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Dating scammer Marianna
First name: Marianna
Age: 34
Name aliases:
Mariana, Mariane, Marianka, Marianne, Marriana, Marrianna, Maryana, Maryanna
Scammer's Location(s):
Sarov (Russia)
E-mail address(es):


REPORT N1 (added on March, 7, 2017)
Michael (USA)

Marianna e-mailed me and sent some pictures. I found she was a scammer. She is variously also known as Marianka.

Scam Letters

Emails from Marianna to Michael (USA)
Hi My dear friend Michael!!! It seems to me remarkable that you became interested in acquaintance to me. I am very glad what do you want to get acquainted with me. How are you? How is your mood and health? How your full name? I took your e-mail in International marriage agency "Happy Family". I very much liked your questionnaire and I decided to write you the letter. I would be very glad if you could send me your photos. I hope that our acquaintance will develop further. My name is Marianna and me now 34 years and I hope that our age difference doesn't disturb you. I hope it so? I always liked men aged because men aged respect women and pay more attention. I want to tell you a little about myself. I live alone in the own apartment. But I go to my parents for the weekend and I help them. My mother worked as the doctor in hospital and now it already at pension. My parents, live on other end of the city. My father worked at munitions factory and now too to be on pension. My parents go in for agriculture. I work as the seller in women's clothing shop. After work I spend free time of the house or from my acquaintance. I can speak fluently in English. I very much worry to write you the letter because it is my first experience of acquaintance in the Internet. But I would like to know a little about you. I want to know what is your occupation? What you in general are engaged in? To be pleasant to you your work? I will be glad if you respond to my letter


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Created: 2017-03-07    Last updated: 2017-03-07    Views: 1586