DATING SCAMMER Olesya Lyalkova
First name:
Last name:
Elena Partukova
Name aliases:
Alenka, Alesia, Alesya, Elanka, Eleena, Elen, Elenka, Elenochka, Elenushok, Elenushoka, Elenushulenka, Eli, Ellena, Ellene, Elona, Helen, Helena, Helenachka, Jelena, Lena, Lenaa, Lenchik, Lenka, Lennochka, Lennok, Lenochka, Lenok, Lenusha, Lenushulenka, Lenusia, Lenusial, Lenusik, Lenusikka, Lenusya, Lesya, Lienkchik, Lleena, Ole, Olena, Olena, Olesea, Olesechka, Olesenka, Olesia, Yelena
Scammer's Location(s):
Moscow (Russia); Neryungri (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
Fake docs used by scammer:
(added on December, 28, 2016)
Howard (England)
This woman emailed me at my iCloud email address, and we started to correspond. She said she was living in a small town in Siberia but was moving to Moscow. Then after she said she moved to Moscow she claimed that she was robbed of a large quantity of cash and asked me to send her money that she said she would pay back when she came to the US to visit me.
Scam Letters
Emails from Olesya Lyalkova to Howard (England)
Good day :) This is Ole...I hope you got my letter earlier about me? Yes it was a very long letter :)Your mail gets to my spam folder. I do not know why. I hope that my letter got to you? Please check your spam folder. Perhaps you have the same thing, I do not know.
Today I can not write much but send you some more of my pictures. We have a difference in time but I will be waiting for your answer tomorrow.
My town is very small, boring and I do not see any prospects remain here and so I have long decided to leave Russia and try to get a new job in another country.
Yes I want to be very frank with you and I will be very pleased if I can visit your area and will be able to get a job in your area.
There are many special programs for the receipt of documents and work and here many of the girls had left Russia and work in different countries.
I think that our friendship is not random, and I'm very thankful that I can communicate with you.
Today I will have asked for help in my agency so that they can prepare documents for living in your area but I have not decided for sure.
I will be very happy if you will agree to be my guide. You will not be against that?
I have a very good and honest intentions and if I can meet with you in the near future, it will be very great!! I really do not want to live in Russia because I have no chance here.
I think that I can get a job hairdresser or a fitness instructor and be able to work with a probation peri
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2016-12-28 Last updated: 2016-12-30 Views: 1595