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Dating scammer Irina Panteleeva
First name: Irina
Last name: Panteleeva
Age: 28
Vitalina Martynkina, Irina Shishova, Julia Kryilatova
Vitalina Martynkina, Irina Shishova, Julia Kryilatova
Name aliases:
Ira, Irchik, Irchika, Irchona, Irchonka, Irchushka, Irena, Irene, Irinchik, Irinchika, Irinka, Irinochka, Irinulya, Irinusenka, Irinusha, Irinushusenka, Irinuska, Irisha, Irishik, Irishka, Irka, Irocha, Irochka, Iroschka, Irunya, Irushka, Irusichka, Irusik, Irusya, Irwinka, Iryna, Iryush, Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Iulyia, Jule, Julechka, Julenka, Julichka, Julie, Julija, Julika, Juliya, Julka, Jullia, Julusha, July, Julya, Julye, Lulia, Trishka, Ulenka, Ulia, Uliya, Ylia, Yliya, Ylya, Yryna, Yula, Yulcha, Yulchik, Yulchika, Yulchona, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulia, Yuliah, Yulichka, Yulii, Yulija, Yuliy, Yuliya, Yuliyunka, Yulka, Yully, Yulok, Yulosha, Yulosha, Yulunechka, Yulunka, Yulusha, Yuly, Yulya, Yulyasha
Scammer's Location(s):
Cheboksary (Russia); Chelyabinsk (Russia); Ekaterinburg (Russia); Kazan (Russia)
Pushkin street 14-24, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Pervomayskay Street 234 flat77, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Russia, Cheboksary, Kalinina str., 113
E-mail address(es):


Scott (USA)

Irina went from calling me a friend to saying she loved me in little over a month. Then she asked me to send her money for a visa. I didn't send any. After one additional email she has not written back.
Attached are all of the letters as well as pictures. I have zipped them up so they will be quicker for you to receive. I after reading the letters you have questions please let me know.
NOTE: I have not recieved a note from Irina sense April 29.
Allen (USA)

I see this woman here, she told me her name was Vitalina Martynkina, I did send her money and now I see this site a little to late.
Ernest (USA)

She went from best friend to being in love in 2 monthes, and then asked me to send Her 1800.00 dollars for visa and airfair. I had a bad feeling so I did My homework and found Her here at Your site under the name or,Irina Panteleeva from Ekaterinburg. I did not send money!!!!
REPORT N4 (added on April, 30, 2005)
George (USA)

Yulia contacted me via Singlesnet, placing her email address in the internal Singlesnet email - this should have been a red flag. She is a little better than the typical scammer - she actually reads the letters and answers a few questions. The tone of the letters is still mechanical, with a dead giveaway being her visit to the embassy on Christmas day:
"And consequently, if you do not object, tomorrow I am going to go in agency and I shall learn, as as it is required to me, that I could arrive to you. And tomorrow I to write to you the letter, that I to learn in embassy."
"And to receive this visa to me it is necessary to pay it at a rate of 450 dollars."
"To me so it is sad, that I cannot arrive to you right now, but I to not have such opportunity my loved, to not have this money of 450 dollars, to pay official registration of papers of the visa."
REPORT N5 (added on June, 9, 2005)
Russell (USA)

Irina and I exchanged several emails over a month or so. Everything seemed real, but as pushed a bit harder on getting more details things began to get a little stange. I suggested that I call her and she said that would not work, but she was willing to spend 1 months pay to call me. At that point, I went searching around and found her name and picture on this site.

Scam Letters

Emails from Irina Panteleeva to Scott (USA)
Hi my new friend.
This is Irina. As you understand I'm from Russia. I live in the city of Ekaterinburg. It is enough far from Moscow but I think that I live in not bad place. I will not write a big letter - I'll simply send you my photo and you'll decide if you want to conversate more with me.
In short about me. I'm very comunicative girl and I like big and funny companies! I like to be in good company and I like to live with open heart and with good mood by life. I like to love and love to be loved by people. I love to live!!!
I like to have fun and I hope that you are the same. I love romantice... It is the best thing that people invented....
My desire is to get more and more friends all over the world - I hope you don't mind that I wrote you and want you to be my new friend...
So if you are intersted I hope to find a letter for me in this e-mail. I'll wait very much. You may feel free ask what you want - I'll try to answer for any of them.
Bye! Bye! Irina.

p.s. I want to know what do you think about my photo!...

