Scam letter(s) from Louise Matovu to Gavin (Australia)
Letter 1
Hello my new friend Gavin!!!!!
Thanks for your answer, it is very pleasant for me!
My name is Anastasiya. You can name me shortly Nastya.
To me 28 years and I very much wish to have correspondence with you.
I live near to you in Russia and it seems to me our countries almost border :)
I was born in Russia in small city Ivanovo and now I live and work in Saint Petersburg. It seems to me that now you are very surprised and I hope that it will not change your interest :)
I think that it not problem and big distance will not be a barrier to our correspondence. I always dreamed to have correspondence with the man from your country and now have decided to embody this dream in a reality. I studied English in institute and I hope that I do not make many errors in the message :)
My grammar English not so well but I speak almost freely.
I always interested your country and dreamed to visit your country and would like to learn you better. While I do not know to what it can result, but at me the big plans for the future, and I want that we over became friends. This my first message and I wish to learn more about you. If you have really become interested in me, then in the following message I shall write more about myself and my life.
I hope that you will like my photos :)
Thanks for your photos, you are very beautiful and very much to liked me!
I shall wait your answer!
Thanks for your answer, it is very pleasant for me!
My name is Anastasiya. You can name me shortly Nastya.
To me 28 years and I very much wish to have correspondence with you.
I live near to you in Russia and it seems to me our countries almost border :)
I was born in Russia in small city Ivanovo and now I live and work in Saint Petersburg. It seems to me that now you are very surprised and I hope that it will not change your interest :)
I think that it not problem and big distance will not be a barrier to our correspondence. I always dreamed to have correspondence with the man from your country and now have decided to embody this dream in a reality. I studied English in institute and I hope that I do not make many errors in the message :)
My grammar English not so well but I speak almost freely.
I always interested your country and dreamed to visit your country and would like to learn you better. While I do not know to what it can result, but at me the big plans for the future, and I want that we over became friends. This my first message and I wish to learn more about you. If you have really become interested in me, then in the following message I shall write more about myself and my life.
I hope that you will like my photos :)
Thanks for your photos, you are very beautiful and very much to liked me!
I shall wait your answer!
Letter 2
Hi my friend Gavin!
How are you?
I was very glad to receive your pictures, it so is wonderful!!!
I very much waited your new message, and now I read it with greater pleasure!
I very much apologize, that could not answer you faster, but has much put on work and few free time is awful!!!
I hope you will understand and will not be angry at me for it?!!!
All that you write is very interesting and I wish to learn you more and more.
In this message I promised to tell to you more about myself.
You already know that I the Russian woman and I live in Saint Petersburg.
I was born November 20, 1980 in city Ivanovo.
I lonely and beautiful, and for me 28 years old :)
I the only child in family and have passed all my childhood together with parents in Ivanovo, and they have presented me a lot of caress, heat and love.
My parents still live not far from Saint Petersburg and are engaged in housekeeping.
I have arrived to Saint Petersburg to study in institute as the floral artist when I have left school. I adore flowers, therefore have chosen this trade.
Now I live in Saint Petersburg , and I work in the individual company on cultivation and sale of flowers...
My day very sated but I always try to have personal time to go in for sports and have rest!
The woman is similar to a flower therefore I try to be beautiful always :)
Certainly each woman has secrets of beauty but for me the main thing an active way of life, an wholesome food and a healthy dream.
I very much love cinema, music, theatres and walks in park.
I love popular music of the end of the last century more.
My favourite is Modern Talking, Bad boys blue and Rolling Stones.
I very much love romantic films such as "The House at lake" or "The run away bride".
I would like to learn more about you?
If you will have questions, please ask, I shall be glad to answer!
I have made new pictures for you!
I hope that they will bring to you a lot of pleasure.
I shall wait very much your new message!
With the best regards,
How are you?
I was very glad to receive your pictures, it so is wonderful!!!
I very much waited your new message, and now I read it with greater pleasure!
I very much apologize, that could not answer you faster, but has much put on work and few free time is awful!!!
I hope you will understand and will not be angry at me for it?!!!
All that you write is very interesting and I wish to learn you more and more.
In this message I promised to tell to you more about myself.
You already know that I the Russian woman and I live in Saint Petersburg.
I was born November 20, 1980 in city Ivanovo.
I lonely and beautiful, and for me 28 years old :)
I the only child in family and have passed all my childhood together with parents in Ivanovo, and they have presented me a lot of caress, heat and love.
My parents still live not far from Saint Petersburg and are engaged in housekeeping.
I have arrived to Saint Petersburg to study in institute as the floral artist when I have left school. I adore flowers, therefore have chosen this trade.
Now I live in Saint Petersburg , and I work in the individual company on cultivation and sale of flowers...
My day very sated but I always try to have personal time to go in for sports and have rest!
The woman is similar to a flower therefore I try to be beautiful always :)
Certainly each woman has secrets of beauty but for me the main thing an active way of life, an wholesome food and a healthy dream.
I very much love cinema, music, theatres and walks in park.
I love popular music of the end of the last century more.
My favourite is Modern Talking, Bad boys blue and Rolling Stones.
I very much love romantic films such as "The House at lake" or "The run away bride".
I would like to learn more about you?
If you will have questions, please ask, I shall be glad to answer!
I have made new pictures for you!
I hope that they will bring to you a lot of pleasure.
I shall wait very much your new message!
With the best regards,
Letter 3
Hello my friend Gavin!
How there is your day?
At me all excellent!!! Bad weather behind a window cannot change my mood, because correspondence with you brings to me a lot of pleasure.
What weather at you?
Thanks for your sweet photos, I very much like them to receive each time.
I have told a little to you about my work in the last message.
I work as the manager in the individual company on cultivation and sale of flowers. It is very important part of my life and I receive a lot of happiness, when I perform the work. My favourite flowers are roses.
I have chosen this trade in the childhood, and have finished institute to have an opportunity to execute my dreams. Certainly it demanded efforts, but I very much tried :)
It was my dream and the purpose, and I can tell with pride to you, that I have reached it. Not looking at my young age, I am serious enough in the plans and the purposes, and always I try to lead up business to the successful ending. I do not want that you thought of me as about the woman the absorbed work, because it only a part of my life. I very active and cheerful therefore am in time all! My life is filled by pleasure, care and attention of my friends only in it there is no man. You possibly have a question, why I still lonely? Many people with surprise ask me this question too. In my life there were relations, but I understood that they are not serious. There were disappointments, but now it in the past, and I any more do not recollect them. I always dreamed of the true feelings. It seems to me that each woman wishes to be surrounded by respect, care, tenderness and love. I want to see beside me the man, which my defender and the best friend. I have got used to enjoy a life today and to take a broad the opened eyes. Yesterday for ever remains in the past, and I take the responsibility for my future in my hands.
I think that my dream will be executed! I am always very positive :) Please, tell to me, what you search in relations?
I shall wait very much your answer.
Do not forget that your messages give me a lot of pleasure! Yours friend Anastasiya.
At me all excellent!!! Bad weather behind a window cannot change my mood, because correspondence with you brings to me a lot of pleasure.
What weather at you?
Thanks for your sweet photos, I very much like them to receive each time.
I have told a little to you about my work in the last message.
I work as the manager in the individual company on cultivation and sale of flowers. It is very important part of my life and I receive a lot of happiness, when I perform the work. My favourite flowers are roses.
