Scam letter(s) from Larisa Putintseva to Mario (Germany)
Letter 1
Hello Mario!
Thanks your message email, on Russian Euro and for the beginning acquaintance I to make decision to write your contact to you the first letter. To admit acquaintance the Internet for me new experience. But I sincerely hope that we can be right for each other, therefore I will be happy start correspondence with you and to learn each other better!
Ok. My name Larisa :) To me 23 years. This spring March, 20th there was my birthday. I live in fine and very known for the beautiful nature, Russian city Voronezh, is possible you to hear about this city? I live in rent small, but cosy apartment in the centre a city , my parents live nearby in city Liski, it about 100 kilometres from Voronezh. I to arrive in here almost right after leaving school for study to college, now I to finish a last year "Voronezh base medical college", on faculty pediatrics, and as courses of foreign languages. During "practical time" college I work the nurse in a nursery hospital, it very much is pleasant to me!
Tell about your life, than you to be engaged? You love your work? You to write that you live Germany, where exactly? To like you this place? Here the wonderful nature, and the best time certainly spring and summer :) sometimes I to love morning jog or bathing in the river, this summer very much a heat and we rest river Don. I to love a healthy way of life and earlier to be engaged gymnastics and volleyball. What do you think of a healthy way of life?
Despite the fact that what I here only 4 years, I to have many friends and well I know a city. I to have many hobb ies when to appear a free time I to be engaged dances, I am simple to love music and to like to dance, go on concerts or is simple with friends in weekend in a cinema.
How you like to spend your free time? Tell please more about your life, whether you were married? What character to like you in the girl? How long you search the Internet?
It seems unusually when people so far, but can be so close :) unfortunately houses at me are not present the computer, and I can write to you only from internet club or my girlfriend, I think it not a problem and I will not be a delay with mine the answer to you!
I will be glad to our acquaintance, therefore I wait your answer. To wish you a sunny day.
Letter 2
Hi my dear Mario!
How you today? Whether you had good weekend there? I hope all well and you good time in Leipzig. All my thoughts were about you and our meeting I to wait the moment when I can go here to see your answer.
Today in college there was an offset and I could not concentrate because thought of you, but nevertheless I was typed force and to hand over offset without problems! ;) Because soon wished to run here and to see yours the answer!
Dear I attentively to read your letters, at first I wish to tell that to you that you to use the best efforts and so much to try for our meeting, and if that that around not so it not your fault and fault bureaucracy and silly formalities between people!
I think you to do all well but probably a wall of barriers between us is insuperable, I sensation hopelessness and despair, after all we to do all to be together but not to give this system to us it. You to write that you were in Leipzig, to have there Money gramme? You to find there similar bank?
I to ask because with Western Union It not to work, and you know it. As soon as you do transfer into the address in Liski I again I can not to receive it. Strange that workers the same bank speak a miscellaneous.
When I to be in bank the worker to me to show the form, there there is no passport the address, there it is possible to specify the country, a name and the sum, it is possible not to specify a city and the address. Whether you can find in your city Money gramme, there to me have told that it is not present problems and it is possible to specify the address and
Dear I will send you my address in Liski but it will seems to me that you again to spend money for the tax transfer for nothing, I do not want that you again to spend your money and we again to turn out nothing. Which I speak those variants to you to work.
You should go to your bank to take the form and not to specify any address, it is not necessary, only the country, my name and the sum, it is all that it is necessary for to do transfer! Any other formality can complicate to receive to me money in Voronezh.
All of us still to have time but if we to do one more error that possibility our meeting will thaw, my heart knocks often and my thoughts on that to be there near to you. Please to do as I to write to you, I ask you it is our last chance!
I will finish and send you my letter faster and you to make the decision. Here the house my parents the address, Liski 397906, street Vatutina 8 aprt. 17. It is the address specified in my passport as a place a residence permit, whether I do not know it will work. If in German bank it is not necessary to specify number passport then probably it is not necessary to specify the address in the passport?
My days more free now because watch in a day and today evening free. I look forward your answer, I will go here probably today even later or tomorrow earlier to read your letter!
I think of you and our meeting!
Yours Larisa
Letter 3
Hi my dear Mario!
How your day today? I hope all well and my letter finds you the successful beginning weekend! ;) Dear I wish to ask as your mood? ;) Because I wish to do it better! At me fine news and I to go to share earlier here it with you! ;)
So all one after another! :) Yesterday after to write to you the letter, I to go in accounts department where to have the device for scanning and the press of documents, but it does not work some days. Therefore I to take additional time and the decision to go at once in bank to ask to do a copy the document of mine of an abacus in bank.
And the manager bank, at the same time also has checked up a condition of an abacus, and to me has told that into my personal account transfer from Germany is received! ;) Me to ask to name your name, and as the exact sum which you owe transfer!
I to name 580 euro, but to me have told that it more, and I then to mean that 600 euro, 20 euro we not to pay and I to receive in roubles about 21500 roubles, it about percent from a cash dispense, but approximately if on a course the bank is 600 euro almost!
I was a few surprise and to ask about that that last time I to learn rather an error in my surname "Outintseva" instead of Putintseva, and to me have told that I cannot receive money. Then the manager to explain that the error was meant in account number, and if an insignificant error in a name then it not a problem!
I was happy, that at last all your efforts and ours together diligence knowingly, and that you do not need to lose now money because of an error the worker bank! And the most important that we can soon speak phone, I will use the best efforts that it already was on the next week in the beginning!
In bank when I to draw out money I very much to worry, because never holding such big money, and right after to ask bank to call that how to draw out money about a cash dispense I the worker to me to a taxi input, only when I to be convinced that the car to arrive I to go to a taxi and to go to store home money there! I could not admit that after all that or happen with money! ;)
Tomorrow I will go in too shop and to learn about the computer more in detail, before I to be convinced that too the computer and as remain money for connection in my apartment the Internet. When I to learn to me have told that this connection within 2-3 working days. I will write you all details and I will write already soon to you from my house every day from the computer which you us to buy! ;)
It is a pity to me to hear about your grandmother, she to live a good life! Me to be brought up the grandmother as also I to get used when she was at home! Mine the grandmother and the grandfather is not present now in live, on a mum's line I not to remember at all my grandmother, she died when to me only 2 years, and the grandfather I not to see.
Grandmother Nina, mum at my daddy was my loved one, when I was small we together to go to collect a raspberry, I very much to like it to do and she always took me with herself! :) The grandfather as has died early, and the grandmother to leave when for a year before I to leave in Voronezh, it was sad time. But I am glad that I to recollect my grandmother and the grandfather! These memoirs on all my life! ;)
I waited to run and tell in the morning to you joyful news! ;) And reading your letter it is even more pleasure that seems it is destiny to give us signs! ;) I hope a meeting Mr. Pohland soon! ;) Dear I will write you all details tomorrow or on Monday, I think already on the next week problems about the Internet and phone will not be! :)
I think of you and to wish you fine day!
Happy Larisa
Letter 4
Hello Mario, My name Anna, Im girlfriend Larisa. Unfortunately she to get under the car failure. Do not worry with her all well, at her leg it is broken and she now to be in her hospital on hospitalisation. To her to impose plaster and she will be without movement about 2 weeks. Larisa to ask me, to write to you from its personal email and to send you regards, and that she very much misses. She to tell about you much, and tha we acquaintance in similar circumstances is very a pity to me. I can transfer your greetings and wishes, I will be your intermediary! Good day. Sincerely,
Created: 2009-07-06 Last updated: 2009-07-06 Views: 1509