First name:
Name aliases:
Helga, Hola, Lelya, Ola, Olalasha, Olchik, Olechka, Olechkaanks, Olenka, Oleshka, Oleshka, Olgchik, Olgchika, Olgika, Olgo, Olgoka, Olgulka, Olgulya, Olgunka, Olgusha, Olgushka, Olgushoka, Olgushulenka, Olgusik, Olgusika, Olguska, Olgusya, Olha, Olia, Olika, Olinushka, Oliya, Olja, Olly, Olra, Olshuka, Olsuka, Olunia, Olunka, Olushka, Olusik, Oly, Olyunka, Olyunya, Olyushka, Volha
Scammer's Location(s):
Moscow (Russia); Voronezh (Russia)
E-mail address(es):
Celebrity website:
(added on October, 1, 2018)
Nick (England)
Got scam email from this Female scammer, I believe the pictures are Fake, well too good to be true, Stop her before she get Scam someone.
(added on October, 11, 2018)
Raffael (Switzerland)
This is another email address of this scammer.
(added on December, 19, 2018)
Mac (South Africa)
I received a letter from her, and got suspicious so i googled her e mail address ,and saw that she is a scammer.
(added on December, 27, 2018)
George (Germany)
This **** with the angelic face claimed to have obtained my e-address from an, utterly unknown to me, Russian dating agency! An easily identifiable idiot on top of a ****, she flooded my mailbox with her **** pictures and expected me to fall for her "desire" and "passion" for me, even though she had never seen a single picture of mine! She was coming to "my country"
as a "practicing dentist" without even knowing which country I live in (!!!) until she was "stopped by the Russian government" on account of unpaid debts...
Guess whom she asked to pay for her... I brushed her off in an instant!...
Scam Letters
Emails from Olga to Nick (England)
Good day ! What is your name?I am very glad that you have answered my little letter.
As you already know my name is Olga. I'm 26, I live in Russia in the city of Voronezh.
For me, it is better to conduct a dialogue in English, so please write to me in English. I ask to read my letter carefully, it is important for me to know your opinion on what I write.
Based on your answers, I'll be watching, whether it makes sense to continue our dialogue on or not.
To be honest, I do not like being ignored. Just happens that, I tell the person about myself, it can say I open the soul, but I just ignore it. Someone just sending a stale form of letters and sometimes even forgetting to change the name of the letter. It is very offensive, and I caused a lot of pain in the past, I do not want this to happen again.
Just do not worry, I'm not angry. Do not jump to conclusions, read my letter to the end and even then draw conclusions. Actually I am very nice and affectionate. Just makes life often be cautious and rough because of the many cases of fraud and evil.
I really like you, and I see that you are interested.
Who knows what will end our correspondence, but I hope that we will, we will at least great friends.
I am a student and now I study at the State Medical University of Voronezh. But more about that in my next letter.
First to start a conversation, I want to say right away that the money I’m earning for life dancing in night club. And I do not th
Emails from Olga to Mac (South Africa)
Howdy Max!I'm very happy to write to you on this magnificent Monday. I am very glad that you have answered my little letter. I am very glad that I finally have the opportunity to answer you.
As you already know my name is Olga. But my friends call me Olya. I'm 26, I live in Russia in the city of Voronezh.
For me, it is better to conduct a dialogue in English, so please write to me in English. I ask to read my letter carefully, it is important for me to know your opinion on what I write.
Based on your answers, I'll be watching, whether it makes sense to continue our dialogue on or not.
To be honest, I do not like being ignored. Just happens that, I tell the person about myself, it can say I open the soul, but I just ignore it. Someone just sending a stale form of letters and sometimes even forgetting to change the name of the letter. It is very offensive, and I caused a lot of pain in the past, I do not want this to happen again.
Just do not worry, I'm not angry. Do not jump to conclusions, read my letter to the end and even then draw conclusions. Actually I am very nice and affectionate. Just makes life often be cautious and rough because of the many cases of fraud and evil.
I really like you, and I see that you are interested.
Who knows what will end our correspondence, but I hope that we will, we will at least great friends.
I am a student and now I study at the Voronezh State Medical University. But more about that in my next letter.
Emails from Olga to George (Germany)
Hello, my sweet prince George!Regardless of your decision, I am very pleased to see your new letter.
You're always in my heart, my thoughts. You occupy first place in my life.
Now, I'll try to explain to you in more detail, what is my problem. In fact, it's not that difficult, but without solving the problem, I simply would not be allowed out of Russia. We live in different countries, we are separated by different languages, different laws, different traditions. I hope I can find the right words to explain the essence of the problem. Need to address this issue urgently, because before my departure is a bit of time. With your permission, I'll start.
As many people in our country - With the mind can not understand Russia why, as always warn about everything at the last minute.
The whole problem lies in the fact that I have a utility debts for the apartment - the unpaid bills for water, gas, electricity and so on.
Citizens who do not pay debts to state agencies are not allowed to travel outside Russia until such time as not to pay the debt in respect of 100. The amount of my debt is 28100 rubles (about EUR 435). In my wallet was just 100 euros, which I saved up pocket money. I had to pay 100 euros for the debt. But now, I am still obliged to pay 335 euros, or I simply would not be allowed out of Russia.
This law was passed in our country recently due to the fact that many citizens went abroad and left a huge, unpaid bills and utilities had t
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2018-10-01 Last updated: 2021-06-01 Views: 2894