I have chosen this trade in the childhood, and have finished institute to have an opportunity to execute my dreams. Certainly it demanded efforts, but I very much tried :)
It was my dream and the purpose, and I can tell with pride to you, that I have reached it. Not looking at my young age, I am serious enough in the plans and the purposes, and always I try to lead up business to the successful ending. I do not want that you thought of me as about the woman the absorbed work, because it only a part of my life. I very active and cheerful therefore am in time all! My life is filled by pleasure, care and attention of my friends only in it there is no man. You possibly have a question, why I still lonely? Many people with surprise ask me this question too. In my life there were relations, but I understood that they are not serious. There were disappointments, but now it in the past, and I any more do not recollect them. I always dreamed of the true feelings. It seems to me that each woman wishes to be surrounded by respect, care, tenderness and love. I want to see beside me the man, which my defender and the best friend. I have got used to enjoy a life today and to take a broad the opened eyes. Yesterday for ever remains in the past, and I take the responsibility for my future in my hands.
I think that my dream will be executed! I am always very positive :) Please, tell to me, what you search in relations?
I shall wait very much your answer.
Do not forget that your messages give me a lot of pleasure! Yours friend Anastasiya.
Letter 4
Good day! My dear friend Gavin!
Yours beautiful mail brings to me a lot of happiness!!!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!
Our correspondence with each new message becomes more and more interestingly and more fascinatingly. I ask you to not become angry, if I do not answer quickly. Each new message from you I wait, and I try to answer as soon as I have a free time.
Thanks for your sweet photos, you are very beautiful!!!
My friend, how your mood?
I am full of emotions and my mood aspires to a maximum!!!!
I am very glad that we discuss relations between the man and the woman.
It really very serious and interesting question.
Unfortunately now in Russia it became very fashionable to "buy" relations.
Successful men who possess money and authority aspire to "buy" attention and love of the woman. Many Russian beauties choose this way and exchange happiness for money. As a result they have a beautiful life but have no true happiness. For me money never was a key fortunately.
I always dreamed of the real feeling and real emotions which force blood to play veins and heart to knock! When I studied in institute my life seem to me carefree. Some times I felt something similar to love, but it was illusion when the fog disseminated, I understood that it only whiff of a spring wind :)
Relations between the man and the woman it not only tenderness and passion.
The man and the woman first of all should be the best friends.
I hope that you will agree with me?
Attention, honesty, respect, fidelity, mutual understanding, support and care about each other - the basis of strong and long relations!
The life it not only pleasure, fun and happiness, difficult days at this particular time is checked strong relations.
The most important, seems to me that to support each other during a hard time, both to be able to find the compromise and to concede each other. I really think and very much wish to learn that you think of it?
I shall wait your answer with impatience!
Have a good day! Yours friend Anastasiya.
Letter 5
Hello my dear friend Gavin!!!!
I hope, that you not against if I name you my friend?
You become for me the best friend and I wait mail from you with impatience! Our correspondence proceeds and with each new message all of us we learn about each other more.
It gives me a lot of pleasure and I am grateful for attention. Gavin I speak, read and write English!!!!
My name is Smelkova Anastasiya Sergeevna!!!
My address: 197000, Russia, Saint Petersburg,
Kirov area, Burtsev street, house 22, apartment 229.
But do not send anything valuable as it will be stolen!!
I do not have home telephone number.
Recently I had small misfortune. At me have stolen my cellular telephone.
But I hope that in the near future I shall save up a few money and the purchase to myself a new cellular telephone.
As soon as I shall buy him I to you necessarily I shall tell the phone number.
And I with impatience shall wait for your bell to communicate to you. How there is your day? Today I had the sated day on work and is a little tired. Despite of it I am very happy, because we have found new partners and have concluded the contract about cooperation. Today I thought what to write in the new message more to tell about itself more. I have recollected some Russian known sayings!!! The first: " The Man loves with eyes, but the woman - with ears " I hope that you have understood its sense :)
If to translate it on English it will turn out: the Man falls in love with the woman through her beauty, and the woman loves, when to her make compliments and look after for her. I think in your country there is a phrase with similar sense. I was absolutely agree that the woman should beautiful and should watch and look after the beauty always. I already wrote to you, that on a regular basis I go in for sports and I have an active way of life.
I do not smoke a cigarette, and I do not drink strong alcoholic drinks.
You likely heard about Russian ***** :) I Prefer natural juices and water :)
Certainly I do not use any drugs! At leisure I like to walk in park or to go to cinema. Sometimes we go for a drive with girlfriends on skates or we float in pool. Once I jumped from the plane and flied on a parachute!
Which I have tested this most improbable pleasure! Sometimes I dream to go on a yacht to the sea, or to learn to go for a drive on a board on waves or even on snow descent :)
Certainly the woman it not only beautiful appearance! There one more Russian a half-patter: « On clothes meet but on affairs see off ». It means that the first impression about the person is formed on the basis of his appearance, but the full image develops only, when the person will prove to be completely and on what he is capable in business or life. The woman seems to me that not only should well look, but also be able to carry out all in a life. My mum has learned me to all that the woman should be able to do. Still there is a saying: " The way to heart of the man lays through his stomach ". : )
It means, If the woman is tasty cooks food, the man will respect and love her. It is Russian a phrase, but in each saying there is a share of the truth.
I cook very tasty food : )
Probably, I can prepare for you Russian dish.
What culinary dish you like more?
I use in different dishes and in different amount, but it does not influence my body.
Likely because I constantly burn calories in an exercise room :)
I very much would like to hear more about a life in your country?
I heard that an economic situation in your country very well.
I love Russia and all life have lead here.
Many my girlfriends have left abroad and speak that live there better.
They have created family with the foreigner men and do not regret.
Now in me there is a big desire to create family, and I plan movement to live to your country. Certainly while early to speak about this, because we should do the big way towards each other.
I shall possibly plan to visit your country,
when I shall have month of rest from work.
I with impatience shall wait your new message!!!!!!!!
I wish successful day!!!!!! Yours Russian friend Anastasiya.
You become for me the best friend and I wait mail from you with impatience! Our correspondence proceeds and with each new message all of us we learn about each other more.
It gives me a lot of pleasure and I am grateful for attention. Gavin I speak, read and write English!!!!
My name is Smelkova Anastasiya Sergeevna!!!
My address: 197000, Russia, Saint Petersburg,
Kirov area, Burtsev street, house 22, apartment 229.
But do not send anything valuable as it will be stolen!!
I do not have home telephone number.
Recently I had small misfortune. At me have stolen my cellular telephone.
But I hope that in the near future I shall save up a few money and the purchase to myself a new cellular telephone.
As soon as I shall buy him I to you necessarily I shall tell the phone number.
And I with impatience shall wait for your bell to communicate to you. How there is your day? Today I had the sated day on work and is a little tired. Despite of it I am very happy, because we have found new partners and have concluded the contract about cooperation. Today I thought what to write in the new message more to tell about itself more. I have recollected some Russian known sayings!!! The first: " The Man loves with eyes, but the woman - with ears " I hope that you have understood its sense :)
If to translate it on English it will turn out: the Man falls in love with the woman through her beauty, and the woman loves, when to her make compliments and look after for her. I think in your country there is a phrase with similar sense. I was absolutely agree that the woman should beautiful and should watch and look after the beauty always. I already wrote to you, that on a regular basis I go in for sports and I have an active way of life.
I do not smoke a cigarette, and I do not drink strong alcoholic drinks.
You likely heard about Russian ***** :) I Prefer natural juices and water :)
Certainly I do not use any drugs! At leisure I like to walk in park or to go to cinema. Sometimes we go for a drive with girlfriends on skates or we float in pool. Once I jumped from the plane and flied on a parachute!
