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Dating scammer Yana
First name: Yana
Age: 24
Name aliases:
Iana, Ianusha, Ianushenka, Ioanna, Iyana, Jana, Janna, Janny, Yanita, Yanka, Yanna, Yanochka, Yanusha, Yanushka, Yanusia, Yanusik
Scammer's Location(s):
Lugansk (Ukraine)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Absolute Agency


REPORT N1 (added on June, 11, 2005)
I. T. (Greece)


Scam Letters

Emails from Yana to I. T. (Greece)
Hello my darling Ioannis!

I'm touched receiving your message. It is a big luck to realize that such an interesting person as you are have paid an attention on me. I'm very serious in my intention to find a real partner and a real soul-mate for me. I completely understand that it is impossible to start to create relations without realizing what a person you are and what am I. And as a beginning let me introduce myself. My name is Yana but I don't like my name in this way. As far as my friends and my family call me Yanochka I want you to call me Yanochka too. I'm 24 years old. I live in Lugansk city that is situated in the eastern part of Ukraine. I live with my parents in two room apartment. My mother Ludmila and my father Sergey are invalids cause the state of their health. My mother suffers for rheumatism. My father took part in Chernobil as a driver and now he has a difficulties with lungs and respiratory tract. They can't give me some financial support in life but I know that they have devoted all their love and treatment to me and I love them very much. As for my occupation at the moment. I have finished sewing college and now I work as a seamstress at the garment factory. I love my job very much but I set myself to become a designer as an object. I want to enter the university one day and to make in reality my dream. I love the world of fashion, I enjoy looking to different works of famous designers. I am said that I have a good sense of style and


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Created: 2005-06-11    Last updated: 2006-07-07    Views: 1538