan !!! I am glad that you have answered my small letter!!! Before I never did not correspond with anybody from other countries and in general it is my first experience correspondences in Internet. Now when are widely advanced high technologies, speak much and write about acquaintances through the Internet. I too have decided to try to search for the happiness on the Internet. Can be and we approach each other. Therefore I want to tell to you about myself and about that where I live. I live in city Orenburg. To me 29 years old now and I work as doctor in our city hospital. My city location in Orenburgskaya oblast, Russia. Summer at us warm and sometimes even hot. But unfortunately winter at us cold. But we have already got used because people which are born in the north they are very accustomed to sharp changes of weather. I was born and have grown in this city. My parents have arrived to this city before I was born. Earlier they lived in city Ufa, but they have moved in Orenburg because to my daddy have suggested favourable work and he did not begin to refuse. My father works as the engineer on one from enterprises of heavy industry in our city. My mother simple teacher. I have not wanted to be teacher or engineer and consequently when I have left school began to study in medical university. And now I work as doctor. If to tell about my appearance, my growth 5 foots 8 inches, my weight of 56 kgs. I have Green eyes and dark hair. In general to me very interesting correspond with you. Me very interesting find out about you and about your way of life. I hope you will write all about you life in next letter. I shall tell to you more about myself in my next letters so. Now I finished my letter and move to home have a few rest. I hope you like my photo. I hope that I have interested you and will write to me tomorrow... Would be fine if you have sent more photo... Yours faithfully Natasha from Russia...
Letter 2
Hi my friend Alan!!! I am glad that you have written me. In general it is very interesting to correspondence with you. Because with you I can find out more about world and life in your country. But me more pleasantly and more interestingly find out about you. =) For certain you would like to find out more about me so. Because I want tell you more about myself. I hope you will be interesting find out about my hobbies... But I can tell that at me not concrete hobby. =) But I like to look films, listen to music, read books and newspapers. You like visit cinemas??? I visit almost all new films. Because it amazing with beauty and sense... Recently I looked "National Treasure 2". Certainly at me was very much big impressions. Also I like looking melodramas. I wish find out what music type like you??? And I like to enjoy Classical music and New Ege. Because it directs at reflexions and I like listen this types music for dream. Basically I listen Enya, Enigma and many others. Except for this music I like also popular english music. So. Probably you reflect why I'm began write to you??? I can tell only one... I cannot find in Russia person who loved and respected me. As one wise person has told: "WHEN WE LIVE WE ARE IN SEARCH, IN SEARCH OF WHO CAN GO WITH YOU ON A VITAL WAY. BECAUSE ONE TO GO VERY MUCH AND VERY MUCH DIFFICULTLY ". I think that you agree with me??? More particularly, I search person kind and careful!!! Probably it only children's dream. But I think that you such. purpose my life it find person who can cares of me and ours with him children's. Recently happened so I was on funeral schoolmate. Recently he has died of used drugs... And he has died of overdose. He was the excellent friend, he always came to me the aid when to me it was bad. He was the successful businessman. But unfortunately he has used drugs. I very much regret about it. And consequently I categorically against drugs. I understand that you difficult to understand my letters. Forgive me that I use translator and consequently probably mistakes in translation. I learnt English at university and I can speak fluently. But I do not have time write in English in internet-cafe. I hope that you understand... For this reason I use translator, it is fast and simple. So. I shall finish now my letter and move to home have rest before tomorrow's day. I shall wait your letter and I can tell you that your letters began more than simply e-mail... Today I again shall send you my photo. I hope to you pleasantly... Yours faithfully Natasha!!!
Letter 3
Hi my dear Alan!!! I recently start to understand that I get used to your letters and they become for me big than is simple letters. I always with impatience wait for your letters. For me they became a source of good mood. I hope that you so concern to my letters... I trust in God because at my work frequently have address to him. But it only behind encouragement because when you see that people die on your arms same you cannot is quiet look it. Therefore I some times in a month find time to descend in church. I'm orthodox christian. I think that anyone people is both good and bad. In hospital I'm collide with people of different peoples and different creed, but I do not do among them distinction. For me all people identical. I swore Hyprocratic and therefore I help all people not looking on anything. And as I concern to them in lives. Unfortunately not all people consider as I and consequently in the world occur any collisions and acts of terrorism. It is terrible to look what happens now in Iraq, Pakistan, Afganistan. As it was at us in Moscow, Chechen and others cities of Russia it has led to to plural human victims. But I am confident that people will think again and will make so that we doctors had not to rescue from death of people. Because only doctors and those who has directly suffered completely understand size all tragedies. Fortunately now all is quiet and not a lot of work at doctors. But every day there are incidents, failures, unfortunate cases after which we should work strenuously to rescue a life to victims all these incidents. But fortunately while who has not diedalso to our brigade is possible to perform the work well. Did i spoke to you that you the good listener?) I can tell precisely to you THANK YOU that i have you. At present time many people dreams about similar friends. But not everyone have such friends. I am glad that now you my sincere and true friend. Likely we could expect for more close relations. And maybe sometime it happen. Sometime at a meeting the lightning of love will pierce us. I feel that could will fall in love with you. But without a meeting and a sight in eyes to each other I am afraid it very difficultly. Today I have told much about my feelings. And I would like to find out what you think of it? With impatience I shall wait your letter my dearest friend. But likely tomorrow I cannot write to you. Many operations are planned at work. Therefore after work I am going to sleep well.
yours Natasha!!!