Which I have tested this most improbable pleasure! Sometimes I dream to go on a yacht to the sea, or to learn to go for a drive on a board on waves or even on snow descent :)
Certainly the woman it not only beautiful appearance! There one more Russian a half-patter: « On clothes meet but on affairs see off ». It means that the first impression about the person is formed on the basis of his appearance, but the full image develops only, when the person will prove to be completely and on what he is capable in business or life. The woman seems to me that not only should well look, but also be able to carry out all in a life. My mum has learned me to all that the woman should be able to do. Still there is a saying: " The way to heart of the man lays through his stomach ". : )
It means, If the woman is tasty cooks food, the man will respect and love her. It is Russian a phrase, but in each saying there is a share of the truth.
I cook very tasty food : )
Probably, I can prepare for you Russian dish.
What culinary dish you like more?
I use in different dishes and in different amount, but it does not influence my body.
Likely because I constantly burn calories in an exercise room :)
I very much would like to hear more about a life in your country?
I heard that an economic situation in your country very well.
I love Russia and all life have lead here.
Many my girlfriends have left abroad and speak that live there better.
They have created family with the foreigner men and do not regret.
Now in me there is a big desire to create family, and I plan movement to live to your country. Certainly while early to speak about this, because we should do the big way towards each other.
I shall possibly plan to visit your country,
when I shall have month of rest from work.
I with impatience shall wait your new message!!!!!!!!
I wish successful day!!!!!! Yours Russian friend Anastasiya.
Letter 6
My dear and sweet Gavin!!!!!!!
How are you?
I am again glad to see your new mail!!!!!!!
Each new message from you brings to me a lot of happiness!!!!!!!
When I read your message my mood improve, and I see the big attention and care with which you do the letter for me.
Should admit that it very pleasantly!
With each new message we learn about each other more.
I start to feel that our correspondence inspires me more increasing!
I always very much wait the answer from my friend.
In my plan of day time is specially allocated to look new mail from my friend Gavin!
And certainly write the answer :)
Unfortunately I not always can answer quickly, but I do it with the great pleasure! My girlfriends transmit you Greetings!
I tell about you much, and they very much are interested as there is our correspondence. They consider you as very good person and speak that I am very successful :)
I hope that you is not annoys on me, that I have told to my girlfriends about you? I do not love secrets and I do not want that our correspondence was a secret, because it very important for thinking.
I hope that you understand about what I speak?
I continue to do my work, and it borrows the most part of time.
Yesterday I went to cinema and have received a lot of pleasure only to me was a little sad, because you were not a together :(
I have gone to my parents and we had excellent time together.
My parents know that I have the correspondence to you and have good opinion on you.
I promised, that I shall tell all of them about our correspondence, because they wish to know all about my plans :)
I have told they that I plan to create a new life abroad and they approve me only worry a little, because I their unique daughter.
They advise me to take destiny in hands and to go to my purpose.
I think that they are right.
Unfortunately I should run, but I shall wait very much your new letter and certainly new pictures!
I wish successful day and good mood!
I send you strong embraces!
Yours Anastasiya!!!
How are you?
I am again glad to see your new mail!!!!!!!
Each new message from you brings to me a lot of happiness!!!!!!!
When I read your message my mood improve, and I see the big attention and care with which you do the letter for me.
Should admit that it very pleasantly!
With each new message we learn about each other more.
I start to feel that our correspondence inspires me more increasing!
I always very much wait the answer from my friend.
In my plan of day time is specially allocated to look new mail from my friend Gavin!
And certainly write the answer :)
Unfortunately I not always can answer quickly, but I do it with the great pleasure! My girlfriends transmit you Greetings!
I tell about you much, and they very much are interested as there is our correspondence. They consider you as very good person and speak that I am very successful :)
I hope that you is not annoys on me, that I have told to my girlfriends about you? I do not love secrets and I do not want that our correspondence was a secret, because it very important for thinking.
I hope that you understand about what I speak?
I continue to do my work, and it borrows the most part of time.
Yesterday I went to cinema and have received a lot of pleasure only to me was a little sad, because you were not a together :(
I have gone to my parents and we had excellent time together.
My parents know that I have the correspondence to you and have good opinion on you.
I promised, that I shall tell all of them about our correspondence, because they wish to know all about my plans :)
I have told they that I plan to create a new life abroad and they approve me only worry a little, because I their unique daughter.
They advise me to take destiny in hands and to go to my purpose.
I think that they are right.
Unfortunately I should run, but I shall wait very much your new letter and certainly new pictures!
I wish successful day and good mood!
I send you strong embraces!
Yours Anastasiya!!!
Letter 7
My dear and sweet friend Gavin!
The new message from you fills my day with pleasure and happiness!
When I receive new mail from you, nothing can spoil my day, because it already daringly on 100 percent!!!!! Today excellent day too, because I read your new message!!!!! Well!!!! I wish to tell that my mood on a maximum owing to your attention :)!!!!! Thanks you my Gavin!!!!!! To me it is very pleasant, that my letters and pictures bring pleasure to you too! The most part of pictures is done for me by my girlfriends when we have a rest together. Some pictures, certainly old therefore look not so well :) But I very much hope that it does not afflict you, because any picture cannot transfer a real image and we can investigate completely each other only when we shall meet. Should admit, that you became for me the person which accompanies with my ideas every day and I with impatience wait when I shall see you :) I hope that you like my style? Now I have blond straight hair. I hope you could make out color of my eyes? :) My mum speaks that when I was the child my eyes there were brown blue colors but now at me light brown eyes :)
I do not use cosmetics very much and I prefer natural beauty.
I love free clothes, because I have an active way of life and I do not wish to suffer inconveniences. When I go on training, it is possible to see me in a sports suit or jeans, but for official meetings I have some strict suits. If I plan to visit a holiday then I prefer a beautiful evening dress. In men I most of all respect with honesty, sincerity, fidelity, diligence and bravery. I am assured that the man should be the head of the family, and I want that he was for me the best friend, the lover and the defender. I should recognize that with each new message you become the true friend for me and cupids start to sing the sweet songs to me on an ear :) Sometimes I notice that our sights and ideas coincide also it very much pleases me. When I have a free time, I always try to look new mail from my dear friend Gavin. When I see the new message from you my heart is filled with happiness and 18 years seem that to me again :) I am very happy that our correspondence proceeds also we learn each other more. I already for a long time had not a rest and I plan to take holiday from work in the end of this month or the beginning of the following. I shall have about a month of rest and very much would like to spend this time with you. While it only plans but I very much hope that they will be executed. Your letters give me a lot of happiness, and I start to dream and plan on the future! Yes! I really start to represent you in my dreams :) Should admit it surprisingly beautiful dreams! I wish to know all about you! You can ask all which will want, because I have no secrets! Some times in day I think of you! Interestingly for me, that you think during this moment? Possibly you think of me also :) Should recognize, I miss on your attention very much! My sweet friend Gavin! I should finish, but I promise to think of you! I send you my embraces!
Yours Russian friend Anastasiya!!!
When I receive new mail from you, nothing can spoil my day, because it already daringly on 100 percent!!!!! Today excellent day too, because I read your new message!!!!! Well!!!! I wish to tell that my mood on a maximum owing to your attention :)!!!!! Thanks you my Gavin!!!!!! To me it is very pleasant, that my letters and pictures bring pleasure to you too! The most part of pictures is done for me by my girlfriends when we have a rest together. Some pictures, certainly old therefore look not so well :) But I very much hope that it does not afflict you, because any picture cannot transfer a real image and we can investigate completely each other only when we shall meet. Should admit, that you became for me the person which accompanies with my ideas every day and I with impatience wait when I shall see you :) I hope that you like my style? Now I have blond straight hair. I hope you could make out color of my eyes? :) My mum speaks that when I was the child my eyes there were brown blue colors but now at me light brown eyes :)
I do not use cosmetics very much and I prefer natural beauty.
