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Dating scammer Alice Morgan Alexa

DATING SCAMMER Alice Morgan Alexa

First name: Alice
Last name: Morgan Alexa
Age: 24
Annette Lopez, Celena Wiggins
Annette Lopez, Celena Wiggins
Name aliases:
Scammer's Location(s):
Lagos (Nigeria)
Also claims to be in:
Surprise, Arizona (USA); Memphis, Tennessee (USA)
Phone number(s):
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Live Dating Club


REPORT N1 (added on January, 4, 2018)
Bill (USA)

I was recently a victim of a scam from evidently a ring of people from Arizona, Ohio, Tennessee. It started with a girl named Alice Morgan from Memphis Tenn. Her email address alicemorgan107@gmail.com. I have reported all this to local police however there are others involved that need to be blocked from any further scams by unsuspecting men.
Names are , Alice Morgan Memphis Tenn , Annette Lopez in Surprise Arizona , a friend to Alice and Celena Wiggins Memphis Tenn another friend.
Celena Wiggings collected the 250.00 I sent for Alice in Memphis Tenn.. Annette Lopez picked up the 450 I sent in Surprise Az.

Scam Letters

Emails from Alice Morgan Alexa to Bill (USA)
Help me call the customers care because the $250 you send its in progress so kindly call customers care so that she can pick it up now Honey she is at the western Union now to pick it up the two

For you to know that I want to be there dear.... Send $400 now and I will sell my bags and get there so when I get there with you you will buy me new bad......I think that will make you feel good because I don't know how more I can let you know I want to be there anymore...

Yes dear the minimum is $400 I know you have more than that because you had promised to send $450 earlier but I will be glad if you can get that done tonight or early morning tomorrow morning


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Created: 2018-01-04    Last updated: 2018-01-04    Views: 1838