Scam letter(s) from Irina Galchenko to Jimmy (Scotland)

Letter 1
Oh my dear Jimmy!!! I have for you news! My lovely I have just come from embassy had conversation with the adviser. The adviser has told to me that is generally rules known there are such rules for those who came in UK and other countries. Dear your ambassadors are afraid that people go in UK for work as prostitution. Or simply illegally to work. They wish to secure themselves against it. Therefore published the law that each emigrant going under the tourist visa in UK should have at itself a living wage. For UK it makes 90 pounds on every day. For the USA there is such rule too. But there the living wage should make little bit less. Approximately 70-80 pounds on every day. As my official visit to you 31 day it means that is necessary for me 2790 pounds. I am not guilty in that there is such law. And I very much was upset in it. I very sensitive person. And it is very unpleasant factor for me honey.
You know that I have no this money.This money are necessary to me simply to show them at customs. If you want our meeting as I am and will help in it that at a meeting with you I at once shall give them to you my dear. You know that I have no many money and not one in a many my friends have no is so much money. I at deadlock dear. Such as you was so a near to me and now you start to keep away. In fact remains so not many time up to a meeting with you.. And now there are such problems. But we are created to overcome problems arising on our love way. And I sincerely hope that I shall see, embrace and kiss you. I love you, I miss you! with love only your Irina.
Letter 2
Hello my love Jimmy!!! I understand that we do not speak today online!! Therefore here data from ticket: I will arrive to you in 21:45 on Saturday May, 30 2009!
Number of flight of the plane on which I will arrive to yours the airport Glasgowr: KL1481! dear, I am very glad that tomorrow I can to embrace you, I very much wait for this moment!!! Now I will go to hotel to have some rest!!
Tomorrow I will have a flight to you!!!
your Irina kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss you Jimmy
Created: 2009-07-01    Last updated: 2009-07-01    Views: 1359


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