Hello my friend Scott!
Thank you for your picture. I like it very much!
I'm really glad to hear from and to tell to truth I wasn't sure that you'll answer to me. But anyway you did it and I'm really glad to find your letter in my email box.
I like that you like how I look like but I think that you flatter me a little. I was said many times that I look greatly but it doesn't help me to find t

Emails from Irina Panteleeva to Ernest (USA)
Hi my dear Ernie. Again I receive from you the letter and I am very glad to this! I hope, that you understand what i write. You know, we talk not so long ago but i have already understood, that you became very good friend, without your letter my day is boring but when I receive from you the letter my life is filled with pleasure. Do you feel the same? I hope that yes if it so that it is realy great! I will give you my home address so we can correspond letters by usual mail, but nevertheless it is not so convenient, as it seems to me, at first letters will go very long, and one more, letter can be stolen, in Russia it is possible to expect this... I heard about it , but nevertheless I will give you my address: Russia Chelyabinsk 465000, Pervomayskaya street 234 flat 77 Shirshova Irina. But it seems to me, that it will be easier to communicate through the Internet, in general I think, that the Internet is big achievement becouse people from two different ends of a planet may communicate with each other freely. With the help of the internet i got acquainted with such person like you Only for this i can tell to Internet many thanks! Much to our regret I do not have phone, in Russia it is the whole problem, a lot of people dont have phones.But if there will such opportunity i with pleasure will talk to you. You Believe, when I sit at work, I always think abut you, I wait for that moment when I after work will go to the Internet cafe and I will find ou

Emails from Irina Panteleeva to George (USA)
Hello my love George!!! You do not imagine, as it is pleasant for me to receive your letters. All your letters are filled with love to me. When I to open a letter box and to see your remarkable letter at me on soul it becomes warm and pleasant. If to me it is sad, I try to think of you and to me it becomes easier. You that person which I to search for all life. And I am glad, that I to find you my love. I am sure, that you will be never the bad person when I shall arrive to you if we a meeting. I now understand, that you are necessary for me as air and I want to be about you always. You may not imagine what to me dream today has dreamed. I to arrive to you and you to meet me at the airport. We search each other eyes and may not find. And suddenly you notice me and we do not find words for each other. We look in the face each other and we enjoy it. The m begin to embrace and kiss. And at this moment I have woken up. And me it became sad, that it was only dream, but me pleases, that shortly we shall be together. And consequently, if you do not object, tomorrow I am going to go in agency and I shall learn, as as it is required to me, that I could arrive to you. And tomorrow I to write to you the letter, that I to learn in embassy. I very much want our fast meeting with you! I long so without you here. I have such strange feeling inside. I grieve without you awfully. I need in you so much. It not only words that I feel now. I think of you all time. I

Emails from Irina Panteleeva to Russell (USA)
Hello Russell. Today I got your leter on my inbox. I felt suprised and exsited because I enjoy reciving leters from my friends. And also because your message is not an ordinary one. I have studied your profile very well and just wanted to get to know you a bit better than a short information can say. Any way your profile seemed different, not like others. I feel it true. But as I have said my English leaves much to be desired. So could you please tell me something about yourself in a more simple way? So here is some facts you probably would like to know about me. My name is Irina I am 27y.o. I was born in Kazan. It is a small town in the central part of Russia. I mean really small. I work as a medical nurse in a local hospital. My specialisation is head-ill childrens care. Truly, I don't complain at all. I was trained for it and now faind great satisfaction in this sort of activity. In Russia people like me are called "young specialists". I can work in medicine and even get my salary - about 70 dollars per month. That's not enough but these childrens is my everything. I live in the town, in the subburb. I rent a small appartment together with my friend. She also works at the hospital. Actualy my parents was died 6 years ago it was car crash. Pity I don't have a computer. So I got to go to the nearest internet cafe. It doesn't matter as it is not too far from the hospital - just some 3 miles on foot (our local transport is always overcrowded). Any


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Created: 2005-04-30    Last updated: 2022-02-14    Views: 1975