Scam letter(s) from Irina Rumyantseva to Norbert (Germany)
Letter 1
Norbert, thanks for that that you have answered my letter!
My name Irina. Before ours with you acquaintance, I Wish to tell to you at once about the intentions. I search only serious relations!!! If at you other plans for it. I think, that to us not on a way. And then I need to wish only to your of good luck in search of that that you search!!! Norbert, I communicated with many men on the Internet. But the majority of them wanted or ***** photos, or suggested to become their mistress!!!! And some wanted too many from me! I have got tired of such acquaintances. I wish to find the unique man. I hope, that you are serious also you understand me. Norbert if your intentions disinterested, and we are similar in search, write to me!
I will wait Irina
My name Irina. Before ours with you acquaintance, I Wish to tell to you at once about the intentions. I search only serious relations!!! If at you other plans for it. I think, that to us not on a way. And then I need to wish only to your of good luck in search of that that you search!!! Norbert, I communicated with many men on the Internet. But the majority of them wanted or ***** photos, or suggested to become their mistress!!!! And some wanted too many from me! I have got tired of such acquaintances. I wish to find the unique man. I hope, that you are serious also you understand me. Norbert if your intentions disinterested, and we are similar in search, write to me!
I will wait Irina
Letter 2
I see your letter, and it means that we search for one and too. Norbert as I already spoke you my name Irina I not married and I have no children. I live in city Shimshurga. I the cheerful and sociable girl. I like to achieve objects in view. In other on what, I also have spent the most part of my life. I have loyal friends, it is a lot of colleagues. I always in the attention centre as I work with children. But so that has turned out in a life that I have not met till now the love. I very much wish to love and be favourite. On it I here! Norbert, I would like to know why you here? What reasons at you? You are lonely? I am very glad that you have a daughter. Very much it is pleasant to me children. Norbert, many people, seeing me, speak that that, I am happy!!! They do conclusions, looking that I always smile, respond on all requests I participate in many actions. I conduct a vigorous way of life. But who does not guess at all as it is bad to me to come into apartment in which not who does not wait for me, to lay down in cold bed, and will fall asleep only with thoughts on that that tomorrow. And in the morning having opened eyes should whom near to itself. Earlier I did not give it such value but now when I became more adult I start to reflect on it more and more every day. I wish to meet second half. Norbert, washing the soul has got tired of melancholy, and I hope that that dialogue through Internet probably that that will change. Photo which I send you today, my girlfriend has made. It photographed me in this summer in park. Norbert, you like my photos? I hope, that you love my photos. I send you a photo where I in full growth for this purpose that you see better could me. Norbert, I hope, that I was not sad in this letter and it to like you.
Your new friend Irina!!!
Your new friend Irina!!!
Letter 3
Thanks for your letter! How there was your day? Than you were engaged? I had today very intense day, and I am very tired. But, not looking at this weariness, I would come what to write you the letter here. Norbert as I wish to warn you that that, I cannot probably write every day as I write to you from library. It to be not far from my house, but on holidays it does not work. As I sometimes leave to parents. But I will necessarily warn you in advance if I cannot write. Ok? I very much love children, I would accept your daughter as native. To you has carried that you have a daughter after all children this hugest of happiness in our life. I very much would like children. Today I to you wish to tell a little about the life. Norbert, I was born and have grown in small town Morki. As there I went to school. After my school life has passed, before me there were many ways and it was necessary to make a choice. I think, that it for the child the first adult choice which to it to have to solve most. Tell to me about the first independent decision? If certainly you remember it! And so, as I always was the creative person, and during study at usual school I in addition was engaged at school of arts. My choice has fallen on Institute "Musical institute". In ours a city of such institute was not also to me it was necessary to leave the native house and to leave in city Shimshurga. I consider since that moment, my adult life has begun. I as now remember tears on the person of mother when she saw off me. We would not like to leave, but we understood, that so it is necessary. And here in 2000, I began to study and aspire to the dream. The student's life was everyone and poor and hungry, but during too time was a lot of cheerful. Norbert, we lived in a hostel five together in one room, we had one kitchen on some rooms and when in the evenings we came from study we went to prepare. I think that what exactly there I and have learnt to cook food. From there I has learnt many recipes and ways of preparation of dishes, I looked as other girls prepared and tried to do it as adding in a dish the highlight. At night we long did not go to bed talked and dreamt of our further life. We tried to study, was not so easily. But at institute understood it and allowed to have a good time the student. At us spent many actions, concerts in which we acted. Every year we were typed experience, became closer with girlfriends, there were many new acquaintances. It became gradually easier to study, and to live in an unfamiliar city. And so in 2005 I have finished institute. After that I have decided to go home, all the summer long I have spent houses. It was fine carefree time. But the summer has very quickly passed. And in the autumn, I have returned back in Shimshurga. Has rented small apartment, and it was arranged on the robot in an elementary school, in a direction from institute. I have grown fond at once of the work, and till now I remain in the same place. Now I recollect that as began an adult life with a smile on the person though it was at that time very difficult. But I was steady on the legs and went only forward. Probably I could not make it if in me not who did not trust. Norbert, I am very grateful to the parents and close girlfriends who always were with me and supported me. I send you today a photo of student's years. I did this photo when I studied on the fifth year at institute. Norbert, this day we were at excursion. Norbert, tell you about how you got education? How you became the adult and independent man? It will be very interesting to me to learn about it. I hope, it will be interesting to you to read my letter, and to see my photo!!! Norbert, I as very much want, that you would send me the photos, that I could consider you!!! Norbert if it was a photo where you after the study termination at school would be healthy!!! I wait for your letter and I hope your photo!!!!
Your friend Irina.
Your friend Irina.
Letter 4
I am glad to see your letter!!!! How at you weather? We had all the day long a sun, it very much cheers up!! You love solar weather? My day has passed today well. I weigh day was on work. Norbert, I very much love the work. As I spoke it is connected with children. I work as the teacher throughout 5 years. I teach a choreography and piano lessons. And you play on what or a musical instrument? Norbert, you would like to learn to play a piano? I think, I could learn you to it! At me three groups of children. In each group on 15 persons. To me so to like to learn them to dance, discipline and music. I very much love these children. Norbert, at times that seems to me that I replace with it parents. At them always changeable mood, sometimes they are capricious also to me to have to calm them. And to me to like to do it. When at children with whom I am engaged, something turns out to me so pleasantly to look at it. We have many concerts, performances. As every month we have a concert for parents where children show the successes. All parents of children who are trained at me, very much are grateful to me. And I am happy from that that, I do something good for people, and I bring it pleasure. My day always is filled by smiles and vanity. But when I come to become home to me is very empty. Norbert, you understand as it? It is very difficult, I always think only that there would pass night faster and in the morning I again will be not one. But I do not despair!!! I always try to do to people by well and all heart I hope, that sometime I will meet that man, and between us the fine feeling love will flash!!! I think, that each person should love and be favourite!!! Norbert, and you as think? It for you is important? Norbert, earlier I thought that that it will come in due course but now I have understood that that it not when will not come most if not to open heart. And I so would like to make it, but only for the unique person!!! Norbert what completely to trust it and to love its all heart not being afraid to burn. Norbert, and you tested sometime the present love? Or you just as I wait second half which is appointed to you by destiny? And in general in my life such motto “everything, that all does not become to the best”! It is such are optimistical the motto which always gives to me of forces. Especially for work as a lot of energy what to charge there is required to it of my pupils. Norbert, tell to me about the work! Whether you love it? Or you simply are engaged to it for this purpose what to live? That helps you to cope with every day difficulties. I am very glad for you that you have a big family. It is good that you keep in touch between the family. After all the family it so well is not present than that on light it is better than a family. I very much like your photo. Especially to like me your smile on your person. To me very much to like when the person smiles. I wait your letter, and answers to my questions it you will help me to learn better you, about what person!!!! I hope, that you as set to me all questions which you interest. Norbert, whether as I wish to ask you all you understand that I write to you? Norbert, I learnt at school English language and at institute, but all the same it not so is good, and I sometimes not understand all that you write. On it I wish you to warn what you did not take offence if suddenly I do not answer your question. Probably I simply have not understood, that it you had to a kind. Norbert, on such cases I wish you to ask what you have simply written this question anew!!! Ok? On it I will finish the letter!
Yours Irina!!!
Letter 5
I am glad to see your letter!!!! Very much to like me that that, you write to me!!!! How there was your day? What the interesting has occurred? Know, Norbert. You to me become closer!!! That seems to me that, you very interesting man and with you are about what to talk. Therefore today, I have removed all profiles from a site, and I will communicate only with you. I would like, what you as wrote only to me! What do you think about it? It is interesting to you with me? Me does not confuse that you are more senior me. I very much would want children. Very much to like me children. This morning I prepared to eat, and have cut a finger. When I bandaged a finger I have recollected, how in the childhood I ran on a ladder and have fallen. I very strongly cried, mum has heard and has carried away me in apartment. I on a foot had not a big scratch, but I very much was frightened also to me seemed that that, I cannot go any more. Mum has calmed me and has bandaged to me a knee! In the childhood I often fell and got various traumas as I was very curious child, and tried to learn all. I climbed on trees from where then could not go down and then my daddy had to remove me from there. Norbert, my parents have made for me much, they have given me good education to much have learnt me and have presented to me all caress and love. Norbert, I am very grateful to the parents for all that they do for me. Mine mum and the daddy already on pension, they live in small village Kanash. They have moved there after have retired. My daddy the real man. When it puts before itself(himself) the purpose, he achieves it!!! For me it an example of the ideal man. He has devoted all life to us with mum. It had a dream to meet an old age with mum in the house which it has constructed the hands. Ten years prior to pension he was engaged in building of this house. It put all forces in this house, and at last two years ago they have moved to small village in this fine house! There it is very beautiful, nearby there is a pond where the father goes on fishing. To me too very much to like to go with it, but it is more to like probably to go for a drive by a boat. At my daddy the big rubber boat when on it you float you feel yourself as by the ship. You like to go for a drive on a boat? You have a boat? I think, it will be interesting to you to know their names, a name of mum Zoya and the daddy call Volodya. They are two fine persons who always support me, love. At times I so do not have not enough them and so it is melancholy from that that, we not together. But I often go what to visit them!!!! Norbert, tell to me about the family with whom you live? Tell about the parents? It is very interesting to me to learn about it and I hope, that you will tell it in the following letter. I send to you two photos with my mum. One of these a photo I did couple of years back, and a photo we did one of these not for a long time. Norbert, I hope, that to you to like a photo with my mum. I will wait for your letter!!!! Whether as I very much would wish to know I to you became little bit closer!!!!
p.s Norbert, I will be very happy, if you can send me a photo, on which you and your family!
p.s Norbert, I will be very happy, if you can send me a photo, on which you and your family!
