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Dating scammer Ekaterina Moisseyeva

DATING SCAMMER Ekaterina Moisseyeva

First name: Ekaterina
Last name: Moisseyeva
Age: 28
Name aliases:
Catharine, Catherine, Cathryn, Ecaterina, Ecateryna, Ekatarina, Ekaterinacka, Ekaterinchika, Ekaterinka, Ekaterinochka, Ekaterinok, Ekaterinoka, Ekaterinulka, Ekaterinusechka, Ekaterinusenka, Ekaterinusha, Ekaterinusik, Ekaterinusya, Ekatrina, Kat, Katarina, Kate, Katenka, Katerina, Katerinka, Katerinochka, Katerinushka, Kateryna, Kath, Katharine, Katherin, Katherina, Katherine, Katheryn, Kathryn, Kathy, Kati, Katia, Katiya, Katja, Katka, Katlyn, Katrin, Katrina, Katty, Katuha, Katunya, Katusha, Katushechka, Katushka, Katuska, Katy, Katya, Katys, Katysha, Katyulya, Ket, Ketrin, Kettira, Kittie, Kitty, Yekaterina
Scammer's Location(s):
Almaty (Kazakhstan)
E-mail address(es):
Scam media:
Video 1, Video 2


REPORT N1 (added on August, 24, 2018)
Brad (France)

Travel scammer.

Scam Letters

Emails from Ekaterina Moisseyeva to Brad (France)
Hello my love !
I have received your kind words and your answer to my last letter, my favorite !
My dear, my love, in my last email, I told you about my love for you.
I could not hide my love for you, my soul prompted me that I have to say about my love for you, because it's so hard to hide a close feelings, I love you, my man.
I love you and I want to tell you this, please do not let me out of these feelings and emotions.
I'm sorry, we can only communicate through the Internet, I want to see you in reality.
I want that favorite! Our e-mails connect our love and feelings for each other, our message is our salvation from all the difficult and boring things. I want to tell you my favorite, I can not without your messages, your emails are necessary for me!
They really mean a lot to me ! And I love you my dearest !
My love, I want to say that my parents and my best friends are very happy for us,
They - all the time asking about you, about your feelings for me, and I'm not worried, I tell them about our feelings of love, because I do not want to hide my love to you all, I found the meaning of life, I love you and I miss you FAVORITE!!!
My love, I want to tell you that my colleagues at my work are very happy for us too !
But one of the waitresses talking about me very bad things, her name - Natalya, she - 43 years. It is not a good woman, she gossips about me, I'm not much a woman, because I consider you a beloved Brad the Internet, and she


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Created: 2018-08-24    Last updated: 2018-08-24    Views: 2147