First name:
Last name:
Scammer's Location(s):
Lagos (Nigeria)
Also claims to be in:
Los Angeles, California, USA
Phone number(s):
Operates on site(s):
(added on January, 25, 2019)
Berl (USA)
This is the 2nd time she has texted me on Whatsapp. She contacted me last year and talked to me for several months fairly often about coming to live with me. Her story was that she was very poor and could not raise the money for airline tickets for her and her 9 year old daughter.
She contacted me again around Christmas and said she really missed me and wanted to be with me. Her story was virtually the same except she wanted me to send her and her daughter Christmas presents because she was broke and couldn't afford to buy anything. I advised her that there were plenty of charitable organizations that could help her get presents for her daughter but as expected, she wasn't interested.
I talked with her for about 6 weeks and questioned her a lot about her history. She admitted to being an illegal immigrant from Mexico and said she had lived on the streets for several years after coming to LA in 2003. Her ex picked her up from the streets and kept her in his apartment then kicked her out when she got pregant. I advised her to get legal aid and seek child support from her ex who she had told me was married to a rich woman now. Again as expected she would not consider doing that but wanted me to send money to her for airfare. Once again, I would not do that. She became angry after I kept refusing her money and quit texting.
Her English wasn't all that good so it added some validity to her claim of being an illegal immigrant.
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To place complete report with photos, letters, fake docs, etc. and become Free Gold member on our website, please fill in the report form.
Created: 2019-01-25 Last updated: 2019-01-25 Views: 1878