Letter 6
Today when I went from work I have met one of the girlfriends. Her name is Sveta. We with it together studied at institute. Last time at us not often turns out to meet. As at me the husband and two children is a lot of work, and at it. We were so are glad from that that, have met, and She has suggested me to come into cafe to have a drink coffee about cakes. I have accepted its offer, and we have gone to cafe in which often happened in student's years. She to me has told that the meeting of graduates of institute will soon take place. I have been very surprised, as after the study termination should one meeting. She to me told about the life much, that at it has occurred the new. Sveta, has asked me as my private life. I have answered it, that I talk to you. She very much was surprised that that, I talk on the Internet. She has asked, why I cannot meet someone here. I have told to it, that I wish to meet the good, interesting man, that to us to it would be to talk about what. I think that that the person from other country it very interestingly. In the person for me the main thing his soul, that I can learn from letters, and all the rest for me costs on the second place. In general I consider that that dialogue through letters, allow to learn more about the person because in letters it is possible to tell that that will not tell in the opened. And on the one hand it is very romantic, as two enamoured sent letters to olden time each other with pigeons. I think that that it can be compared to it! Norbert, and you as consider? Norbert, I wish to meet the man with good manners. That does not suffice in Russian men. Sveta, already second time in marriage, its first marriage was not happy. First her husband, used alcohol and when it got ***** beat Sveta much, called, broke all in the house that it was possible to break, and turned out. She spent the night at me very often earlier, I remember, how she cried at all nights without a break. To me was it so it is a pity. Sveta, thought that that there will pass time and it to change, but went year after year, and it all remained same. Then she has dared and has divorced from it. Now it is happy, she has met the good man, he practically does not drink and to care of it. At them children were born. When I see them together, I am glad to observe as they are happy. It so is fine!!! We talked with Sveta much. It to me would tell that I was cautious with you, that I would not repeat its errors. In the end of conversation we have promised each other that, will be more often to see and call on to each other. She is very good girl we with it have much passed together, in all troubles and pleasures it always was with me. As well as Kata. We are familiar with it since the childhood, we went to one school and lived in the next houses. When have left school, have together gone to study, only she studied as the Cook. We not when are not separated from it. Now we almost see every day, we come to each other. It married. I think that that, Kata, is very happy in marriage. I am very glad for it! Husband Kata call Kola, it often leaves to work on the north because in our city not so it is a lot of work. And they wish to give birth now to the child, it is very difficult to contain children In our country. He tries earns for a family, for this purpose what they had all well. Kata, understands it and with impatience each time waits for its returning. When Kola leaves, we with Kata often gather at my place what to sit to talk about a life. When there is time, we go to walk somewhere. It to me as sister. I think if you knew it, you as have told that that it the good person!!! At me only two girlfriends, but they true and I can always rely on them!!! And at you it is a lot of friends? You could not tell to me about them? I send you today a photo with my girlfriend Sveta. I hope, that you do not take offence on Sveta, for that that it about fear has concerned you!!! Also has asked to be me cautious. I think it it is possible to understand, to it much was necessary to go through. And she would not want that I repeated its errors. I hope that that you will not be offended on it for it!!! On it I will finish the letter. I will look forward your answer.
Yours Irina!!!
Yours Irina!!!
Letter 7
Your letters, please me. In independence of that with what mood I have come to library, it to become better when I read your letters. Norbert, tell to me about that as there was your day? Than you were engaged today? Norbert, today I went to a hairdressing salon to have hair cut. Usually I am am cut by one woman. But today it was not also me another cut. It was very unusual me. In the beginning not so it was pleasant to me. But then already at home I have approached to a mirror have looked also to me that seemed that I became more cheerful to look. Norbert, but I think that that this business not in a hairdress. I think that that I became more cheerful from that that I communicate with you! And you will come great value to the hairdress where you have hair cut? You have any constant place? Norbert, you know when I was small and only have started to go to school me my mum cut. I remember, it so was pleasant to me. My mum very much watched me. And on it at school friends rumpling named the woman of fashion. Norbert, and you had any nickname at school? Children always think out something. Yes, at all only children here for example now me the girlfriend name Irishka. Norbert and how you name your close friends? As soon as at me to appear possibility to call you I will necessarily call you. I sometimes think of it. But to arrive to you it is the big step for me. We need to learn more each other. When we will know about each other then we will think as us it is possible to meet more. I will wait for your letter, I hope soon, very soon it to see! While, so long!!!
Yours Irina.
Yours Irina.
Letter 8
Norbert, with each letter you become to me more and more interesting. Already it seems to me, that at us is a lot of general. I impatience wait for your letter because they to me I cheer up. I at all have not noticed, how there has passed week. And you like to receive my letters? I very much would wish to please you with the letters!!! Today I have come for the work, all my colleagues very much liked my new hairdress. Norbert, tell that you like to do and what to you brings a smile? Tell to me about it. It seems to me, what you like to observe sports meets? Whether so it? I think, I with pleasure would keep you the company in it. I like to watch TV, various programs. I very much like programs about history. To me to like to learn how was earlier. And you know history of the country much? You could not tell to me about it? I do not know much about your country, but I very much would like to learn your culture. It for me would be very informative!! ! As I like to gather the company and to play various games. More often I do it on work. When I see that children have strongly got tired I speak to gather it in a circle and we play a blind-man's-buff!!! All over it is children's game. You sometime heard and about it? You know, what is it? If will be over to you interestingly, I can tell to you about it in the following letter. And at you is what or a hobby? My hobby is an embroidery, knitting by spokes. To me to like to be engaged in it. Knitting and an embroidery when I was small me were learnt by the grandmother and after that, I not ceasing to be engaged in it. In the beginning I knitted for dolls, then have gradually started to knit, something ******. Now in my clothes a lot of prophetic which I have connected. As I often carry out various actions on work. You remember, I to you told about concerts of times in a month on which children act for the parents? I hope, that you remember!!!! And so I always bring, something new in these performances. Each time I think out different dances in which children act. It so is healthy. I am assured that that very much would be pleasant to you if you saw it!!!! And you like to dance? Tell to me, you visited, ever children's concerts? Norbert, you know to me so easily with you, communicating with you, I can speak about all. I nothing I do not hesitate. I am surprised, how I become opened to you!!! Please, tell to me more about how passes yours put! It is very interesting to me to know your way of life! I look forward your letter!!!
Yours Irina!!!
Yours Irina!!!
Letter 9
My mood is awful today. Norbert, I have left work. Even it is opposite to me to speak about it. My chief, has come today to me in the end of the working day and has asked to come then to it into an office. After all pupils have left, I have gone to it to an office. My chief not when did not ask to come me to them. I thought about what it that that does not arrange in my work. In general as the person it is very exacting. But when I have come it to me have started to speak what that nonsense, and have started to stick to me. I to it have told that that it not to like me and that that I will tell about it to his wife. He to me has told that that then it will discharge me from office and has started to stick to me further. I not that did not need to do and I have struck to it a slap in the face and have run out from an office. I have run faster home. I cried, and now on my eyes of tear. I wished where to go, but have thought, that you will worry. I have come what to write to you. Norbert, I feel such defenceless. Why with me nearby there would be no man which could protect me!. Norbert why men think that that if the girl is lonely, means to it it is possible to stick? I had relations, but not long because I wish to feel the present love. And I not when did not test such feelings. I all life wait which unique man I will love also which will love me!!! I cannot the word OI is simple so to say I love youO. Only when I can tell it, I will be happy. I hope, that when ebai I will meet such person. Norbert, I am assured that that it not when will not cause me a pain, and will protect me. I at all do not understand men who can cause to the girl a pain. That seems to me that for the man it should be low. I am assured of that that you not when could not hurt the girl. Because, when I look at your photos, in your eyes I see that that at you is smothering. You the kind person. Norbert, you very much like me, you not such as all. Forgive me but I cannot write to you more now. I need to calm down and consider all. Norbert, I hope that that you understand me!!!!
Yours Irina!!!
Yours Irina!!!
Letter 10
Norbert, Thanks for your letter. I am glad that that you have written to me!!! Today I have come into school, have written the letter of resignation and have taken away the documents. I long thought, how I will not tell to my pupils about that that I more at them to teach. Then I have dared and I have come on employment have told it that I will not teach more at them. Children very much were upset. Norbert. So painfully that to me I was necessary to hurt me that of whom I love. But I very much hope that that when they will grow they will understand me. When I left a class on mine eyes there were tears. Norbert, I adore these children, they to me all as native. But I cannot work more there after an event! I long thought yesterday of it when I recollect that as this animal tried to touch me with the paws me enrages. I thought what to speak it to someone or not. Has solved that that it is not necessary to do it as its status is high also that that I will tell me will not listen, and he will think up other history in which I it will appear is wrong!!! So I have decided to leave simply easy. How you consider, I have correctly made? In my head confusion. I have left work. It is not a pity to me that I can teach to the groups of employment more. But I think that that, I will visit them. I think this best that I can make!!!! Norbert, tomorrow I cannot write to you as I will go to mum and the daddy. I need to stay with them and much over what to think. I need to decide what further to do!!! I hope that that you on me will not be pressed out! I have already got used to you. You such person to which would be desirable to open. I am happy that that the destiny has given chance to us to learn one another. I will miss very much your letters, but I will remember you every minute. I will write at once as soon as I will return!!!! I hope you you will not take offence at me.
Yours Irina!!!
Letter 11
Norbert, today I have arrived from parents. I have well spent time!!!! I have considered all and have decided to search for new work. I have told about it to parents, they completely support me. Norbert when I have arrived to parents, they were very glad me to see. We talked much. They have understood at once that not everything is all right. I have told it about that that happens. The daddy has flown into a rage from it. Norbert, but gradually he has calmed down. I have asked not to lift them again speech about it. Then it has left to flood a bath. And we with mum have begun to cook food. In the evening at supper I have told to the parents about you. I have told it about that what you the interesting man and about that as to me to like to communicate with you to communicate. Mum asked me on you much, I told all. Then I have gone to a bath, and have laid down to sleep. In the morning I have woken up from singing of birds. I have gone on kitchen, mum did not sleep any more and made a breakfast. I have washed and have gone to walk on street. There very beautiful nature. I went and thought of that as it would be fine to go now with you for a hand! My head was visited at once many by fine thoughts! Norbert, you can present yourself it? Thinking of you I have left very far. Then I was developed and have gone back when I have come, the meal was already on a table. We had a bite also I has decided to go home. And already when I went in the bus, I was visited by thought that that I and itself has not noticed as has forgotten about all bad that happens. I went and thought of words of parents, thought of that that it so well when there are those who you support. The trip home very much has inspired me. And I have gained strength for search of new work. Norbert, I have noticed that that when to me happens badly me pulls as a magnet in the parental house, and I come back from there always is full of energy and optimism!!! Norbert, tell to me than you were engaged? You missed on me? I very much missed!!!! Norbert, the daddy and mum asked to send you regards!!! As that they are very glad, to our dialogue. And how your relatives concern our dialogue? On road to library I have bought the newspaper with announcements, of that who it is required for work. Now I will go home, it is necessary to see many announcements, probably, that I will find, that that approaching!!! But it is now not so good with work. As all over the world now crisis. And with work at us it is very bad. Close many enterprises, and many people remain without work. On it I think that that work search will not be a lung. I very much hope for that that at me all to turn out and soon I will be arranged somewhere. Norbert, you trust in me? How you think at me to turn out? Tomorrow I will come and I hope to see your letter!