I love free clothes, because I have an active way of life and I do not wish to suffer inconveniences. When I go on training, it is possible to see me in a sports suit or jeans, but for official meetings I have some strict suits. If I plan to visit a holiday then I prefer a beautiful evening dress. In men I most of all respect with honesty, sincerity, fidelity, diligence and bravery. I am assured that the man should be the head of the family, and I want that he was for me the best friend, the lover and the defender. I should recognize that with each new message you become the true friend for me and cupids start to sing the sweet songs to me on an ear :) Sometimes I notice that our sights and ideas coincide also it very much pleases me. When I have a free time, I always try to look new mail from my dear friend Gavin. When I see the new message from you my heart is filled with happiness and 18 years seem that to me again :) I am very happy that our correspondence proceeds also we learn each other more. I already for a long time had not a rest and I plan to take holiday from work in the end of this month or the beginning of the following. I shall have about a month of rest and very much would like to spend this time with you. While it only plans but I very much hope that they will be executed. Your letters give me a lot of happiness, and I start to dream and plan on the future! Yes! I really start to represent you in my dreams :) Should admit it surprisingly beautiful dreams! I wish to know all about you! You can ask all which will want, because I have no secrets! Some times in day I think of you! Interestingly for me, that you think during this moment? Possibly you think of me also :) Should recognize, I miss on your attention very much! My sweet friend Gavin! I should finish, but I promise to think of you! I send you my embraces!
Yours Russian friend Anastasiya!!!
Letter 8
My fine friend Gavin!!!!!!
I am very happy that again read your message!
I missed your attention and more soon wished to see your new letter!
How are you? How has passed your day? You missed on me? :)
I just return from sports walk also feel perfectly!
Now we have good weather and trees in park look very beautifully.
How is the weather at you? I hope that there is no rain and is not cold?
Even if weather bad let my message will warm you :)
In the evening I shall prepare my favourite sweet dish - an apple pie.
I really very much like sweet, but it does not harm to my body :)
My girlfriends will come to a visit me today and they very much like, when I prepare for them. They send you the best regards!
My dear Gavin, you like clever women?
It seems to me, that I am clever enough, though there is no limit to perfection, and I constantly develop knowledge and skills.
When I have a free time, I read. Seldom it is a love novel I read books on my work. You sometimes read? I hope to you not boringly with me? :)
It is very interesting to me with you! When I write the message for you in me the desire to live and enjoy a life wakes up. I always aspire to reach purpose and to receive pleasure from a life.
Probably soon I shall reach you :) and we can learn completely each other :)
On a sign on the zodiac I scorpion therefore my favourite color blue and I very much like to communicate! All my friends and colleagues consider me very sociable! I should tell to you, that I was always very serious in relations and never searched for the fleeting novel.
My family has given me correct education and has learned to appreciate and respect with relations between people. I understand, that we cannot become very much closy through our messages, and we should study each other personally which is, meet once. I hope, that it will be very fast, also I very much would like to see your city, your house to get acquainted with your friends and relatives, and certainly completely to study each other. Now I consider you as the best friend, and with each new message we learn more, and it became, it seems to me closer. I recollect day, when we have written each other the first messages! Then I at all did not know you, and did not wait for interesting correspondence! Now all in another way! Your messages do my day! First of all as I return from work I shall check up my mail, and I search for your letter! When I see the new message from you, my mood sharply improve, I also feel in myself new forces! I hasten to read through more likely your letter, and having made it I read it again and again to absorb in itself your ideas and energy which you transfer me. Sometimes our ideas coincide also to me it seems that we go one by to our dream! While I do not know what it will be in the termination, but I trust success :)
Gavin, we can really discuss all which we shall want!
I shall wait very much your letter!
Know that I always think of you!
I send you gentle embraces, and I wish you successful day!!
Yours Anastasiya!!!
I am very happy that again read your message!
I missed your attention and more soon wished to see your new letter!
How are you? How has passed your day? You missed on me? :)
I just return from sports walk also feel perfectly!
Now we have good weather and trees in park look very beautifully.
How is the weather at you? I hope that there is no rain and is not cold?
Even if weather bad let my message will warm you :)
In the evening I shall prepare my favourite sweet dish - an apple pie.
I really very much like sweet, but it does not harm to my body :)
My girlfriends will come to a visit me today and they very much like, when I prepare for them. They send you the best regards!
My dear Gavin, you like clever women?
It seems to me, that I am clever enough, though there is no limit to perfection, and I constantly develop knowledge and skills.
When I have a free time, I read. Seldom it is a love novel I read books on my work. You sometimes read? I hope to you not boringly with me? :)
It is very interesting to me with you! When I write the message for you in me the desire to live and enjoy a life wakes up. I always aspire to reach purpose and to receive pleasure from a life.
Probably soon I shall reach you :) and we can learn completely each other :)
On a sign on the zodiac I scorpion therefore my favourite color blue and I very much like to communicate! All my friends and colleagues consider me very sociable! I should tell to you, that I was always very serious in relations and never searched for the fleeting novel.
My family has given me correct education and has learned to appreciate and respect with relations between people. I understand, that we cannot become very much closy through our messages, and we should study each other personally which is, meet once. I hope, that it will be very fast, also I very much would like to see your city, your house to get acquainted with your friends and relatives, and certainly completely to study each other. Now I consider you as the best friend, and with each new message we learn more, and it became, it seems to me closer. I recollect day, when we have written each other the first messages! Then I at all did not know you, and did not wait for interesting correspondence! Now all in another way! Your messages do my day! First of all as I return from work I shall check up my mail, and I search for your letter! When I see the new message from you, my mood sharply improve, I also feel in myself new forces! I hasten to read through more likely your letter, and having made it I read it again and again to absorb in itself your ideas and energy which you transfer me. Sometimes our ideas coincide also to me it seems that we go one by to our dream! While I do not know what it will be in the termination, but I trust success :)
Gavin, we can really discuss all which we shall want!
I shall wait very much your letter!
Know that I always think of you!
I send you gentle embraces, and I wish you successful day!!
Yours Anastasiya!!!
Letter 9
My lovely and gentle friend Gavin!
You have again made me very happy!
I see your new letter and my eyes shine for pleasure!
Your new message is food for my soul and heart, therefore when I have your new letter my soul sings and heart strongly knocks! I wish to open more quickly the new letter and to read it! Only having satisfied my interest I can freely sigh :)
Having read through your letter the first time I understand only 50 of its contents, because in me many emotions and pleasures and I not in a condition to catch all sense :)
When I little calm down, I read your letter again and again, and I absorb the information and emotions which you have enclosed all in it!
This surprising condition! We are divided with the big distance, but during this moment it seems to me, that we beside and we talk with each other. I wish to tell to you much, but the storm of my ideas cannot be quickly fixed in virtual letter, because I not so quickly print : )
Now I sit at a computer and think of you! I allocate this time only for us a two and nobody can prevent to us! When I write the message for you to me it seems that you read it at once, and I represent expression of your face, your sight, your smile to this moment.
My lovely friend what you feel, when read my message?
I already wrote to you that I like to dream. Only in our dreams I see our possible future. Dreams give me force and inspire me to move forward!
I see you in my dream! I want that you were in my future!
I want that we had the general dream and our future!
It is really surprising!
More recently we knew nothing about each other, but now all differently!
You became for me the closest person and the best friend!