Letter 4

Hi my kind friend Alan... Directly I want to tell for a long time waited for that moment that to see your letter and I again I can see your kind words. At me there was yesterday a tragedy therefore I at once be sorry my letter will be shorter than usually. To us in hospital has acted it is hard the sick patient. He has got in failure on the automobile. We tried to rescue to it a life, but unfortunately he has died. We tried to extend it from hands of death during eight hours. But at him was extensive haemorrhage in internal bodies and he has lost a lot of blood. For me it not the first fatal outcome, but I as to this I can not get used. After work I for a long time sat in the apartment and for a long time could not will calm down. Hands were shaked and from my eyes tears in themselves flew. I wanted to write to you more today, but I cannot forgive me. Well that you at me are also I can write to you about the feelings and experiences.
I love you!!! Natasha...
Letter 5
Hi my lovely Alan!!! I have received your letter and and is very happy. I am glad that you have so a lot of anxiety on my destiny... Many thanks that you give me good advice. But I'm not began to sell ever these bad medicines to children. Because children all this that are at us... I want to tell to you once again thanks that have support of me in this situation... And I think, that for me will lose very sadly such clever, gallant, and the main thing beautiful men, therefore I dream, that our relations never stopped and can sometime be had continuation.... Darling Alan, now I wish tell you something in occasion of my new feelings to you. Only concern everything it is serious I now shall tell you. because I have decided to trust in you!!! For these days in my soul has changed in relation to you, namely, I have understood that I I wish to have the most durable relations with you... By the way up to my previous letter when I did not write to you I very cried. I did not tell you this because was afraid, that frighten you. And I cried because I have met two my old school girlfriends. Girlfriends were not one. They were together with their husbands. And they have asked me about my private life. I have told him fairly that I have most finest person all over world and to correspond with him(you) in letters. And then they laugh that you not available boyfriend... I was very much was afflicted that they so told about you and consequently I to not communicate with them now!!!! I to move to parents and very long-long cried. Then my mum again has supported me. She has told me if I love you so strongly I need to aspire create with you most serious relations. But I could not calm down, I thought that you really far. But mum again has told that if I love you I should make all for sake our love. Therefore my most best and most lovely Alan answer me one question: "What we can make for sake of our relations???" My favourite I very much shall wait your answer. Because it is very important... I hope that you understand. I shall move home now... Always with the big love and sets of kisses yours Natasha!!! P.S: My post address is:
Dorohina Natalya
Orenburgskaya oblast ',
Orenburg city,
Zip 460000,
Post Office 1
box 3059.
You can write me the present letter, and I with pleasure will read It!!!
Letter 6
Hi my lovely Alan!!! My favourite I am very glad to receive your letter!!! Kind and lovely words which you give many thanks to me. I start feel that you that person with which I can to connect the future... You really very fine the man and I am convinced of it with each your new letter!!!! You simply more and more and win my heart more. Every day I feel that I have more opinions on you. And it pleases me. Because I did not expect ever that I shall find the love on the Internet. But I am happy that it happened. I shall not pay attention to that that friends speak. But they really are not right in their ideas. Because you very fine person. And I thank the god for that that he has given me you... You the true gentleman of all my dreams... I would like it and I believe that with us it as will be. In fact every day reading your letter I always feel many pleasures and happiness in my heart when I read your letter. They give me, is very warm also the help to feel you within several minutes. When I have met you, I have changed. You have opened the new world for me, the world of love. You have opened to me eyes and gave chance to be favourite. I want to tell to you thanks. With you I feel me the woman who wants be happy to love. I have lost hope concerning happiness, seeing rough Russian men. When I have met you, you gave me Hope for happiness. My love even colleagues on work speak, which I have changed. They speak, that I more frequently smile, also my eyes burn light of pleasure. I am very grateful to you for this purpose. I am very happy, that you do not leave me and estimate our correspondence. You very fine person who is not afraid of problems which can care. I am very happy, that you have chosen me and gave me, the chance to give you all loves also tenderness. I think of you my love. I need in you in my life. Because I love you and your fine condition of soul. My dear you the best and remarkable all over the world!!!!! My dear you simply remarkable!!!! And I very much would like to lead together with you all my remained life. I would like to touch you and your strong body. My dear I wish to be together with you. And it for me the big decision... Because I love you. Know it always. It is a pity that to me to have to finish my letter. But know that the letter comes to the end and my feelings continue to grow with huge force... Because my feelings become stronger and stronger... All right I shall move now home and with the big impatience I shall wait for your letter... Always with the finest feelings of love yours Natasha!!!
Created: 2008-05-09    Last updated: 2008-05-09    Views: 1507


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