Letter 12
Norbert how today there was your day? My day is fine today. Me all overflows with energy. Norbert, it is all because of that that I have woken up today with fine mood. Today you have dreamt me. Norbert, this with was fine. To me dreamt as we go with you nearby about what that we talk. We are surrounded with beautiful green avenue, we go lengthways her, then unexpectedly you pick up me on hands and start to turn with me. I laugh, and even in a dream I have felt warmth of your embraces. Then you have put me on the earth and we have appeared the face to each other in your eyes I saw the reflexion, reflexion of the blue sky. This dream such was such distinct I so did not wish to be overslept. Norbert to like you my dream? You would would like that he became a reality? Norbert, in me that that varies. Now I not when do not long, I think that has put only in you!!! That seems to me that my life varies. And it is very healthy. My day was today all I am occupied would go in many places what to get a job. But yet that has not found, but I despair. I would like to be arranged by training what to be engaged in that that is pleasant to me. But it is now very difficult as in our city this trade is not especially claimed. And you have schools of dances? Dances are extended in your country? At us it not so is developed. On it there are not enough schools, as further not where to develop. So in most cases in dances in our country are engaged only as a hobby. And I always wished to be engaged in it professionally and to raise the level. I do not know that such skype. I hope that that you liked my dream. I will look forward your letters and a photo!!! I would want that you sent, more than the photos where you smile to me.
Letter 13
Norbert I am glad to your letter, I very much miss you, and I think of you constantly. Last time all that I do it I think of you. Each your letter as an adventure for me. I read them with ecstasy. Norbert, you the fine man! In you understanding and kindness. You know, not all people are capable to possess such qualities. I always dreamt to meet such as you!!! Norbert, you so are similar to which that man I searched for all life. But I still completely am not assured of it. But I very much would want that it was so. Norbert, in my life that that has turned over. She became interesting and is filled by sense after we have got acquainted! Tell to me, our acquaintance has changed as that your life. Norbert, now I try to fall asleep faster what in a dream to see to you and when you come to my dream I is happy. Norbert, I at all do not understand last time that happens to me. Norbert, I test to you that that especial. I feel that that to me not when it was not necessary to test. When I read your letters my heart fades, and in me as if all turns over. I can represent you hours and I have all new and new dreams. You represent even when I go to bed I embrace a pillow and I represent that it you!!! Norbert how you think it love? I not when not whom did not love, and I do not know that happens to me. But so it would be desirable to trust me that really love and that that you that person for which I are created. You not when not hearing that speak that each person has second half and when the person meets her, he to become as though whole. The life changes and the person to become is happy. You trust in it? How you would think we there could be two half one another? I do not know as it have happened but I think that that I LOVE YOU!!! I am am overflowed now with emotions I feel as if I fly. Norbert, you the first man to which I have told that I love. Also that that inside speaks me that that you the first and last man who can admit to me love!!!! I understand that that it as that unexpectedly, but I could not be silent more about the feelings to you. Now I very much wished to find out about that that you feel? I about excitement will wait for your letter! I hope that that today you will come to me in a dream!
Your sweet Irina!!!
Letter 14
I have recollected history that when the person is born there is a new star and when who that dies one star falls. One star - one life. I looked at the sky and searched for our stars. It is very interesting to me, what occurs, when two persons, enamoured one in another become together? Norbert how you think? I think, that they unite. Also become more and more brightly. I hope, that written English you understand mine and understand my feelings. Norbert you know, what happens yesterday? I, as well as thought, have met you in the dream. It was so perfectly. We have met in the street, I went along the street and thought of what that, you went to me towards and thought of the. And we have casually faced, Norbert, you have asked, I will go with you to cinema or not. I have told, I do not know. You had one more ticket, and you have invited me. And I have gone with you to cinema. But cinemas we did not look, we communicated with you more. When the comedy has ended, we left cinema happy and happy. You have told, that spend me. When we have reached the house we did not wish to be separated. We stood about my door both talked. Also have not noticed, how became close one to another and we have kissed. AS our FIRST KISS was fine!!!!!! IT was fine!!!!!! On my body there has passed a pleasant shiver. I have fallen in your embraces, and you have kept me, and we continued to kiss. Norbert, you see dreams? You can describe them? I would like, what our dreams would become a reality, you want it Norbert? I send you the kisses, and I hope, what tomorrow I will receive yours as, you will send them to me?? Something I have fallen into a reverie and nearly have not forgotten to tell to you. Today, I have gone to housing and communal services, you know what is it? At us there pay for utilities. I needed to pay for light, and there I have met with Sveta But she hurried up home because it needed to make a supper to the husband. I am very glad for it, I too would like to make a supper for the favourite person. You would would like that I made a supper to you? Sveta has told that is very glad that has met me, she has told to me that that was going to go today to me. Norbert, you remember, I said to you, that when we sat in cafe with Sveta it has told to me about a meeting of graduates. This meeting will be tomorrow. You not against if I there go?
To me it is important that you will tell on it. I will look forward your letter!
Your most gentle Irina
I have recollected history that when the person is born there is a new star and when who that dies one star falls. One star - one life. I looked at the sky and searched for our stars. It is very interesting to me, what occurs, when two persons, enamoured one in another become together? Norbert how you think? I think, that they unite. Also become more and more brightly. I hope, that written English you understand mine and understand my feelings. Norbert you know, what happens yesterday? I, as well as thought, have met you in the dream. It was so perfectly. We have met in the street, I went along the street and thought of what that, you went to me towards and thought of the. And we have casually faced, Norbert, you have asked, I will go with you to cinema or not. I have told, I do not know. You had one more ticket, and you have invited me. And I have gone with you to cinema. But cinemas we did not look, we communicated with you more. When the comedy has ended, we left cinema happy and happy. You have told, that spend me. When we have reached the house we did not wish to be separated. We stood about my door both talked. Also have not noticed, how became close one to another and we have kissed. AS our FIRST KISS was fine!!!!!! IT was fine!!!!!! On my body there has passed a pleasant shiver. I have fallen in your embraces, and you have kept me, and we continued to kiss. Norbert, you see dreams? You can describe them? I would like, what our dreams would become a reality, you want it Norbert? I send you the kisses, and I hope, what tomorrow I will receive yours as, you will send them to me?? Something I have fallen into a reverie and nearly have not forgotten to tell to you. Today, I have gone to housing and communal services, you know what is it? At us there pay for utilities. I needed to pay for light, and there I have met with Sveta But she hurried up home because it needed to make a supper to the husband. I am very glad for it, I too would like to make a supper for the favourite person. You would would like that I made a supper to you? Sveta has told that is very glad that has met me, she has told to me that that was going to go today to me. Norbert, you remember, I said to you, that when we sat in cafe with Sveta it has told to me about a meeting of graduates. This meeting will be tomorrow. You not against if I there go?
To me it is important that you will tell on it. I will look forward your letter!
Your most gentle Irina
Letter 15
That you have written thanks for that to me. I am very glad to see your letters, it for me is fine!
To me it is very pleasant that you so well would look after me. You not as all other men. Today I would go in many places what to get a job.
I have passed many places, but or that that did not suit me, or all places have already been occupied. I already have gone home and on road I have gone through a kindergarten, there I have seen announcements that it nurses are required. I have come there, to me have told that that for this purpose what to get a job to them it would be necessary to submit all documents and to pass interview. I have left at all of them my documents they have told to me that that all will consider and in a week I can be approached there and to pass interview. Norbert how you think a trade of the nurse in a kindergarten it well? Tell please that you suspect the account of it. Norbert, forgive me but on it I should finish the letter as for this purpose what to be in time on a meeting of graduates to me it would be necessary to go faster home and to change clothes. I do not wish to be late. I hope that that you understand me. I will write to you tomorrow, and I will tell about that as all has passed. Norbert, you a charm!!!!
To me it is very pleasant that you so well would look after me. You not as all other men. Today I would go in many places what to get a job.
I have passed many places, but or that that did not suit me, or all places have already been occupied. I already have gone home and on road I have gone through a kindergarten, there I have seen announcements that it nurses are required. I have come there, to me have told that that for this purpose what to get a job to them it would be necessary to submit all documents and to pass interview. I have left at all of them my documents they have told to me that that all will consider and in a week I can be approached there and to pass interview. Norbert how you think a trade of the nurse in a kindergarten it well? Tell please that you suspect the account of it. Norbert, forgive me but on it I should finish the letter as for this purpose what to be in time on a meeting of graduates to me it would be necessary to go faster home and to change clothes. I do not wish to be late. I hope that that you understand me. I will write to you tomorrow, and I will tell about that as all has passed. Norbert, you a charm!!!!
Letter 16
Norbert, how your affairs my sweet? Whether all at you is perfectly in order? I very much grieve for you the sun!!!
