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Dating scammer Tamara Cox
First name: Tamara
Last name: Cox
Age: 46
Tammy, Tamara Mary
Tammy, Tamara Mary
Name aliases:
Maire, Marie, Marieh, Marry, Marrychika, Marryunya, Marryusha, Marryusya, Meri, Merry, Mery, Tamar, Tamare, Tami, Tammi, Tammie, Toma, Tomara
Scammer's Location(s):
Lagos (Nigeria)
Also claims to be in:
Texas, USA; Ohio, USA
E-mail address(es):
Skype: live:tcox12_15
Operates on site(s):
Ukraine Date
Fake docs used by scammer:


REPORT N1 (added on June, 9, 2020)
Troy (New Zealand)

Contacted me from the Ukraine site, asked to Skype, profile with one picture, very little detail had gone.
Said she was a Team leader (oil testing or similar) on a oil rig at sea off Texas USA. Works 12 hour shifts, shared a room with 3 other women. The rig has a Tennis court for sport?? Divorced 4 years ago with a 15yr old son who lives with his father. Purports to have a rich family that owned a major furniture business, which she will restart when she finishes the rig contract when the man of his/her dreams has been found.

Stated sge was in Aussie 4 years ago for a 2 week holiday.

Conversation started of very rigid and proper as one would expect for age and experience, then began to mellow. I was suspicious couldn't find anything on Facebook or LinkedIn. Did find a woman with same name and job on other side of the planet. Finally she asked me this morning to get a I tune card and after a few minutes chatting I was reminded it was cards. I asked for ID, they challenged me ,was sent a passport copy which I believe is clearly fake as fake gets. DOB on passport 31 Aug 76.


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Created: 2020-06-09    Last updated: 2020-06-09    Views: 1415