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Dating scammer Deborah Rudis
First name: Deborah
Last name: Rudis
Age: 39
Miranda Anderson, Roselle Ignacio Ancla, Miranda Anderson, Caroline Njoku
Miranda Anderson, Roselle Ignacio Ancla, Miranda Anderson, Caroline Njoku
Name aliases:
Carolina, Carolyne, Debbie, Debby, Debora, Doborah
Scammer's Location(s):
Accra (Ghana); Kabul (Afghanistan); Lagos (Nigeria)
Also claims to be in:
Cairo, Egypt; Baghdad, Iraq; San Jose, California, USA
E-mail address(es):


REPORT N1 (added on June, 10, 2019)
Noel (Belgium)

This woman told me she's a doctor in the US Army and want to move to marry me, so that she can receive her inheritance. I think it's a whole organization of scammers. There is a Mobility Company (probably not existing) who has her inheritance of $453.000,00 and 1.2 million USD. She told me she own even 2 houses in Michigan.
I helped her when she was deployed in Afghanistan and Nigeria. Everything she's telling are pure lies, and want only money.
It's possible that the woman is real but that those scammers use her picture.

Scam Letters

Emails from Deborah Rudis to Noel (Belgium)
Hey baby.. sorry to not have been able to write you all these while.. didnt have access to the internet baby.. i am so sorry and always remember i love you honey. well i will be leaving my aunt's place tomorrow and back to base, i was only able to get about 1150USD which is about 1000euros baby... i am still left with about 2000euros baby. And again i am so stressed because i have alot of bills on my house and its really weighing me down seriously and i am going crazy i must say baby... what can i do now baby?? what can this 1000 do?? i miss you my love.. How have you been and i hope has been going on well with you baby..

Missing you..

Dear Ms Debby,
We have been doing our best for you and Mr Noel concerning the remittance of the 30% of your inheritance to him. We are sorry all these delays came unnoticed, it was never our fault too as we so disappointed that the amount still hasn't be remitted till now. And for the amount in the Bank, we have contacted the Bank several times and all they said is that it will refunded back to Mr Noel and all he has to do is to wait.
We are so dumbfounded as we haven't confirmed from Mr Noel that the last amount that was reversed due to his Bank placing a MEMO on the transfer has not yet been reversed to his account. We contacted Suntrust on Monday and we demanded for a proof that the amount has been reversed from their Bank and they made it known we would get the proof hopeful


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Created: 2019-06-10    Last updated: 2019-06-27    Views: 2411