Norbert, my heart and soul very much wants, that we with you would be together. But for me it is a huge step, to arrive to you. I think, that time, for this purpose is necessary still what definitively all to solve. Yesterday I have very well spent time. We very much did not see for a long time all. Norbert, you know and I one remained not married of all with whom we together studied. Almost all have children. At everyone the cares. Many have come on a meeting with the husbands. Norbert, you know so interestingly to look at those whom for a long time did not see. All have very much changed. We sat in cafe, we laughed recollected the student's years. You know together we have recollected so much, I even from this did not remember half. Norbert, me it was very cheerful. You are glad for me? Then all gathered home and Sveta, with husband Tolik, have decided me to spend. We went and talked Sveta has asked me about, whether I communicate with you. I to it have told about you about that what you good. She asked me to transfer apologies to you for that that it in the beginning has not so treated kindly you. You accept its apologies? I hope what yes. Norbert, know I all road went and thought only of you and about that what somewhat quicker to lay down to sleep and dream about you. Norbert, my desire was executed to me you
Norbert, my heart and soul very much wants, that we with you would be together. But for me it is a huge step, to arrive to you. I think, that time, for this purpose is necessary still what definitively all to solve. Yesterday I have very well spent time. We very much did not see for a long time all. Norbert, you know and I one remained not married of all with whom we together studied. Almost all have children. At everyone the cares. Many have come on a meeting with the husbands. Norbert, you know so interestingly to look at those whom for a long time did not see. All have very much changed. We sat in cafe, we laughed recollected the student's years. You know together we have recollected so much, I even from this did not remember half. Norbert, me it was very cheerful. You are glad for me? Then all gathered home and Sveta, with husband Tolik, have decided me to spend. We went and talked Sveta has asked me about, whether I communicate with you. I to it have told about you about that what you good. She asked me to transfer apologies to you for that that it in the beginning has not so treated kindly you. You accept its apologies? I hope what yes. Norbert, know I all road went and thought only of you and about that what somewhat quicker to lay down to sleep and dream about you. Norbert, my desire was executed to me you
Letter 17
I am glad to see your letter. Your letters for me are very important. It is important to me to know that with you. As you! Whether I love you and I very much worry as it should be you. I very much would want that we were a number, that we could see every day each other and could care about each other. I am not brought up so to use another's money. When we will solve about our meetings I a catfish I will arrive to you. I do not require your help. I the independent girl. Norbert, I think are familiar much if I arrive that much as well as what we will do? We will be happy together? To me it is a lot of for happiness it is not necessary. If you smile and at you all will be good that it will be happiness for me. It will be so? Norbert I do not know as close your people will react. They will accept me? At you probably other customs. I do not know, you after all in other country and as as will be and as all will occur. Norbert I do not know. How you think, all will be good? If you tell what yes that I will come also we will be together. What to you speak acquaintances? You to tell it about me? They will be glad for us if we are together? They will not stir to our happiness? How you think? Norbert I would need to know all it what to be assured that I will not bring to you frustration by the arrival, and we can enjoy our love. I will wait for your letter, and answers to my questions.
Yours and only yours Irina
Yours and only yours Irina
Letter 18
Norbert, you know, today I weigh day I think of us. About that as though we were together. I very much wish to trust in that that all will be fine, but I hope that that you understand all gravity of an event. I hope that that you understand that that for us for both is very big and important step. Norbert, at the person in a life always there comes the moment in which it chooses also that that he will choose, will be with it further. I very much worry. I weigh all. Norbert, I heard about that that there are bad men in America which offend Russian girls who come to them. But I am assured of that that you the good man and that that with me there will be all in a full order. I should tell to you about it because it in my head and I would want that you knew that that I completely trust you. Norbert, you the fine man. But I need to consider all, I need to solve all for itself. In a life I always do the considered steps and I cannot give you the concrete answer now. But I will think. I hope that that you will understand me! Norbert, you only present as it for me if I go to your country. I there not when was not, and you I as not when did not see. At me now in a head of thousand thoughts, a shower to ask to you. It is the big step and I think that that to you as it is necessary to reflect well about it. I very much wish to hear your voice, to talk to you on a cellular telephone. But unfortunately I do not have cellular telephone. As soon as I will have a possibility to call you that I will necessarily call you. Norbert, remember I spoke to you about that that when to me happens badly or I do not know the answer to a question I go home. Norbert, I think that that now just such situation. Tomorrow I cannot write to you I will go to parents to me it is necessary to consult to them.
Norbert, I very much, very much hope for that that you will understand me and will not take offence!
Yours Irina!!!
Norbert, I very much, very much hope for that that you will understand me and will not take offence!
Yours Irina!!!
Letter 19
Norbert, my love I am very happy to hear your answer. I am glad that that you as well as would want that we were together. I love you all heart and soul. Norbert when I in the first have received your letter, fairly to tell I did not think that that it to turn to such feelings. Norbert, now I cannot live without you and day. Earlier I heard much about love, about that as it is fine, but not when itself did not test it. Now I understand that this such. To me all without a difference, for me the main thing that at me is you, other all without variously. I will be assured that with you I the happiest girl of the world. I am very happy that that our feelings are mutual. Norbert, each person should have second half, I have found it. It you Norbert!!!! Today I have been very strained, I all thought of that that you will answer me. When I went to library my heart fought as if one million times a minute. I have opened your letter, and my heart has stood. Thanks you Norbert!!!! Thanks for that that you are. Thanks for that that I have found you. You trust in destiny? Norbert after we have got acquainted I I trust in destiny, not that in the world does not become in vain. All life I was one, I waited for that minute when there will be you!!!! My thoughts now all are mixed, I think of much. I also dream, I worry, I weigh all. Norbert if both of us agree to that that I come to you. I will learn all about a trip. Norbert as soon as I learn all I I will inform you. Norbert, I think that that it not all so simply, but I will make all and I will arrive to you. I am assured of that that it in my forces. Moreover into the account of forces that that absolutely now they do not suffice me, when I went to parents I have caught a cold a little, but I think that that it not that serious and it will pass. I think when we will be together we will care the friend at that time when to us badly. We will share all life experience. I think that that together our life will be fine!!! You too so think? Well. On it I will finish to an owl the letter, tomorrow affairs much, still I wish to descend in hospital what to pass inspection, and that the doctor would write out to me any tablets, that cold would not turn in what that more serious. As, I will go and I will learn about that as to me to arrive to you. I will write to you tomorrow my long-awaited Norbert.
Dreaming of you Irina!!!
Letter 20
Norbert, is glad to read your lines. Thanks for that that you bring to me in them a smile, pleasure. Norbert, I am happy when I read your lines. And I so would like that you spoke it to me looking in my eyes. You want it?. As I spoke to you, I visited the doctor. But before visiting the doctor in has staid huge turn, in our hospital now there are physical examinations, on conscription. I at all do not understand why it passes in simple hospital. From for it there huge turns, even old grandmothers sit and wait for that when there will pass physical examination young men. Norbert, and at you before conscription young men as pass physical examination in usual civil hospitals? I think, that the state should take away special places for this purpose. I very tired to expect, the doctor to me has told that that at me not that terrible has written out to me bromgeksin. You know that this medicine. He to me has told that that it will soon relieve me of cold. I will be on it hopes. Norbert, in hospital I have met my former schoolgirl Olga, it was with mum they as have melted on reception in the doctor to the pediatrist. Olga, was ill with a chicken pox. I have wished it the prompt recover. She has asked me when I to them will return. I would not like to speak to it, but I have told that that I any more when at them I will not teach. It was very much afflicted but I have told to it that that she very presented girl and when she will grow it can understand all it. Then I have looked in my bag and I have found sweets have treated her. She has smiled, and to me was so pleasantly to see this smile. Norbert, I very much like to see at close people a smile on the person, it does me pleasure. Norbert when I will arrive to you I always I will smile!! You will be happy from it? Norbert, today I wished to go to travel agency what to learn about a trip to you. But I have not had time to make it today as, very long time have stayed in hospital. Tomorrow I will go there and I will begin our meeting. I very much wish to speak to you about the love looking in your eyes, and I am am pleased very much with those that I can do it soon!!!!
Yours and only your loving Irina.
Letter 21
To me painfully to speak to you about it. But I cannot arrive to you. Norbert, it is very expensive to me. When I have heard how many the trip I will cost has not fainted nearly. Norbert, I have asked them whence they took such prices. They have explained me that that if I do all it is itself leaves even more. As it will be necessary for me to go and receive documents most. And at them contracts everywhere are concluded and consequently they do it more cheaply, and faster. Whether they have asked me I will conclude the contract on a trip. I have refused. Norbert, forgive me, forgive me for that that I to you have encouraged, forgive for that that I spoke to you about that that our meeting will be very fast. I trust in our love and I trust in that that all dreams realizable. Norbert, I do not know that to you to tell, I understand that that I am guilty to you. But if you forgive me we can continue dialogue further. And further we will already see that to us to do. I love, I love you all heart and I would like to shout so loudly that you would hear about it!!!!! You are necessary to me, and your love!!!! I beg you forgive me for that that I was so is silly and have not learnt about all in advance. I thought of that that my savings will suffice, but it is not enough of it. I simply did not know. Forgive me Norbert!!! Norbert, you at me good and I hope that that you will think and will try to understand me and developed situation. I very much hope for your pardon because without you my life is not meaningful! I love you, I love, I love you Norbert!!!! I hope to see your answer! I LOVE YOU!!!! Without you, I do not know what for to me to live. I am created only for you!!!
Loving Irina.
Loving Irina.
Letter 22
How you today? I am very glad to see your letter. I love you and very much I miss on you. I so am glad that you have written today to me. My darling Norbert, I knew that you will answer me. Norbert, I knew that you not to leave me one. I am very guilty to you, I ask from you applications. Norbert, please, forgive me. I learnt in travel agency that I can arrive to you without your invitation. To me have told in travel agency that I can receive all necessary documents for a trip to you for two weeks. To me have told what to travel to you the fastest way to travel as the tourist. To travel as the tourist to me it is necessary will receive for the boundary passport, the visa to make the insurance, to pass medical inspection and to receive the inquiry. Norbert, me have told that the complete set of these documents will be there are 633 dollars. My darling when I have learnt what sum I was necessary simply in a shock. To me it was very insulting on itself. To me it is very sick from my powerlessness. Norbert if I only could that that to make... Much can be spoken about how people love each other. I all the night long thought, what such the true love? I long could not fall asleep... Because thought of it? There are many stories in and histories about the true and strong love between the man and the woman. I think, that the true love is not absolutely such situation when to the person it is good with other person. This moment is certainly important for love, but I consider that there is an additional moment in which the sense of love consists. I think, that love it and still such condition when to the person it is bad without other person. You agree with me Norbert? Because can be so, that to you it is good with any person and you think, that it is love but when this person leaves, you becomes indifferent on it. But if to you very badly and sadly without this person then this condition of soul also can be named LOVE. What do you think of it Norbert? To me it is very sad without you... I can confidently tell that it is love. I LOVE YOU Norbert! I know, that you miss too me... Thus we have mutual love... The true love which will allow us to be happy. You agree with me? In this life the most important to understand, that it is the true love and when the person understands it, he becomes happy... I can be mistaken, but I so think. That you think of it Norbert. Tell to me please. I wish to know, that you think. I with impatience shall wait for your answer. I love you and very much I miss on you.
Your gentle and loving Irina.
Your gentle and loving Irina.
Letter 23
I am glad to receive your most beautiful and gentle letter. Thanks you, that You find time to write to me it. As I can arrive to you without the aid of travel agency. Where to me to address? You have what that plans? I know many people which used it tourist agency. This business of travel agency to be in my city for a long time. I do not think that this fraud. My darling at you is what that plans? I am always glad to receive your letters. I love you Norbert! You and only You in my loving heart. You for ever will be in it. You my angel, Which always is behind my back. My life very much has changed After that moment when we have got acquainted with you Norbert! You You feel too this change? I love you and I cannot without you!! You Has presented me happiness and love. Many thanks to you for it! All mine Dreams only about you and about our happy life. Today I went in The Internet of cafe also has seen pair which was happy together, they Held each other for hands and smiled. I have thought that we also Could walk and smile and that other people looked at us Also, as well as I looked today at this pair. As I want, that ours The meeting was carried out now!!! And you? But I understand, that it is necessary for us To wait some time for this purpose. But at night you now always with me Norbert. I do not wish to let off you, When I wake up, but I know, that as soon as I shall lay down to sleep. I can To embrace you and to kiss My Norbert! I love you!!!
