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Dating scammer Alena Petrovna Ergunova

DATING SCAMMER Alena Petrovna Ergunova

First name: Alena Petrovna
Last name: Ergunova
Age: 30
Julia Yuryevna Tsaregorodtseva
Julia Yuryevna Tsaregorodtseva
Name aliases:
Alenka, Alenulka, Alenush, Ali, Aliona, Ally, Alona, Alyona, Alyonchik, Alyonka, Alyonusya, Iulia, Iuliia, Iuliya, Iulyia, Jule, Julechka, Julenka, Julichka, Julie, Julija, Julika, Juliya, Julka, Jullia, Julusha, July, Julya, Julye, Lulia, Olena, Olenuiika, Ulenka, Ulia, Uliya, Ylia, Yliya, Ylya, Yula, Yulcha, Yulchik, Yulchika, Yulchona, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulia, Yuliah, Yulichka, Yulii, Yulija, Yuliy, Yuliya, Yuliyunka, Yulka, Yully, Yulok, Yulosha, Yulosha, Yulunechka, Yulunka, Yulusha, Yuly, Yulya, Yulyasha
Scammer's Location(s):
Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia); St. Petersburg (Russia)
Russia, St. Petersburg, ul. Pobedy, house 16, apartment 12
Phone number(s):
E-mail address(es):
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on June, 2, 2020)
Richard (Germany)

This lady initiated the contact in the second half of May, expressing her serious interest in developing a relationship, and claimed she had been in contact with me before. After a few mail exchanges she revealed her plans to visit me, claiming she had 45 days of holidays to be taken soon. She was now ready to make all documents ready, and asked me what was the nearest airport and my phone number. At the same time she admitted she had no idea of how much such a trip would cost. She then told me in detail about the trip, having been in contact with a very professional travel agency, and realized that the expenses for travelling much exceeded her economic capacity. She asked me to help her with 420 EURO to pay for all the documents (visa, insurance, passport).

Scam Letters

Emails from Alena Petrovna Ergunova to Richard (Germany)
Hello my new friend, Richard!
I am very glad that you answered my first message.
Now we can start our communication and get to know each other better with each new letter.
This thought makes me a little happier.
About the application for communication. I can talk to you in the near future.
So I want to get to know you first by email. OK?
Honestly, you are the first man I like so much
I had a friend from your country, but he only wanted *** from me.
So I decided that I needed to stop talking to him.
I have a great desire to get to know you and learn more about you.
But I don’t know where to start.
My name is Alyona. I was born in the city of St. Petersburg. It's Russia. do you know such a city?
I will be glad to hear a little more about your city.
I work as a masseur in a massage parlor. Only 2 years. But I like it.
My birthday is March 15th. I am 29 years old.
On a dating site, I saw that you are older than me.
I hope this is not a problem for you, because for me age does not matter.
I think you will have more experience that you can share with me.
what do you think about it? Age is just experience points in a game called life.
What exactly are you looking for on the Internet?
I'm tired of being alone. So I decided to try my luck and went to a dating site, where I met you.
What does the woman of your dreams look like?
I know that there are no ideal people, but I’m very interested in what criteria are inherent in the person y


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Created: 2020-06-02    Last updated: 2020-06-02    Views: 1773