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Dating scammer Anna Lapteva
First name: Anna
Last name: Lapteva
Age: 22
Name aliases:
Ana, Anechka, Aneshka, Anetta, Ania, Anika, Aniuta, Aniya, Anja, Anka, Ann, Annah, Annchik, Anne, Annet, Anneta, Annetka, Annia, Annie, Annija, Annika, Annochka, Annulenka, Annulka, Annulya, Annusha, Annushka, Annusika, Annuta, Annutusha, Anny, Annya, Annyshka, Anushka, Anuta, Anutik, Anutka, Anuytachka, Anya, Anyka, Anyta, Anyunya, Anyuta, Anyutka, Anyutochka, Hanechka, Hanna, Hannushka, Hanny, Hanuta, Hanutik, Hanutka, Khanka, Nusha, Nusha, Nyusha
Scammer's Location(s):
Ekaterinburg (Russia)
Russia, 620000, Ekaterinburg, Shefskaya str., 87/3-66
Phone number(s):
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
MSN Personals


Sayer (Australia)

Be carefull, friends and family are in on all scams she does.
This is just one of many letters she sent me requesting money! I hope you Find it helpfull. Please if you could let me know if there is anything i could do to prosecute this scammer or if there is any chance of getting some of my money back.
Thank you
Javier (USA)

Be careful, this girl is really good at scamming. We talked almost everyday on the phone and exchanged emails everyday for almost four months. She sent me tons of pictures. She didn't get but 300 dollars from me, and thats because I was trying to be smart about it.(I guess is was not) She sent me pictures of her passport and the number that she had giving me before did not match the number on the passport picture. Also the passports looked fake to me. If anyone else got scammed join this site, or lets all get in contact to see what we can do. I would love to put her in jail for lying, stealing my money and wasting my time.

Scam Letters

Emails from Anna Lapteva to Sayer (Australia)
My darling,
I have just come to Olya again. I went to the Western Union office and I did not have chance to go to the travel agency yet. I'll explain you why.
It was a little problem at the bank but everything is ok finally. They asked me your last name and as it occurred I did not know your surname. But they checked my ID and gave the money anyway as I knew the control number. But I wonder what your last name it my sweetheart. There was $560 US and it was not enough to pay for the papers today, so I decided to wait till tomorrow when you send the rest of the money. I'll need extra $165 US. I hope you can send it tomorrow as I can't wait to start the paper process.
I am happy my sweet Sayer as I feel it'll not take so long and I'll be with you really soon. I love you so so much!!! It is such a happiness to be in love with you my adorable Sayer.
I'll be waiting for your letter tomorrow morning and hope everything will be ok and my visa and passport will be started soon.
Many sweet kisses to you my darling,
Emails from Anna Lapteva to Javier (USA)
My sweet Javy,
I love talking with you. I am just sorry we've been disconnected for a few times but that is Russia and our phone line leaves much to be desired :-) You made my day!!! Your sweet voice makes me smile every single minute and it is happiness for me to hope that we'll be together really soon. I am happy that you can bring me to yourself. I was telling you on phone that it is possible to arrange a tourist visa only and I'll explain you everything step by step what I have found from the travel agency.
Officially, I can get a visa to any country I want if I apply to the Embassy or the Consulate of the country I intend to go to. And I got to know that officially it is possible to get a visa after a couple of interviews but in reality it is not that way at all. In reality it is going to be impossible for me to get a visa in the Consulate or the Embassy without any other help due to the following reasons. I am young, unmarried, I have no children. I do not have any strong ties with my country. For the last several years the immigration rates in Russia were pretty high and now the policy of our government is very strict in this respect. And it is not that easy for a woman, a young girl particularly, to get a visa to any country via the Embassy or the Consulate. It is a waste of time and money. Officially everything is possible because Russia has become a democratic country after all and to prevent any person from going abroad without any v


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Created: 2003-05-20    Last updated: 2020-03-07    Views: 1817