With love your gentle and loving Irina.
Letter 24
Hello My darling Norbert !!!!! I do not know as at you mail reaches. I wish to tell that in Russia mail reaches very long, happens so mail reaches in a month. But if you want that I have written you mail that I can write to you and I will send only I do not know when you it have received. I would trust your daughter. Your daughter would be to me as my native. Your daughter would become for me as though I her mother.My address: country Russia, Shumsurga, street shkolnaya, house 7 apartment 3. Norbert, today I did not sleep all night long. I thought of us. About that as to us to be together. Norbert, I have got tired to wait, I was tired from that that I cannot with the beloved. Norbert, I have solved I will search for ways itself what to arrive to you. I hope that that at me all to turn out and our meeting will come true. Norbert, I am simple already and the truth has got tired to press that that. What that of a miracle. I think that that I need most to make all. Otherwise to our meeting not to be executed. And if he not to be executed. To me not when not to be happy. You are necessary to me only and only your love. I will do all for our happiness. Though I also do not represent that I need to do and with what to begin. I know one, that for this purpose what to us to be together. We need a considerable quantity of money. At me they are not present. But I will search for ways what them to find. Though where at heart I even do not represent that that to a smog to make it. You are necessary to me!!!! Also I will make all that in my forces. Tomorrow I will go to parents, to consult to them. Norbert, I will write to you as I will arrive. With impatience I will wait when again I will see your letters.
Yours and only yours Irina.
Yours and only yours Irina.
Letter 25
Norbert, to me it is now very bad. To me from that that our meeting can badly not happen. But I promise you that that I shall make all for the sake of this. I adore you also to me you are necessary only. My address: country Russia, Shumshurga, street shkolnaya, house 7 apartment 3. My name Rumyancewa Irina. I do not know the exact postal index, Norbert I will specify it for you. Norbert, my mum very much experiences for me and maintains. Today she has arrived to me and has told that that will be with me. To help me that or to make. Norbert. I am very glad that that washing mums has arrived me to support. It will be easier to me to carry these difficult minutes to lives. Norbert, tell to me. And what you make? Whether you will go through about that I can arrive to you? I hope what yes! It will give to me of forces to struggle and go forward to our happiness. I very much would like that we always beside, that I always would see the reflection in your eyes. Norbert, I all heart and soul love you. Norbert, I wish to be with you! You are necessary to me only. Norbert, you my ideal! I shall make all that in my forces what to arrive to you! I adore you!!! Norbert, I send you millions air kisses, and I hope for that that very soon I can kiss you in reality! Good-bye mine Norbert!!!!
Your loving Irina.
Your loving Irina.
Letter 26
Norbert, as at you business. How your mood? My mum transmits you the best a wish, and speaks about that that very much would want that we were together!!! Norbert, I all think of those ways as I can arrive to you my love. You know for me now your support is very important. Norbert, please speak to me every day about that that you trust in that that we will be together. Norbert, today I went on all acquaintances but as I and expected not who cannot help me with such sum of money. I not so strongly was upset because I trust in that that we will be together. As my girlfriend Sveta, has advised to me to try to take the loan in bank. I to her have told about that that will not grant to me such loan as I now the unemployed. She to me has told that that it is possible to try all the same. But for this purpose it is necessary to collect documents from old work. Norbert, I very long thought of it and I have decided to descend tomorrow in the FORMER PLACE of WORK, and to collect all necessary documents. To me there I very would not be desirable to go I think that that you remember why, but not looking at it I will go there tomorrow as for me it is very important to be with you and I should refract myself for the sake of it. My mum has told that that will go with me, for this purpose what will check that all as it should be. I hope that that you understand me and as maintain me in it. Norbert, I very strongly love you I all soul I would want that we were together, and I will make all for the sake of it. Because you that man about which I dreamt all life. Norbert, for us now the main thing to trust in that that we will be together and it is obligatory to happen!!!! After all so? I gently embrace you, I hope that that very soon I can do it every day!!!
Letter 27
Norbert, I very much grieve without you. You are necessary to me my love. I as if choke, from that that you are not present near to me. I am am overflowed with mental anguish, it so is bad. That at least I can well read your letters and write to you. It though as that reduces my pain. Tell to me about that as you spend days, tell to me about that as you dream of me. If you knew as I would want that you were now near to me. I all heart hope for that that in us forces will suffice and we will overcome this barrier. Norbert, today we went together with mum for old work, the chief there was not, I have collected all necessary documents in a staff department as to me there have written the characteristic. Then at once I have gone to bank and have written the statement on the loan. To me have told that that hardly she will pass. I very much was upset. But to us have advised to try what mum took the loan as there are good loans for pensioners on treatment. As they have told that that my father as can take the similar loan. Norbert, my mum has written the statement but while documents not a smog to give as its documents of the house. Today she has gone in Morki, tomorrow she will arrive with all documents and with the daddy, and they will try to help to be to us together. Norbert, I so am glad that that we had though what that a real hope of that that we will be together. For many days on my face there was a smile, mum has told that that is very glad that that to me became at least better. Norbert, but equal to me as that not on itself from that that my mum and the daddy will borrow all so much much. But if all to turn out, when I will arrive to you to me work what to help parents will be necessary to extinguish the loan. I would like you to ask about that what you have tried to find to me there work at yourself. Understand for me it will be very important to help parents. I hope that that you will try that or to make. I very much hope for you. I adore you my sweet prince. I very much would want that we were together. Norbert, believe to me I on all I will go for the sake of you. Because I love you as not who not when did not love. When I will be with you I would will make all that from your face not when the smile did not disappear. I adore you my charm!!!!! I kiss you on the mouth.
Yours and only yours Irina. Yours and only yours Irina.
Yours and only yours Irina. Yours and only yours Irina.
Letter 28
Today I weigh day ran, I did not sleep practically all night long I all thought of that to turn out or it will not turn out to take from parents the loan. They have arrived early in the morning, and together we have gone to bank, they have submitted all documents on consideration. The exact answer will be in two days. Norbert, whether I so worry to turn out to take this loan from parents. That seems to me that we still had this unique chance. As today to me have told that that have given up in the loan to me as at present I am the unemployed. We need to be trusted only in that that my parents can make for us it!!! I will be happy to see yours the hand-written letter. Norbert, you know every day I I grieve without you more and more. You so are close to me in a shower and so far physically. But I do not lose hope for that that we will overcome this distance and we will be together. Norbert, I so would want that we were now nearby. I love you very strongly, I do not know as I lived earlier without you. Norbert, you sense of my life. On my face there is a smile from that that probably our dream will come true both we will be together and I can see your fine eyes, your gentle smile every day. Norbert, I dream to wake up and feel your breath by a number. It would be so perfectly! Norbert, you know to me today the fine dream when I have woken up on my face has dreamt there was a smile. To me was so well. In this dream we sat in the cosy house, in a soft armchair at a fireplace. We looked at fire, having nestled to each other, I felt each **** of your heart. You it is gentle and it is sweet me kissed on a neck, we have been raised us atmosphere of romanticism of passion and love surrounded. Norbert, you like to look at fire. I very much love, because fire personifies a life and the family centre. When we will be together I all I would will make that you and our family was happy. Norbert I would go with you though on a world's end, it would be fine to be with you on a vessel. Norbert, my charm you all that is at me in a life and I on all am ready for the sake of you!!!!!!!!!! I hope that that at mum and the daddy, all will turn out and soon we will together! I gently and passionately embrace you.
With love yours and only yours Irina .
With love yours and only yours Irina .
Letter 29
I am very glad to receive your fine letter. Norbert, your letters bring to me a lot of happiness and smiles! I very much miss on you my gentle prince. I very much wish to be in your gentle embraces. All my thoughts heart are occupied only by you and thoughts on you. I very much want to you. I wish to feel all your caress love and tenderness. I do not have not enough your heat. I wish to congratulate you on a light holiday. Norbert, with Christmas you. Norbert, to me it is very bad without you! I very strongly wish to be with you Norbert!!!! About as I would want that our lips merged in hot passionate kisses. I would want that you passionately breathed and spoke me that that you love me. I would want that you caressed language and lips my ears. I dream to cover your fine body with kisses every day! I very much like your dreams, I would give all that they were executed. I very strongly wish to be necessary with you to me only you and your love. My heart, soul and a body all asks to you! I very strongly love you, I all would give what now to be with you. About Norbert, my love I very much like your dreams, I very much would want that they were executed as soon as possible! Your dreams are fine!!! We will be the happiest pair on the earth when we will be together. Our love grows every day and gets stronger. Our love is strong and together we can overcome all on our way. The love this such feeling which allows two loving people to do miracles. We in Russia have such saying "Separation for love as a wind for fire, small extinguishes and big I inflate" I think that that this very correct phrase. He reflects in itself very correct sense. Norbert, our love is strong also separation for us only more to fall in love us in each other. I cannot so more to live apart from you any more! My heart cries from a pain. This pain will go out only then when we will be together!!!! Norbert, I hope that what be fast we can together and for ever!!!! I adore you, my sun! You for me, as a ray of light in the dark sky. You shine only for me and you shine to me a way fortunately, fortunately with you!!!! I cannot live without your love any more and caresses!!!! I very strongly want to you my angel. Norbert, you my second half! I want to you, I wish you to see to embrace to kiss! Norbert, tomorrow will tell the answer to that that will give out the loan or not. Norbert, I very much hope that that all will be good to take also the loan to turn out. I worry, likely today I cannot fall asleep because our destiny tomorrow dares. I try to expel thoughts from the head, about tomorrow as when I think of it, to me thoughts on that get to a head suddenly to turn out to make that. Therefore I try to hammer in all my thoughts another. To me so madly to be wished to be with you and to give you every day all love!!!! I TRUST, I TRUST In THAT THAT we WILL be TOGETHER!!! Tomorrow I will inform you about everything, I hope that that tomorrow I will write good news. I LOVE YOU Norbert!!!!! I send you millions air kisses, let they will warm you while I cannot warm you the kisses and the body.
Yours and only yours Irina.
Yours and only yours Irina.
