Scam letter(s) from Ekaterina to Wytze (Netherlands)
Letter 1
Hello my friend Wytze, I am so happy, that you answered my letter. If to be honest I was afraiding that you did not write me after my previous letter! Now I would like to tell you about my interests and hobbies more. I like to make many things in a life. I wrote you that I like to cook. My mum cooks so good and she learned me. Most of all I prefer to cook Russian cuisine. There are many interesting dishes in our country: hot soups, salads, meat, fish, “ russian pirogy ” (cakes) and etc. I live in the northern part of Russia, because Izhevsk founded in the northern European part of country. Our food is rich and useful for our climate. I value also French and Italian cuisine. For example, I like pizza. But this is not so useful for body, and this is a reason, why I tried to cook it not so often? I do not like “ fast food ”, may be because sometimes it’s expensive for me. My favourite color is red. The color of love. For me Red is the color of purity of thoughts and wished, the color of Honesty. Sometimes I’m so romantic and I like to read novels of love? I prefer to listen the various kind of music. But most of all I like rock ballads: Roxette, Nirvana, Eagles (“ Hotel California ”). I respect classical music like as Shopen, Beethoven, Chaykovsky. (I very similar " a lunar sonata "). From modern music I prefer Madonna, Eniya, Era. In general I should tell you, that I prefer romantic and tuneful music. I love romantic films and comedies. The film " Pretty woman " is a remarkable story about dreams and love. From romantic film I also love films where love always wins. I like movies about real friendship and brave men: "Gladiator", " Brave heart ”. From fantastic movie I like “ Star wars " and "Matrix." Oh! I like all films with Keanu Rives. If to be honest I was engaged him so much, when I was a young girl? I like to read. I love different kind of books: about love and about risk, sometimes I like detectives. My favourite authors are from Russian Literature? For example, I like Dostoevsky, Chehov, and Tolstoy. This is my future occupation? On my leisure time I like to do gym exercises. It helps me to remain in the excellent form. But I cannot visit sport clubs, because, unfortunately, I have a very law income and most of sport clubs are so expensive for me! I love to see on TV tennis, badminton. But I tried to visit swimming-pool, it gives me energy for my life. I forget about all my problems, when I swim. We have the Ice House in our city and sometimes I like scatting. I’m able to skiing too. I love to see slow dance (on the ice and on the parquet). It gives me unforgettable moments! I also romantic and I like to travel, but I’ve never were in other countries, only in Russia. Tell me about your experience. Wytze, I want to have serious relations, I do not want to play games. I not so well speak English, but I study it, sometimes I even should use the translator what to write to you compound sentences. I would like to communicate with you in a chat via MSN, but I do not have own computer and consequently I should use "Intenet-cafe." Manager " Internet-cafe has told, that it will be big costs for me. I hope, that you understand it and we continue our relations. What do I wait from our correspondence? - I’m the gentle and not so sociable girl. I want to be loved and to be happy. I will give all my tenderness, care and attention for a one man whom I love. I dream to meet this man once! I want to create steady family and children. I think, that I will be a good friend and wife. I want to tell you about my family - I have grandmother, mother and two young sisters. My father dead in the last year. He was simple worker and careful father. I told you that I live in Izhevsk, because my family is living in another town in Izhevsk region - Udmurt republic. I went to Izhevsk to find good work, and i live this alone because it's cheaper then to rent apartment here. Udmurt republic is my native town, where I was grown up. There are no the big educational and cultural centers in Udmurt republic. From time to time I visit my family. One my sister is 15 y.o., my second sister is 20. She is married and she already has a child. But this is the unhappy marriage, because her husband is a drinker! The reason for your marriage was her pregnancy. I do not want to live like she. I dream about love-match I want to ask you some questions - What is your main dream? What is your goal in the life? How are you imagine your future wife and your life after marriage? Tell me more information about your hobbies? Tell to me more about the place where do you live (You can send me pictures the place where do you live)? I want to know more about you. All good. I understand, that letters cannot give all information about person, but I hope that each our letter make us closely to each other. I attach a new photo to the letter, you really to see me nice? Have good day, Sincerely, Ekaterina.
