Scam letter(s) from Stella Walker to Rich (USA)

Letter 1
Dear i choose to write to you because you are who you are and i should tell you that i am just a natural lady seeking for love and i am a lady who isnt easily moved by men but i was moved just when i came across your profile..i have been with men right here and all they seems want only is my body and i should tell you that i am not into that because making love without true love and affection makes absolutely no senses..dear let me know if yu are still interested then you can hit me back on here and i will also love to ask you some question away do you believe in a long distance relationship how long have you been on and what are your past expereince with this Internet dating scence i will also enclose some of my pics along with this email i am sending to you talk to you soon Stella Walker
Letter 2
Hey Rich
Thanks for sharing part of your time with me and i also believe this email meet you in a good condition i got you message that you will like to add me on Yahoo IM here is my screen name on there creamydalacream198 i will love to chat more with you to you soon Stella
Created: 2008-12-19    Last updated: 2008-12-19    Views: 1457


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