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Dating scammer Leslie Zink
First name: Leslie
Last name: Zink
Age: 30
Name aliases:
Scammer's Location(s):
Lagos (Nigeria)
Also claims to be in:
Atlanta, Georgia (USA); Huntsville, Alabama (USA)
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Google Hangouts


REPORT N1 (added on January, 10, 2018)
Bobby (USA)

Again another one saying found my profile on livedatingclub dot com, just another one I played for simply fact, I'm not registered on this site, even I checked just to see but tend to get many from West Africa and Russia that says I am, but even though I know with an address in the states they never are...they being these scam criminals trying to get a free meal ticket...I don't understand that I always give them the information on where to go to get their free bag of rice from food drop planes provided by the U.N, I think us Americans are paying enough in taxes for our government to keep handing out aid to such places...and boo who, if I don't sheed a tear cause you live on 300 dollars a month and your economy takes half for a flat (apartment) and a gallon of milk cost two bucks...look everyone deserves a better life, but to steal, be conniving, to out right lie, to use god as saying you speak honesty, your only bring god's wrath plus he'll on earth your way, I never speak about this site to these people but wish they get the hint cause god about to make them a cooked goose.


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Created: 2018-01-10    Last updated: 2018-01-12    Views: 1662