Scam letter(s) from Lilia Podkopaeva to Darrell (USA)

Letter 1

My darling Darrell,
Don't worry, dear. I will find money for the tickets. My good friend will give me money. And I will use this chance only if you help me with the visa. That is abig sum of money for me. If you really want me to come and to see me, please, do it for us.Much depends on you now. I will do everything necessary from my side.
Send me only money for the visa of 198 dollars.
Please, understand me! I am able to get visa for 1, 2 or 3 months. This depends on the Embassy. This time is enough for us to get to each other better. I want to come to you not to marry you but you get closer and to see if we match each other. But if I don't pay for visa now, I will never get it then. I will come to you as soon as I get my visa. Or at any other time which is convenient for you. You should understand that I ask for money now as I have a chance to get visa without a problem. Now I have only a week, or to me will give up in reception of the visa! And later I could not get it.
And in this case, we will not be able to meet.
That was a wonderful dream. It was so colorful and bright.
I fell asleep yesterday thinking about you, with a smile on my face. And you were there in my dream.
I was the happiest woman in the world as you were with me, the man whom I love so dearly. We were in a beautiful place. I think I can call it paradise.
You were holding me and I was kissing you softly and then faster and faster.
I was kissing your eyes, your neck, your arms, every part of your body. Your skin was so tender and manly at the same time.
You put away my clothes and I felt your skin with my ***** body...
It was such a feeling which I can't express with the words.
It is getting so hard for me to wait for the time when I see you at last, when I am able to touch you in real and to feel that intimacy.
I get so excited and that is your fault, honey.
Miss you so badly
P.S. I go from work. I have forgotten to take with myself a photo for you. I shall send the next photo in the following letter.
Letter 2

Hi, my dear Darrell!!!
I am in Moscow and I've got my visa. So don't worry.
Everything is Ok. I didn't have any problems.
I went to the tourist agency today and they have found me cheap tickets.
I have a problem. I am so much upset. I don't know what to do.
You are the only one who can help me right now.
I didn't expect it will cost me more. But I don't have enough money for ticket.
The ticket is already reserved that is why I need to pay for it as soon as possible or it will be sold to another person.
I don't have enough to pay for it. I didn't expected that it would cost more. Ticket cost 824$, And I need 324$
You should send it to my name Marina Kosyakova.
by any Western Union in Moscow.
The ticket is reserved for July, 13.
It there and back. It is a trip of an airplane from Moscow up to Edmonton.
Dear, just think. Only some days and we will be together.
It is the last step before our meeting. Please, do it for us.
It is the cheap ticket. I consider that this version better and more cheaply. Money as soon as possible is necessary to me.
Or it is the ticket will sell to other person.
And it will be better to pay for the ticket this week as it is reserved already. Dear, we will be able to see each other so soon. Just one more attempt. I love you... I need you...
When I went to Moscow I slept and I saw a beautiful dream about our meeting... I love you and need you so. It is so difficult for me to be far from you now when I need your support.
I am waiting for your soon reply.
Miss you badly.
Your loving
Created: 2006-07-07    Last updated: 2006-07-07    Views: 1548


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