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Dating scammer Julia Kartamysheva

DATING SCAMMER Julia Kartamysheva

First name: Julia
Last name: Kartamysheva
Age: 25
Name aliases:
Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Iulyia, Jule, Julechka, Julenka, Julichka, Julie, Julija, Julika, Juliya, Julka, Jullia, Julusha, July, Julya, Julye, Lulia, Ulenka, Ulia, Uliya, Ylia, Yliya, Ylya, Yula, Yulcha, Yulchik, Yulchika, Yulchona, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulia, Yuliah, Yulichka, Yulii, Yulija, Yuliy, Yuliya, Yuliyunka, Yulka, Yully, Yulok, Yulosha, Yulosha, Yulunechka, Yulunka, Yulusha, Yuly, Yulya, Yulyasha
Scammer's Location(s):
Kiev (Ukraine); Zaporozhye (Ukraine)
Phone number(s):
E-mail address(es):
Operates on site(s):
Whats Your Price
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on March, 10, 2020)
Juan (Spain)

I am glad to share with more other people the information of this girl, and to alert them. She acts in a very innocent way, wanting to talk to you on WhatsApp video very fast, little by little she is sending you her travel photos and some reduced video, all very natural ... she tells you things about her life, she has worked on a Beauty academy. I fell for her charms and believed her .... I lost the plane tickets and ? 260 that I sent to her by Western Union.


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Created: 2020-03-10    Last updated: 2020-03-10    Views: 23947