Scam letter(s) from Oksana Wolkowa to Timmy (USA)

Letter 1
I am very glad that you have answered me! I am very glad to receive your letter and very much I hope that my life becomes now not such boring as was. Very much I hope that dialogue with you very much will change me! I will tell to you a little about myself. My name is Oksana. To me of 28 years. I was never married and I have no children. At me never was much man's because when I fall in love, I love long. I live in the city of Sankt-Piterburg. I live with mum in apartment. Daddies at me are not present. Mum speaks that he has died when I was small. I work as the gynecologist in a polyclinic. I work 6 years and I very much like my work. I studied in high school and have finished medical college. I write to you in English because I am not assured that you know Russian. I know English well because I learnt it at school, and then in college. I very much liked to learn English language and now I know it well! tell about itself? Than you are engaged? Where do you live? How old are you? Where you work and whether there are at you children. I very much hope that you do not take offence that I set to you many questions? I very curious. I wish to learn about you much because you have very much liked me! Certainly I cannot tell to you all in one letter and ask you much, but I very much hope that our dialogue will proceed also we will learn each other, and then can be we will meet. How you think? It is good idea? I suspect it enough. With this letter I send you my photo and very much I hope that I was not mistaken choosing a photo for you? The photo was pleasant to you? Tim I speak to you bye, but I do not say goodbye on long. I will write to you also very much I hope that, I will see your letter earlier than I will write to you! I wish you successful day!!!
Yours faithfully, your new girlfriend Oksana
Letter 2
I am very glad to see your letter today, after my difficult day on work. I had very difficult day because there were many patients. My dear, it is very a pity to me that you did not try food about which I spoke. I think that we sometime will meet, and I will cook to your this food. I am confident that it will be pleasant to you. I do not have passport to fly abroad. I never was in the USA. And I think that to us early to think of a trip and to make such serious decisions now when we are still a little familiar. we need to communicate, and if you appear which that person I search, I am obligatory to you I will arrive. It is necessary to wait, communicate only. What do you think? I very much liked your photos, I would like to see them more! I spoke to you about the work? I work as the gynecologist in a polyclinic. I help women to define on what term of pregnancy they. I do at them analyses and I register him medicines. I never did abortions to women. They are done by other gynecologists. I very much like my work because I like to help people! Every day after work I feel that I have helped many people and now their children will be healthy! I am very happy that I have such work and I very much love the work! as whom you work? It is very interesting to me to learn than you are engaged! You to me will tell? Than you are engaged at leisure? What do you do when do not work? I usually help mum on the house. During week-end I usually leave to the grandmother in village because she there one and to her it is necessary to help. I love I like to knit at leisure. At me it very well turns out! I can knit warm a sweater, socks and scarfs. At us in the winter coldly also that I knit very much would help what not to freeze to us with mum. I think that you would like to carry such things when coldly?! I will necessarily connect to you warm things! It will be my gift for you!!! You would accept it? I have forgotten to ask you, you will send to me more than the photos? I think that I will finish the letter because already late and me it is necessary to go home to help mum and likely on me my kitten already misses! I kiss you strong and very much I hope that my kiss will warm you! I very much will wait your letter tomorrow!
Yours Oksana
Letter 3
Hello My Dear!!!
I am very happy to receive your letter today! Your letters as the first beams of the sun, always bring pleasure! How there was your day? I was well! I did not work today, I had a day off. I weigh day has spent houses and did cleanliness! Still I for a supper cooked today pel'meni itself and have prepared them! I very much hope that they will be very tasty. I yet did not try them. I have gone to write to you to the cafe Internet, and mum now cooks pel'meni. I will come home and we will eat them! It is not very a pity to me that you can have supper with me and mum! We would be very glad if you had supper with us! you will sometime have supper with us? you represent, today Tishka helped me to do cleanliness of the house! I have been very surprised, when have seen that it bears to me a sponge! He has brought it and has put at my feet. You represent??? I never before did not see such clever cats! I am assured that he very much has liked you! Tim if I will go to you, I will take possible him with myself? Because I will miss very much him! What do you think? You not against? I had today a dream about us! He has very much liked me! We with you went on park and held each other for hands! People looked at us and envied us! We were very happy! When I have woken up, to me became sad, because it only a dream. From this dream I have understood that my feelings to you all become stronger! It seems to me that I fall in love with you! it not seems to you strange? What feelings at you to me? I hope that you do not think of me badly? You like to look cinema? What genres of films like you? Than you like to be occupied in free from an operating time? yesterday there has arrived my grandmother. She has told, that I necessarily would send you "Hello" from her. She asks, whether you wish to try pies by which it does? With a strawberry or another a berry? you would like? Tell also I to transfer your words the grandmother. I hope, that you do not get tired of my letters and questions. I wish to know about you more, you more and like me also I is glad more, that have met you. I already spoke you it. But I hope, that you are not has got tired of me. How to you my today's photo? I hope that is pleasant. I will wait for your letter... I wait and believe, that I will receive it soon...