You understand me best and our ideas are very similar!
The Internet - the excellent opportunity which reduces distances and removes borders between people! I feel very comfortably and easily with you!
I forget about all, when I write for you! I plunge into the world, where in the center of attention only you and I!
I do not wish to hurry up, and I do not wish to frighten you, but should tell, that in me there is a dependence on you :) It does not frighten me, and I do not want that it frightened you!
I never had such interesting feeling.
Before falling a sleep I think of you and our future much. These are really beautiful dreams! Really it is not a shame to me to speak about it, because all this is in me! You think of me?
Sometimes it seems to me that we know each other a lot of time and to me it is very easy with you. You became very close to me.
Soon I shall fall a sleep, and I shall think of you!
My darling Gavin, I wish good night!!!!
I miss you very much!
Yours Anastasiya!!!
You have again made me very happy!
I see your new letter and my eyes shine for pleasure!
Your new message is food for my soul and heart, therefore when I have your new letter my soul sings and heart strongly knocks! I wish to open more quickly the new letter and to read it! Only having satisfied my interest I can freely sigh :)
Having read through your letter the first time I understand only 50 of its contents, because in me many emotions and pleasures and I not in a condition to catch all sense :)
When I little calm down, I read your letter again and again, and I absorb the information and emotions which you have enclosed all in it!
This surprising condition! We are divided with the big distance, but during this moment it seems to me, that we beside and we talk with each other. I wish to tell to you much, but the storm of my ideas cannot be quickly fixed in virtual letter, because I not so quickly print : )
Now I sit at a computer and think of you! I allocate this time only for us a two and nobody can prevent to us! When I write the message for you to me it seems that you read it at once, and I represent expression of your face, your sight, your smile to this moment.
My lovely friend what you feel, when read my message?
I already wrote to you that I like to dream. Only in our dreams I see our possible future. Dreams give me force and inspire me to move forward!
I see you in my dream! I want that you were in my future!
I want that we had the general dream and our future!
It is really surprising!
More recently we knew nothing about each other, but now all differently!
You became for me the closest person and the best friend!
You understand me best and our ideas are very similar!
The Internet - the excellent opportunity which reduces distances and removes borders between people! I feel very comfortably and easily with you!
I forget about all, when I write for you! I plunge into the world, where in the center of attention only you and I!
I do not wish to hurry up, and I do not wish to frighten you, but should tell, that in me there is a dependence on you :) It does not frighten me, and I do not want that it frightened you!
I never had such interesting feeling.
Before falling a sleep I think of you and our future much. These are really beautiful dreams! Really it is not a shame to me to speak about it, because all this is in me! You think of me?
Sometimes it seems to me that we know each other a lot of time and to me it is very easy with you. You became very close to me.
Soon I shall fall a sleep, and I shall think of you!
My darling Gavin, I wish good night!!!!
I miss you very much!
Yours Anastasiya!!!
Letter 10
My sweet and gentle man Gavin!
I very much waited your new message!!!!
Expectation selects all my forces, because I very much miss on you and I wish to receive your letter more likely! I am now madly happy, because I see that all my ideas have found reflection in your letter!
I really hoped that you will understand and support me. I was not mistaken! You really my angel! Yes so, because you are the man who inspires, the care of me understands it also! I thought of you and about our correspondence very much! When I receive your new message my temperature grows and the soul sings, because I cannot remain indifferent to your ideas and words! All your words and ideas find reflection in my heart! I do not know that it, but I always feel when you think of me. During this moment I feel special heat on my heart and my mood improves! Gavin, I think of you! I think of you all time!
I feel that you are the closest person for me and I cannot be quiet! I understand that you are my happiness! You - happiness, which I long waited and searched! You understand that this happiness to meet you! I do not know whence in me a lot of boldness that directly and openly to speak it to you :), but I cannot differently! I cannot hide and hold more my feelings and emotions closed in heart! If I shall continue to do this my heart explosion and I shall lose mind. Only I ask do not reject my tenderness to you, because it will be the most terrible impact for me. I do not want it more, but now I know that this all not so. You another, you fine, kind, gentle and tender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have nothing to hide more, because only I hid the true feelings from you. I do not know that will be further, but I wish to trust you. I wish to entrust myself to you, because only the man can kindle fire of passion and love in the woman. Our future should depend on you. I the modest woman and I require your decision, your opinion and yours support, attention and care. The life forces the woman to be strong, but I wish to be weak to find shelter in your strong hands. I want that you were my defender and the master. I should inform you that I do not regret about the decision all to tell to you because only this way will allow us to carry out the dreams. I always dreamed of it and the God has heard my prays. I am happy that in love again warms my heart and only I ask to kindle this fire! I have no shame and I wish to tell to you the most important words! Only I wish to be cautious because fire which burns in my heart can go out. That I have all now in my heart for you! I want only fresh air of happiness which there is no in my fire. I have understood that love you Gavin! It not explosion of emotions but I feel this tender feeling in depth of the heart and I shall store it while we shall not be together and we shall not find out all between us. I hope that I have not frightened you?
It was very difficult to me to dare to write all of you, but I cannot wait more. Now all of you know. I only ask to not hasten, because we shall have time to discuss all. I wish to know all your ideas?
I send you the most gentle kisses and strong embraces!
I wait your answer!
Yours Anastasiya!!!
I very much waited your new message!!!!
Expectation selects all my forces, because I very much miss on you and I wish to receive your letter more likely! I am now madly happy, because I see that all my ideas have found reflection in your letter!
I really hoped that you will understand and support me. I was not mistaken! You really my angel! Yes so, because you are the man who inspires, the care of me understands it also! I thought of you and about our correspondence very much! When I receive your new message my temperature grows and the soul sings, because I cannot remain indifferent to your ideas and words! All your words and ideas find reflection in my heart! I do not know that it, but I always feel when you think of me. During this moment I feel special heat on my heart and my mood improves! Gavin, I think of you! I think of you all time!
I feel that you are the closest person for me and I cannot be quiet! I understand that you are my happiness! You - happiness, which I long waited and searched! You understand that this happiness to meet you! I do not know whence in me a lot of boldness that directly and openly to speak it to you :), but I cannot differently! I cannot hide and hold more my feelings and emotions closed in heart! If I shall continue to do this my heart explosion and I shall lose mind. Only I ask do not reject my tenderness to you, because it will be the most terrible impact for me. I do not want it more, but now I know that this all not so. You another, you fine, kind, gentle and tender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have nothing to hide more, because only I hid the true feelings from you. I do not know that will be further, but I wish to trust you. I wish to entrust myself to you, because only the man can kindle fire of passion and love in the woman. Our future should depend on you. I the modest woman and I require your decision, your opinion and yours support, attention and care. The life forces the woman to be strong, but I wish to be weak to find shelter in your strong hands. I want that you were my defender and the master. I should inform you that I do not regret about the decision all to tell to you because only this way will allow us to carry out the dreams. I always dreamed of it and the God has heard my prays. I am happy that in love again warms my heart and only I ask to kindle this fire! I have no shame and I wish to tell to you the most important words! Only I wish to be cautious because fire which burns in my heart can go out. That I have all now in my heart for you! I want only fresh air of happiness which there is no in my fire. I have understood that love you Gavin! It not explosion of emotions but I feel this tender feeling in depth of the heart and I shall store it while we shall not be together and we shall not find out all between us. I hope that I have not frightened you?
It was very difficult to me to dare to write all of you, but I cannot wait more. Now all of you know. I only ask to not hasten, because we shall have time to discuss all. I wish to know all your ideas?
I send you the most gentle kisses and strong embraces!
