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Dating scammer Valentina Trankova
First name: Valentina
Last name: Trankova
Age: 29
Natalia Barmina
Natalia Barmina
Name aliases:
Nat, Nata, Natalchika, Natalechka, Natali, Natalichka, Natalie, Natalii, Nataliia, Nataliuka, Nataliulka, Nataliulya, Nataliusenka, Nataliusha, Nataliya, Natalka, Natalochka, Nataloka, Natalushka, Nataly, Natalya, Natalyja, Natalyok, Natalyuhoka, Natalyulenka, Natalyushka, Natalyy, Natasha, Natashechka, Natashenka, Natashik, Natashka, Nathalia, Nathalie, Natika, Natka, Natty, Natulenka, Natusha, Natushka, Natushok, Natusia, Natusik, Natuska, Natusy, Natusya, Naty, Nutalchika, Nutulenka, Tina, Tusya, Valentine, Valentinka, Valentinulka, Valentyna, Valia, Valiusha, Valya, Valyusha
Scammer's Location(s):
Buinsk (Russia)
Russia, Buinsk, Muhamedova street 7-14
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):


REPORT N1 (added on August, 3, 2005)
Hans (USA)

She e-mailed in April 2005. Letters were personal, After 4
emailing, she asked if she could visit me and had traveled in Eastern Europe before. She wrote in the last 5 letters sweatheart stuff and then she ordered tickets and that she could be arrested in she did not pay travel agency , initally she needed about $950 and she found additional money $500.00

Scam Letters

Emails from Valentina Trankova to Hans (USA)
Hi my dear!

Thanks for picture i want more :) I am glad to your message and thank, that you understand me . You are, one of those few people Hans, in which I can find understanding. Dear how was your day? I think very well! I think to arrive to you at the end of this month or in the beginning of the next month You should tell as for a long time you can play host to me I have some news to you Hans. Today i had conversation with agency of travel. They have told, that to receive the visa of the tourist to your country difficultly, but they can help to me. The agent did not discuss all details because they had assembly and we have appointed the meeting on tomorrow. Tomorrow I shall meet them and will discuss about visa. I hope, lovely, that all will be - well. I have some excitement concerning all it, but also I have firm intention to meet you dear! Therefore any difficulties and monetary outlay, will not stop me. And we'll meet. Write to me, dear, give me many forces and energy.

My gentle kisses. Yours Valya.

Hi my sweetheart Hans! Dear, I feel itself it is a little inconvenient because I had to address to you for the help. I always counted myself the independent person, which itself can solve all problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into account and was mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I travelled earlier, it costed for me less. But i'm glad that now I have you Hans, - the man, which can help me. Afte


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Created: 2005-08-03    Last updated: 2006-08-01    Views: 1600