Yours Oksana
Letter 4

Hello My Lovely Prince!!!!
Your letter is fine today, but also all your letters are fine!!! Your letters always fill me with happiness and pleasure!!! as you today? How there was your day? What did you make? How at you business on work? I'm fine, not including that I very much miss on you. I do not wish to miss, I wish to be with you! I last night very long did not sleep, because I thought of us. I think that you that man which I searched for all life! You that prince on a white horse about whom to me mum told in the childhood!!! I long did not sleep and thought, and when have fallen asleep, you dreamt me only!!! Today I spoke with mum. I asked her councils and simply spoke with her. I spoke that I can not live without you any more. I spoke to her that you that person with whom I will be happy! We spoke with her very long. I any more do not remember when I spoke so seriously with mum last time. I Have told to her that I wish to be with you and I wish to arrive to you. She has very well understood me and has told that only will be glad for me. She is already very happy for me because I now not one, now at me is you!!! Mum spoke that it is impossible to live in a distance from the love and we should be together! I wish to be with you and I will learn all about that what to arrive to you! I cannot without you any more. I very much do not have you, I constantly think only of you!!! I yet do not know when I can learn all, but I think that this week. Tomorrow I cannot, because I will have a lot of work, but I promise to you, that I will go I learn all and we will be together! Our dreams will be real! We will be together and are very happy!!! my heart prompts to me, that we are created one for another. We should be together!!! Men and women to be created for this purpose what together if they are not together they cannot live. The life because in it there will be no sense will be not necessary!!! you with me agree? You very much wish to be with me? tell to me the truth! I completely trust you, I trust you all my heart!!! We already long communicate with you also I has completely understood that you sincerely concern me, as well as I to you!!! I love you, I love most lives!!! It wishes to be only with you because all over the world there is only one man, you! Except you, nobody is necessary to me!!!!!!!!!!!! I love only you and I will love eternally!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will finish letter on it and I will wait very much for your answer! I LOVE YOU ALL HEART AND SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yours and only your for ever loving and gentle princess Oksana
Letter 5
Hello My Lovely!!!!
I wish to be with you. Only with you and with anybody another. Your love is necessary for me and I all would shall make what to be with you for ever, you do not represent what today fine day. I so am happy, that at me that turns out, that to do, and I can soon arrive to you. I have collected 1249 dollars and tomorrow I can already conclude the contract, having paid this part. to me have told, that other part will be necessary for paying then. When provisional date of a start and the exact name of the airport where it is necessary for me to fly will be known, you can inform me the name and a code to the airport where you can meet me? It will be necessary for me to inform this the information in Travel agency. My sun, it is food which was at me in hands in a photo is called pancakes. This very tasty Russian dish. When we will be together I necessarily will prepare for you it. I am confident that is pleasant to you! you represent, tomorrow will start to legalize my papers, and I can be with you, in your embraces and we shall be together and are happy for ever. You represent? We shall enjoy our love and caress and our love, we shall create the world full of love and passion. We can be together. We can sleep in a this bed, I can prepare you for fine dishes. You represent? As it is fine!!!!! I wish to see your smile and your happy eyes every day, I wish to go on ours with you to the house that is pleasant to you and me and that we with you could do all about what we dream and we want. I went to the girlfriend, but she has refused to help to be to us together. The grandmother has told, that the friend who can help us has and on learns from it all and will inform tomorrow, as well as that it is possible to make. I do not know how to describe that occurs to me. The more close I to you, the am more and to knock more my heart, I am afraid, that it to jump out of a ****** when I shall be with you. And how you? Than you are engaged? You Wait for me? You have already thought up what we shall do? You will have a free time for us, what we could go where or? I love you!!!!!!