I wait your answer!
Yours Anastasiya!!!
Letter 11
Hello my darling Gavin!
Today, the happiest day, because I have received the most long-awaited message from you! I weigh day could not find to itself a place and there was very much an inspiration and a heat! I could not wait, when I shall receive the answer from my sweet Gavin!!!!! I love you my gentle Gavin!!!!!!!!! I wish to say out it for the whole world!!!
I am madly happy, because all my feelings have found reflection in your heart! I knew that you the best the man on the Earth, and only you can understand completely me, approve and support! I have read through your message many times and could not believe in our happiness!
When I read your letter, in me even there were tears!
But it was no tear of grief. It was tears of pleasure and happiness, because I know that you approve my feelings! When I have written to you the first message an internal voice spoke me that it is that which man I always waited. It is surprising, but my internal voice has not deceived me! With each your new letter I understood, that you that of the person, whom I always searched and that you the for the best for me.
From your letters I saw that you sincere and fair the man and that the main thing for you care and attention to other person.
Now I know that it really and you have the big heart!
I trust you and is ready to follow you that do not happen!
I cannot believe that our happiness very close and soon we can enjoy it.
Promise me, that when we shall be together you will pinch me, that I did not think that it is a dream :)
It really similar on a dream! I all time thought of you when we shall meet also I waited during this moment all time! When we shall be together, I would like to present you all my tenderness and love, because you that person which deserve it. I wish to embrace strongly you and never to not leave any more your embraces!
I cannot wait, I wish to be close to you, because I love you my darling Gavin! I am grateful to you for sincerity and for support, which you have rendered me now! I should tell about my love to you, because it is so difficult to hide and it should not be hidden! I love you Gavin, and I wish to tell to you it now, I wish to speak you it always! I cannot without your letters now, your letters necessary for me, I cannot be far from you! I LOVE YOU MY SWEET GAVIN!!!
Now I wish to reduce all distances to be near to you and all to tell to you!
My girlfriends and parents will be madly happy when learn about our feelings, because you already became for them the friend!
Gavin, I have found sense of my life, I love you, and I grieve without you my darling. I can receive month of rest from my work, and we should start to plan my travel to you. I should speak with my chief that we could define terms of my rest from work. I never was abroad, and it will be improbable travel for me! The most important that we can meet and learn all between us! My darling Gavin, on this, I shall finish my letter to you, I shall wait for your following letters!
Know that I the happiest woman and you the originator of my happiness!
I love you my darling Gavin!!!!!
You always in my heart!
Only yours Anastasiya!!!!
Today, the happiest day, because I have received the most long-awaited message from you! I weigh day could not find to itself a place and there was very much an inspiration and a heat! I could not wait, when I shall receive the answer from my sweet Gavin!!!!! I love you my gentle Gavin!!!!!!!!! I wish to say out it for the whole world!!!
I am madly happy, because all my feelings have found reflection in your heart! I knew that you the best the man on the Earth, and only you can understand completely me, approve and support! I have read through your message many times and could not believe in our happiness!
When I read your letter, in me even there were tears!
But it was no tear of grief. It was tears of pleasure and happiness, because I know that you approve my feelings! When I have written to you the first message an internal voice spoke me that it is that which man I always waited. It is surprising, but my internal voice has not deceived me! With each your new letter I understood, that you that of the person, whom I always searched and that you the for the best for me.
From your letters I saw that you sincere and fair the man and that the main thing for you care and attention to other person.
Now I know that it really and you have the big heart!
I trust you and is ready to follow you that do not happen!
I cannot believe that our happiness very close and soon we can enjoy it.
Promise me, that when we shall be together you will pinch me, that I did not think that it is a dream :)
It really similar on a dream! I all time thought of you when we shall meet also I waited during this moment all time! When we shall be together, I would like to present you all my tenderness and love, because you that person which deserve it. I wish to embrace strongly you and never to not leave any more your embraces!
I cannot wait, I wish to be close to you, because I love you my darling Gavin! I am grateful to you for sincerity and for support, which you have rendered me now! I should tell about my love to you, because it is so difficult to hide and it should not be hidden! I love you Gavin, and I wish to tell to you it now, I wish to speak you it always! I cannot without your letters now, your letters necessary for me, I cannot be far from you! I LOVE YOU MY SWEET GAVIN!!!
Now I wish to reduce all distances to be near to you and all to tell to you!
My girlfriends and parents will be madly happy when learn about our feelings, because you already became for them the friend!
Gavin, I have found sense of my life, I love you, and I grieve without you my darling. I can receive month of rest from my work, and we should start to plan my travel to you. I should speak with my chief that we could define terms of my rest from work. I never was abroad, and it will be improbable travel for me! The most important that we can meet and learn all between us! My darling Gavin, on this, I shall finish my letter to you, I shall wait for your following letters!
Know that I the happiest woman and you the originator of my happiness!
I love you my darling Gavin!!!!!
You always in my heart!
Only yours Anastasiya!!!!
Letter 12
Hello my most gentle, most lovely and sweet Gavin!
How mood at my beloved?
I madly missed your attention and very much waited your new letter!
Yesterday I long could not fall asleep, because thought of you. I felt that you think of me too and your ideas found the response in my heart.
Emotions overflow me and I could not find for myself a place on a bed :)
I would like to jump out at night on a balcony and a drink fresh air;
because my heart strongly fought also to it there was no oxygen.
Has woken up in the morning and has seen that the blanket is turned out on a wrong side and pillows lay on a floor :)
But sleepless night could not afflict me!!!! Because I have woken up with excellent mood, and I would like to sing with happiness!!!! I have understood that I am the happiest woman!!!!!!
My eyes again shine my cheeks again burn, my smile again sparkles, because you are at me! You only my! There is only you and I!!!!! It is valid happiness!!!! This all owing to you my sweet Gavin!
I was never happy as now, because I love and you love me!
I am grateful to you for understanding, care and support!
You unique man, which could understand me and allow me force to believe again in love! When I have come for work all have seen changes in me. All spoke that in me something has changed and I as fly :)
I really flied with happiness and all turned out without effort.
I have had time to talk to my chief about my rest from work.
To my surprise, he has informed me that I can have rest in a week.
He has told that I well carry out the duties recently and necessarily should have rest. Then we have gone with girlfriends there is an ice-cream in cafe and they were very glad to learn about our happiness.
They transfer you the Best Regards and want that we were happy together!
My darling, I very much wish to be near to you!
Now this most important for me, because I very much miss and I wish to reduce distance which divides us. I constantly think of day, when we shall meet. I represented this happy moment many times, and I can not wait when it will come. I see as you meet me at the airport, and I run to you towards to fall in your embraces. Then you show me the house, and all your friends and relatives hurry to get acquainted with me.
They speak: "Gavin, it is that beautiful Russian woman about which you spoke much? And you answer them: " Yes! This is my Anastasiya! "
At this moment we are in the happiest pair!
I still many imaginations :) Certainly now I do not know as it will happen, but will be assured that it very interestingly and funny!
The most important for me that we shall be together! All rest only addition to our happiness! I think of travel really much, because it is my first trip abroad. To me spoke, that I should order documents necessary for a trip. Tomorrow I shall find out all that is necessary for me, and I shall begin official registration of papers. My darling Gavin, as soon as I shall receive the information we can plan a trip.
Know, that I love you my sweet Gavin!!!!!
Today at night I shall think again of you!!!!!!
My heart fights only for you!
I send you the most passionate kisses! Yours baby Anastasiya!!!
Yesterday I long could not fall asleep, because thought of you. I felt that you think of me too and your ideas found the response in my heart.