Letter 30
Norbert, I am happy. I hurry up to you to inform good news. Today we went to bank, to us have told that the loan is approved also money will give out tomorrow. I am happy, really at us it has turned out. You are glad? I cannot find to myself a place. I would like to jump up to heavens with happiness. Norbert, at last that the black ***** has passed in our life. And soon we will together. As soon as tomorrow mum and the daddy will receive the sum, I will go at once to conclude the contract with travel agency. Norbert when I went to travel agency to me have told that that after I will issue with them the contract. It will be necessary to wait two weeks while will prepare all documents. You represent 15 days, and I will be already ready to take off to you. I am very grateful to mum and the daddy that they have made it for us. I have kissed them, they at me the finest parents in all to a measure. I to you have one more surprise. Now I in library with mum and the daddy. They certainly do not know English language. But they wish to write to you, they will dictate that they wish to tell, and I will write it. I think that that you are glad to it. Norbert, I hope that that I have brought to you a smile the letter, and you are happy as well as I to that that our meeting will soon come true I love you, my sweet!!!! I with impatience will wait for your following letter.
Yours and only yours Irina.
Yours and only yours Irina.
Letter 31
I am glad to see your letter. Yesterday we were late in library, I explained to my parents, about that how to use internet for this purpose what when I I will at you we could communicate with them. Norbert, at last that our affairs are adjusted. And our meeting has started to move in execution. Norbert, today to my parents have given out the loan at a rate of 1270 dollars. I have counted, it should suffice on documents and the ticket. As I also spoke I at once have gone to travel agency. Norbert I have made it, I have paid it that sum which I to have and they Have told, that with documents which I have brought all normally. And Have told, that at me to have every chance to receive this visa. I was happy. But as I also spoke it will be necessary to wait about 14 days, depending on How there will be an interview in Embassy in Moscow. And I can be with You. Norbert as me would ask that I have informed them the exact name of the airport in which you can meet me. I need to be informed it to them in the near future. Norbert, I hope that that in the following letter you will inform me it! Norbert, now there comes such period in which to us it is necessary to be in time much. I need to make much for this trip, as for interview passage. But me have assured that that with my knowledge of English language I without problems to a smog to make it. But I all equal worry not much. I took today approximate questions which happen on interview, and them I will learn. Norbert, you my unique and long-awaited, I very strongly love you!!! You are necessary to me as air, without you I choke with mental anguish. I very much wish to be with you. I think you it see on my acts. I will make all for our happiness. I think you as is ready to make all for us I yours for ever, only your and nobody's another.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Irina.
Letter 32
Norbert, I very much grieve without you. But I am am pleased with those that soon we will together. Today I went and found out about that as I can forward money to parents. When I will be at you. I will need to return this money approximately in a current a floor of year. How you think I can earn such sum for such period of time? My parents have told that that not that is not necessary for them also they will try to pay. But I know that that for them it not really. As even if to count their general pension, they should save year what to give this money. Norbert, for me it will be very important to help parents with the loan. I asked you the name to the airport, but you have not written to me. Why? You You do not want, what I to arrive to you? Norbert tell to me!!! I think, that Soon I will with you, the more days passes, the more I am assured in It. I feel, that we with you love helps us. I love you Norbert, and all of us will overcome and we will be together and anybody and Never will separate us. Every day more and more our meeting comes nearer, and it very much pleases me. I yours for ever, only your and nobody's another.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Irina.
Letter 33
Norbert again new day. Soon I will with you. Every day does us More close one to another and be fast we can in embraces of one another and To enjoy our tenderness and caress. I so am glad to it. I so It is happy, that soon it happens. My heart madly knocks and with Impatience waits, when I can be with you. When I can To feel your kiss, your gentle and sweet embraces. I with Impatience I wait for this day, and I am assured, that it becomes fast Reality. I was today again in Travel agency. I have informed them the airport name. I it have told that that I very much worry into the interview account. To me have told, that all It will be good and that I can not worry. Speak, after tomorrow They will inform me more information. As will tell the ticket information. Now it is necessary to wait simply. And I I wait. I so do not wish to wait. I want more likely to you. Why all so is difficult? At first it is necessary to pay, then to wait. So it is difficult to me to wait. I everyone Night only also I think, only and I represent that I can be with You. In your embraces. As we can enjoy our love Everywhere, where we will want and as we will want. I am madly glad to it. Norbert in Travel agency to me as have told that I can without Problems the visa if to prove to the ambassador, that I have no plans to remain in To your country. And then I to have more chances of that what to receive The visa. And I should not as to speak that you wait for me. Then all It will turn out. Norbert then we will need to make many photo together and We can in general never will be separated. At you to have the chamber? We can To make it is a lot of photo together? I am assured, that we will have many photo Together. It is pleasant to you? I hope, that soon we will look at a photo together, On which we with you will be together and our love will warm us Eternally. I LOVE YOU Norbert!!!!!
Yours and only your loving and gentle Irina.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Irina.
Letter 34
Norbert I so am happy today. You represent. I will soon know Date when I to arrive to you. I with impatience wait, when will come Tomorrow what precisely nobility when interview and date of ours is appointed Meetings. Norbert I will inform at once you all what to find out. The most nearest airport to be in Moscow. Norbert you already all have prepared me for a meeting? I soon will with you. And All that is necessary for me, to be with you, and a place where we can be only in Together. I am assured, that we can organise it. Norbert I so worry. I am happy, that I will be with you both more and more I think, about that as it will happen. I know, that all will be fine. Because we will be together and already anybody and never can separate Us. Norbert, I even did not know that it is possible to be such happy. I now as if fly in heavens. The only thing about what I think it of you my prince. But I do not need to lose now vigilance to me it is necessary seriously concerns each step because the destiny both of us now dares. I trust in that that all will be good!!!! I with impatience wait for your letter tomorrow. I love you, I want to you and I dream of us together. And it becomes Reality. IT is fine!!!!!!!
Yours and only your loving and gentle Irina.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Irina.
Letter 35
Hello my beloved Norbert!!!
My darling as your mood? Norbert, you have a celebratory mood? I am going to meet this new year, as always, with the Parents. It is a pity to me, that parents do not have Internet. My beloved, I will miss very much under your letter. My darling Norbert, I will wait Your letter after a holiday. At me to awake consultation in the Moscow embassy. Before touch to a start. My darling Norbert, I will inform all information on my start after holidays. Because travel agencies. Are already closed. My darling, you love new year? How you wish to meet new year? We with mum will dress up a fur-tree. The daddy, likely, has already prepared a fur-tree. We with Mum we will make a good supper. We will prepare salads. I have already bought a goose, for this purpose what to prepare it with apples. My darling, I will think in New Year's eve desire. Norbert, I will not tell yet to you what it there will be a desire. But I think, that you guess, that I want most of all. I I love you Norbert!!! So it is a pity to me, that we cannot be together on this holiday. Norbert, now I will go on station and I will go by the bus to mine To parents. My darling, I wish you to meet happily and cheerfully new year with relatives to you people. With love and the best to wishes, yours and Only yours Irina!!!
My darling as your mood? Norbert, you have a celebratory mood? I am going to meet this new year, as always, with the Parents. It is a pity to me, that parents do not have Internet. My beloved, I will miss very much under your letter. My darling Norbert, I will wait Your letter after a holiday. At me to awake consultation in the Moscow embassy. Before touch to a start. My darling Norbert, I will inform all information on my start after holidays. Because travel agencies. Are already closed. My darling, you love new year? How you wish to meet new year? We with mum will dress up a fur-tree. The daddy, likely, has already prepared a fur-tree. We with Mum we will make a good supper. We will prepare salads. I have already bought a goose, for this purpose what to prepare it with apples. My darling, I will think in New Year's eve desire. Norbert, I will not tell yet to you what it there will be a desire. But I think, that you guess, that I want most of all. I I love you Norbert!!! So it is a pity to me, that we cannot be together on this holiday. Norbert, now I will go on station and I will go by the bus to mine To parents. My darling, I wish you to meet happily and cheerfully new year with relatives to you people. With love and the best to wishes, yours and Only yours Irina!!!
Letter 36
Norbert, my love at me to you one good one bad news. Today I went at travel agency. Good news that that to me have told when my start to you and here the ticket information:
Moscow- Frankfurt
Air Berlin
Flight AB8353
Departure 11 January 2011 16:55, Domodedovo Arpt
Arrival 11 January 2011 17:50, Tegel Airport
Airbus A320
Connection 2h 20m, in Berlin
Air Berlin
Flight AB6563
Departure 11 January 2011 20:10, Tegel Airport
Arrival 11 January 2011 21:25, Frankfurt Intl
Airbus A320
Norbert, and bad news in that that tickets are necessary in both parties. For this purpose that my government would be assured of that that I will fly back. Otherwise to me will not give out the visa and I cannot arrive to you. Norbert, I counted about that that the one way ticket will be necessary to me, and I did not count on that that it is necessary to pay for the second ticket. Norbert, now at me does not suffice 337 dollars what to arrive to you my love. I do not know as me to be now I already have much made for our meeting. Norbert, whether you can help us with it? I hope what yes, because you our unique chance. Norbert, I very much wish to be with you, and I think that that you see that that I have much made for our meeting. I hope that that you as will promote it and we can overcome this difficulty together. I love you Norbert!!! I very much would want that we were together. You all that are necessary for me in a life. You that for the sake of which I live, and I am assured of that that we are created for each other. To our happiness to us remains absolutely hardly - hardly and I hope that that we would will make now all what to be together!!! Whether I will wait for your letter and the answer you can help to pay in addition in travel agency. I madly wish to be with you. I am assured of that that you too. I gently embrace you and passionately whole, all heart I hope for that that soon I can to do it every day much, many times!!!
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
Moscow- Frankfurt
Air Berlin
Flight AB8353
Departure 11 January 2011 16:55, Domodedovo Arpt
Arrival 11 January 2011 17:50, Tegel Airport
Airbus A320
Connection 2h 20m, in Berlin
Air Berlin
Flight AB6563
Departure 11 January 2011 20:10, Tegel Airport
Arrival 11 January 2011 21:25, Frankfurt Intl
Airbus A320
Norbert, and bad news in that that tickets are necessary in both parties. For this purpose that my government would be assured of that that I will fly back. Otherwise to me will not give out the visa and I cannot arrive to you. Norbert, I counted about that that the one way ticket will be necessary to me, and I did not count on that that it is necessary to pay for the second ticket. Norbert, now at me does not suffice 337 dollars what to arrive to you my love. I do not know as me to be now I already have much made for our meeting. Norbert, whether you can help us with it? I hope what yes, because you our unique chance. Norbert, I very much wish to be with you, and I think that that you see that that I have much made for our meeting. I hope that that you as will promote it and we can overcome this difficulty together. I love you Norbert!!! I very much would want that we were together. You all that are necessary for me in a life. You that for the sake of which I live, and I am assured of that that we are created for each other. To our happiness to us remains absolutely hardly - hardly and I hope that that we would will make now all what to be together!!! Whether I will wait for your letter and the answer you can help to pay in addition in travel agency. I madly wish to be with you. I am assured of that that you too. I gently embrace you and passionately whole, all heart I hope for that that soon I can to do it every day much, many times!!!
