DATING SCAMMER Veronica Kudryashova
First name:
Last name:
Olesya, Irina, Maria
Name aliases:
Alesia, Alesya, Ira, Irchik, Irchika, Irchona, Irchonka, Irchushka, Irena, Irene, Irinchik, Irinchika, Irinka, Irinochka, Irinulya, Irinusenka, Irinusha, Irinushusenka, Irinuska, Irisha, Irishik, Irishka, Irka, Irocha, Irochka, Iroschka, Irunya, Irushka, Irusichka, Irusik, Irusya, Irwinka, Iryna, Iryush, Lesya, Macha, Maha, Maniasha, Manishka, Mari, Mariah, Marichika, Mariia, Marija, Marishka, Mariusya, Mariya, Mariyah, Mariychik, Mariychika, Mariyka, Mariyoka, Mariyulka, Mariyulya, Mariyushenka, Mariyushka, Mariyushoka, Mariyuska, Mariyusya, Marry, Maru, Marusechka, Marusia, Maruska, Mary, Marya, Maryia, Masha, Mashenka, Mashka, Mashoka, Mashshunya, Mashuk, Mashulechka, Mashulecka, Mashulenka, Mashulia, Mashulka, Mashulunya, Mashulya, Mashunya, Mashushka, Mashuska, Mrusya, Ole, Olesea, Olesechka, Olesenka, Olesia, Trishka, Veronichka, Veronika, Yryna
Scammer's Location(s):
Moscow (Russia)
Russia, Moscow, Lenina street, house 45, flat 78
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Lava Life
(added on August, 3, 2005)
David (Canada)
I cuaght on to her within the first three letters, how can anyone fall in love so fast. any how she is clever. she initiated contact and after a few letters professed desire to visit me, amazing luck her aunt worked in travel agency and visa would only take a couple days! next thing she needs a lot of money, in usd$, i refused and after checking her on a blacklist in another site, shared my information with the web site lavalife, i just thought to share this with others. i was lucky to get nervous. hope to have prevented some loss for others. by the way check out any girl you are suspicious of, it'll save you in the long term.
Scam Letters
Emails from Veronica Kudryashova to David (Canada)
Hello my love Dave!!! How are you today ? I am fine and so glad to get letter from you now! Thank for your photo. I have received it. You have a photogenic figure. 1) My liked a berry a bilberry. 2) I love chocolate but I eat it a little. 3) When I was small I threw in machines piece dirties. I badly understood that I do, but me have well punished. 4) I love massage. 5) to me to like when my favourite person is able to prepare. I got your letter in the morning and when I read all that you wrote me, I was glad about all this things. When I got your letter today in the morning, I went to my aunt, who work in the travel company. I come back from her about hour ago. When I come to my aunt, she was so glad to see me (we did not see a long time). I asked her about prices for tickets and visa. She explain me about everything. She checked the cost of the airline tickets. Price of ticket to you is 1089 $ - 1159 $ - 1199 $ US dollars ... and then already will be too expensive. The price of plan depend on quality and comfort of place. I need in round-trip tickets, it's a kind of a guarantee for my government. By the way, my aunt send to you her hi, and she want to tell you to care about me, and she asked me tell you do not worry about my tickets and visa (and other documents). She will help me at all, and I'm so happy about it. So, you must tell me, can I order this tickets? I will need visa to you country. Such trips cannot involve employment, and the length of stay
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2005-08-03 Last updated: 2006-08-01 Views: 1566