Emotions overflow me and I could not find for myself a place on a bed :)
I would like to jump out at night on a balcony and a drink fresh air;
because my heart strongly fought also to it there was no oxygen.
Has woken up in the morning and has seen that the blanket is turned out on a wrong side and pillows lay on a floor :)
But sleepless night could not afflict me!!!! Because I have woken up with excellent mood, and I would like to sing with happiness!!!! I have understood that I am the happiest woman!!!!!!
My eyes again shine my cheeks again burn, my smile again sparkles, because you are at me! You only my! There is only you and I!!!!! It is valid happiness!!!! This all owing to you my sweet Gavin!
I was never happy as now, because I love and you love me!
I am grateful to you for understanding, care and support!
You unique man, which could understand me and allow me force to believe again in love! When I have come for work all have seen changes in me. All spoke that in me something has changed and I as fly :)
I really flied with happiness and all turned out without effort.
I have had time to talk to my chief about my rest from work.
To my surprise, he has informed me that I can have rest in a week.
He has told that I well carry out the duties recently and necessarily should have rest. Then we have gone with girlfriends there is an ice-cream in cafe and they were very glad to learn about our happiness.
They transfer you the Best Regards and want that we were happy together!
My darling, I very much wish to be near to you!
Now this most important for me, because I very much miss and I wish to reduce distance which divides us. I constantly think of day, when we shall meet. I represented this happy moment many times, and I can not wait when it will come. I see as you meet me at the airport, and I run to you towards to fall in your embraces. Then you show me the house, and all your friends and relatives hurry to get acquainted with me.
They speak: "Gavin, it is that beautiful Russian woman about which you spoke much? And you answer them: " Yes! This is my Anastasiya! "
At this moment we are in the happiest pair!
I still many imaginations :) Certainly now I do not know as it will happen, but will be assured that it very interestingly and funny!
The most important for me that we shall be together! All rest only addition to our happiness! I think of travel really much, because it is my first trip abroad. To me spoke, that I should order documents necessary for a trip. Tomorrow I shall find out all that is necessary for me, and I shall begin official registration of papers. My darling Gavin, as soon as I shall receive the information we can plan a trip.
Know, that I love you my sweet Gavin!!!!!
Today at night I shall think again of you!!!!!!
My heart fights only for you!
I send you the most passionate kisses! Yours baby Anastasiya!!!
Letter 13
Hello my love Gavin, now I can tell to you with the big confidence, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, and only you mine Gavin. I am ready to shout these words of happiness for the whole world my love. My love at me is very good news to you, I hope that you will be very glad. And I went to travel agency, and spoke concerning trip to you, they have told that I can arrive to you, and receive necessary documents, without special problems as I not when did not leave Russia, and for people which not when did not go abroad have very big privileges. My love the travel agency has asked me that I have concluded with them the contract on granting of their services as now at them very good discounts, and now they have already started to make to me the Visa and passport, my love they have told that it will be ready approximately in some days.
My love to me also informed how many it will cost, my love my visa and passport will cost to me of 430 euro, my love when I has heard it I has been upset and afflicted, as I have no such big money. Certainly I wished to receive money for my holiday moneys, but my director has told, that I shall receive the holiday money only in some months, as now money in firm is not present. It is a constant problem with a delay of wages in Russia. And with it it is very heavy to struggle.
Also it is practically impossible. Then I at once have hastened to my mum, and spoke with her about this sum of money, my love my mum has told to me that she has savings which make only 30 euro, and she can give it to me. My love I is now very strongly upset, as I have no completely all money so to pay my visa and passport, I had only 30 euro which I have already brought to cash department of travel agency as an advance payment, my travel agency has told to me that to me will be already necessary to pay 400 euro on following weeks, my love I very strongly worry, and I do not know that to me now to do. My mum has told to me that I should ask the help for you as you very remarkable person, and my unique love in the world which will not leave me in a trouble and will necessarily help me. My love it is very a shame to me to do and ask it you this money, but I very much hope for you that you will help me and will not leave me in such trouble as you also very much want that I arrived to you. My love I shall arrive to you under the tourist visa, it will be valid within 60 days but when I shall arrive to you that I can even prolong it. My love also I has learned that you can transfer these to me of money, through system monetary transfer the "Western union", my love you will require only my information, my information so that you could send this money: Name: Anastasiya, lastname: Smelkova, country: Russia, city: St. Petersburg, Kirov area, Burtsev street, house 22, apartment 229.
My love Gavin, also you should inform me the also the information, similarly to a full name and a place where do you live and then I without problems can receive this money. My love I very much hope for you that you will help me and then I shall arrive to you as soon as possible my love somewhat quicker. I very much want to be in your hands, I have very big dream, it when I for the first time shall see you at the airport, I shall throw all things, I shall run up to you and there will be the longest kiss in the world, I for a long time shall not release you from the embraces, it will be the beginning of a modern history of love, we shall be so happy. My love now I shall wait for your letters with impatience, and to pray concerning ours with you of a meeting, I very much hope for you that you will help me and will not leave me in a trouble. Write to me somewhat quicker, I wait for your letters. Your love forever, Anastasiya!!!
My love to me also informed how many it will cost, my love my visa and passport will cost to me of 430 euro, my love when I has heard it I has been upset and afflicted, as I have no such big money. Certainly I wished to receive money for my holiday moneys, but my director has told, that I shall receive the holiday money only in some months, as now money in firm is not present. It is a constant problem with a delay of wages in Russia. And with it it is very heavy to struggle.
Also it is practically impossible. Then I at once have hastened to my mum, and spoke with her about this sum of money, my love my mum has told to me that she has savings which make only 30 euro, and she can give it to me. My love I is now very strongly upset, as I have no completely all money so to pay my visa and passport, I had only 30 euro which I have already brought to cash department of travel agency as an advance payment, my travel agency has told to me that to me will be already necessary to pay 400 euro on following weeks, my love I very strongly worry, and I do not know that to me now to do. My mum has told to me that I should ask the help for you as you very remarkable person, and my unique love in the world which will not leave me in a trouble and will necessarily help me. My love it is very a shame to me to do and ask it you this money, but I very much hope for you that you will help me and will not leave me in such trouble as you also very much want that I arrived to you. My love I shall arrive to you under the tourist visa, it will be valid within 60 days but when I shall arrive to you that I can even prolong it. My love also I has learned that you can transfer these to me of money, through system monetary transfer the "Western union", my love you will require only my information, my information so that you could send this money: Name: Anastasiya, lastname: Smelkova, country: Russia, city: St. Petersburg, Kirov area, Burtsev street, house 22, apartment 229.
My love Gavin, also you should inform me the also the information, similarly to a full name and a place where do you live and then I without problems can receive this money. My love I very much hope for you that you will help me and then I shall arrive to you as soon as possible my love somewhat quicker. I very much want to be in your hands, I have very big dream, it when I for the first time shall see you at the airport, I shall throw all things, I shall run up to you and there will be the longest kiss in the world, I for a long time shall not release you from the embraces, it will be the beginning of a modern history of love, we shall be so happy. My love now I shall wait for your letters with impatience, and to pray concerning ours with you of a meeting, I very much hope for you that you will help me and will not leave me in a trouble. Write to me somewhat quicker, I wait for your letters. Your love forever, Anastasiya!!!
Letter 14
Hi my love Gavin! It was pleasant to me to read me your letters too, they are filled by sincerity, honesty and love. You are the most noble and honest man and I have not met some more such people, which are frank in their the words. I met many people and in their words always there was a place for lie, but you are always honest with me, and it is pleasant to me. I do not know, what to do, if I shall not read your letters, it is pleasant, that when I come in the Internet of cafe, in my computer there is your letter and when I see it, I begin to read it with the large desire and interest at once. But it would be better if I did not read your letters, but were by your side and could see you every day. That would be a real happiness for me.