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
Letter 37
Norbert, to me it is now very bad. I do not know as us to be. Really we cannot overcome this barrier. To us remains absolutely hardly - hardly. But me any more that not to make. Norbert. To me it is very sick, I cry. I very much wish to be with you. You are necessary to me Norbert!!!! The life without you is not necessary to me. Because without you I not when will not be happy!!!! I at all do not wish to think of that that that I cannot arrive to you. Norbert, I very much am afraid that all that we did all simply so. When parents took the loan in bank I knew that that they cannot pay off, but I hoped for that that I will go to you and to a smog to help them to pay off with the loan. I at all do not know that will be if I do not find these 337. Now it is valid ours with you a meeting depends on this sum. But besides the future of my parents depends on it also. I on know as me I to be lost. To me very badly favourite. From my eyes tears do not vanish. I constantly cry, and me at all to whom to calm. Why you not nearby my love??????????????? Norbert, all my hopes only on you. And only from you envy now our meeting. And that what destiny expects my parents. I very much hope for that that you will make everything, possible. Norbert. I trust in you, I trust in that that I am created for you. You the man for which I are created, and I trust in that that you would will make all for this purpose that I was near to you and was happy. I with impatience will wait for your letter. I hope to receive it soon and with good news I trust in you!!! Your loving Irina.
Letter 38
I am glad that that you can help us. To me very pleasantly that that you as care of our happiness. Norbert, I love you!!! I am madly happy that that you have not left me alone with this problem. Norbert when I found out about that how to forward money to parents for the loan, I have found out about such company as western union. You know such company. I found out it the company is engaged in the international remittances. To me have told that that she is very extended, and that that without problems can be found her as well as in the USA, and in Russia. As my city, is not especially developed in this plan at us her is not present. But she is in the next city. I especially was not interested to her as I did not have time for it. But tomorrow I will go there and all precisely I find out. I very much hope that that you can help us. And that that is the company to us will be useful. My darling Norbert, I understand you, that you worry and worry. Norbert, I do not understand those people who lives by means of a deceit. My darling, these people not when will not be happy. Norbert, to us remains absolutely hardly - hardly. You represent already 11 January, we can be together. I think that that have found love is very strong and together we can overcome this problem and we will be together in the appointed term. I love you all heart. And I hope for that that soon I will tell to you it looking in your eyes!!! I look forward your letter. Tomorrow I will inform on that that I have found out about western union, you as try to find out. I send to you much, many air kisses.
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
Letter 39
Norbert, I am glad to see your letter. I dream every day only of you. All my thoughts are occupied by you and our meeting. My beloved Norbert, me have told in the western union, that I should know the address of your western union. Norbert, me have told, that as I should write your surname and a name as you have specified it at transfer to me to the help for our meeting. As I spoke to you I went more to find out about company western union. I have found her in Cheboksaru. To me have told the following: For this purpose what you could send money to you it is necessary to specify my full name and a surname Irina Rumyanceva. I found out about this company to Engelsa 3 address. For this purpose what I could receive money to me it is necessary there will be a nobility: which you will specify Your name and a surname in the form. The bank address from which you will send money. The transfer sum. And control number which to you will tell there. Norbert, my love I hope that that you can help us and very soon I can arrive to you. Now I very much worry about ours with you the future. But I trust in that that your love to me is so strong as well as mine to you. And with this huge force we can overcome this barrier risen on a way to our happiness. But all the same, me it is bad from that that there was this problem. I very much would like to be only with you. I all would give what now to be in your gentle embraces. Norbert, you the finest man in the world. I am grateful to destiny that that I have met you. You that whom I searched for all life! To me very pleasantly that that you care of our meeting. Norbert, understand me that that I should even eat that, to me so it is bad from this problem. I cannot sleep, all my thoughts are occupied only by you. I dream to be with you! My life is not necessary to me if in her there will be no you!!! You that for the sake of whom I was are born. I to be created what with you. I feel all the soul and heart that you think of me! I love you Norbert!!!!! I would want that you warmed me now hot and passionate kisses. I wish to cover each centimetre of your fine body with kisses!!!!! You the best man on the earth, I am happy that that you mine! I hope that that we can overcome this barrier and we will be together for ever!!!! I adore you Norbert!!! I very much wish to be with you!!!! I with impatience will wait for your letter! I gently embrace you and passionately whole, I hope that that I can do it every day much, many times!!!! I dream of you Norbert!!!!
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
Letter 40
Hello my beloved Norbert.
I so am happy to see today your letter.
Norbert, I so am glad. That we can be together with you. I love you Norbert! My darling, thanks you for everything, that you do for our meeting. I madly love you my prince. I see, that you too as well as I very much want our meeting.
Norbert, thanks you for everything, that you do for our happiness. I thank the destiny for our meeting. I madly love you Norbert. My darling Norbert, I will come today in the cafe Internet once again in the evening. My darling, please, write me your exact information, for this purpose that I could receive your help for our meeting. Norbert, it is necessary for me to know your name and a surname as you have specified it in the western union. As probably the address of the western union or your address is required to me. My darling Norbert, write down your full address. Norbert, I will need to know the postal index, staff or region, a city. My darling Norbert, I so wish to be in that plane on January, 11th. To our meeting remains at all much. I will be the happiest ******* a planet near to you Norbert. I love you Norbert.
I hope soon to receive your letter.
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
I so am happy to see today your letter.
Norbert, I so am glad. That we can be together with you. I love you Norbert! My darling, thanks you for everything, that you do for our meeting. I madly love you my prince. I see, that you too as well as I very much want our meeting.
Norbert, thanks you for everything, that you do for our happiness. I thank the destiny for our meeting. I madly love you Norbert. My darling Norbert, I will come today in the cafe Internet once again in the evening. My darling, please, write me your exact information, for this purpose that I could receive your help for our meeting. Norbert, it is necessary for me to know your name and a surname as you have specified it in the western union. As probably the address of the western union or your address is required to me. My darling Norbert, write down your full address. Norbert, I will need to know the postal index, staff or region, a city. My darling Norbert, I so wish to be in that plane on January, 11th. To our meeting remains at all much. I will be the happiest ******* a planet near to you Norbert. I love you Norbert.
I hope soon to receive your letter.
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
Letter 41
Hello my beloved Norbert!!!
I am very glad to receive your letter. My darling Norbert, I do not understand why in the western union have told, that there is no such remittance. Norbert, me Have told, that transfer with number 7832000541 not when was not in their system.
Norbert. To me have told, that you can cancel the transfer if you Want. Norbert, you can receive your money itself back. My beloved, please, cancel your Internet transfer.
My darling, I so Madly it wish to appear in that plane which will arrive to you. Mine Norbert, I so wish to fly to you on January, 11th.
At us already remains at all It is a lot of time. I need to go to Moscow only days. At first it is necessary for me to pay to travel agency of 337 dollars. Norbert, me as Have told, that I not truly write down the surname in English. I not when did not write the surname in English earlier. My surname on English language looks so Irina Rumyantseva. Norbert, please make your help for our meeting again. To you should give new mtcn. I hope, that you will make it for our meeting. I do not know what more to think up. Norbert, cancel transfer with number 7832000541 and make New mtcn on Irina Rumyantseva. I love you Norbert. I very much hope for that that on January, 11th we can be together.
It is already very fast. I am mad I wish to be with you. I would give all for that what to be in embraces of the beloved.
I love you my prince.
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
I am very glad to receive your letter. My darling Norbert, I do not understand why in the western union have told, that there is no such remittance. Norbert, me Have told, that transfer with number 7832000541 not when was not in their system.
Norbert. To me have told, that you can cancel the transfer if you Want. Norbert, you can receive your money itself back. My beloved, please, cancel your Internet transfer.
My darling, I so Madly it wish to appear in that plane which will arrive to you. Mine Norbert, I so wish to fly to you on January, 11th.
At us already remains at all It is a lot of time. I need to go to Moscow only days. At first it is necessary for me to pay to travel agency of 337 dollars. Norbert, me as Have told, that I not truly write down the surname in English. I not when did not write the surname in English earlier. My surname on English language looks so Irina Rumyantseva. Norbert, please make your help for our meeting again. To you should give new mtcn. I hope, that you will make it for our meeting. I do not know what more to think up. Norbert, cancel transfer with number 7832000541 and make New mtcn on Irina Rumyantseva. I love you Norbert. I very much hope for that that on January, 11th we can be together.
It is already very fast. I am mad I wish to be with you. I would give all for that what to be in embraces of the beloved.
I love you my prince.
Yours and only yours Irina!!!
Letter 42
Hello my beloved Norbert.
I madly wish to be near to the favourite person. Norbert, I most of all in the world wish to be near to you. I love you Norbert. My darling Norbert, me it is very sick from my powerlessness. I very much wish to make all for our meeting. I dream to wake up in the morning from your sweet kisses. I very much wish to enjoy your strong embraces. Norbert, I wish to be only in your embraces. I love you my gentle prince.
To me it is very sick from that that we not that cannot make. My beloved Norbert. I in alarm. I am absolutely lost. I do not know, that to me now to do. I do not know where to me to think up these 337 dollars. I and My parents and so we have already made not possible have found the basic sum of money for our meeting.
Norbert. I have paid to travel agency 1270 Dollars. But not all this sum has been spent for tickets to you. Norbert, I paid 633 dollars for reception of necessary documents for a trip: The passport for travel abroad, the insurance, the visa of the tourist, the medical inquiry. My beloved, I have paid only a part of the price of tickets. I have paid for Tickets of 637 dollars.
Norbert. The complete set of tickets to you and back the price 974 dollars. My darling Norbert, it is necessary for me to find 337 dollars more. If I I will not find this sum that all our works will be vain. Norbert, I do not know what to do. That it is possible to think up.
To me it is madly sick and it is a shame from mine Powerlessness. If I only could that that to think up. I love you Norbert!!! I am ready to make all for the sake of our meeting.
Norbert, I already paid to travel agency of 1270 dollars. My darling Norbert, I have paid 633 dollars for: the visa, the passport for travel abroad, medical inspection and for tickets to Moscow. Norbert, I also have paid for tickets aboard the plane , I have paid for tickets of 667 dollars. Cost of tickets of 974 US dollars, I need to pay for tickets 337 US dollars more.
My prince, I do not know where to me to take such sum. Norbert, I already occupied in all my acquaintances. My documents are already ready also the visa too. But I can receive them only when I will give to travel agency 337 dollars. I do not represent where to me them to find.
If I could find this sum I could fly to you already On January, 11th. I so would like to fly to you On January, 11th. I do not know what to think up. I love you Norbert, very much I wish to be with you nearby. I would not like to live at all... Why I cannot be near to favourite!!! Why the destiny so is severe to us. What for in general to live in this world without love. Sense of my life it you Norbert.
