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Dating scammer Alla Oprina
First name: Alla
Last name: Oprina
Age: 35
Scammer's Location(s):
Mariupol (Ukraine)
Ukraine, 87500, Mariupol, Yakima st., 23A
E-mail address(es):
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on May, 12, 2020)
Ray (Australia)

The scammer was using the dentist scholarship scam saying she had won a scholarship to another country of her choosing and fell short of the required funds by $600 US dollars and could l help her with the short fall then it was the $852 US for the debut on her unit before they would let her leave the country then she was detained at Kiev airport for corona virus for three days and needed a new ticket as she wasn't able to use the ticket l sent no funds for a new ticket Her passport # 368219824.


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Created: 2020-05-12    Last updated: 2020-05-12    Views: 1403