Our life has no sense, if we shall not be together. We have found each other and it is destiny, and we should use the advantage and without your help I cannot arrive to you and I can not see you and we cannot have our meeting. I very much hope, that you will make this weeks to me transfer of this money, as I have already paid 30 euro and have concluded the contract. And now it is necessary for me to pay in addition urgently these 400 euro. I very much count on you. I knew, that you my love and you will help me. Here therefore, I with full confidence have concluded the contract. I very much hope, that you can already send it through the "western union" on it weeks. I ask you to do it despite of everything. I see, that you are prepared and know much about travel abroad. But in mine travel agency spoke nothing about it. To me have told, that at the first stage it is necessary will pay these 400 euro and all. And if I can make and receive the Visa and the passport, That then already will be go conversations about tickets aboard the plane. And here that it is necessary to have on 100 euro per day. I of it did not know also it will really probably cause some difficulties. But I ask you if you have this money and if it is the truth, That send me this quantity of money in 5800 euro.
In fact we love each other and should be together!!! I certainly shall find out in travel agency in more detail about this all and later to write to you. But I know precisely, that without the Visa nothing will be necessary to me. It is necessary to receive the visa first of all.
And if you have money for a trip up to Russia, I do not understand that, why you do not wish to send me money for a trip up to you. I think that you can overcome yourself and make for me pleasantly and to help with this situation. Your help is now very necessary for me. I also wish to ask that you have written me your phone number on which I can call to you. I have found a way as cheaply and it is quickly possible for you to call and now very much I wish to hear your voice, and as to discuss our meeting. I want it very much, as you only mine and I with anybody do not want to divide you and I do not want to lose you. I love you and you are necessary for me. As though I now would like to be near to you and feel your gentle touches to my body. I so need in your caress, your kisses and in many respects by the friend. When all my sufferings will be stopped and I can be near to you? I think, that it is a matter of time and only it is known one God. I shall stop to you to write this letter. I kiss you, always yours Anastasiya.
In fact we love each other and should be together!!! I certainly shall find out in travel agency in more detail about this all and later to write to you. But I know precisely, that without the Visa nothing will be necessary to me. It is necessary to receive the visa first of all.
And if you have money for a trip up to Russia, I do not understand that, why you do not wish to send me money for a trip up to you. I think that you can overcome yourself and make for me pleasantly and to help with this situation. Your help is now very necessary for me. I also wish to ask that you have written me your phone number on which I can call to you. I have found a way as cheaply and it is quickly possible for you to call and now very much I wish to hear your voice, and as to discuss our meeting. I want it very much, as you only mine and I with anybody do not want to divide you and I do not want to lose you. I love you and you are necessary for me. As though I now would like to be near to you and feel your gentle touches to my body. I so need in your caress, your kisses and in many respects by the friend. When all my sufferings will be stopped and I can be near to you? I think, that it is a matter of time and only it is known one God. I shall stop to you to write this letter. I kiss you, always yours Anastasiya.
Letter 15
In what I very strongly regret, that you me blame that at me few feelings to you. But it is not true, if I had very small feelings to you I did not begin to arrive to you. It not easy road what to be near to you. I very strongly want to be with you and to do gentle massage on your gentle and sick body. I very strongly miss on you and there can not be one. It of me has very strongly bothered, I have nobody to make love, I could do it with any person. But I not such which can make love to any person. I not the ********** what to lay with the person two hours and then when it to not see and to not know it. I do not want to do it, I want to engage very passionately in love only with the favourite person. The favourite person it you my unique prince Gavin! But you it can think that at me to you simply that is not present, but it not the truth at me to you very big feelings of love. But you should understand and me my love Gavin! Why you consider, what I can deceive you my dear Gavin??? To me it is very bad when I do not receive from you that. For me it is the big pain and I not not enough time spend in tears and I think of you. To me it is very bad without you. You can trust me, I how many do not tell lies to you, at me to you always was only the truth. I fairly want to be with you, you my one hope to meet you and to be whom that loved. But you doubt of me a little and cannot be fair to me. I want to see you everyday for the rest of my life. I think about you all the time.
Wherever I go and whatever I am doing. Yes I know what dreams you have of us. I have the same ones as you do. You are so sweet, just as sweet as our wedding cake will be. You are the man I want for the rest of my life. There is no other man but you. My and only mine Gavin, it is hurt to me to hear words of mistrust in my side. I do not want any mistrust!!!!!!!! It is not allowable in relations. I all my heart want to be with you. I think it will be fast. All this time I really think of you. I miss you, I dream of you!!! It is not pleasant for me to hear your mistrust. I do not want it in relations. Two persons should trust each other. It will be correct. I dream of you much. I dream as I to arrive to you Gavin. I shall leave from the plane and I shall search for you in crowd of meeting people. You will go to me because you have seen me the first. You approach to me with a side. You speak: " Hello Anastasiya!!!!! " It is unexpected for me. And I turn to you!!! (Even now my heart shudders). I want it soon. I very much want to see you in the person soon!!! But you should trust me because I trust you!!!!!!!!! I am sure, that you could become the only the man.
Trust me and I shall not disappoint you never. I not the careerist I not emancipation the woman. I was brought up in simple family. I simply need in the only thing to the man and I think it you Gavin. I understand that Internet gives many opportunities for dialogue with people with all world. Yes it so. But very much frequently I have no free time for it. I think, that most the best variant it when we to meet in the person. I really dream about it!!! I dream of you!!! The Internet does not enable for a touch, kisses, smells. I so much need for you to tell you much. I do not want it through the Internet, and during walk, a house on a sofa when I can hold you for hands embrace you, and kiss too. I want more resoluteness with your side!!!!!!!!
A little more!
Wherever I go and whatever I am doing. Yes I know what dreams you have of us. I have the same ones as you do. You are so sweet, just as sweet as our wedding cake will be. You are the man I want for the rest of my life. There is no other man but you. My and only mine Gavin, it is hurt to me to hear words of mistrust in my side. I do not want any mistrust!!!!!!!! It is not allowable in relations. I all my heart want to be with you. I think it will be fast. All this time I really think of you. I miss you, I dream of you!!! It is not pleasant for me to hear your mistrust. I do not want it in relations. Two persons should trust each other. It will be correct. I dream of you much. I dream as I to arrive to you Gavin. I shall leave from the plane and I shall search for you in crowd of meeting people. You will go to me because you have seen me the first. You approach to me with a side. You speak: " Hello Anastasiya!!!!! " It is unexpected for me. And I turn to you!!! (Even now my heart shudders). I want it soon. I very much want to see you in the person soon!!! But you should trust me because I trust you!!!!!!!!! I am sure, that you could become the only the man.
Trust me and I shall not disappoint you never. I not the careerist I not emancipation the woman. I was brought up in simple family. I simply need in the only thing to the man and I think it you Gavin. I understand that Internet gives many opportunities for dialogue with people with all world. Yes it so. But very much frequently I have no free time for it. I think, that most the best variant it when we to meet in the person. I really dream about it!!! I dream of you!!! The Internet does not enable for a touch, kisses, smells. I so much need for you to tell you much. I do not want it through the Internet, and during walk, a house on a sofa when I can hold you for hands embrace you, and kiss too. I want more resoluteness with your side!!!!!!!!
A little more!
Created: 2010-10-11 Last updated: 2010-10-11 Views: 1420