Scam letter(s) from Lilia Petrovskaya to John (UK)

Letter 1
I am very very thankful to you for taking care about me and our relations!! It is seen at once that you are a serious man and you know what you want in this life! I like this feature in people very mu and of course I am very happy that you are such a man. You are the man from the capital letter M!!!!
John,I guess you mix Translation agency with the Marriage
These are two different things. The translators I use deal with a kinds of translations for all kinds of clients, starting from factories, plants and finishing with layers and my letters to you
And I pay in cash to them. The fees are different. 1 letter costs 5
10 letters - 50$, 20 letters- 90 and unlimited letters translation including phone calls translation -150$.
Of course I wish we could take unlimited. But I know money doesn't grow on the trees
My sweet John, as for English classes
* basic course:5 times per week,2 hours per day, lasting 2 month - 420
* basic course:3 times per week,2 hours per day, lasting 1 month - 225
honey that goes without saying. I will attend. If you give me this opportunity,
I promise to be the best pupil in the world.
Thank you so much my lovely John, for your care about me. I promise you will never regret!
I will wait for you reply with impatience!! Only yours Liliya John, my darling will send you my new photos, hope you will like them.....
and will send you address the nearest bank of me RaiffeisenBankAval, Western Union, 98300 Ukraine, Kerch, Kirova str.,1
Created: 2008-06-03    Last updated: 2008-06-03    Views: 1494


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