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Dating scammer Olga Aleksandrovna Iangabysheva

DATING SCAMMER Olga Aleksandrovna Iangabysheva

First name: Olga Aleksandrovna
Last name: Iangabysheva
Age: 29
Name aliases:
Helga, Hola, Lelya, Ola, Olalasha, Olchik, Olechka, Olechkaanks, Olenka, Oleshka, Oleshka, Olgchik, Olgchika, Olgika, Olgo, Olgoka, Olgulka, Olgulya, Olgunka, Olgusha, Olgushka, Olgushoka, Olgushulenka, Olgusik, Olgusika, Olguska, Olgusya, Olha, Olia, Olika, Olinushka, Oliya, Olja, Olly, Olra, Olshuka, Olsuka, Olunia, Olunka, Olushka, Olusik, Oly, Olyunka, Olyunya, Olyushka, Volha
Scammer's Location(s):
Kansk (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):


REPORT N1 (added on March, 16, 2017)
Chuck (USA)

New travel scammer from Russia.

Scam Letters

Emails from Olga Aleksandrovna Iangabysheva to Chuck (USA)
Hello my love Chuck!!! How are you doing today? I feel well enough. And this feeling. This sensation is given me with your letters. They give me feeling of protection and love. Through your letters and your words, I understand that I am not lonely in this grey world. Also that where that there, far. In several thousand kilometers. For me waits and my second half loves. My beloved, my prince, my husband and my gentle angel Chuck! And these ideas help me to go with a smile along the street. And let passers-by cannot understand my happiness. And from where a smile on my person. But I know, I know that you love and wish to be with me. Chuck and it gives to me of forces. My beloved. I have learned how you can send means for my account to Bank. To me have explained, that that we did not have problems with it. You should do Swift translation. If you will make it then I can receive money without problems. Here the information which will be necessary for you:

Beneficiary: Iangabysheva Olga Aleksandrovna Beneficiary's Acc ?: 40817840406390000766 (USD)

Correspondent bank: JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 270 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA
Account: 400130726
Routing Number: 021000021

Beneficiary's bank: Alfa-Bank Moscow, 27 Kalanchevskaya str., Moscow, 107078

My beloved. You should specify my Name the Surname and Middle name as I have written. Because in bank to me have told, that if you will specify it on another


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Created: 2017-03-16    Last updated: 2017-03-16    Views: 1677