Letter 2
Hello, my dear Wytze, can I call you “ my dear ”, “ my sweetheart ”? It seems to me, we are very close to each other. It is strange situation for me, but I wait for your letters every moment in the day. I have a very busy work day. But I remember about our correspondence all time! I want to tell you about my usual day. I wake up at 8 AM. Sometimes it is difficult, because I must work with children at the nights in the Children’s House 3 times in the week (often in weekends). I work at " Salon of Beauty " usually since 9 AM to 15 PM, after that I go on another work. So i am almost busy and by the end of the day i feel myself tired. After everything I go to the house. Oh! This is a very good hostel in comparison with other hostel in our town. I read a lot when i have free time and my best friend Sveta says, that I’m a "Book-lady." I prefer a good book more than bad party;-) Really, Wytze, it is very pleasant for me to have the friendship with you. It’s difficult to explain, but I feel that you are real and very close friend for me. I’m happy, that we found each other in this crazy world? I think, that you understand what I want to tell. All of us have mistakes in the past. But past is over and I want to create new relationships. I fell, that I’m ready for it! I search the person who will be my friend, my husband, and father of my children. I think, that woman may be happy only in steady family. First of all my attention will be devoted to my future husband and children. I dream that he will work independently and I perhaps will have part-time work. I value accuracy and like to keep up home in clearance. And I know that to be good wife, mother and housekeeper is a hard work too. Sorry, but I told Sveta about our correspondence. She is happy, she said, that I became to restore to life. And I think, that You are the cause of it. Thank You! Please, tell to me more about your family, about your style of life, about job. Today I have a difficult day, I should much work, there was no time to make new photo, sorry. Age, country, social status does not matter for me. I value attention and real care more then nice words. I hate lies. I heard much of lies in the past! Please, send to me more photos! I send you my first virtual kiss, Sincerely, Ekaterina.
Letter 3
Hello, my sweetheart Wytze, i miss you and i think, that you feel the same feelings when wait a letter from me. Thank you for your answer and for your photo, it is like me. I will increase and print it, at any time, I can look on your photo and admire you. Once again many thanks. I glad to hear from you so much! Today at the Work I went home with the girlfriend (neigbour from my hostel) and paid attention: there are many pairs in the street! They captured and kissed each other. People were really happy. In those moment I understood that I want to be happy and I Wytze. Maybe this is destiny? May be You are my special man? Please, tell me about your feelings? This is very important for me. Tell me more about you. What do you think about women’s and men’s the roles in family? What is some your favourite activity? What is your favourite holiday? I want to know more about you, about your likes and dislikes! I’m going to visit my family. I missed about my mother and sisters. We are not so good friends with my youngest sister Elena. She is 15 - I told you. Elena is the adolescent now and sometimes she is insolent as much teenagers in this age. But I know that she is a kind girl and I love her so much. My family is most important thing for me on the Earth. But I afraid that her company is not good. Her boyfriend is a vain boy and I’m worry that he tried drugs. Oh! This is only my suspicion, but my native town is so small. Most of russian men prefer to drink, they do not want to decide problems of ordinary life. In general, alcohol and drugs are large problem for modern Russia, especial for little towns and villages. Unfortunately, this is true. As for me, I drink only one glass of red vine or champagne rare and I do not smoke. I not the supporter of use the alcohol every day. What about You? On work, I also think about the ours distance. What distance between us? Are you thinking about this? I think, that each our letter will to pull together each other. Sorry, if you think, that I’m not pay attention for all your questions, but I use internet in the "Internet-cafe." There is a time-limit here, but remember - You are always in my mind. You are very good and kind person. And I dream to see you once in reality. Also I think that our friendship will be stronger every day. Sorry for a many question, answers to these questions are very important for me. I send a lot of virtual kisses, Sincerely yours, Ekaterina.