But I cannot understand why I cannot be close to you. I very much wish to fall asleep and wake up near to the favourite. I wish to see you every day, for me
this happiness. The love is happiness but why we cannot be happy together. I will be the happiest girl in the world if we are when or together. I very much would want that it happens. I LOVE YOU NORBERT, I ADORE YOU MY PRINCE. I NOT WHOM NOT WHEN SO DID NOT LOVE AS I LOVE YOU. AND I NOT WHEN NOT WHOM WILL NOT LOVE AS I LOVE YOU NORBERT.
I madly wish to be near to the favourite person. Norbert, I most of all in the world wish to be near to you. I love you Norbert. My darling Norbert, me it is very sick from my powerlessness. I very much wish to make all for our meeting. I dream to wake up in the morning from your sweet kisses. I very much wish to enjoy your strong embraces. Norbert, I wish to be only in your embraces. I love you my gentle prince.
To me it is very sick from that that we not that cannot make. My beloved Norbert. I in alarm. I am absolutely lost. I do not know, that to me now to do. I do not know where to me to think up these 337 dollars. I and My parents and so we have already made not possible have found the basic sum of money for our meeting.
Norbert. I have paid to travel agency 1270 Dollars. But not all this sum has been spent for tickets to you. Norbert, I paid 633 dollars for reception of necessary documents for a trip: The passport for travel abroad, the insurance, the visa of the tourist, the medical inquiry. My beloved, I have paid only a part of the price of tickets. I have paid for Tickets of 637 dollars.
Norbert. The complete set of tickets to you and back the price 974 dollars. My darling Norbert, it is necessary for me to find 337 dollars more. If I I will not find this sum that all our works will be vain. Norbert, I do not know what to do. That it is possible to think up.
To me it is madly sick and it is a shame from mine Powerlessness. If I only could that that to think up. I love you Norbert!!! I am ready to make all for the sake of our meeting.
Norbert, I already paid to travel agency of 1270 dollars. My darling Norbert, I have paid 633 dollars for: the visa, the passport for travel abroad, medical inspection and for tickets to Moscow. Norbert, I also have paid for tickets aboard the plane , I have paid for tickets of 667 dollars. Cost of tickets of 974 US dollars, I need to pay for tickets 337 US dollars more.
My prince, I do not know where to me to take such sum. Norbert, I already occupied in all my acquaintances. My documents are already ready also the visa too. But I can receive them only when I will give to travel agency 337 dollars. I do not represent where to me them to find.
If I could find this sum I could fly to you already On January, 11th. I so would like to fly to you On January, 11th. I do not know what to think up. I love you Norbert, very much I wish to be with you nearby. I would not like to live at all... Why I cannot be near to favourite!!! Why the destiny so is severe to us. What for in general to live in this world without love. Sense of my life it you Norbert.
But I cannot understand why I cannot be close to you. I very much wish to fall asleep and wake up near to the favourite. I wish to see you every day, for me
this happiness. The love is happiness but why we cannot be happy together. I will be the happiest girl in the world if we are when or together. I very much would want that it happens. I LOVE YOU NORBERT, I ADORE YOU MY PRINCE. I NOT WHOM NOT WHEN SO DID NOT LOVE AS I LOVE YOU. AND I NOT WHEN NOT WHOM WILL NOT LOVE AS I LOVE YOU NORBERT.
Letter 43
Hi my lovely man...
Mine Norbert!!! I do not know what now to do.
Similar, that my works and my parents will be gone in vain. We will lose almost 1300 dollars in vain. I do not know what now to do. The start should be on January, 11st. Not so really, that that to think up and similar tickets will be gone in vain. I am this night very sweet slept. In my thoughts you were a number. Near to me. We were together.
We had a big love. It will be fast this love for us real. This love will not die!!! She will not die, because we live with you, we make love. We love each other!!!
I adore you my sweet prince. I can not wait when I will appear in your embraces. When our lips will merge in a wild kiss, in wild desire, in desire to make love. I love you. I cannot without you. My heart burns down in a hot flame of love. In that love which belongs only to us with you. I feel you nearby, I feel your gentle touch to my body, I feel your gentle kiss. I descend with the sum. I do not know that with me is created. I cannot constrain the feelings which are torn to freedom. Which I wish to give you. To give with the body. To give with all love. Love which is pulled out from my ****** Which is worthy only you. Forgive that I write to you it is everything, but I cannot any more.
I wish to be with you. I wish to be your wife. I wish to live with you. I wish to give you all. I wish to give myself. I love you my gentle Norbert!!! Rescue me, Rescue my heart which cannot without you. Without your touch. Without your caress. Forgive if I that that has told not and you my angel that that has offended in my words. These are my feelings which I not in forces to constrain to you Norbert Each time when I write you the letter I depart. I depart in the dreams about you. About ours with you happiness.
About ours with you of love. I love you.
Loved yesterday, I love today, I will love tomorrow and I will always love you. To you spoke sometime, What are you a wizard, can work wonders?! If is not present, I speak it to you. You could change my dreams and my hobbies,
My life and my sights at it - to change me.
Yesterday you could transform the pity Grimace in a natural and easy smile which has placed - in loudly knocking heart. And unless exist In the world of a word which could characterise you full?! Certainly, no!!! Those people who thought out them, Simply were not familiar with you. But not about it now. I write to tell to you the unique word: "Thanks". Thanks for that person which I became, thanks to you; thanks for Happy smile and shine in eyes which do not descend now from my person; Thanks for those things on which you have opened to me eyes - in a word, thanks THAT YOU are! I love you Norbert!!! And my love is eternal. I yours Norbert. Forgive but I notice in your lines about love Words not trust to me are well hidden. I know my darling to you terribly. You cannot trust me. You try to trust me but you are afraid. I feel it.
My darling Norbert. I want only one I wish to be yours. I wish to love you. I wish to feel you. I want that you trusted me as I trust you.
I know that it difficultly I wish to help you my love. Listen to the heart and make that that it wants. To me are not necessary Money your love and your presence near to me is necessary to me. Money it is the help which to us will help to find with you happiness and our life Together.
I want it above all instead of your money. I feel your love it very strong. Both of us dream to be together And we should be together. I very much hope that we will soon together. To you to solve my darling Norbert my destiny. My heart is at you in your gentle hands.
Mine Norbert!!! I do not know what now to do.
Similar, that my works and my parents will be gone in vain. We will lose almost 1300 dollars in vain. I do not know what now to do. The start should be on January, 11st. Not so really, that that to think up and similar tickets will be gone in vain. I am this night very sweet slept. In my thoughts you were a number. Near to me. We were together.
We had a big love. It will be fast this love for us real. This love will not die!!! She will not die, because we live with you, we make love. We love each other!!!
I adore you my sweet prince. I can not wait when I will appear in your embraces. When our lips will merge in a wild kiss, in wild desire, in desire to make love. I love you. I cannot without you. My heart burns down in a hot flame of love. In that love which belongs only to us with you. I feel you nearby, I feel your gentle touch to my body, I feel your gentle kiss. I descend with the sum. I do not know that with me is created. I cannot constrain the feelings which are torn to freedom. Which I wish to give you. To give with the body. To give with all love. Love which is pulled out from my ****** Which is worthy only you. Forgive that I write to you it is everything, but I cannot any more.
I wish to be with you. I wish to be your wife. I wish to live with you. I wish to give you all. I wish to give myself. I love you my gentle Norbert!!! Rescue me, Rescue my heart which cannot without you. Without your touch. Without your caress. Forgive if I that that has told not and you my angel that that has offended in my words. These are my feelings which I not in forces to constrain to you Norbert Each time when I write you the letter I depart. I depart in the dreams about you. About ours with you happiness.
About ours with you of love. I love you.
Loved yesterday, I love today, I will love tomorrow and I will always love you. To you spoke sometime, What are you a wizard, can work wonders?! If is not present, I speak it to you. You could change my dreams and my hobbies,
My life and my sights at it - to change me.
Yesterday you could transform the pity Grimace in a natural and easy smile which has placed - in loudly knocking heart. And unless exist In the world of a word which could characterise you full?! Certainly, no!!! Those people who thought out them, Simply were not familiar with you. But not about it now. I write to tell to you the unique word: "Thanks". Thanks for that person which I became, thanks to you; thanks for Happy smile and shine in eyes which do not descend now from my person; Thanks for those things on which you have opened to me eyes - in a word, thanks THAT YOU are! I love you Norbert!!! And my love is eternal. I yours Norbert. Forgive but I notice in your lines about love Words not trust to me are well hidden. I know my darling to you terribly. You cannot trust me. You try to trust me but you are afraid. I feel it.
My darling Norbert. I want only one I wish to be yours. I wish to love you. I wish to feel you. I want that you trusted me as I trust you.
I know that it difficultly I wish to help you my love. Listen to the heart and make that that it wants. To me are not necessary Money your love and your presence near to me is necessary to me. Money it is the help which to us will help to find with you happiness and our life Together.
I want it above all instead of your money. I feel your love it very strong. Both of us dream to be together And we should be together. I very much hope that we will soon together. To you to solve my darling Norbert my destiny. My heart is at you in your gentle hands.
Letter 44
I do not know what to make, I can not any more so. I cry each day, each day tears from my eyes, I want to be with you but I can not. Forgive me, I at all do not know what to make now, My heart hurts, because to you I it was bad also can not correct. Forgive me Norbert !!!!!
Forgive for all, It I unhappy it never to be with the favourite person. Better to you to leave me one. find your love in the country, I can not be with you. I do not have forces more. I do not know what to make, To me it is very bad. But I shall live. To live reading your letters and I shall be happy if you will be are happy. I shall not prevent more to you meet the good girl which can to make you happy. Forgive, But I think that I can not make anything any more. I can not neither sleep nor work. Only one of ideas I live. It is an idea, it is dream, but I think that it becomes a reality. You must to be happy. I think that with me you will not be happy. We can not overcome distance between us and I hope that you will find the happiness. Overlook about me. I can not make you happy. I am very far. Irina!!!
Forgive for all, It I unhappy it never to be with the favourite person. Better to you to leave me one. find your love in the country, I can not be with you. I do not have forces more. I do not know what to make, To me it is very bad. But I shall live. To live reading your letters and I shall be happy if you will be are happy. I shall not prevent more to you meet the good girl which can to make you happy. Forgive, But I think that I can not make anything any more. I can not neither sleep nor work. Only one of ideas I live. It is an idea, it is dream, but I think that it becomes a reality. You must to be happy. I think that with me you will not be happy. We can not overcome distance between us and I hope that you will find the happiness. Overlook about me. I can not make you happy. I am very far. Irina!!!
Created: 2011-01-25 Last updated: 2011-01-25 Views: 1498