Yours and only your loving and gentle Oksana
Letter 6
Hello My Lovely!!!!
I so am happy today. You represent. I shall soon know date when I to arrive to you. I with impatience wait, when there would will come tomorrow that precisely nobility when interview and date of our meeting is appointed. Tim I at once shall inform you all what to learn. you already all have prepared for me for a meeting? I soon shall with you. And all that is necessary for me, to be with you, and a place where we can be only in together. I am assured, that we can organize it. I so worry. I am happy, that I shall be with you both more and I think more, about that as it will occur. I know, that all will be fine. Because we shall be together and already anybody and never can separate us. tomorrow as to arrive the grandmother and can bring the remained sum for the contract. And all. All ours with you problems will be solved. And we shall be together. Dreams become a reality, our lives will change, and they will be filled by happiness and love. I with impatience wait for your letter tomorrow. I love you, I want to you and I dream of us together. And it becomes a reality. IT IS FINE!!!!!!!
Yours and only your loving and gentle Oksana
Letter 7
I wish to inform you fine news. Here the information on flight
on which I shall be with you. Moscow (MOW) - USA
KLM Flight KL902
Departs: 23 June 2009 05:50, Sheremetyevo Arpt
Arrives: 23 June 2009 07:20 , Schiphol Arpt
KLM Flight KL6763
Departs: 23 June 2009 10:30, Schiphol Arpt
Arrives: 23 June 2009 12:05 ,Intl Arpt USA - Moscow (MOW)
KLM Flight KL6764
Departs: 23 December 2009 12:05, Intl Arpt
Arrives: 24 December 2009 07:20 , Schiphol Arpt
KLM Flight KL903
Departs: 24 December 2009 09:20, Schiphol Arpt
Arrives: 24 December 2009 14:40 , Sheremetyevo Arpt I have now come at once from the Internet of cafe what to inform you.
You understand that that I have written here? It to me to inform in
Travel agency, and I to send you. I hope, that you can meet me when I to arrive to you. The truth? I am assured, that can.
I should pay tomorrow the remained part and all. We with you together. I yet was not at home but I am assured that the grandmother already to arrive and I can liquidate a debt in the morning tomorrow before Travel agency.
I look forward to your letter.
we can soon embrace, kiss, make love, feel our general breath and see happy smiles!!!!!!!!
I want to you. I wish to be with you.
For ever. And it to happen soon.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Oksana
Letter 8
forgive for the short letter. The grandmother to arrive and inform, that that woman cannot help. It is necessary for her to lay down in hospital and it is necessary to pay treatment. She did not know, that such can be. She cannot help. I yesterday again to go to all friend and can learn still can, who to help. But nobody can. I with mum now to go to the next city. there at mum lives the good girlfriend. Mum speaks that she can can help.
Tim forgive, I would need to run on station that we with you together. And we shall make it.
I love you.
I shall be with you!!!!
I to do the utmost and be with you.
only you and only in your embraces and your kisses I shall feel well. And we shall be together.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Oksana
Letter 9
I did not know what to do. I all the night long to cry and think that we cannot embody our dreams in a reality. And I would like to die. It would be desirable to disappear simply from this world. Times I cannot make you happy and to be happy with you.
in the Morning I have gone to agency. I have decided all to learn precisely. There to me all have explained. The passport available. The visa I shall receive in Moscow and it is necessary to meet with only approval. For this purpose it is necessary to pass interview.
I have told it about ours with you situations. Has suggested to pay money after I shall arrive to you and I shall earn. To pay twice it is more. But they have told, that do not presume to make to me it.
They have told, what I to descend in bank and to learn there. But I went there already. But has decided to taste once again. there I have explained to the manager all situation. He has told, that the loan cannot approve such. He has asked, why you cannot help us. I have told, that you in other country. He has answered what to have such service - Western Union and if you to want you can help me tomorrow and I can receive your help and we together.
you know, what that about this service? I shall learn, if you can help us. We needed to make a small step both we together. And I hope, that you will help to make this step to you.
I already have much made and now your help is very necessary for me. I hope, that you can make it.
I love you!!!!!
I wait for your letter,
Yours and only your loving and gentle Oksana
Created: 2009-06-24    Last updated: 2009-06-24    Views: 1403


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