Letter 4
My sweetheart, Wytze, I missed about your letters so much! Thanks for the letter back and for your interest to me. I think, that we became good friends. My birth date 20 September 1980. I am pleased, that I’m not mistaken in you, and I do not want to disappoint you. So it is pleasant for me that you are not forget me? I was with my family. My mum is good. She works as the tutor in a kindergarten. She is very much loves the work. She likes to play, bring up children. My mum very kind and light person. She was happy to see me. I spoke with mum about you, I also have shown your photo. Mum was very happy for me and has asked to transfer you BIG HELLO. My youngest sister Masha was very sad all this time, because her boyfriend offend her. She loves him so mush. I think this is our family quality to love similar me. My second sister with her kid and husband is OK. But My grandmother is in poor health. She is 82 y.o. She is wise and patient woman and she helped me so much, when I had a bad period in my life after my parting in the last year. But I’m afraid, that I lose her. You know, my dear Wytze, on a sign of the zodiac I’m the Virgo. I was born in the end of September - 20. I do not know, it is how much possible to trust an astrology, but much that write about cancers fairly about me. I’m the romantic person, value comfort and rooms with cosy nocks. The family, own house have for me great value. I lived once with the neighbor. She irritated me all times, because that it does not clean a thing behind herself, scattered them everywhere, and touched my personal things. It was awful! I have understood, that it is better to have the personal space. Do you remember, I like read and this is very interesting for me. During this short period You’ve become the part of my life. I want to see You, to hear You and to touch You Wytze. I do not imagine my life without your letters! My friend, tell me what feelings and intentions do you have to me? Wytze, please, tell to me more about you ordinary live? Than you are occupied within all day. I really regret that I have not a phone in my home. This is the whole problem in Russia, but if such opportunity will be for me, I would Wytze. I hope that phone call will be the next step in our relationships. I want to hear your voice in reality, to communicate with you. O, my dear Wytze, It will be excellent event in my life! Please, write mw your phone number and time distance between your and mine places. When I went to Izhevsk from my native town I dreamed about our conversation. Concerning my dream. I dream to find the true partner in a life who will be my loving husband, father of my children with whom we will be happy. I want to create my future family with kindness and love. Each your letter give me a secret hope, that I have found the man of my dream and all my life. I want to admit you, that you are this man. I all time expect the moment when I after work should receive your letter and write to you back. Your answer is necessary for me! I send new photo and a lot of kisses for you, Sincerely yours, Ekaterina.
Letter 5
Hello, my dear Wytze, I miss you, how are you? It is very pleasant to me read your letters, I am glad, that I can learn more about you, as a result i’m glad to hear from you so much. I thought about you very often. I’m Ok. I hope, that you are fine too. I will be really happy to hear your voice. I think, it gives us possibility to be closely to each other. I want to know many things about you. I believe, that voice of man and woman may give huge of information about person. However, I’ll try to call you only if you want it Wytze. Speaking of cakes now! I want to write you a recipe of my favorite cake ("pirog.") First I want to tell you that inside the pie you can put whatever stuffing you want. The dough for the pies can be either yeast or plain. I personally like the meal dough. I hope that once I’ll cook it for you, my Wytze. Thank you for your kind words about me. I highly appreciate it! You became a very important part of my life. I feel, that you are my close friend. My feelings to you are very strong. Feelings sometimes come absolutely unexpectedly. I did not expect from myself such strong feelings in relation to you. Sometimes I reflect on the nature of love. It seems to me, that the love is the greatest gift which is given to the person. Anybody plainly does not know, whence it undertakes. Love has a lot of faces. There is a love - passion, it rushes suddenly and absorbs entirely. But it seems to me, that it also quickly passes. And there is a love - tenderness. It appears gradually when people learn each other all better and better. It is constructed on mutual respect. Here I appreciate such feelings. Today I have again a difficult day, I not have time to make a new photo for you, tomorrow I make it - ok? I had to rise very much early, I have had time to drink only some coffee and after i go for work. Between work I usually have a little dinner and only in the evening I start to answer your letter. Now i want to tell you about Russian holidays. Yes, there are many holidays in our country: The Day of Win in the Second World War (in May), The Day of Work, The Day of Independence and etc. But I prefer New Year and Christmas. Do you know, that Russian Christmas celebrates latter then New Year? (7-th January). This is fact. We have another church time style in Russia. As for me, New Year is the best holiday in the year. I try to be with my family this day in my town, because of this is tradition of the family. I like to take an to receive gifts so much? We were going to night all day. It’s a special ritual to cook much of food in this day. This is an ancient reason for rich life in the next year? At 12 o’c we all drank a glass of vine. After that, as usual, we go to walk at the street to the main New Year Tree in the town’s square. I think, that this is magic night! And what about You? Wytze, I hope, that you are my best friend. And remember, you are always in my mind. Sometimes I think about distance between us. It’s terrible! I want to be closely to you, Wytze and now I am waiting for your reply. Ohh, I am again forget about time. I am need to close now this letter. Is’ really pity, because when I am write letters to you I am forget about all, but now I am need to back to reality. I am very happy to have you in my life and I am very happy we communicate. I wish you good health, A lot of kisses, Ekaterina.
Created: 2009-11-05 Last updated: 2009-11-05 Views: 1372